Statistics project packet - Waukee High School


1. Height (in inches) 2. Number of Siblings 3. Number of Pets 4. Number of Languages Spoken 5. Number of A's and B's during First Semester 6. Number of Pops you drink in a day 7. Number of text messages you send in a day 8. Number of Twitter followers 9. Number of tweets made per day 10. Number of Facebook friends 11. Number of hours playing sports or being physically active per week 12. Number of fast food meals you eat in a week 13. How many hours of T.V. you watch

per week 14. How many hours do you spend doing homework each week 15. Number of extracurricular activities you are involved in 16. Number of hats you own 17. Number of pairs of shoes you own 18. Number of jeans you own 19. Number of hours spent with friends per week 20. Number of hours on electronic games per week 21. Number of books read in a year 22. Allowance amount per month 23. Number of songs on your music player (iPod, mp3 player, phone) 24. Number of pictures on your phone 25. Number of times you come in for academic help after school in a month 26. Number of bottles of water you drink per day 27. On a scale from 1--10, rate your freshman year of high school so far 28. Number of hours of sleep you get on most weeknights 29. Number of minutes per day you spend on your cellphone (talking, texting, apps, Internet, etc.) 30. Number of years you have lived in Des Moines (only ask freshmen to be consistent)


Over the following week you will complete a statistics project. Each day you will complete another section. On the final day, you will compile all the data collected and analyzed onto a poster board.

Task 1

You will select a topic from the list of available project ideas. Each student in your class will have a different project. You will then use that topic to write a survey question that can be asked in your sample to get the results necessary to complete the tasks of this project. Create a tally sheet that indicates your question and a column showing the results of each person in your sample. Your sample size must be a minimum of 50 people, and your tally sheet must include labels and units. You will begin collecting data from your present math class.

All data should be collected by the time your class meets again on "Day 2."

Task 2

Part A ? You will tabulate (organize using a table) your data results from your sample of 50 or more.

Part B ? These results should then be presented in a stem and left plot. An example is given below.

Rewrite by putting the data in order

Part C ? Using the stem and leaf plot data and your sample data results, you will find the statistical distribution. Follow the sample below. In addition, include the range and any outliers (if any).


Find the difference between the maximum and minimum of the data.


Find the data point that is clearly separated from the rest of the data.

Task 3

P o s te r b o a r d s h o u ld b e b r o u g h t to s c h o o l.

Create a circle/pie graph of your results with appropriate colors and labels/units. Use proper headings and number formats. An example is given below.

Task 4

Part A ? Create a histogram or bar graph. Use appropriate intervals and proper chart formats with headings and labels (including units).

An example is given below.

Part B ? Create a box--and--whisker plot of your results. Be sure to include all parts of the five--number summary and all appropriate labels. An example is given below.

(Median of 1st half of data) (Median of 2nd half of data)

Task 5

Part A ? Write a minimum of a five--sentence summary of your findings. Use the following questions to guide you in writing this summary.

1. What conclusion can you make based on the results you collected? 2. Do you think there were any variables (reasons) that might have made your results what they were? 3. Based on the survey/data sampling you collected, do you believe it is a good representation of the

students at LHS? 4. Based on the survey/data sampling you collected, which method(s) of representation best fits your

data and why? 5. After completing this assignment/project, are there any areas of statistics that are still not clear to


Be as specific as possible.

Part B ? Organize all components on a poster board for your final project grade.

Your poster board should include the following:

? The survey question (as the title) ? Your initial table with the data results you collected ? A list of the five statistical measures ? All four charts/graphs that were created ? Your project summary





LT1: Data collection

LT2: Stem--and-- Leaf

LT3: Statistical Measures

LT4: Pie Chart

LT5: Histogram

LT6: Box and Whisker

LT7: Summary

LT8: Poster



No data or data

sample is less

than 20

No display



Sample size is

20 ? 49

Set up properly

with errors

No statistical measures

No chart No chart

No display



1 or 2 statistical measures correctly calculated

1 ? 2 sentences but not specific to data

3 statistical measures correctly calculated Set up correctly with no label Set up correctly with no label and intervals All parts included with no labels 3--5 sentences but not specific to data All 7 parts displayed with no heading and neatness

4 statistical measures correctly calculated

3--4 sentences with reflection of data

4 Sample size 50

Set up accurately with no error All 5 statistical measures correctly calculated Set up correctly with label Set up correctly with label and intervals All parts included with labels 5--sentence with reflection of data All 7 parts displayed with heading and neatness


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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