5958677-33147000Name City, State ? Phone Number ? Professional Email Address ? (insert your custom URL)SUMMARYFUNCTION (e.g., project manager, data analyst) with a X-year track record of driving results: Career Highlight 1 (What you did -> What the result was)Career Highlight 2 (e.g., Led development of new $30 million aircraft component that shipped 3 months early)Career Highlight 3 (e.g., Renegotiated supply contract with equipment vendor, saving $500K in the first year)Certifications: i.e. Black Belt in Six Sigma, PMPTechnical Skills: (note level of proficiency - ) i.e. SQL (advanced), HTML (proficient), etc.EXPERIENCETranslated Job Title (e.g., IT Specialist vs. Signal Systems Specialist), Branch of Military, LocationMM/YYYY - MM/YYYY 1-line overview of the role that describes your scope of responsibilities Include 3-5 results-oriented bullet points per section. Bullet point should only be 1-2 lines longStart with action verbs!Add measurable metrics and results to your bullets whenever possible Example: Project Manager, US Army, Ft. Benning, Georgia 05/2017 - 01/2019 Led 20-person team responsible for training 800 new personnel with an annual budget of $1M+.Developed new physical training program with clear goals and checkpoints, improving average scores 85%.Took the lowest-performing training team to the top-ranked one by earning buy-in early on and then holding team members accountable for the performance of their trainees.Oversaw forecasting for all necessary supplies; identified economies of scale that led to a 27% reduction in costs and 100% availability of required resources.EDUCATIONMaster of (Arts, Science, etc.), (Program/Specialty) MM/YYYY - MM/YYYY University/Institution Name, Location, Honors Bachelor of (Arts, Science), (Major, Minor if Relevant) MM/YYYY - MM/YYYYUniversity/Institution Name, Location, Honors Associate of (Arts, Science), (Major, Minor if Relevant) MM/YYYY - MM/YYYYInstitution Name, LocationADDITIONAL INFORMATIONProvide succinct description of relevant certifications, skills, languages, awards, etc. List in order of relevancy to job application.Awards: i.e. Officer of the Year (2014), ranked #1 of 80 for enhancements to operational efficiency Languages: (note level of proficiency – Basic, Conversational, Fluent, Native), i.e. French (advanced), Spanish (basic), German (conversational)Interests: (include examples), i.e. running (completed 4 marathons across 3 continents), cooking (won Ft. Benning’s annual Chili Cook-Off)(NOTE: Please use the provided font in between 10 to 12 point font size, depending on amount of content. Margins should be no smaller than provided in this template.) ................

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