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US History Ms. Byrne

The Progressive Era: 1890-1920


• After the civil war, the _______________ ____________________ of the United States grew from 10 million in 1870 to 30 million in 1900

• Most of the _______________________ settling into this country ended up in cities

• ______________ _______________________ began moving into the cities because urban life offered more and _____________-_________________ _____________, bright lights, ________________ _____________, and modern plumbing

• ________________________ ( tall, steel framed buildings

– Louis Sullivan ( Chicago architect

• _____________ _________________ systems began to develop to move people around the city

– ________________________, cable cars, __________________

Separation by Class

• High Society

– Built _____________ _________________ in the style of European manors

– Increasing demand for _____________________ to maintain house and lifestyle

• Middle-class Gentility

– Included ________________, lawyers, _____________________, merchants, teachers, etc

– Moved out of the central city to “__________________ _________________” to buy bigger homes and have a servant

• Working Class

– Lived in _______________________ (poorly constructed apartments)

– If they could, they would rent space to a boarder to _______________________ their ____________________

Urban Problems

• Crime & Pollution

– Minor criminals (________________________, swindlers, _____________________) thrived in the crowded cities

– Between 1880-1900, _______________ ______________ jumped from 25 per million people to more than 100 per mill. People

– ______________________ contributed to crime

• Machine Politics

– An ____________________ ____________________ _______________ designed to gain and keep power

– ___________________ ______________ ( ran the machines eagerly and provided necessities to people who would vote for the machine

– _________________ ( obtaining money through illegal methods

Gilded Age

• Gilded ( something is covered in ________________ on the outside but is made of _______________ ________________________on the inside

• ______________________________ ( no matter how humble your origins, you could rise in society by your ____________________ and commitment

• ___________________ _________________________ ( survival of the fittest within society

Changing Culture

• Realism ( _______________ and ____________________ tried to portray the world realistically

• Saloon ( Offered _______________, free toilets, water for horses, and ___________________

• Amusement Parks/Sports ( _______________ ________________ was a popular amusement park in NYC

– _______________________ became a popular pastime

• ___________________________/Ragtime ( theater was a ____________________ _______________ from the troubles of the real world

Politics in Washington

• Interstate ________________________ Commission ( Resulted from Wabash v. Illinois (states could not regulate railroad rates for traffic between states

– First federal law to ________________ __________________ _______________________

• ______________________ ____________________ ( Cut tobacco taxes and tariff rates on raw sugar, but greatly increased rates on other goods

• _____________________ __________________ _____________ ( __________________ any “_______________________… or conspiracy in __________________ of trade or commerce among the several states

Helping the Urban Poor

• Social Gospel ( worked to __________________ ____________________ in cities according to the ____________________ ________________ of charity and justice

– Washington Gladden popularized the movement in Applied Christianity (1887)

– Inspired churches to _______________ _____________ and provide social programs and ______________ ________________

• Salvation Army

– Provided assistance and ___________________ ____________________ to the urban poor


– Young Men’s Christian Association

– Tried to help ________________________ _______________ and the urban poor by organizing _________________ _________________, citizen training, and group activities

– Offered libraries, ________________________, auditoriums, and low-cost _____________ ______________

• Settlement House Movement

– ______________________ _______________ that offered aid from _________________ ____________ and English classes to ______________________ and recreational programs

– ______________ _________________ opened _________ __________________ in Chicago in 1889

– ______________ _________________ established Henry Street Settlement House in New York City

• Public Education

– Number of children in _______________ __________________ increased from 6.5 million in 1870 to 17.3 million in 1900

– Immigrant children were taught _________________, American _______________ and _____________________ ( ____________________________

– Schools instilled discipline and a ________________ ________________ _______________

– Children in _____________ ______________ often would not receive a strong education and ______________________ children did not have equal opportunities

• Booker T. Washington established _____________________ ______________________ in 1881

Imposing Segregation

• _____________ ____________ ( Required all citizens eligible to vote to pay a tax of up to $2

• Literacy test ( to be able to vote, you had to be ___________ ________ _________________

• “______________________ ________________” ( allowed any man to vote if he had an ancestor who could vote in 1867

– Allowed poor, illiterate _______________ to vote

• Jim Crow Laws ( laws passed that enforced ________________________ and ________________________ in the south

• Supreme Court ____________________ the ___________ __________________ Act of 1875

• ____________________ v. _______________________ ( Homer Plessey challenged a Louisiana law that forced him to ride in a _________________ railroad car from whites

– In 1896, the Supreme Court upheld the Louisiana law and established the doctrine of “______________________ _________ _________________” which meant that states could segregate as long as they established equal facilities for both races

African American Response

• Ida B. Wells ( with ________________________ (illegal hangings) increasing in the late 1800s, Wells launched a ____________________ __________________ ______________________

– 1895, published a book ________________________ _________ _____________________ and demanding a “fair trial by law for those accused of crime and punishment by law after honest conviction”

• Mary Church Terrell ( Friend of a lynching victim who campaigned against it

– Founded the National Association of Colored Women and the ____________________ _________________________ for the ________________________ of _________________ ________________________ (NAACP)

– Led a ___________________________ against department stores in Washington, DC that refused to serve blacks

• _______________________ _____ _______________________ ( Proposed that African Americans concentrate on achieving _______________________ ______________ rather than political ones

– 1895 – Washington gave a speech, the ____________________ ______________________, that urged African Americans to postpone the fight for civil rights and instead focus on preparing themselves educationally and __________________________ for equality

• W.E.B. ________ _______________ ( ____________________ the ideas of Washington

– Saw no advantage of in giving up civil rights

– Concerned with _______________________ and _______________________ voting rights


• Group of crusading __________________________ who investigated social conditions and political _______________________

• President Roosevelt nicknamed these journalists “________________________” in reference to a character from a book who single-mindedly scraped up the _______________ on the ground, ignoring everything else

• Uncovered ____________________ in government and __________ ______________________

• Focused on _________________ social and work conditions

Reforming Government

• Progressives proposed many ideas to reform local government

– ______________________ _____________ ( divided city government into several departments, each one under an expert commissioner’s control

– ___________________-____________________ ____________________ ( city council would hire a city manager to run the city instead of the mayor

• Lo Follette’s Laboratory of Democracy

– Direct primary ( _________ ______________ ______________________ could vote for a candidate to run in the ______________ _____________________

– Initiative ( permitted a group of citizens to ________________ ______________________

– ________________________ ( allowed citizens to ________________ on proposed legislation directly without going to the legislature

– Recall ( voters had an option to demand a _____________________ _________________ to _________________ an elected official from office before his or her time had expired

• Direct Election of Senators

– Originally, the federal constitution directed each _______________ ___________________ to elect two senators

– _____________________ ______________________ and business interests often influenced these elections

– 1912 ( Congress passed a direct-election amendment

– 1913 ( ________ _______________________ became official and the people directly elected senators

Child Labor

• ______________ and _______________________ presented very dangerous work environments to children

• John Spargo’s 1906 Book, The Bitter Cry of Children, told how 9 & 10 year olds would pick ________ out of coal, paying them 60 cents for a 10-hour day

• Children often became ____________________ from the work

• Reports like this convinced states to pass laws that set a _____________________ _______ of employment and ____________________ _________

Health & Safety Codes

• Workers were often __________________ or ______________________ in unsafe work conditions and families would not receive compensation

• Led to _____________________ _____________________________ laws ( established insurance funds that employers financed

• Laws were created to _________________ the amount of ___________ of work in a day

Upton Sinclair

• Upton Sinclair, a famous muckraker, wrote the book, ___________ __________________, which revealed the unsafe and unsanitary conditions of the ___________-_________________ _______________________

• Lead to the ___________ _______________ ___________ (1906) and the __________ __________________ ____________ (1906) and established the Bureau of Chemistry, which would become the ____________ and ____________ ________________________ (FDA)

• Claimed that he became famous “not because the public cared anything about the _______________, but simply because the public did not want to eat ____________________ _____________” and that he “aimed at the public's _________________, and by accident [he] hit it in the _______________________”

Prohibition Movement

• Many progressives believed that ______________________ caused many of society’s problems

• Employer’s believed that drinking hurt workers’ __________________________

• Temperance movement advocated that people ______________, or at least moderate, their __________________ ____________________________

• Women’s ______________________ ___________________________ Union ( pressured the government to institute __________________ __________________________ of alcohol

Progressives v. Big Business

• Pushed for government to ___________________ ________ _____________________ and prevent them from abusing their power

• Some progressives advocated _____________________ ( the idea that the government should own and operate industry for the community

– Socialist leader _________________ ________ _____________ won 400,000 votes in 1904 and nearly a million in 1912 as presidential candidate


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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