Introduction to Business and Marketing WVEIS Code 1439

This course is an introduction course that explores careers in business and marketing, the role of marketing in today’s business world and a broad overview of economics.

Standard 1: Careers in Business and Marketing (1439.S.1)

Explore Careers in Business and Marketing.

Careers Objectives

Students will:

1439.1.1 Research and present information regarding careers in business and marketing.

1439.1.2 Explain how economic trends affect employment in business and marketing careers.

1439.1.3 Complete an interest survey to determine potential career options.

Standard 2: Private Enterprise System (1439.S.2)

Define and Explain How the Market Works in a Private Enterprise System.

Private Enterprise Objectives

Students will:

1439.2.1 Explore the benefits businesses provide to the economy.

1439.2.2 Compare and contrast the private enterprise system with other economic systems.

1439.2.3 Distinguish between consumer needs and wants and how they are satisfied.

1439.2.4 Explain how consumers affect the supply and demand for goods and services.

1439.2.5 Explain how prices affect consumers and producers.

1439.2.6 Describe the economic resources used in the production of goods and services.

1439.2.7 Identify and discuss economic measurements.

1439.2.8 Describe the four phases of the business cycle.

Standard 3: Social and Ethical Environment of Business (1439.S.3)

Explore Polices of a Diverse Workforce in Business and Marketing.

Social and Ethical Environment Objectives

Students will:

1439.3.1 Describe reasons for layoffs and downsizing.

1439.3.2 Write a job description.

1439.3.3 Discuss on-the-job policies dealing with diversity, drug use on the job, theft in the workplace and sexual harassment.

1439.3.4 Identify the functions, levels and responsibilities of managers.

1439.3.5 Discuss the pros, cons and implications of unionization.

1439.3.6 Explain what is meant by the social responsibilities of business.

Standard 4: Financial Management (1439.S.4)

Demonstrate the Handling of Business Finances.

Financial Management Objectives

Students will:

1439.4.1 Explain the types and purposes of financial statements.

1439.4.2 Describe the responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System.

1439.4.3 Calculate interest and finance charges.

1439.4.4 Identify the purpose, process and implications of obtaining credit.

1439.4.5 Identify laws that protect the consumer when applying for credit.

1439.4.6 Prepare a personal budget.

1439.4.7 Reconcile a bank statement.

1439.4.8 Obtain information regarding services provided by a financial institution.

1439.4.9 Identify the purpose and types of insurance.

Standard 5: Role of Marketing (1439.S.5)

Define the Role of Marketing in Today’s World.

Role of Marketing Objectives

Students will:

1439.5.1 Apply the four elements of the marketing mix to products and services.

1439.5.2 Identify the stages of the product life cycle.

1439.5.3 Determine the appropriate channel of distribution for products.

1439.5.4 Identify the steps of pricing.

1439.5.5 Identify the functions of marketing.

Standard 6: Business Structure

Explore Development and Maintenance of a Business.

Business Structure Objectives

Students will:

1439.6.1 Identify unique characteristics of an entrepreneur.

1439.6.2 Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the types of business ownerships.

1439.6.3 Discuss the opportunities available to an entrepreneur.

1439.6.4 Identify the parts of a business plan and the components.

Standard 7: Government and Business Relationships (1439.S.7)

Explore the Relationship Between Government and Business.

Relationship Between Government and Business Objectives

Students will:

1439.7.1 Examine regulations that are encountered when starting a small business.

1439.7.2 Distinguish between progressive, proportional and regressive taxes.

Standard 8: International Business (1439.S.8)

Define the Importance of International Business in the Market Place.

International Business Objectives

Students will:

1439.8.1 Discuss the pros and cons of free trade.

1439.8.2 List examples of United States imports and exports.

1439.8.3 Identify specific products that currently are subject to government trade policies.

1439.8.4 Compare and contrast the economic systems.

1439.8.5 Identify benefits and challenges to competition in the international marketplace.

Standard 9: Role of a Consumer (1439.S.9)

Identify the Role of a Consumer in Business and Marketing.

Role of a Consumer Objectives

Students will:

1439.9.1 Describe choices consumers make when buying goods and services.

1439.9.2 Discuss the basic rights and responsibilities of a consumer.

1439.9.3 Research why regulations are implemented and the effects the regulations have on consumer safety. [pic]


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