12 Items You Can Source Locally and Sell for BIG Profits ...


12 Items You Can Source Locally and Sell for BIG Profits on Amazon

by J.B. Malik, Founder

? 2010 Malik Enterprises, d/b/a . Version 1.0.1 Questions/Comments: Contact jordanmalik@


All information herein is based on an Amazon FBA Pro Merchant's experience in procurement and selling of products. YOUR RESULTS and EXPERIENCES MAY VARY.

and Malik Enterprises do not make any representations or claims of profitability and/or success by sourcing products and selling them online. Your chance of profitability and/or success depends on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, your experience, prices of inventory purchased, supply of available inventory, your systems and software which support your business, and factors that are outside the realm of the seller's control (i.e. product demand, integrity of software and/or Internet services, etc.)

and Malik Enterprises are not responsible for any misrepresentation of data contained in this report.

This document may not be redistributed, or copied in any form (in whole or in part) without explicit permission from author.

Questions/Comments: Contact jordanmalik@

Hi, Online Sellers.

Thanks so much for buying my guide.

I've been selling on Amazon (via the FBA program) for over 1 year now (And I've been a 'regular' Amazon seller for 3+ years, and an eBay Seller for 11+ years), and I've discovered the MOST UNUSUAL items can fetch BIG profits when you sell them on Amazon.

When I say 'UNUSUAL', I mean these are items that may sit on a local thrift store's shelf for weeks, priced at $1 to $3. So in the 'local' market, they're a dud.

But on AMAZON, these items are a 'hit' and can sell up to 500% or more of the thrift store's price (or the price at a local yard sale, or via craigslist in your town, or from your friend, etc.)


FIRST, supply, demand and pricing of goods at a SINGLE LOCAL location has very little (or nothing) to do with THE REST OF THE WORLD's supply, demand and pricing of goods. Example: An ice cold bottle of coke priced at a nickel can sit at a convenience store in Antarctica all year, but if you price it at $2.50 and put it in a store in Martha's Vineyard in the middle of July, chances are someone is gonna buy it, and pronto.

SECOND, smart FBA Sellers take advantage of the "Johnny's Gotta Have It" factor when they source items to sell. I'll explain. Most of the items listed in this guide are games and toys that were MASS PRODUCED and SOLD in MASS QUANTITIES a few years ago, but today you can't find them in any 'regular' store, because that's how most toy companies work. They discontinue most toys and games after a couple years.

So if Johnny goes over Stevie's house and sees Stevie's Stealth Launch Batmobile (see page 11), well Johnny's gonna want one too. So Johnny goes home and bugs the bejeezus out of his parents for it. But guess what? The Stealth Launch Batmobile has not been stocked in the Local ToysRus since 2008.

This leaves Johnny's parents with no other choice but to buy the item online. Even if they can get it USED, Johnny will be happy. And ? presto ? there it is, on Amazon, a little pricey but backed by a full money-back guarantee AND it can be shipped overnight. WOW. Johnny's happy, and Johnny's parents are elated.

THIRD, the LOCAL sellers of these items (the thrift store owners and such) are going to keep their prices LOW because they're serving LOCAL Customers. This is GREAT news for us FBA Sellers! Let me explain: If a local store owner prices a used Mall Madness game (see page 3) for $40 'just because they saw it on Amazon for $40', well a local customer who needs to buy a game - ANY game - for Little Suzie is going to take one look at the price and puke on their way out the door. And that's bad business for the LOCAL seller. They need to price their goods low enough so the AVERAGE customer walking in the door (who, chances are, is not like YOU scouting for stuff to sell on Amazon) can buy something.

So that's what this guide is for. It shows you JUST A FRACTION of the products that are HOT SELLERS on Amazon that you can buy CHEAPLY locally (or in some cases, on eBay).


Two things before we get started: 1. If you're already a subscriber to 's FREE Newsletter, THANK YOU. If you're not, please go to to sign up. And please tell a friend! 2. If you've never sold on Amazon before, but you're considering it, start here (link opens a web page). You don't need to buy anything mentioned there, just view the video and the links below it so you know what to do to start selling on Amazon. That's it. Do Great Stuff!

Jordan "J.B". Malik Founder, Content Editor, FBA Pro Merchant (Seller ID: Honest Online Selling eBay Top Seller (Seller IDs: Member11756jm, JordansAutoAccessories, JordansEurope, GlanternCostumes)



What to Pay $: Est. AMZ Selling $: Est. Profit Margin: TIPS:

Mall Madness Game B000050B3I (Click to see AMZ Listing ? Browser will open) > Thrift Stores > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Yard Sales > Estate Sales > eBay (typically sold on eBay for ? the price you can get for it on Amazon) $5 to $15 $25 to $40 and up (double if 'New'); more during holidays 80% to 150% This game has a LOT of pieces but don't let that deter you. Electronic 'base' is rugged and reliable, so you don't have to worry about it flaking out. Buy a 'junk' set so you have extra pieces. The more complete your game is, the more you can brag about it in your AMZ listing,and thus you can get a higher selling price. Recommend using FBA (not storing it yourself) since item is rather heavy (=higher shipping charges for you).



What to Pay $: Est. AMZ Selling $: Est. Profit Margin: TIPS:

Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium B000NW5RWQ (Click to see AMZ listing ? Browser will open) > Thrift Stores > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Yard Sales > Estate Sales > Your Friends whose kids have outgrown it. $5 to $10 $25 to $60 and up; (double to triple if 'new') more during holidays 100% to 200%+ This soother has the 'big fish' that wiggles, in the center. Your find will most likely NOT have the remote, but these are still hot with or without the remote. Put in Fresh batteries, clean it thoroughly with Goo Gone and/or a household cleaner, wrap it in clear wrap and state all of the above when listing on Amazon. Recommend selling via FBA (not storing it yourself) since item is rather heavy (=higher shipping charges for you.)

IMPORTANT: Amazon says, in its seller policy, "Baby Products are only eligible to be listed in New condition." BUT it is contradicting its policy because sellers have been able to list items like this Ocean Aquarium (and LOTS of other Baby toys) in 'Collectible' Condition for years now. So exercise caution, and if you DO list Baby Products, use some discretion ? clean up the baby puke on items like this one, and for chrissakes don't sell a pre-chewed teether or used clothes or anything. I'm not saying Amazon will never penalize you for selling a used Baby Item like this Aquarium ? I'm just saying it has not happened to me or, to my knowledge, another honest seller to date.

ALSO IMPORTANT: Orders fulfilled BY Amazon (this means you, if you're an FBA Seller) are eligible for Amazon's 365-day return policy. So in other words, if you buy this item, and ship it to Amazon as your FBA inventory, a buyer of your item has 365 days to return it. This 365day-return policy applies to ALL BABY ITEMS SHIPPED FROM AMAZON. I have seen other FBA sellers completely wig out over this policy, but if you sell (say) 20 of these over a year, I don't think more than 1 to 2 buyers will return these, if at all.



What to Pay $: Est. AMZ Selling $: Est. Profit Margin: TIPS:

Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Musical Aquarium Crib Attachment B0007WWZKY (Click to see AMZ listing ? Browser will open) > Thrift Stores > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Yard Sales > Estate Sales > Your Friends whose kids have outgrown it. Typically people throw these out, can you believe it? $5.00 $20 to $50 and up; (double if 'new') more during holidays 100% to 200%+ This soother has a BULKY battery pack that attaches to the back of the unit (unusual). Do not buy it if it is MISSING the battery pack. This one is distinguished from other soothers in that it has the 'red crab handle' on the bottom middle of the face. Put in Fresh batteries, clean it thoroughly with Goo Gone and/or a household cleaner, wrap it in clear wrap and state all of the above when listing on Amazon. Recommend selling via FBA (not storing it yourself) since item is rather heavy (=higher shipping charges for you.)"

IMPORTANT: Amazon says, in its seller policy, "Baby Products are only eligible to be listed in New condition." BUT it is contradicting its policy because sellers have been able to list items like this Ocean Aquarium (and LOTS of other Baby toys) in 'Collectible' Condition for years now. So exercise caution, and if you DO list Baby Products, use some discretion ? clean up the baby puke on items like this one, and for chrissakes don't sell a pre-chewed teether or used clothes or anything. I'm not saying Amazon will never penalize you for selling a used Baby Item like this Aquarium ? I'm just saying it has not happened to me or, to my knowledge, another honest seller to date.

ALSO IMPORTANT: Orders fulfilled BY Amazon (this means you, if you're an FBA Seller) are eligible for Amazon's 365-day return policy. So in other words, if you buy this item, and ship it to Amazon as your FBA inventory, a buyer of your item has 365 days to return it. This 365day-return policy applies to ALL BABY ITEMS SHIPPED FROM AMAZON. I have seen other FBA sellers completely wig out over this policy, but if you sell (say) 20 of these over a year, I don't think more than 1 to 2 buyers will return these, if at all.



What to Pay $: Est. AMZ Selling $: Est. Profit Margin: TIPS:

Leapfrog Explorer Smart Globe B00005BYPA (Click to see AMZ listing ? Browser will open) > Thrift Stores > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Post a FREE 'items wanted' ad > Yard Sales > Estate Sales > eBay (typically sold on eBay for ? the price you can get on Amazon) $10 to $40 locally; $50 on eBay $80 to $120 and up (double if 'new'); more during holidays 100% to 300%+ I believe Leap stopped making these a few years ago and their popularity is HUGE. Learning Leap/Leapfrog has a hard core following of adult and children 'fans' who froth at the mouth for their products.

Put in Fresh batteries and package it well for Amazon FBA or store/ship it yourself to an Amazon buyer.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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