
Lesson PlanMentor Professional Learning Forum 1Topics: Nature of Mentor Support, Confidentiality, and Mentor-Administrator ConversationsPurpose/Objectives: Understand how to use the Administrator/Mentor Conversation Guide to:Recognize and discuss the beginning teacher’s strengths and focus areas in a non-evaluative way that maintains confidentialityClarify the nature of support provided by the mentoring program and the mentorIdentify working conditions that will support the beginning teacher to be successfulDevelop next steps to support the beginning teacherMaterials/Resources:Norms for CollaborationPowerPointPoll Questions Coaching Partners Share and Respond FormHandout: Admin-Mentor ConversationsHandout: Mentor-Administrator Conversation GuideHandout: Triad Practice Guide Facilitator Notes:Each professional learning session is intended to provide mentors with ongoing support to Develop their skills and introduce new learning Practice mentoring/coaching strategiesShare problems of practice and challenging situationsGet coaching and feedback from peers, coaching partners?and to support mentor growth inUse of toolsObservation and feedbackMentoring for equityAnalyzing student workReflection and communicationProcedure/Steps:1. To link to participants’ prior learning and knowledge, Review Phases of New Teachers and Types of Support, slides #6 and #7, and ask participants to share out regarding the phases of new teachers’ development they have observed their beginning teachers experiencing, and the types of support they have been providing. Poll/Discussion questions are on slide #8, and partner prompts and image of recording form on slide #9.1. What phases of beginning teacher's development have your mentees' experienced so far this year? (Share all that apply.) (Multiple Choice)Answer 1: AnticipationAnswer 2: SurvivalAnswer 3: DisillusionmentAnswer 4: RejuvenationAnswer 5: Reflection2. Which type of support have you mostly provided to your mentees during the first quarter of the year? (Single Choice)Answer 1: Routines and ProceduresAnswer 2: Curriculum, Instruction, and AssessmentAnswer 3: Moral/Emotional SupportAnswer 4: Collaboration2. Slide #9: Ask participants to pair up and share out with one another and record on form “Interactive Write and Respond.” What is their greatest success and biggest concern so far in their mentoring role?After partners share out, ask for volunteers to share out with whole group, and connect these successes and challenges to the phases of new teacher development and types of support BTs need at various times of the year. 3. Introduce new learning: Communicating with the Principal and maintaining Confidentiality.Facilitator should share the following to introduce (also on slide #10):Communicating with your beginning teachers’ administrators appropriately can enhance the support provided by all who work with BT’s.It is of utmost importance to maintain the confidential nature of your Mentor-BT relationship and to maintain trust between mentor and BT.It is also important that administrators understand mentors and the mentoring program are part of a SYSTEM of support, and can’t work in isolation.Let principal-admin share the building goals and foci for the year, and reassure them that mentor support will align with building and district goals. Use a conversation guide to help structure document your conversations and your work. Deepen understanding of concepts through a group Discussion- Slide #11What are some ways you are maintaining regular communications with your BT’s principal? How are you maintaining your Mentor-BT confidentiality? What are your challenges?Introduce Mentor/Administrator Conversation Guide- Handout and Slide #12Discuss each box and what would be recorded in it.The Mentor-Admin Conversation Guide is a tool used to guide reflective, informative, non-evaluative conversations between mentors and administrators of beginning teachers that also respect and maintain the confidential nature of the Mentor-BT relationship. Similar to the Mentor-BT Collaborative Discussion Guide (CDG), the CG Tool always begins with an examination of what is working well in current practice (themes of success). Many of these themes can then be applied as actual strategies to collaboratively address specific challenges and issues.It is important to consider the complex job of the administrator in balancing support for beginning teachers with ensuring the highest quality learning opportunities for students. Slide # 13: Apply skills- Triad Practice: Mentor-Principal Conversation re: mentee 20-25 minutesForm groups of three (3) Assume the roles of Mentor, Principal, ObserverPractice a 5-minute conversation about one of your real BT’s and use the Conversation GuideObserver provide 2 minutes of feedbackRepeat and change roles until each of you has practiced as mentor4. Closing: Slide #14: Reflect on and share practiceAnalyze a beginning teacher’s practicesBrainstorm strategies - whole group return to share out/reflect on practice. What are your next steps in communication with Admins? Resolve challengesRefine coaching skills5. Evaluation: Ask participants to provide written feedback on what worked and what could be improved for next sessions.6. Mentor Business, such as reviewing logs, evaluating hours, analyzing how mentor time spent, should be completed after the content. ................

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