Name: Language Homework – Q2:2 Date: Monday Tuesday ...



Write the word ABSTRACT or CONCRETE.

hunger _______________

animal ________________

mouth ________________

anger _____________

legs ________________

Underline the ADJECTIVE in the sentence.

Language Homework ? Q2:2



Circle all the nouns.

Caterpillars live a dangerous life.

Sort the nouns. North America, country, butterfly, Mr. Jacobs, dirt Common Proper



Circle the pronouns.

A caterpillar only has to survive a few weeks before it turns into a butterfly.

Underline the ADVERB in the sentence.

Choose an adjective to complete the sentence.

Choose an adverb to complete the sentence.

Caterpillars change into beautiful butterflies or

moths. Underline the VERBS in the


Caterpillars eat by biting and chewing with

their jaws.

Caterpillars are always searching for food.

Change the verb in the sentence to future tense. The caterpillar eats the


The caterpillar ______________ the leaf.

___________ caterpillars can easily be seen.

Complete the chart.






The caterpillar moved __________ up the leaf.

Change the verb in the sentence to past tense.

The caterpillar eats the leaf.

The caterpillar ______________ the leaf.

Split the word into parts and write the meaning of the word.


It means _____________ ____________________ ____________________

Which word in the sentence is

an antonym for unprepared?

After weeks of eating and growing,

caterpillars are ready to become butterflies.

Write a compound word that means "a bird that is black".

Choose the best word to fill in the blank.

happy, glad, excited

Jacob was __________ to finally meet his favorite

football player.

Write a word that means "to read something again."

Write a word that means "not believable."

Write a word that means "the show that comes before an event".

Which word best completes the sentence?

unwrite, prewrite, rewrite




Carlos had to ___________ his story because it was too


Which shows the correct plural form of the word


benchs benches benchies benchses

Complete the sentence using the correct verb.

(is, are)

Change each noun from singular to plural.

Singular mouse computer


Complete the sentence using the correct verb.

(look, looks)

Which shows the correct plural form of the word


childs childes children childses

Complete the sentence using the correct pronoun.

(she, he, they)

Change each noun from singular to plural.

Singular woman goose


Complete the sentence using the correct pronoun.

(his, her, their)

My dogs _________ running away!

He __________ tired today.

When my sister visits, _______ always brings

me a present.

All of the students turned in _________ work.

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? ? One Stop Teacher Shop

My Work



_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Wednesday _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Thursday _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

MONDAY # of questions _____ # correct _____ I need more help with... ______________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

My Progress



# of questions _____ # of questions _____

# correct _____

# correct _____

I need more help

I need more help

with... ______________ with... ______________

_____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

THURSDAY # of questions _____ # correct _____ I need more help with... ______________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? ? One Stop Teacher Shop


Write the word ABSTRACT or CONCRETE.

hunger abstract

animal concrete

mouth concrete

anger abstract

legs concrete

Underline the ADJECTIVE in the sentence.

Caterpillars change into beautiful butterflies or

moths. Underline the VERBS in the


Caterpillars eat by biting and chewing with

their jaws.

Answer Key - Language Homework ? Q2:2



Circle all the nouns.

Caterpillars live a dangerous life.

Sort the nouns. North America, country, butterfly, Mr. Jacobs, dirt Common Proper

country North America butterfly Mr. Jacobs


Underline the ADVERB in the sentence.

Caterpillars are always searching for food.

Change the verb in the sentence to future tense. The caterpillar eats the


The caterpillar will eat the leaf.

Choose an adjective to complete the sentence.

(accept all reasonable answers)

Orange caterpillars can easily be seen.

Complete the chart.


sang paid told


sing pay tell


Circle the pronouns.

A caterpillar only has to survive a few weeks before it turns into a butterfly.

Choose an adverb to complete the sentence.

(accept all reasonable answers)

The caterpillar moved slowly up the leaf.

Change the verb in the sentence to past tense. The caterpillar eats the

leaf. The caterpillar ate the leaf.

Split the word into parts and write the meaning of the word.


It means... to test before

Write a word that means "to read something again."


Which shows the correct plural form of the word

bench? benchs benches benchies benchses Complete the sentence using the correct verb. (is, are)

My dogs are running away!

Which word in the sentence is Write a compound word that Choose the best word to fill

an antonym for unprepared? means "a bird that is black".

in the blank.

After weeks of eating and growing,

caterpillars are ready to become butterflies.

Write a word that means "not believable."


Change each noun from singular to plural.

Singular mouse computer

Plural mice computers

Complete the sentence using the correct verb.

(look, looks)

He looks tired today.


Write a word that means "the show that comes before an event".


Which shows the correct plural form of the word

child? childs childes children childses Complete the sentence using the correct pronoun. (she, he, they) When my sister visits, she always brings me a present.

happy, glad, excited

Jacob was __________ to finally meet his favorite

football player. Which word best completes

the sentence?

unwrite, prewrite, rewrite

Carlos had to ___________ his story because it was too


Change each noun from singular to plural.

Singular woman goose

Plural women geese

Complete the sentence using the correct pronoun.

(his, her, their)

All of the students turned in their work.

If the pink gorilla eats watermelon every night, how much watermelons does he eat? ? One Stop Teacher Shop


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