Name: ________________________ Date: ________________ Hour: _____Unit 2: Principles of the United States 50 PointsDirections: Use to complete the following terms. You will be responsible for practicing/reviewing these terms and be prepared to take quizzes on .FederalismNecessary and Proper (Elastic Clause)Marbury v. MadisonConcurrent PowersReserved PowersShared PowersAppointingSupremacy ClauseFramers (of the U.S. Constitution)ExtraditionExpressed PowersDenied PowersThe Preamble to the U.S. ConstitutionArticle I of the U.S. ConstitutionArticle II of the U.S. ConstitutionArticle III of the U.S. ConstitutionArticle IV of the U.S. ConstitutionArticle V of the U.S. ConstitutionArticle VI of the U.S. ConstitutionArticle VII of the U.S. ConstitutionSenateHouse of RepresentativesLegislatorLegislateLegislatureLegislative BranchVetoJudicial ReviewDeclaration of IndependenceArticles of ConfederationMagna CartaMayflower CompactImpeachmentGreat Compromise3/5 CompromiseProportional RepresentationSeparation of PowersChecks and BalancesLibertyJusticeAmendmentbalanced budgetbicameral legislaturebill of attainderBill of Rightsbipartisanshipcabinetclear and present dangercloturedelegated powersdemocracydischarge petitiondomestic tranquilityElectoral CollegeEx post facto lawExecutive agreementExecutive branchFactionFilibusterFull faith and credit clauseGerrymanderingideologyImplied powersImpoundmentInalienable rightsIncumbancyInherent powersJoint committeeJudicial branchLaissez-FaireLobbyistMajority Floor LeaderMinority Floor LeaderOverridePocket VetoPresident pro temporePrimary electionRecall electionSpeaker of the HouseStates’ rightsSuffrageTyrannyUnconstitutionalUnitary systemWhipCensusConvention ................

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