? Initiate Promotion Job Change (Simplest Path) ? Process Maps ? Initiate Promotion Job Change- Full Instructions (Career Managers who are

Senior Associates and above) ? Review/Approve Promotion Job Change (HR Approver) ? Review/Approve Promotion Job Change (Principal, CSO or GL Approver) ? Review Promotion Job Change (Finance Business Partner)


Career Managers are advised to socialize promotion candidates amongst their management chain before initiating the process in Workday. Career Managers should reach to multiple sources of input including Job Leaders for performance input and promotion readiness. Promotion Job Changes may only be initiated by Career Managers who are Senior Associates and above.

For more information, view the People Model Performance Management site or view our iExplain videos.



This process starts by assessing readiness against the Firmwide Behaviors and Performance Expectations, business need/affordability and aspiration of the employee. After you socialize the promotion candidate and promotional increase with your leadership you can initiate the promote job change transaction in Workday. Note: Promotion Job Changes may only be initiated by Career Managers who are Senior Associates and above. If you are a Career Manager who is a Lead Associate and below, please work with your Career Manager to initiate this transaction.


1. In the Search field, type the employee's name.

2. From the Actions menu, select Job Change > Transfer, Promote or Change Job.

8. In the Details tab, confirm that the Management Level matches your selection for Job Profile.

9. Click Next.

3. On the Start page:

10. Do not make changes to the Organizations tab.

? Update When do you want this change to take effect? with either January 1 or July 1

11. In the Compensation tab, click the pencil icon in the Salary section to update the employee's salary. Only complete one of the following fields.

? Update Why are you making this change? with Promotion

? Amount (New salary)

4. Click Start.

? Amount Change ($ increase)

5. In the Job tab, click the pencil icon in the Job Profile section to update the Job

? Percent Change (% increase)


12. Click Next.

Note: Do not make changes in the Job section of this tab.

13. Review the Summary of your proposed promotion.

6. Click Next.

14. Click Submit.

7. Do not make changes to the Location tab.


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Instructions for the steps outlined in gold are included in this document. ? Career Managers may track a promotion action's progress by typing Employee History in the search field and selecting the employee. Under the Job Profile Changes chart, a history of the employee's job change actions appears

Note: Promotions up through Principal, Distinguished Engineer/Scientist/Technologist/Technical Specialist are effective twice a year, January 1 and July 1.

Promotion to Level AP5

Promotion Job Change reviewed and approved by


Career Manager (SA and above) submits

promotion to GL

All leaders up to GL and Job Leaders are notified of promotion

GL approves the Promotion

HR reviews / approves the Promotion

Career Manager is notified the promotion is complete

Promotion to Levels through Lead Associate (except AP5)

Note: For promotions from Consultant to Senior Consultant, the Career Manager should reach out to HR to complete the Overtime Navigator (OTN) Survey.

Career Manager (SA and above) submits Promotion Job Change to Principal

Principal approves the promotion

HR Specialist reviews / approves the promotion

Career Manager is notified the promotion is complete

Promotion to Senior Associate

Career Manager (SA and above) submits

Promotion Job Change to CSO

CSO level approves Promotion Job Change

All leaders up to GL and Job Leaders are notified

of promotion

Career Manager is notified the promotion is complete

Finance BP Reviews promotion

Non-Compete Agreement (NCA)


Talent Advisor reviews / approves

the promotion

All leaders up to GL and Job Leaders are notified of promotion


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Promotion to Principal

Promotion Job Change reviewed and approved by


Career Manager submits promotion to


All leaders up to GL and Job Leaders

notified of promotion

GL approves promotion

Career Manager is notified the promotion is complete

Talent Advisor reviews / approves


Non-Compete Agreement (NCA)




? This process starts by assessing readiness against the Firmwide Behaviors and Performance Expectations, business need/affordability and aspiration of the employee. After you socialize the promotion candidate and promotional increase with your leadership you can initiate the promote job change transaction in Workday. Notice the Help Text and Guided Tours to assist you with some FAQs. Once the promotion job change is complete and the submit button is clicked, the proposed actions are routed to the appropriate levels for approval and review

Note: Promotion Job Changes may only be initiated by Career Managers who are Senior Associates and above. If you are a Career Manager who is a Lead Associate and below, please work with your Career Manager to initiate this transaction.

? Promotions up through Principal, Distinguished Engineer/Scientist/Technologist/Technical Specialist are effective twice a year, January 1 and July 1

? If the employee is moving into a Booz Allen facility that requires a room assignment and will not be hoteling, please email FacilitiesPlanning&design@ to alert them of the need to assign a room, which will feed to the address book

Note: Workday does not house room numbers


15. Click the My Team worklet on the homepage. 16. Scroll to the bottom of the page to Direct Reports 17. Select the employee for whom you want to make a job change

Result: The employee's Profile displays. 18. Click Actions below the employee's name in the left blue bar

Result: Actions menu displays. 19. Hover over the Job Change action 20. Click on Transfer, Promote or Change Job

Result: A page with the text Change Job displays.

22. Click the pencil icon to edit the details on this page Note:

? When do you want this change to take effect? Enter January 1 or July 1 unless this is an approved out-of-cycle promotion

? Why are you making this change? Enter Promotion Confirm that the correct location has been auto-filled in response to the item

Where will this person be located? This field will not need to be updated unless there is a work location change associated with the promotion.

? Do you want to use the next pay period? Ensure this Checkbox is NOT checked

23. Click Start

21. Read the instructions and tips at the top of the page carefully cmgr-hrtc-finance-promote-employee

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24. Click the pencil icon to edit the details on this page

? Position: Position only needs to be updated for a Post & Promote situation. Contact your HR Talent Consultant or Talent Advisor for guidance on Post & Promote

? Job Profile: Choose the new job profile by typing in all/part of the job profile in the search area and hit Enter. Or you can select In This Org or By Job Family from the dropdown menu to narrow your search. Ensure you are selecting a new job profile that is associated with the new management level and in the same job family as the current job profile (use the tip sheet hyperlinked in the Help Text at the top of the screen or reach out to your HR Specialist if you need help determining the appropriate Job Profile)

Note: If you select a job profile that is outside your org an alert may pop up and you will notice two things: (1) the Details tab is empty, and (2) the pay range, grade profile and total base pay will appear blank. You will enter a compensation action. Contact your HR Specialist if you need assistance.

? Job Title: This will auto-populate based on the Job Profile selected 11. Click Next


12. Enter any changes to the employee's Location details Note:

? To change Location to a classified location, enter the primary location of the employee's BAH home office and then enter the following in the Comment field: Employee works at a classified location

? Use the Location Directory Report in Workday to view a list of current locations

? Click Related Actions next to a location to see the details of the location, including the location type

13. Click Next


14. Read the information at the top of the page carefully 15. Review the information on Details tab of the form

16. Click Next


17. Read the information at the top of the page carefully

18. Review the information on Organizations tab of the form 19. Make any changes needed 20. Click Next


21. Enter an Employee Visibility Date. If you do not enter a date, employee visibility will default to the effective date. If you do select a different date, please do not select a date earlier than the effective date.

Note: that occurs later than the effective date may be assigned. Select a date after the planned debrief meeting but before the next payroll date ? Compensation changes can be initiated through Job Change. Approvals that include compensation changes will be consolidated to show both the job change information and the compensation change information in the same step on the same page. This applies to all approvals in this Job Change business process Note: All salary increases associated with promotions should be completed via the promotion job change action in Workday. Separate MSA actions are not required. Promotion increases greater than 10% should be discussed with your leadership outside of Workday prior to being entered.

22. Scroll down to the Guidelines section and click on the pencil icon

23. Make the necessary change to the salary Note: There are several ways to adjust the salary. You only need to complete one of the following fields. ? Amount (New salary) ? Amount Change ($ increase) ? Percent Change (% increase)

24. Click Next. Review all proposed changes and edits as needed

25. Click Submit or Save for Later

Note: If the employee is aligned to the Engineering & Science Career Track, the Career Manager will receive an action or "To Do" to update the employee's Advancement Step.


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? If Submitting, the Promotion action is routed for approval. A Promotion action with an accompanying increase that exceeds 10% will be reviewed by the Human Resources Specialist as well as the Human Resources Talent Consultant

? If the job change results in the need for the employee's RC to be updated, Finance receives a task to process the RC change



1. Review the proposed changes as indicated by the blue dots. ? Position ? Position should only be changed for Post & Promote situations ? Job Profile ? Ensure Job Profile selected is appropriate for the next management level and exemption status ? Administrative: Job Exempt ? Ensure the Job Exempt field is accurately reflected based on the Job Profile selected

Note: If the promotion results in an employee being reclassified from Nonexempt to Exempt, confirm that an OTN was completed prior to this action.

? If it has, in the Comments field, note the OTN evaluation number

3. Select Event Details tab and review the details under each section. Any information with a blue dot has been changed and should be reviewed Note: If corrections need to be made to the PROMOTION details, the HR Specialist will need to return it to the Career Manager and open the Compensation Event action. Select Send Back and provide reason/comments for what promotion related details need to be corrected.

4. Once the promotion details have been reviewed and/or corrected by the initiator, return to Workday Inbox to review recommended Compensation Change details.

5. If no changes to the recommended Compensation are needed, select Approve


? If OTN has not been completed, click "send back" and provide comments to manager to contact HR Specialist"

? If any corrections to Compensation need to be made, select Send Back and provide the specific reasons/comments to the initiator

2. If corrections need to be made, HR can either: ? Click on the pencil icon, make the appropriate changes and select Approve; or ? Select Send Back and provide reason/comments

? If the promotion results in an employee being reclassified from Nonexempt to Exempt, please indicate that the work has been reviewed and confirmed to be exempt in the "Comments" field before approving

Note: You should not utilize Deny, as this would cancel the entire transaction and would require reentry by the Senior Associate or Above. If Save for Later is selected, the pending action will remain in your Workday Inbox.


If the promotion is a result of a proposed Compensation Change (including the job change, org, and comp change info):

? HR Specialist approves the Job Change as a consolidated approval. For Senior Associates and above the HRTA will receive consolidated approval ? HR Specialist approves AP level LA or below


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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