
GOOGLE STOCKMarket Cap: What is this number for your stock?546.25B Does this stock qualify as large, mid or small cap?Large cap Which are generalize consider more risky?It’s generalized as less riskyDiv Rate:?What is this number for your stock?N/A What does that mean?N/A Is this relatively high or low?N/A What does that say about the company?N/AP/E Ratio:?What is the number for your stock?31.00 What does it mean?It means that you pay $31 for every dollar of earnings Is it relatively high or low? It is a little bit higher than the average P/E ratioDo you think this means your stock is a good buy or a bad idea?I believe it’s not a bad idea. Although it has a slightly higher price it just means its expected to have a slightly higher future earnings. Beta:?(This doesn’t always show up on the stock quotes on HowtheMarketWorks, so you'll have to look it up on Google or yahoo finance.) What is Beta on your stock? 1.03What does it mean?Since its beta is a little greater than 1, then it indicates that its security's value fluctuates slightly more dramatically than the market. The?stock's beta?is 1.03 so it's theoretically 3% more volatile than the?market.Is it relatively high or low?It’s relatively slightly higher than the market Does this mean your stock is high risk or low risk?It’s a little risky but not a whole lotIf any of these number do not appear on the stock quote, why do you think there is no measure for that?The number that wasn’t available was the dividend rate for Google, and the reason for that is that Google does not currently pay a dividend. Google is a very large and successful company that shows no signs of slowing down and instead, wishes to continue its expansion into new ventures with many new ideas and projects. This stock fits into blue chip stock. It’s pretty stable, it’s definitely very well established and it’s has a market cap number well above 10 Billion, it’s a large cap company. And because it’s a stable company, one can expect to receive stable returns. Some of the strengths that this company has is that it’s the dominant web search engine and it has online advertising which is its main source of revenue. Android OS is the number one mobile OS in the world and because of that, it has led to the increased popularity of other Google products. Some of the weaknesses that it has is that there are many Google products that a lot of people don’t know about such as Google news, book search, picnic, etc. Also, it can’t check for credibility of all the information in brings up in a search. Some of the opportunities that is has is that its expansion into streaming music with Google Play Music could start generating revenue from ads and subscriptions. Also, Google has been branching out to new ideas such as driverless cars and smart home efforts. The threats that Google faces are from its competitors which are: Facebook, Amazon, Apple and even other search engines like Yahoo and Bing.I think this stock fits a little into my risk tolerance. It’s a stock that’s a little bit more risky but then again, Google has some pretty neat ideas that could bring in some revenue. I believe this stock will do very well in the long run and I think I would probably invest in this stock if I had some real money. I’d probably just invest in it and hope for the best. It’s doing well right now so I’d probably invest 25% of my overall portfolio in this stockProShares Trust Ultra VIX Short Term Futures ETFMarket Cap: What is this number for your stock? 785.10MDoes this stock qualify as large, mid or small cap?Small cap Which are generalize consider more risky?Since this stock is a small cap, it’s considered to be more riskyDiv Rate:?What is this number for your stock? N/AWhat does that mean?N/A Is this relatively high or low?N/A What does that say about the company?N/AP/E Ratio:?What is the number for your stock?N/A What does it mean?N/A Is it relatively high or low? N/ADo you think this means your stock is a good buy or a bad idea?N/ABeta:?(This doesn’t always show up on the stock quotes on HowtheMarketWorks, so you'll have to look it up on Google or yahoo finance.) What is Beta on your stock?-9.00 What does it mean? Its beta is a lot lower than 1 which indicates that its security's value is less volatile than the market. Is it relatively high or low? LowDoes this mean your stock is high risk or low risk?Low riskIf any of these number do not appear on the stock quote, why do you think there is no measure for that?UXVY is not like other stocks. Owning it does not give you a share of a corporation. ?The value of UVXY is closely tied to twice the daily return of the?S&P VIX Short-Term Futures.This stock falls into the Penny stock category. It’s a very low-priced stock and it’s so small that it’s considered a micro-cap company. But we can expect its value when (and if) the company succeeds. Some of the strengths that this company has is that it soars in a volatile marketplace and it’s one of the market's leading providers of leveraged ETFs. Some of its weaknesses is that it is a very small company and therefore is very risky. Although the opportunity for this company to experience extreme growth is great, the risk to lose a large amount of money is also possible.?Some of the opportunities that it has is that the trading environment for UVXY will most likely remain resilient in light of Brexit. A potential threat that this company has is that unlike other companies, its not driven by supply and demand. I personally don’t like this stock at all. It was very difficult to find information on it and the little information that I could find, wasn’t exactly in this stock’s favor. I personally wouldn’t want to spend my money on this stock. Based on the information that I could find, I don’t believe this stock will do well in the long-term. ................

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