Insulated Conductors Committee

Insulated Conductors Committee

Power Engineering Society

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


This Award is for engineering contributions that have enhanced the quality of insulated conductor cable systems utilized for electric power delivery via transmission, distribution, and station circuits.

This Award will be conferred only when deemed by the ICC Selection Committee for this prestigious Award. It is not either an annual or time scheduled Award.

The Award will consist of a plaque and a $2,500 donation, which will be made, in the recipient's name to an electric power engineering department at a university or college of the recipient's choice. The department will be requested to use the donation as an educational scholarship to support a graduate or undergraduate student. The department will also be requested to identify the individual supported by this scholarship.

The Award can be conferred posthumously. For this eventuality the heirs will receive the plaque and designate which university or college is to receive the donation.

Considerations in Evaluating Nominees

- Nominee to have had a minimum of 10 years of Insulated Conductors Committee membership.

- Technical leadership in cable systems design and or development.

- Significant contributions toward improving the safety, reliability, and economy of cable systems for electric energy conversion and delivery within the Scope of the Insulated Conductors Committee.

- Achievements in the fields of insulated electric power cable systems; including R & D, testing developments, field applications, and operational practices.

The Nominator is expected to submit documentation to assist the ICC Selection Committee in their evaluation of the Nominee. The Nominator is encouraged to recommend Endorsers to support the Nomination with additional documentation. It is desirable for the Selection Committee to receive documentation from at least three Endorsers.

The importance of the quality of the Nomination and the Endorsements cannot be overemphasized. The documentation is a valuable reference for the Selection Committee. The information provided will have a major impact on the deliberations of the Selection Committee.


Instructions for Nominator

The nomination must include the following information in order to receive consideration by the Selection Committee.

A-1 Personal Data of the Nominee

Be specific. Provide complete name of the nominee, i.e. no initials. Also the professional affiliation, title address and wire contacts (phone/facsimile/e-mail) as requested on the Nomination Form. Do not use abbreviations.

A-2 Education

Provide results of your investigation to verify the schooling and exact degrees conferred and year(s) of conferment.

B. Principal Reason for Nomination

Avoid superfluous and flowery phraseology. Be complete, correct, concise and conservative.

C. Nominator

Only Insulated Conductors Committee members (either VM or M grade) may be Nominators. Excluded are the IEEE Board of Directors, IEEE Awards Board members, PES Governing Board members, PES Awards Committee members, IEEE headquarters staff personnel, and the ICC Awards Committee and Its Chair.

D. Professional History

Begin with the Nominees present occupation. Follow with previous career experience in reverse chronological order, i.e. more recent precedes earlier positions. Indicate positions held, and their time frame, and briefly explain related responsibilities. Indicate the significance of the Nominees achievements globally, nationally, and industry-wide.

E. Individual and Group Contributions

Identify what contributions distinguish the nominee significantly above the average. Contributions are not necessarily theoretical in nature or inventions. They may be engineering and technical efforts that bring a design or theory to commercial application via economic, governmental, or other means that are important to society. Be detailed and specific in terms of innovation, originality, creativity, and its importance.

F. Detailed Evidence of Technical Accomplishments

- Technical publications such as books, papers, technical reports, standards, etc.

- Patents; by identification number, date, title, and significance.

- Documentation authenticating development of products, systems, facilities or services.

- Technical presentations such as keynote papers or development of successful training programs


G. IEEE Activities

Awards, offices held, committee memberships, etc. Be complete. List the time span (year numbers) of each activity.

H. Non-IEEE Professional Activities

Awards, professional society memberships, governmental or international committee memberships, professional engineers license(s), educational and trade associations with time span (year numbers) of each activity.

I. Endorsers

The selection of Endorsers is important. Each should be able to substantiate the Nominees contributions. The Selection Committee will consider quality of endorsements. It is the Nominators responsibility to see that the Endorsers submit documentation as promised.

The ICC Officers, Awards Committee and its Chair, and the Selection Committee and its Chair may not serve as Endorsers.

J. Return Nomination

Send Nomination and have Endorsers send Endorsements to the:

ICC Awards Chair

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee i.e. to be appointed by the ICC Officers and the most recent Past ICC Chairman. The term of the Selection Committee shall consist of five ICC members with the grade of M or VM. It shall include the ICC Awards Chairman. The Committee shall select and recommend the Award recipient to the ICC Officers who will provide final approval of the recipient.

Insulated Conductors Committee

Power Engineering Society

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Nomination Form


A. Nominee Information

1. Personal Data

a) Name:

b) Professional Affiliation and Title

c) Business Address:

Wire Contacts

d) Business Phone:

e) Business Facsimile:

f) Business e-mail:

2. Education

a) University(s) or College(s):

b) Location(s):

c) Years of Study:

d) Degree(s) Conferred and Year(s) of Conferment:

3. Insulated Conductors Committee Membership

a) Member Grade(s):

b) Date Year(s) of Member Grade(s)

B. Principal Reason For Nomination

(Nomination Form 1 of 4)

Nomination Form


C. Nominator Information

(Refer to Instructions for Nomination)

1. Personal Data

a) Name:

b) Professional Affiliation and Title

c) Business Address:

Wire Contacts

d) Business Phone:

e) Business Facsimile:

f) Business e-mail:

2. Insulated Conductors Committee Membership

a) Member Grade(s):

b) Date Year(s) of Member Grade(s):

D. Professional History of Nominee

(Use additional sheets if required)

E. Individual and Group Contributions

(Use additional sheets if required)

(Nomination Form 2 of 4)

Nomination Form


F. Detailed Evidence of Technical Accomplishments

(Use additional sheets if required)

G. IEEE Activities

(Use additional sheets if necessary)

H. Non-IEEE Professional Activities

(Use additional sheets if necessary)

(Nomination Form 3 of 4)

Nomination Form


I. Endorsers

(Use additional sheets if required)

Names of Endorsers with their professional affiliation and titles, business address and wire contact information (phone, facsimile, and e-mail). Indicate IEEE grade of membership, Society memberships and (if applicable) ICC membership grade.

(Nomination Form 4 of 4)


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