Project Comm Plan Template 4 - Kautilya Society

|Project Number: | | |

| |Project Name: | |

| |Description: | |

| |Project Manager: | |

| |Date Updated: | |

Perhaps it is better the template : Project Name Communication Plan

Project Communication Plan

The following is a generic matrix of information that should be contained in a project communication plan – please add/delete/modify as required for the needs of your project. Ensure your communication plan includes all parties that will be impacted by your project, and that the information conveyed is relevant to each particular audience. Providing regular updates to key stakeholders will be instrumental to the success of your project!

|Target Audience |Information to Communicate |Method: Start Date, Frequency |Responsible |

|Project Team |Roles & Responsibilities |Kick-off mtg: dd-mmm-yy, once |Project Mgr |

| |Project Plan |Team mtgs: dd-mmm-yy, frequency | |

| |Short-term tasks & assignment |E-mail: As required | |

| |Project status & timelines |Project Status Report: dd-mmm-yy, frequency | |

| |Outstanding issues & status |Project website: As required (if one exists) | |

| | |Issues tracking system: As required | |

|Other Project |Project update |Sponsor mtgs: dd-mmm-yy, frequency |Project Mgr |

|Stakeholders |Project timelines |Progress Report: dd-mmm-yy, frequency | |

|(Sponsor, users, |Outstanding issues & status |Stakeholder mtgs: As required | |

|etc) |Project Plan |E-mail: As required | |

| |Budget update |Formal presentation: dd-mmm-yy, as required | |

| | |User training & docn: 1 month before go-live | |

|CCS Mgmt Team |Project update (high-level) |Ops Review mtgs: project approval , monthly |Project Mgr or |

| |Milestones & timelines |CCS Mgrs mtgs: dd-mmm-yy, bi-weekly |Division Mgr |

| |Outstanding issues & status | | |

| |Risks & mitigation plan | | |

|CCS Staff |Project overview |CCS_Allstaff e-mails: At project milestones |Project Mgr or |

| |Project update |Formal presentations: At project initiation |Division Mgr |

| |Milestones & timelines | | |

| |Impact/changes to dept | | |

| |Training & Support plan | | |

|CAB |Service disruptions |RFC: As soon as known, once per disruption |Division Mgr |

| |New service(s) introductions |RFC: 2 weeks before go-live | |

| |Changes to existing services | | |

|ISSC |Project Charter |Charter presentation: dd-mmm-yy, once |Project Mgr, |

| |Project update (high-level) |Informal update: dd-mmm-yy, as requested |Mgr Project Office|

| |Project issues & risks | | |

|CCS Service Desk |Project overview |Formal Presentations: As required |Project Mgr |

| |Project status & timelines |Training/Docn/Demos: 2 weeks before go-live, | |

| |Impact/changes to C.U. |and prior to campus communication | |

| |Training & Support plan |E-mail | |

|Target Audience |Information to Communicate |Method: Start Date, Frequency |Responsible |

|Faculty & Staff |Project overview |**Communicate 2 weeks before go-live, day before, day of, and|Project Mgr |

| |Impact and/or service disruptions |day after go-live** |or CIO |

| |Project timelines |Communication Bulletin/Internal Mail | |

| |Go-live success announcement |Today@Carleton | |

| |Problem reporting information |C.U. /Carleton Central and Project E-mail | |

| | |Campus/Connect E-mail | |

| | |Training/Docn/Demos/Project website (if exists) | |

|Students |Project overview |**Communicate 2 weeks before go-live, day before, day of, and|Project Mgr |

| |Impact and/or service disruptions |day after go-live** |or CIO |

| |Go-live success announcement |Communication Bulletin | |

| | |Today@Carleton | |

| | |C.U. /Carleton Central E-mail | |

| | |Connect E-mail | |

| | |Learning Commons | |

| | |Meetings with CUSA | |

| | |Carleton NOW | |

| | |Training/Docn/Demos/Project website (if exists) | |

|Vendor |Project overview |Face-to-face mtgs: dd-mmm-yy, frequency |Project Mgr, |

|and/or Contractor |Contract, Statement of Work (SOW) |E-mail: As required |Vendor and/or |

| |Status of project, project timelines |Phone: As required |Contractor |

| |Outstanding issues & status |Project Status Report: dd-mmm-yy, frequency | |

| |Risks & mitigation plan |Training & docn: 1 month before go-live | |

| | |Issues tracking system: As required | |

|Other groups |Relevant information for this group |Method: dd-mmm-yy, frequency |Person responsible|

|impacted by project| | |for this |

| | | |communiqué |


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