
Individual Teacher Professional Learning Plan (PLP)

Background (provided for context in this example): Ms. Stuart has been a teacher in the middle grades for 15 years and is tenured. She has been a member of a collaborative team of 8th grade teachers for 4 years. In the 2014-15 school year, nonfiction writing was designated a school-wide, cross-curricular priority. Ms. Stuart would like to take an active role in establishing professional learning goals for nonfiction writing for grade 8 students, for herself, and her team. Ms. Stuart is particularly interested in developing her instructional skills through collaborative professional learning teams. Ms. Stuart and her supervisor decided that she needs to complete at least 6 hours with her team working on improving instruction and assessments in nonfiction writing. She will be attending a 3-hour workshop on improving instruction and monitoring of student peer collaboration to promote active student engagement in learning, which is a school-wide goal.

|District Name |School Name |Date |

|Achievement School District |Achievement Middle School |3/7/16 |

|Teacher Name |Assignment/Department/Grade Level |Rating & Date of Most Recent Summative Evaluation |

|Melissa Stuart |Grade 8 / English Language Arts |Effective 3/7/16 |

|Supervisor Name |Principal Name (if different) |Plan Begin/End Dates |

|Allyson Kuzinski | |September 2016 – June 2017 |

I. Areas Identified for Development of Professional Practice

a. Place existing evidence for the two components identified for professional learning in the appropriate Level of Performance (LOP) cell.

b. Place desired knowledge and skills in the cell immediately to the right of the current LOP.

|Component |Level 1 (Unsatisfactory) |Level 2 (Needs Improvement) |Level 3 (Proficient) |Level 4 (Excellent) |

| | |Students need more teacher-directed | | |

|3c | |skill-building in nonfiction writing instruction | | |

|Engagement | |and should have been provided quality examples of| | |

| | |non-fiction writing as models | | |

| | |Many students struggled with the assignment and | | |

| | |should have been grouped together to receive | | |

| | |additional/differentiated strategies to support | | |

| | |their learning. | | |

| | |During classroom observations, students spent too| | |

| | |much time searching for digital resources and | | |

| | |websites as they worked on assignments. | | |

| | |Students lack the necessary skills to identify | | |

| | |and evaluate appropriate digital resources to | | |

| | |support their non-fiction writing. | | |

| | |Ms Stuart encouraged students to use peer | | |

| | |collaboration for rewriting, but students were | | |

|3d | |not given guidance/methods to do this | | |

|Assessment | |effectively. | | |

| | |Students with stronger collaboration skills tend | | |

| | |to dominate peer interactions. | | |

| | |Students with weaker collaboration skills are not| | |

| | |developing as proactive learners. | | |

| | |While a rubric was provided, no explanation of | | |

| | |the rubric was given. | | |

| | |The students’ non-fiction final writing was | | |

| | |examined and the quality of the writing was found| | |

| | |to be poor. | | |

II. Professional Learning Goals and Activities

|Area |Professional Learning Goals |Initial Activities |Follow-up Activities |Estimated Hours |Completion Date |

|No. | | |(as appropriate) | | |

| | |Invite district ELA supervisor to assist team members |n/a |1 |Oct. 2016 |

| | |with lesson plans and improving feedback to students. | | | |

|2 |Improve strategies (e.g., use of rubrics) to sustain |Attend a 3-hour workshop on student peer collaboration in|Collaborate online with colleagues to refine |6 | |

| |students’ focus on learning outcomes while they are engaged|the classroom. |learning acquired in the workshop and fine-tune | |Nov. 2016 |

| |in peer collaboration | |implementation of new strategies in the classroom.| | |

| |Improve students’ peer collaboration skills in non-fiction | | | | |

| |writing | | | | |

| |Improve monitoring and interventions with peer | | | | |

| |collaboration to ensure appropriate feedback | | | | |

|3 |Increase knowledge and awareness of digital resources that |Work with learning team members to identify (1) digital |N/A |2 |Ongoing |

| |align with students’ learning objectives in non-fiction |resources that align with students’ learning objectives | | | |

| |writing |and (2) rubrics to evaluate those resources. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Develop abilities to teach students how to access, use, and| | | | |

| |evaluate digital resources to meet the learning objectives | | | | |

| |in non-fiction writing | | | | |

| | | |Invite learning team colleagues to provide |2 |Ongoing |

| | | |feedback and continue to refine lesson plans | | |

| | | |throughout school year. | | |

| | | | | | |

III. District and School Professional Learning Plan Support

|District/School Administrator Support Activities |

|Your principal will ensure you have the necessary opportunities and resources to implement this PLP. Ms. Johnson, district ELA supervisor, is available to meet with you or you and your team at your request. Ms. |

|Kuzinski will meet with you quarterly throughout the school year to discuss your progress through the classroom observation and post-observation conference process. You are encouraged to discuss your progress with |

|Ms. Kuzinski at other times as needed throughout the year. |

My signature below indicates that I have received a copy of this Professional Learning Plan and that I understand and contributed to its contents.

Teacher Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ______________

Supervisor Signature: ______________________________________ Title: ________________________________ Date: __________

IV. Professional Learning Plan Progress Summary

Interim Review of PLP Progress

|Area |Demonstrated Progress |Sources of Evidence |PLP Revisions (if applicable) |Review Date |

|No. | | | | |

|1 |Students are producing more nonfiction writing. There is more specificity |Classroom observations 10/20/16, 12/16/16 |N/A |12/16/16 |

| |in the writing rubrics and there is evidence that students are improving |Review and discussion on 10/20/16 and 12/16/16 of lesson plans| | |

| |their writing as a result of using the revised rubrics. Interim progress |and artifacts provided by Ms. Stuart (e.g., writing rubrics, | | |

| |in this area is good, but this area should continue to be a top priority |students’ writing samples with teacher’s feedback, students’ | | |

| |for development. |writing grades over time) | | |

| | |Expressed desire by Ms. Stuart to continue to lead the team | | |

| | |focus in this area | | |

|2 |Students with weaker collaboration skills are still not developing as |Classroom observation 12/16/16 |Visit and observe a colleague using student peer |12/16/16 |

| |proactive, engaged learners. The more confident students continue to |Post-observation conference: Ms. Stuart indicated that the |collaboration and elicit ideas and instructional | |

| |dominate conversations during peer collaboration sessions. |methods she has tried have not been successful in enabling all|materials. Discuss methods that have proven | |

| | |students to collaborate effectively and expressed a need for |successful. | |

| | |more assistance and practice in this area. |Closely monitor students to assess collaboration | |

| | | |needs and adjust instruction to address these | |

| | | |needs. | |

| | | |As an option, make a video of your own class while | |

| | | |they are using peer collaboration and provide | |

| | | |written self-reflection on the class. | |

|3 |The team has created a list of high quality digital resources and |Classroom observations 10/20/16, 12/16/16 |N/A |12/16/16 |

| |evaluation rubrics. Lesson plans have been revised to include access to |Review and discussion on 10/20/16 and 12/16/16 of lesson plans| | |

| |and evaluation of digital resources when students are working on |and artifacts provided by Ms. Stuart (e.g., samples of | | |

| |assignments. Some, not all, student work products reflect appropriate |students’ digital work products, digital resource list, | | |

| |integration of digital resources. |evaluation rubrics, teacher’s self-assessment of her skill | | |

| | |development) | | |

My signature below indicates that I have reviewed the information recorded in the Interim Review of PLP Progress and that I understand its contents:

Staff Member’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: ______________

Summative Review of PLP Progress

|AreaNo. |Professional Learning Goals |Expectations |Sources of Evidence |Summative Review |

| | |Met (Y) or | |Date |

| | |Not Met (N) | | |

|1 |Differentiate learning objectives and formative feedback in accordance with students’ |Y |Observations 10/20/16, 12/16/16, 3/19/17 |5/12/17 |

| |learning needs in nonfiction writing | |Review and discussion on 10/20/16, 12/16/16, and 3/19/17 of lesson plans | |

| | | |and artifacts provided by Ms. Stuart (e.g., revised writing rubrics, | |

| | | |students’ writing samples with teacher’s feedback, students’ writing | |

| | | |grades over time) | |

|2 |Improve strategies (e.g., use of rubrics) to sustain students’ focus on expected |Y |Observations 12/16/16, 3/19/17 | |

| |learning outcomes | |Summative conference: Ms. Stuart described changes in students’ behaviors| |

| |Improve students’ peer collaboration skills in non-fiction writing | |which she attributes to new methods she is implementing in this area. | |

| |Improve monitoring and interventions while students are engaged in peer collaboration to| |Self-produced video of Ms. Stuart’s instruction using student peer |5/12/17 |

| |ensure individual students receive appropriate feedback | |collaboration on Feb. 13, 2017, and her written self-reflection on the | |

| | | |class | |

|3 |Increase knowledge and awareness of digital resources that align with students’ learning|Y |Observations 10/20/15, 3/19/17 | |

| |objectives in non-fiction writing | |Review of lesson plans and artifacts provided by Ms. Stuart (e.g., lesson| |

| |Develop abilities to teach students’ how to access, use, and evaluate digital resources | |plans, samples of students’ digital work products, evaluation rubrics, |5/12/17 |

| |to meet the learning objectives in non-fiction writing | |self-assessment of skill development) | |

My signature below indicates that I have reviewed the information recorded in the Summative Review of PLP Progress and that I understand its contents:

Staff Member’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: ______________




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