Professional Associations - University of Exeter

Professional Associations

As with all professions, within teaching there are numerous groupings. They can be grouped into:

▪ Teaching Unions

▪ Teaching associations, organisations and networks

▪ Subject associations and organisations

It is highly recommended that you join a union and as a trainee you will have had the opportunity to “try before you buy” at no cost. This is an ideal way to see which you prefer. Union fees can be offset against tax.

You might want to consider the following points as you make your decision:

▪ Do you want a union that will/will not go on strike?

▪ The various benefits/discounts on offer

▪ The press profile of different unions

▪ Training opportunities

▪ Solidarity with colleagues

▪ The viewpoint of teachers you are working with.

There is an ever-growing number of associations, organisations and networks, some national, some local. They bring together professionals (not exclusively teachers) with a common agenda and are a useful way of keeping up to date in that field.

Some groups are subject specific and therefore easier to see if they are relevant to you. Opportunities exist, nationally and locally to be involved in the development of these groups and contribute to their organisation which in turn is good for your CV!

The General Teaching Council for England (GTC) is the professional body for teachers, an independent organisation set up to represent teachers' professional interests and to support all teachers in providing the best possible educational opportunities for young people.

Subject Associations and Organisations

Subject associations and organisations can offer information, networking opportunities and support to teaching professionals. They undertake a wide range of activities, which may include:

▪ organising continuing professional development (CPD) activities and events such as conferences

▪ providing information and publications on various subjects taught at school

▪ acting as a public voice on behalf of members

▪ encouraging recognition of the importance of their subjects at all levels

▪ promoting improved standards of subject teaching

▪ advancing public understanding of the nature and process of subject learning and the techniques and approaches for successful teaching.

The main UK subject associations and organisations are listed below, arranged alphabetically by subject.

Art and Design

Association for Advice and Support in Art and Design (A4)

A4 is a professional association supporting those working with schools and teachers to support art, craft and design education, such as LA advisers and inspectors and advanced skills teachers.

National Society for Education in Art and Design (NSEAD)

NSEAD is the leading national authority concerned with art, craft and design across all phases of education in the UK.

Careers Education and Guidance (CEG)

Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG)

ACEG is for all those involved in the management and delivery of careers education and guidance for young people in the UK.

Institute of Careers Guidance (ICG)

The ICG has a number of categories of membership to allow anyone with an interest in career guidance to become a member. It works to influence government and the media on behalf of its members, and offers services such as regional support, advice on CPD and national events.


Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT)

ACT is the professional subject association for those involved in citizenship education.

Citizenship Foundation

The Citizenship Foundation is an independent education and participation charity that exists to encourage and enable individuals to play an effective role in democratic society.


Joint Association of Classics Teachers (JACT)

JACT is a registered charity founded in 1963 to improve and maintain the quality of the teaching of classics. It provides means by which teachers of classics may help one another and enable them to reinterpret this traditional discipline in terms appropriate to the present day.


National Dance Teachers Association (NDTA)

The NDTA is led by a team of teachers and dance education professionals. It works to ensure all young people have access to high quality dance education in schools, and supports dance teachers at all key stages of the national curriculum.

Royal Academy of Dance (RAD)

Established in 1920, the RAD supports the advancement of dance. Its members include professional dancers, students and teachers.

Design and Technology

The Design and Technology Association

The D&T Association is the recognised professional association which represents all those involved in design and technology education and associated subject areas.

National Association of Advisors and Inspectors in Design and Technology (NAAIDT)

The NAAIDT aims to promote the continued development of high quality resources for design and technology education.


The English Association

The English Association aims to further knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the English language and its literatures. It fosters good practice in the teaching and learning of English at all levels.

English and Media Centre

The English and Media Centre is a not-for-profit trust that provides publications and professional development on all aspects of English teaching for teachers and students of literature, language and media in the UK and abroad.

National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE)

NAWE supports the development of creative writing of all genres and in all educational settings throughout the UK.

National Association for the Teaching of English (NATE)

NATE is the UK subject teacher association for all aspects of English from pre-school to university. NATE supports effective teaching and learning, keeps teachers informed about current developments and provides them with a voice at a national level.

National Drama

Members of National Drama enjoy a range of benefits, including free copies of Drama magazine, a newsletter, and reduced prices for conferences, publications and courses, as well as a voice in the future of drama at a national and international level.

The United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA)

Formerly the United Kingdom Reading Association, UKLA is a registered charity which has as its objective the advancement of education in literacy.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum (NALDIC)

NALDIC is the UK professional body for all those interested in raising the achievement of bilingual pupils with English as an additional language.

Bilingualism and Languages/Literacies Education Forum (blen)

blen is a non-profit making education forum with an interest in language education and literacy at Key Stages 2 and 3.

Field Studies

National Association of Field Studies Officers (NAFSO)

NAFSO represents professionals employed in teaching, developing and promoting field studies. It is a voluntary association which aims to disseminate good practice among its members, and it works to ensure their interests are represented nationally.


The Geographical Association (GA)

The GA's mission is to further the teaching of geography and to communicate the value of learning geography for all. Its membership includes teachers in primary and secondary schools and FE, academic geographers, universities and teacher educators and trainers.

The Royal Geographical Society (RGS)

The RGS (with the Institute of British Geographers) is the largest geographical society in Europe. It supports research, education and training as well as the furtherance of the understanding and enjoyment of geography.


The Historical Association

Founded in 1906, the Historical Association aims to further the study, teaching and enjoyment of history at all levels. Membership is open to everyone: teacher and student, amateur and professional.


The Humanities Association

The Humanities Association aims to provide an independent forum for debate about major issues in all aspects of humanities education.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education (ITTE)

The ITTE aims to promote the education and professional development of teachers in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning with ICT in all phases of education.


Naace was established in 1984. It is the professional association for those concerned with advancing education through the appropriate use of ICT.


Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME)

ACME is an independent committee which acts as a single voice for the mathematical community, seeking to improve the quality of education in schools and colleges. It advises government on issues such as the curriculum, assessment and the supply and training of mathematics teachers.

Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM)

The ATM supports the teaching and learning of mathematics. It is a registered charity and its members are mainly teachers in primary and secondary schools.

The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA)

The IMA is the professional and learned society for qualified and practising mathematicians. It promotes and supports understanding, teaching, teaching, research and application of mathematics, and its members work in industry, commerce, the public sector and education. 

Joint Mathematical Council of the UK (JMC)

The JMC works to promote the advancement of mathematics and the improvement of the teaching of mathematics at all levels from primary to HE.

The Mathematical Association (MA)

The MA exists to bring about improvements in the teaching of mathematics and its applications, and to provide a means of communication among students and teachers of mathematics.

National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges (NANAMIC)

NANAMIC is an association of FE, tertiary and sixth form colleges, helping them to develop quality in all aspects of their work in mathematics and numeracy. Individual membership is also open to those who are involved in the teaching and learning of mathematics and numeracy.

National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)

The NCETM provides strategic leadership for mathematics-specific CPD. It aims to raise the professional status of all those engaged in the teaching of mathematics, so that the mathematical potential of learners will be fully realised.

Royal Statistical Society (RSS)

The RSS is the UK's only professional and learned society devoted to the interests of statistics and statisticians. Its activities include promoting the discipline and profession of statistics through its links with education, government, industry and the media.


English and Media Centre

The English and Media Centre is a not-for-profit trust that provides publications and professional development on all aspects of English teaching for teachers and students of literature, language and media in the UK and abroad.

Media Education Association

The Media Education Association was set up in 2006  to support media teachers, promote media literacy and work to raise the status of media education.

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Association for Language Learning (ALL)

ALL is the major subject association for those involved in teaching foreign languages at all levels and in all languages.

National Centre for Languages (CILT)

CILT is the government's recognised centre of expertise on languages, and aims to promote a greater capability in languages in the UK.


Incorporated Society of Musicians

The ISM is the UK's professional body for musicians, with a specialist section for musicians in education. Its aims are to promote the art of music and the interests of professional musicians, to raise standards in the profession and to give its members advice and services.

Music Masters' and Mistresses' Association (MMA)

MMA is the professional forum for music teachers in independent and maintained schools.

National Association of Music Educators (NAME)

NAME exists to support its members in the development of music education of the highest quality which is accessible to all.

National Association of Percussion Teachers (NAPT)

The NAPT promotes and encourages the continual improvement and attainment of the highest standards of percussion teaching in Great Britain.

The Schools Music Association (SMA)

SMA is recognised as a national voice for music in education. It provides a network for music teachers, linking those working with young people with policymakers at local, regional and national levels. 

Physical Education

Association for Physical Education (afPE)

The afPE aims to encourage high standards in physical education teaching inside and outside the curriculum.

The Swimming Teachers' Association (STA)

The STA's primary aim is to ensure that everybody is taught how to swim and survive in water and can carry out rescue techniques.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

National Health Education Group

Membership of the Group is open to professionals whose work has a primary focus of supporting health and/or drugs education with children and young people in formal and informal educational settings.


This is the professional organisation for LEA advisers, inspectors and advisory teachers with responsibility for all aspects of PSHE and citizenship.

PSHE Association

The PSHE Association works to raise the status, quality and impact of  PSHE. It helps teachers and other PSHE professionals to plan, manage, deliver, evaluate and monitor PSHE provision, raising its status and quality and increasing its impact on, and relevance to, learners.

Religious Education

Association of RE Inspectors, Advisors and Consultants (AREIAC)

AREIAC is a national network for education professionals who inspect religious and collective worship and advise Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education (SACREs), LAs, schools, colleges and individual teachers in the exercise of their statutory duties.

National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE)

NATRE is a subject association for religious education professionals in primary and secondary schools and HE. It provides a focal point for their concerns, a representative voice at national level, and publications and courses to promote professional development.


Association for Science Education (ASE)

The ASE is for teachers, advisors, technicians, industrialists and others contributing to science education. It promotes, supports and develops science education from primary to tertiary levels.

Biosciences Federation

The Biosciences Federation is the single authority representing the UK's biological expertise. It provides independent opinion to inform public policy and promotes the advancement of the biosciences.

The Geological Society of London

The Geological Society of London, founded in 1807, is the UK national society for geoscience. It is a registered charity and exists to promote the geosciences and the professional interests of UK geoscientists.

Institute of Biology

The Institute of Biology is the professional body for UK biologists. Founded in 1950, it is a registered charity.

The Institute of Physics

The Institute of Physics is a professional body that promotes the knowledge of, and education in, the science of physics.

The Royal Society

The Royal Society is the independent scientific academy of the UK and the Commonwealth dedicated to promoting excellence in science. It plays an influential role in national and international science policy and supports developments in science, engineering and technology.

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

The RSC is the largest non-governmental supporter of chemistry education in the UK.  It supports the teaching of chemistry within the primary, secondary and post-16 phases. 

Social Sciences

The Association for the Teaching of the Social Sciences (ATSS)

The ATSS is a voluntary group of social science teachers who have joined together to further the interests of social-science teaching in secondary schools, colleges and HE teacher training. Composed mainly of sociologists, the ATSS also counts teachers of psychology, politics and economics among its members.

The Economics and Business Education Association (EBEA)

The EBEA represents teachers and lecturers of economics, business studies and related subjects in schools and colleges throughout the UK.

Speech and Drama

The Society of Teachers of Speech and Drama (STSD)

The STSD aims to protect the professional interests of qualified, specialist teachers of speech and drama, to encourage good standards of teaching, and to promote the study and knowledge of speech and dramatic art in every form.


Last updated 13 October 2008

Teaching Associations, Organisations and Networks

The main UK teacher associations, organisations and networks are listed alphabetically below.

Association for Achievement and Improvement through Assessment (AAIA)

The aim of the AAIA is to promote pupil achievement through the processes of effective assessment, recording and reporting. It is for all education professionals with an involvement in assessment. 

Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS)

ADCS is the national leadership association in England for statutory directors of children's services and other children's services professionals in leadership roles.

Association of Managers in Education (AMiE)

AMiE is the union and professional association for leaders and managers in colleges and schools. It was launched in September 2008, a partnership between the Association for College Management (ACM) and ATL, the education union.

Association of Professionals in Education and Children's Trusts (Aspect)

Aspect exclusively represents senior professionals in education and children's trusts. Its members work across a broad range of sectors, including the public, private, faith, voluntary and community sectors.

Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)

ASCL is a professional association for leaders of secondary schools and colleges, heads, principals, deputy heads and other senior post-holders.

Association for the Study of Primary Education (ASPE)

ASPE was launched in 1988, with the aim of helping to advance the cause of primary education by promoting its study. It is open to all involved in primary education.

The Boarding Schools Association (BSA)

The BSA promotes and serves boarding education. It offers its members professional development, publications, information, advice and support.

British Association for Early Childhood Education (Early Education)

Early Education is a national voluntary organisation for Early Years practitioners and parents. It promotes the right of all children to education of the highest quality, and provides support, advice and information on best practice in the education and care of young children from birth to eight years.

British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD)

BATOD represents the interests of teachers of hearing-impaired children and young people in the UK.

The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)

CILIP is a professional body for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers. Its members work in all sectors including schools, FE and HE, and government.

The College of Teachers

The College of Teachers works to develop and assert the leadership and professional excellence of teachers. Its members include primary, secondary and special educational need (SEN) teachers, lecturers, university staff, teaching assistants, TESOL teachers, LA managers, and governors.

European Association of  Teachers (AEDE)  

The AEDE (Association Europeenne des Enseignants) aims to widen teachers' knowledge of European issues.

Examinations Officers' Association (EOA)

The EOA is an independent organisation whose role is to support professional development and represent exam office personnel involved in the operation and administration of exams in centres.

Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals (FDAP)

The FDAP is the professional body for practioners in the substance misuse field, working to help improve standards of practice in dealing with people with drug and alcohol problems.

The Girls' Schools Association

The Association represents headteachers of the leading independent girls' schools in the UK. Its website includes information for parents, girls, governors, staff and others about girls' education and what girls' schools can offer.

The Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference (HMC)

The HMC represents the headteachers of some 250 independent schools in the UK and Republic of Ireland. It works to help heads be more effective as leaders and managers.


HTI is a not-for-profit social enterprise working in partnership with business, education and government to enhance leadership and the employability of young people.

Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools (IAPS)

IAPS is a professional association for headteachers of independent preparatory schools in the UK and overseas. It offers members information and advice, national and regional activities, and CPD and training for staff at all levels.

Institute for Outdoor Learning

The Institute encourages outdoor learning by developing quality, safety and opportunity to experience outdoor activity provision and by supporting and enhancing the good practice of those who work in the outdoors.

Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors (CIEA)

The CIEA aims to improve the quality of assessment in schools and colleges by working with educational assessors to develop their knowledge, understanding and capability in all aspects of educational testing and assessment.

National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE)

NACE is a charity supporting the work of teachers providing for pupils with high abilities whilst enabling all pupils to flourish.

National Association for Pastoral Care in Education (NAPCE)

NAPCE was founded in 1982 to establish links between all those who have an interest in pastoral care and personal, social and health education (PSHE). Its membership consists of individuals, schools, LAs and HE providers at all levels.

National Association for Primary Education (NAPE)

NAPE is a charity promoting the education of children from birth to 13 years. Its members include parents, teachers, school governors, inspectors, education officers and school communities.

National Association of School Business Management (NASBM)

The NSABM is the new name for the National Bursars Association (NBA), reflecting its representation of all those employed in school business management.

National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN)

NASEN supports SEN students and the practitioners and professionals who work with them. It offers a range of professional development courses and conferences as well as practical publications in the field of SEN.

National Association of Teachers of Travellers and other Professionals (NATT+)

NATT + provides a national platform for teachers of Travellers and other professionals

involved in the education of Gypsy Roma Travellers.

National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations (NCPTA)

NCPTA supports and encourages the development of parent teacher associations (PTAs). It represents more than six million parents and teachers through over 12,500 individual PTAs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

National Primary Headteachers' Association (NPH)

NPH links primary headteachers throughout England with the aim of improving primary education.

National Small Schools' Forum (NSSF)

NSSF seeks to promote high quality education in small schools (defined as schools of up to about 100 pupils) in nursery, primary, first, infant, junior, middle-deemed primary and special settings.

School Library Association (SLA)

The SLA supports those committed to the promotion and development of school libraries, and promotes high quality reading and learning opportunities for all.

State Boarding Schools Association (SBSA)

The SBSA is the national association for state boarding schools within England and



Updated 13 October 2008

Teaching Unions

Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL)

The ATL is a teaching union affiliated to the TUC. Its members include lecturers, teachers, headteachers and support staff.

Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS)

The EIS is the biggest teaching union in Scotland. It represents professionals in nursery, primary, special and secondary education, as well as FE and HE.

National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT)

The NAHT is an independent trade union and professional association representing members holding leadership roles in primary, special, independent and secondary schools, and sixth form and FE colleges and other educational settings.

National Association of School Masters/Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT)

NASUWT is the largest UK-wide teaching union. It has members in all sectors of education and represents teachers in all roles, including heads and deputy heads.

National Union of Teachers (NUT)

The NUT is both a professional association and a trade union. It offers members legal and professional services, and access to a wide range of benefits.

University and College Union (UCU)

The UCU is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff working in FE and HE throughout the UK.


Voice is an independent trade union representing education and childcare professionals in the public and private sectors, including teachers, head teachers, FE and HE lecturers, teaching assistants, administrators and support staff, nursery nurses and Early Years specialists.


Last updated 8 August 2008


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