Lesson Plan – Grade 3Assessments may occur at any time during the lesson and should be noted in the appropriate section of the lesson; supporting assessment or lesson documents may be attached as a separate page.Learning Objective: I can identify the macronutrients that are in different foods (carbohydrates, fat, and protein). I can identify foods that are healthy examples of each macronutrient.Lesson Notes/materials:Warm-Up: Four Corner Calories In/Calories Out In four corners of the space the teacher will place 4 hula hoops. In each hoop there will be a fitness task card (jumping jacks, push-up shoulder taps, etc.) and nutrition cards that are turned face-down. Students will play rock-paper-scissors to advance to a new corner (clock-wise). When students arrive at a new corner during the activity, they will collect a nutrition card and perform the fitness task for a certain number of repetitions (inside the boundary lines). The number of reps will depend on the number of calories in the food collected (more calories, more reps). See the list below.0-75 calories = 6 reps76-150 calories = 10 reps151 and above = 15 repsWhen the reps are completed, the students will move outside the boundaries near the corner and continue playing rock-paper-scissors. Students will see how many laps they can complete before time is up.Activity Name: Nutrition Card ChallengeBig Idea: Identify food groups and macronutrientUse Nutrition Challenge Task CardsStudents will work in pairs to complete a row on the Nutrition Challenge Task Card. Students will collect nutrition task cards from one end of the playing area one at a time and attempt to complete the challenge. If a nutrition card is collected that is not needed, it must be returned when the new partner goes to collect the next card (always leave the cards face-down). When the students have completed a challenge, they may move on to the next challenge on the task card. If the card is completely finished, a player from the team can collect a new challenge task card.The teacher will change locomotor patterns throughout the activity.SOL: Grade 3.5cd) Identify the macronutrients (fat, protein, carbohydrates).e) Identify foods that are healthy sources of each macronutrient.Link to Background KnowledgeWhat is the background knowledge that students need to meet the learning objective? May include pre-assessment or review of previous instruction. Students will be introduced to healthy snack choice ideas in 2nd grade. Prior to beginning the activity, the teacher will discuss the three macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and protein) and the number of calories in one gram of each (4, 9, 4). The teacher will also review healthy snack options with students before beginning the main activityEngage and ExplainWhat is the knowledge or skill that students will need to be successful in meeting the learning objective? The ability to identify the five food groups and basic nutrition information including the 3 macronutrients (fat, carbohydrates and protein) will be necessary to be successful in this activity. This activity is also designed for students to work together (collaborate, communicate, teamwork).Active LearningHow will students apply the new knowledge?Students can identify the correct food groups and locate nutrition facts including macronutrient information to complete the task card challenges. Students will develop an understanding of healthy sources of each macronutrient by participating in the various challenges. This is another opportunity for students to learn the basic nutrition information needed to engage in nutritional planning that is designed to support a healthy lifestyle.What will you do for students who have early success? Have students create their own challenges that are related to macronutrients and basic MyPlate knowledge. What will you do for students who need additional support (special needs, EL, or more time/practice)? Utilize a “buddy” to help them grasp the concept of the game procedures. Include pictures and signs that assist in understanding the macronutrient information.ReflectHow will students connect new learning to previous learning? How will students make connections? Students will discuss basic nutritional concepts such as MyPlate and how the macronutrients relate (i.e. – lots of protein comes from the meat and bean group, etc.). Students will connect the information learned in the lesson to their home nutritional habits. What are some examples of food at home that are rich in each macronutrient?Assessment: How will students know if they got it? How will teacher know if students got it? Students can be assessed on their ability to complete certain challenge tasks. Exit questions or scorecards can be used.Next StepsWhat is the real world application for this new learning? How does it connect to future learning? Understanding nutritional information plays a large part in living a healthy lifestyle. When students can identify macronutrients from food choices, they can make decisions about the types of foods that they might need based on the different types of physical activity they might choose. Future learning connection: Students will be expected to identify the calories per gram of macronutrient in 4th grade (SOL 4.5d).Macronutrient Exit TicketNAME: ______________________________CarbohydratesHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________FatsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________ProteinsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________NAME: ______________________________CarbohydratesHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________FatsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________ProteinsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________NAME: ______________________________CarbohydratesHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________FatsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________ProteinsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________NAME: ______________________________CarbohydratesHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________FatsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________ProteinsHealthy Snack Choice: _______________________Challenge #1 – Collect 2 foods from each of the food groups listed belowChallenge #2 – Collect 8 different foods that have more that have more than 150 calories per serving8 x > 150 caloriesChallenge #3 – Collect 8 different foods that have fewer than 100 calories per serving8 x < 100 caloriesChallenge #1 – Collect 2 foods from each of the food groups listed belowChallenge #2 – Collect 8 different foods that have more than 10 grams of carbohydrates per serving8 x > 10 g. of carbsChallenge #3 – Collect 4 different fruits and vegetables (total of 8) that have more 3 grams of protein per serving4 x + 4 x > 3 g. of proteinChallenge #1 – Collect 2 foods from each of the food groups listed below that have less than 150 calories per serving. < 150 CaloriesChallenge #2 – Collect 8 different foods that have more than 15 grams of fat per serving8 x > 15 g. of fatsChallenge #3 – Collect 4 different grains with more than 4 grams of protein and 4 proteins that have more 15 grams of protein per serving4 x > 4 g. of protein + 4 x > 15 g. of proteinChallenge #1 – Collect 2 “healthy foods” from each of the food groups listed belowChallenge #2 – Collect 4 different dairy and protein foods (total of 8) that have less than 10 grams of fat.4 x + 4 x < 10 g. of fatChallenge #3 – Collect 4 different dairy and grains (total of 8) that have more 15 grams of carbohydrates per serving.4 x + 4 x < 15 g. of carbs ................

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