The Kentucky Association of REALTORS® (KAR) recognizes the importance of participation of local REALTOR® Associations in the legislative and political process. The KAR acknowledges that local, state and federal regulations and statutes have a dramatic impact on the real estate, housing and economic industries. The KAR is keenly aware that interaction with elected officials at the local levels of government enhances our ability to influence legislation at the state and federal levels as well.

The leadership of the KAR believes that support of local and regional government affairs programs can mitigate the negative impact of government regulation and is in the best interest of the entire REALTOR® membership in Kentucky, as well as the citizens of the Commonwealth. Because of this commitment to strengthening our political and legislative effectiveness, the KAR Leadership, Officers & Directors and Delegate Body have established a Local Association Governmental Affairs Support Program to assist with the costs associated with developing, maintaining or expanding the local government affairs efforts of the local associations in the Kentucky Association of REALTORS®. The Local Association Governmental Affairs Support Program is intended to augment, not replace, local efforts and it requires local associations to contribute to its government affairs efforts. Program funds can not be used to subsidize the non-governmental affairs operating expenditures of the local association.


Funding is available to any local REALTOR® Association that is a member association of the Kentucky Association of REALTORS® and can only be used for cost associated with the development and/or expansion of governmental affairs efforts. Generally acceptable government affairs program related expenses are defined, but not limited to, those items identified in Appendix A


The Kentucky Association of REALTORS® will consider two types of funding:

1. Annual Support for Governmental Affairs Program for Local Associations with dedicated Governmental Affairs staffing for local activities

Requests can be made by a local association, or a cooperative formed by two or more local associations who share staffing dedicated to local Governmental Affairs activities. The request must include:

a) A summary of the local Governmental Affairs activities undertaken by the association(s);

b) A statement of how the additional funds from KAR will be used to expand or enhance the current Governmental Affairs programs;

c) A budget summary that specifically identifies how the funds from KAR will be used and the impact the KAR funding has on the association’s ability to provide local Governmental Affairs service; and,

d) The name of the Governmental Affairs staff person(s) and a job description detailing the position responsibilities.

2. Support request for Specific Governmental Affairs Programs/Activities –

Requests can be made on an annual basis and must provide a complete detailed summary of the proposed activities of the association for the year; or, on a program-by-program basis and submitted throughout the year. The request must include:

a) A detailed description(s) of the specific activity(ies) that the association plans;

b) A detailed budget, including all income sources and planned expenses, of each activity(ies); the specific amount requested from KAR; and, the impact the KAR funding has on the association’s ability to hold the program (requests submitted by multiple local associations planning to jointly hold programs need to indicate the information for each local association); and,

c) The dates, times, location and invitation list (not detailed) of the program.



Local Associations receiving KAR Local Association Governmental Affairs Support Program funding shall provide a quarterly report to KAR regarding the use of funds and whether the objectives of the local association were achieved. Future applications for funds will not be considered from a local association until a report for the prior reporting period is received.


Local Association receiving KAR Local Association Governmental Affairs Support Program funding shall submit a report on each support program within 45 days of event. The report must indicate whether the objectives of the local association’s program were achieved and provide financial information of actual income and expenses. Copies of written materials generated from or used at the program should be attached. KAR financial support will be provided based on actual expenses incurred and will be submitted within 30 days of receipt of report. No further funding payments will be made until a report from prior programs are submitted.

In order to keep KAR Board of Directors informed of the effectiveness of the Local Association Governmental Affairs Support Program, or to compile KAR’s financial reports or annual budget, KAR may require additional reports or information from any participating Local Association.


Funding shall be disbursed upon receipt of appropriate request(s) and upon the review of the KAR President, Governmental Affairs Service Area Chairman, Executive Vice President and Governmental Affairs Director. Each participating Local Association shall execute an agreement with KAR indicating its agreement to abide by the terms and conditions outlined.

Availability of funds shall be approved each year by the Kentucky Association of REALTORS® Board of Directors. A calculation of the current year paid members shall be performed each year on March 1 and that number shall be the basis of funds available for the program. Funds shall be distributed on a quarterly basis, beginning April 1, for ANNUAL SUPPORT program participants; and, as outlined in Section III, 2 in this document for PROGRAM-BY-PROGRAM participants.


The Kentucky Association of REALTORS® will make all reasonable efforts to provide as much notice as possible on any changes to the amount KAR will make available through the program. Participating local associations shall be notified at least 12 months in advance of the discontinuance of the program.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The _____________________________________________________________ Association/ Board of REALTORS® agrees to participate in the Kentucky Association of REALTORS® Local Association Governmental Affairs Support Program and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth above in Sections I through VI. The Kentucky Association of REALTORS® agrees to provide funding to the ______________________________________ Association/Board of REALTORS® in the amount of $4.00 per member, as outlined in Sections II, III and V. All parties agree to these terms for the period of January 1 through December 31 and no obligation is imposed upon either party beyond that time period, except as outline in Section VI.

_________________________________ _________________________________

Local Association President KAR President

_________________________________ _________________________________

Local Association Executive KAR Executive Vice President

_________________________________ _________________________________

Local Association KAR Governmental Affairs

Governmental Affairs Chairman Service Area Chairman

_________________________________ _________________________________

Local Association KAR

Governmental Affairs Director Governmental Affairs Director


The following are examples of Governmental Affairs programs, products or services considered eligible activities for funding under the Kentucky Association of REALTORS® Local Association Governmental Affairs Support Program:

1. Employing staff, outside the Association Executive, specifically for Governmental Affairs, by one or more associations, to perform all or some of the following activities:

• Generate Calls to Action on local issues

• Coordinate state and national Calls to Action and relay feedback received

• Attend KAR Governmental Affairs Service Area meetings

• Coordinate KAR Legislative Visits in coordination with KAR meetings

• Coordinate with KAR on Washington, D.C. Hill Visits and attend Legislative events

• Attend KAR and NAR Business meetings

• Attend NAR GAD Institute

• Monitor, review and analyze local legislation and/or regulations that impact real estate and homeownership

• Serve as liaison to committees and/or industry groups

• Serve as a resource to KAR and other local REALTOR® associations when appropriate

• Host a public candidate debate

• Host a REALTOR® issues forum/town hall meeting for elected officials and/or candidates for public office

• Host an education/legislative issues seminar (example: smart growth, land use, development, taxation, etc.)

2. To support the following grassroots lobbying and development activities for Local Associations not employing staff specifically for Governmental Affairs:

• Issue Advocacy/Education campaigns

• Advertisements/Mass Media/Public Relations relating to Governmental interests

• Promotional materials

• Grassroots management database procurement

• Legislative/political forums and/or receptions

• Research and reporting of activities or events that are deemed in the general interest of the real estate industry

• Monitoring, reviewing, and/or analyzing local legislation and/or regulations

• Generate Calls to Action on local issues and/or coordinate state and national Calls to Action and relay feedback received

• Host a public candidate debate

• Host a REALTOR® issues forum/town hall meeting for elected officials and/or candidates for public office

• Host an education/legislative issues seminar (example: Smart Growth, land use and development, taxation, etc.)


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