
Risk Assessment Pro FormaCompleting officer names:Date of Completion:SLT Signatory: Date:ActivityHazard IdentifiedSLRControlsResponsibilityComputer useScreen usage and exposure, keyboard use and repetitive strain, mouse usage and repetitive strain, sitting for a long duration112Rest break 5 mins for every 30 mins. Eye breaks, use correct operator chairsPeople using the computersCorruption of filesThe corruption or loss of files due to saving, loss of USB, crashing, servers going down 121Constantly saving files in multiple places (downloads folder, desktop, usb) and upload to the cloud.Students/people working on the files.Breaking of equipmentThe equipment being used (Pc’s, monitors, mouse, keyboard, chairs etc) breaking213Frequent checking of the quality of equipment and replacing them if broken/impaired.ICT/Staff in charge of PC’s/computer in the building.Software not workingThe software being used (Photoshop, Maya, Ue4, 3Dcoat) not working as it should.131The frequent checking and updating of software/ drivers being updated.ICT/Admin staffSymbol MeaningSSeverityLLikelihoodRRisk LevelSeverityScoreLikelihoodScoreImpact could result in prosecution?No=0, yes = 1Unlikely1Noticeable risk to persons or the public?No=0, yes = 1Possible2Risk of financial or personal harm?No=0, yes = 1Probable3Major environmental damage?No=0, yes = 1Certain4Total score = Severity x LikelihoodAdd scores – max 4Contingency Plan – What if it all goes wrong?If files get corrupted, try and find a backup in the cloud and/or on the PC in different locations. If the equipment breaks, get ICT/Staff to help fix it and/or replace it. If the software stops working, move to a PC that It works on and/or call ICT. If it’s a problem with the users account, ask ICT to try and configure the problem. ................

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