
Name: ____________________________ Date: __________ Advisory:______


Basic Terms

|Literary Term |Definition |Examples |My Example |

|Main Character |The character around whom the conflict | | |

| |and plot revolves is called | | |

|Protagonist |-Hero of the story who is faced with a |-In “SpongeBob SquarePants”: | |

| |conflict |__________________ | |

| |-Faces the major problem. |-In The Lion King: | |

| | |__________________ | |

|Antagonist |-Villain of the story |-In “SpongeBob SquarePants”: | |

| |-Person who causes the conflict and |__________________ | |

| |obstacles that the protagonist faces |-In The Lion King: | |

| | |__________________ | |

Flat v. Round: Character development is showing the ___________ traits and behaviors that give the literary character the complexity of a human being. The amount of character development affects the ____________ of the story.

|Literary Term |Definition |Examples |My Example |

|Flat Character |-Not fully developed |-Hilary Banks from “The Fresh Prince of Bel| |

| |-We know only one side of the character. |Air” | |

| |-Lacks a realistic personality. |-Scar from “The Lion King” | |

| |-Often a stereotype (jock, nerd, ditz, |-In “SpongeBob SquarePants”: | |

| |etc) | | |

|Round Character |-Fully-developed |-Harry Potter | |

| |-Has many traits (bad and good) shown in | | |

| |the story |In SpongeBob SquarePants: | |

| |-We feel that we know the character so |_______________ | |

| |well that he or she has become a real | | |

| |person. | | |

Static v. Dynamic: There is also a range of character change in a story (with very static characters at one end and very dynamic ones at the other). Every character lies somewhere in this range.

|Literary Term |Definition |Examples |My Example |

|Static Character |-Does not experience a basic character |In SpongeBob SquarePants: | |

| |change during the course of the story |_______________ | |

| | | | |

| |-Supporting characters are often static |In The Lion King: | |

| | |_______________ | |

| |-Experiences a basic change in character |In SpongeBob SquarePants: | |

| |through the events of the story |_______________ | |

|Dynamic Character | | | |

| |-The change is internal and may be |In The Lion King: | |

| |sudden, but the events of the plot should|_______________ | |

| |make it seem unavoidable | | |

| | | | |

| |-Protagonist is almost always dynamic | | |

Name: ____________________________ Date: __________ Advisory:______


Round = character has many sides and layers.

Flat = One-sided, does not have many layers.

Name: ____________________________ Date: __________ Advisory:______

Character Vocabulary

DIRECTIONS: Use the word bank below to fill in the blanks in the paragraph.

Character Protagonist Antagonist Dialogue

Motive Dynamic Round Flat

Static Characterization Main Character

A person, animal or thing in a short story or novel is called a ____________________________. The character around whom the conflict and plot revolves is called the ____________________. ___________________________ is the change in the person from the beginning to the end of a story. The author’s way of showing what a character is like: the way that person looks, talks, acts, or thinks is called _________________________________. We say that a character who changes in personality or attitude is ____________________________, and those that remain the same are referred to as _________________________________. The hero of the story who is faced with a conflict is the __________________________ while the villain of the story, the person who causes the conflict, is called the _____________________. Characters that are not fully-developed or realistic are known as ______________________ characters. They often represent a stereotype like “the athlete,” “the airhead” or “the nerd.” On the other hand, _________________ characters show many traits, both good and bad, throughout the story.

EXTRA CREDIT- Take your best guess!

A _______________________ is the reason behind an individual’s actions. A conversation between two or more people is called a ______________________.




Has many layers



Has many “layers”

Does NOT change

(often in a supporting/side-kick role)

ROUND: The character has many sides and layers. Complex.





Does not change


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