ILSPET Written Test Review Packet - Mr. Paulson

Cells and Cell Processes Review Packet

Living Environment



Plant Cell


HW: Cell Questions

Due: __________________

Words you should know:

Organelle, cell, nucleus, cell wall, chloroplast, ATP, ribosome, ER, active transport, cell membrane, mitochondria, enzyme, cytoplasm, golgi body, lysosome, metabolic processes, diffusion, osmosis, dynamic equilibrium, field of view, glucose, C6H12O6, CO2, H20, chemical energy, products, reactants, selectively permeable, concentration gradient.

Cells and Cell Processes Review Sheet

Metabolic processes: all of the chemical reactions that take place in a cell (ex: cellular respiration, creation of protein, photosynthesis)

Cell organelles:

• Cell wall: support and protection

• Cell membrane: controls what gets in and out

• Nucleus: Control center of the cell, holds the DNA, (DNA determines the traits of organisms, codes for all proteins)

• Vacuole: Storage space (food, water, and waste), larger in plant cells

• Lysosomes: break down harmful chemicals

• Ribosomes: make protein

• Mitochondria: provide the cell with ATP (energy)

• Cytoplasm: a jellylike substance that fills the cell and houses the organelles, chemical reactions occur here

• Chloroplast: Photosynthesis occurs here, making sugar (glucose)

• Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): transport of materials

• Golgi Body: Packs up and transports substances out of the cell

Cell Membrane:

• A bilipid layer, fluid or can move

• Separates inside and outside of cell, Controls what is allowed to enter or leave the cell

• Receptors for communication (ex: hormone receptors)

Selectively Permeable: only certain substances are allowed to pass through the cell membrane.


• Active Transport: requires energy (ATP), moves from low to high concentration

• Passive Transport (diffusion): requires no energy, moves from high to low concentration (osmosis is the diffusion of water)

Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + O2 ( CO2 +H2O +ATP

• Opposite reaction of photosynthesis

• Breaking down of glucose done in mitochondria of both plant and animal cells

• Makes ATP (energy)

• Energy released in a series of small enzyme controlled reactions



• Organic molecule, made up of rings (mono =1 ring, di =2 rings, poly =3 or more rings)

• Used for energy, found in spaghetti, bread, candy


• Organic molecule, containing nitrogen, building block = amino acids

• Used for tissue (hair, muscle, nails) and to enzymes, Found in chicken, peanuts, milk


• Organic molecule, made up of long chains (looks like an E), building block – fatty acids/glycerol

• Used for energy storage and insulation, found in chips, butter, and oil

Macromolecule Tests:

|Testing for |Name of indicator |Negative result |Positive result |

| | | | |

|Polysaccharides |Lugols’ Iodine |Stays brown/orange |Turns black/purple |

|(carbohydrate) | | | |

| | | | |

|Monosaccharide |Benedicts Solution |Stays blue |Turns orange |

|(carbohydrate) | | | |

| | | | |

|Protein |Biuret Solution |Stays blue |Turns purple |

| | | | |

|Lipid |Brown Bag test |Stays brown |Leaves a grease spot |


• Proteins that speed up chemical reactions but are not used up or change during the reaction

Enzyme + Substrate ( ES complex ( Enzyme + Product

LE Teacher + Students ( LE class ( LE Teacher + Smart Students

• Specific because of shape (lock and key model)

• Have an optimum temperature and pH to work at (ex: human body enzymes work best at 37oC or 98.6oF)


Use the information provided in the green folder to identify the structure & function of each of the organelles below.

|Organelle |Drawing |Function |

| | | |

| | | |

|Nucleus | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Cell membrane | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Cell Wall | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Chloroplast | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Vacuole | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Mitochondria | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Ribosome | | |

| | | |

1. Which two organelles are present in plant cells but not animal cells? ________________ _______________________________________________________________________

2. Which cell organelle is the “boss” of the cell? ___________________________________

3. Which cell organelle is responsible for creating the energy the cell needs to carry out life processes? _____________________________________________________________

4. Put the following words in order from smallest to largest: organ, tissue, organism, organelle, cell, organ system.


5. Explain how the following pairs of organelles work together.

Mitochondria and cell membrane: ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Nucleus and ribosome: ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

ER and cell membrane: ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

6. Compare each of the organelles below to a human body system that we studied this year. In the last column explain your reason for choosing the human body system.

|Organelle |Human Body system |Reason |

| | | |

|Nucleus | | |

| | | |

|ER | | |

| | | |

|Mitochondria | | |

| | | |

|Cell membrane | | |

| | | |

|Cell Wall | | |

7. What does it mean to say that the cell membrane is selectively permeable? ___________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Explain two ways that active and passive transport are different: ___________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. What is diffusion? ________________________________________________________

10. What is osmosis? ________________________________________________________

11. Determine which way the molecules below would go in both active and passive transport.

Triangles: Smiley Faces: Circles:

Active: _______________ Active: ________________ Active: _______________

Passive: _____________ Passive: _______________ Passive: ______________

Cell and Cell Processes Questions




1. Which statement regarding the functioning of the cell membrane of all organisms is not correct?

1. The cell membrane forms a boundary that separates the cellular contents from the outside environment

2. The cell membrane is capable of receiving and recognizing chemical signals

3. The cell membrane forms a barrier that keeps all substances that might harm the cell from entering the cell

4. The cell membrane controls the movement of molecules into and out of the cell

1. All of the cell shapes shown in the diagram below have the same volume. Which form could absorb nutrients most efficiently and quickly?


2. Every single-celled organism is able to survive because it carries out

1. Metabolic activities

2. Autotrophic nutrition

3. Heterotrophic nutrition

4. Sexual reproduction

6. While viewing a slide of a rapidly moving sperm cells, a student concludes that these cells require a large amount of energy to maintain their activity. The organelles that most directly provide this energy are known as

1. Vacuoles

2. chloroplasts

3. Ribosomes

4. mitochondria

3. In a cell, all organelles work together to carry out

1. Diffusion

2. Active transport

3. Information storage

4. Metabolic processes

4. The diagram below represents two single-celled organisms.


These organisms carry out the activities needed to maintain homeostasis by using specialized internal

1. tissues

2. organelles

3. systems

4. organs

7. In the demonstration shown below, which process performed by the peas when they start to grow causes the drop of liquid to move to the left?


1. protein synthesis

2. photosynthesis

3. digestion

4. cellular respiration

Base your answers to questions 8 through 10 on the two different cells shown below. Only cell A produces substance X. Both cells A and B use substance X.


8. Identify substance X. (1) ____________________________

9. Identify the type of organelle in cell A that produces substance X. (1)


10. Identify the type of organelle found in both cell A and cell B that uses substance X. (1)


11. Just like complex organisms, cells are able to survive by coordinating various activities. Complex organisms have a variety of systems, and cells have a variety of organelles that work together for survival. Describe the roles of two organelles. In your answer be sure to include:

• The names of two organelles and functions of each (2)

• An explanation of how these two organelles work together (1)

• The name of an organelle and the name of a system in the human body that have similar functions (1)


12. The process of active transport

requires the most direct use of

1. Carbon dioxide

2. Amino acids

3. ATP

4. Glucose

16. The diagram below represents a cell in water. Formulas of molecules that can move freely across the cell membrane are shown. Some molecules are located inside the cell and others are in water outside the cell.


Based on the distribution of these molecules, what would most likely happen after a period of time?

1. The concentration of O2 will increase inside the cell

2. The concentration of CO2 will remain the same inside the cell

3. The concentration of O2 will remain the same outside the cell

4. The concentration of CO2 will decrease outside the cell

13. Which letter indicates a cell structure that directly controls the movement of molecules into and out of the cell?


5. A 3. C

6. B 4. D

14. Cyanide is a poison that limits the ability of an animal cell to manufacture ATP. In a cell containing a small amount of cyanide, which process would be least affected?

1. Movement

2. Cell division

3. Active transport

4. Diffusion

17. A biologist observed a plant cell in a drop of water as shown in diagram A. The biologist added a 10% salt solution to the slide and observed the cell as shown in diagram B.


The change in appearance of the cell resulted from

1. more salt moving out of the cell than into the cell

2. more salt moving into the cell than out of the cell

3. more water moving into the cell than out of the cell

4. more water moving out of the cell than into the cell

15. Molecules A and B come in contact with the cell membrane of the same cell. Molecule A passes through the membrane readily, but molecule B does not. Which statement could describe molecules A and B?

1. Molecule A is a protein, and molecule B is a fat.

2. Molecule A is a starch, and

molecule B is a simple sugar

1. Molecule A is an amino acid, and molecule B is a simple sugar

2. Molecule A is a simple sugar and molecule B is a starch

18. The diagram below represents movement of a large molecule across a membrane.


Which process is best represented in this diagram?

3. active transport 3. protein building

4. diffusion 4. gene manipulation

Base your answer to questions 19 and 20 on the diagram below of sugar in a beaker of water and on your knowledge of biology.


19. What process accounts for the change shown in lab set up A? (1)


20. In lab set up B, structure Z prevents the movement of sugar molecules into side 1. Which part of a living cell serves the same purpose as structure Z? (1)


21. In the diagram below, the dark dots indicate small molecules. These molecules are moving out of the cells, as indicated by the arrows. The number of dots inside and outside of the two cells represents the relative concentrations of the molecules inside and outside of the cells.


ATP is being used to move the molecules out of the cell by

1. cell A, only 3. both cell A and cell B

2. cell B, only 4. neither cell A nor cell B

Base your answer to questions 22 and 23 on the graph below and on your knowledge of biology. The graph shows the relative concentrations of different ions inside and outside of an animal cell.


22. Write the symbol of the ion that is closest to equilibrium inside and outside of the cell. (1)


23. Name the process responsible for maintaining high concentrations of K+ ions inside the cell. (1)


Base your answer to questions 24 and 25 on the diagram below, which represents a unicellular organism in a watery environment. The represent molecules of a specific substance.


24. Arrow A represents active transport. State two ways that active transport is different from diffusion. (2)

1. _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________



25. In cells of multi-cellular organisms, structure B often contains molecules involved in cell communication. What specific term is used to identify these molecules? (1)


28. What substance could be represented by the letter X in the diagram below?


1. carbohydrates

2. ozone

3. carbon dioxide

4. water

26. A sample of food containing one type of a large molecule was treated with a specific digestive enzyme. Nutrient tests performed on the resulting products showed the presence of simple sugars, only. Bases on these test results, the original large molecules contained in the sample were molecules of

1. Protein 3. Starch

2. Glucose 4. DNA

26. Which statement concerning simple sugars and amino acids is correct?

1. They are both wastes resulting from protein synthesis

2. They are both building blocks of starch

3. They are both needed for the synthesis of larger molecules

4. They are both stored as fat molecules in the liver.

29. Which words best complete the lettered blanks in the two sentences below?

Organic compounds, such as proteins, and starches, are too __A__ to diffuse into cells. Proteins are digested into __B__ and starches are digested into __C__.

5. A-large, B-simple sugars, C-amino acids

6. A-small, B-simple sugars, C-amino acids

7. A-large, B-amino acids, C-simple sugars

8. A-small, B-amino acids, C-simple sugars

30. Identify a specific structure in a single-celled organism. State how that structure is involved in the survival of the organism. (2)


31. In the diagram below of a single-celled organism shown below, the arrows indicate various activities taking place.


Which systems perform these same activities in humans?

1. digestive, circulatory, and immune

2. excretory, respiratory, and reproductive

3. respiratory, excretory, and digestive

4. respiratory, nervous, and endocrine

32. Two organisms are represented below.


Which statement concerning organism A and organism B is correct?

1. organism A contains tissues while organism B lacks tissues

2. organism A and organism B have the same organs

3. organism A and organism B have structures that allow them to maintain homeostasis

4. Organism A lacks structures that maintain a dynamic equilibrium, while organism B has these structures.

Base your answers to questions 33 through 35 on the diagram below, which shows some of the specialized organelles in a single-celled organism, and on your knowledge of biology.


33. Write the letter of one of the labeled organelles and state the name of that organelle. (1)


34. Explain how the function of the organelle you selected in question 33 assists in the maintenance of homeostasis. (1)


35. Identify a system in the human body that performs a function similar to that of the organelle you selected in questions 33. (1) ________________________


40. Muscle cells in athletes often have more mitochondria than muscle cells in non-athletes. Based on this observation, it can be inferred that the muscle cells in athletes

1. Have a smaller demand for cell proteins than the muscle cells of non-athletes

2. Reproduce less frequently than the muscle cells of non-athletes

1. Have nuclei containing more DNA than nuclei in the muscle cells of non-athletes

2. Have a greater demand for energy than the muscle cells of non-athletes

36. The energy in an organism requires to transport materials and eliminate wastes is obtained directly from

1. DNA 3. Hormones

2. Starch 4. ATP

37. What happens to certain nutrient molecules after they pass into muscle cells?

1. They are replicated in the nucleus

2. They are acted on by enzymes and release the energy they contain

3. They are changed into tissues and organs in the cytoplasm

4. They enter chloroplasts, where they can absorb light energy

41. Which phrase best describes cellular respiration, a process that occurs continuously in the cells of organisms?

1. Removal of oxygen fro the cells of an organism

2. Conversion of light energy into the chemical bond energy of organic molecules

3. Transport of materials within cells and throughout the bodies of multi-cellular organisms

4. Changing stored chemical energy in food molecules to a form usable by organisms

38. Eating a sweet potato provides energy for human metabolic processes. The original source of this energy is the energy

1. In protein molecules stored within the potato

2. From starch molecules absorbed by the potato plant

3. Made available by photosynthesis

4. In vitamins and minerals found in the soil

42. Information concerning a metabolic activity is shown below.


Substance X is most likely

1. DNA 3. ATP

2. Oxygen 4. Chlorophyll

39. The energy found in ATP molecules synthesized in animal cells comes directly from

1. Sunlight

2. Organic molecules

3. Minerals

4. Inorganic molecules

46. Living organisms must be able to obtain materials, change the materials into new forms, remove poisons, and move needed material from one place to another. Many of these activities directly require

1. Energy released from ATP

2. Carbohydrates formed from receptor molecules

3. The synthesis of DNA

4. The breakdown of energy-rich inorganic molecules

43. ATP is a compound that is synthesize when

1. Chemical bonds between carbon atoms are formed during photosynthesis

2. Energy stored in chemical bonds is released during cellular respiration

3. Energy stored in nitrogen is released, forming amino acids

4. Digestive enzymes break amino acids into smaller parts

47. The flow of energy through an ecosystem involves many energy transfers. The diagram below summarizes the transfer of energy that eventually powers muscle activity

Sun(Food(ATP(Muscle Activity


The process of cellular respiration is represented by

1. Arrow A, only 3. Arrow C, only

2. Arrow B, only 4. Arrow A, B, C

44. A single-celled organism is represented in the diagram below. An activity is indicated by the arrow.


If this activity requires the use of energy, which substance would be the source of energy?

1. DNA 3. A hormone

2. ATP 4. An antibody

48. Studies of fat cells and thyroid cells show that fat cells have fewer mitochondria than thyroid cells. A biologist would most likely infer that fat tissue

1. Does not require energy

2. Has energy requirements equal to those of thyroid tissue

3. Requires less energy than thyroid tissue

4. Requires more energy than thyroid tissue

45. To remain healthy, organisms must be able to obtain materials, change the materials, move the materials around, and get rid of waste. These activities directly require

1. Energy from ATP

2. The replication of DNA

3. Nutrients from inorganic sources

4. Manipulation of altered genes

49. A student placed a solution of glucose and yeast in a vacuum bottle and sealed it with a two-hole stopper as shown in the diagram below. The temperature of the yeast-glucose solution increased gradually with time, and the color of the indicator was observed and recorded throughout a 2-day period.


The purpose of the investigation was most likely to

1. study the relationship between temperature and pressure

2. demonstrate the release of energy by a chemical process

3. show that proteins are produced by yeast

4. study autotrophic nutrition in yeast

50. The diagram below represents events involved as energy is ultimately released from food.


Which row in the table below best represents the chain of Xs and letters A and B in the diagram?

|X-X-X-X-X-X-X |A and B |

|(1) nutrient |Antibodies |

|(2) nutrient |Enzymes |

|(3) hemoglobin |Wastes |

|(4) hemoglobin |hormones |

Base your answers to questions 51 and 52 on the summary equations of two processes below and on your knowledge of biology.


Water + carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen + water


Glucose + oxygen [pic] water + carbon dioxide

51. a. Choose one of the process. ____________________________

b. Identify the source of the energy in the process you chose. (1)


c. Identify where the energy ends up at the completion of that process. (1)


52. State one reason each of the two processes is important for living things. (2)

Photosynthesis: __________________________________________________


Respiration: _____________________________________________________




53. Explain how carbohydrates provide energy for life functions. (1)



Base your answers to questions 54 and 55 on the word equation below and on your knowledge of biology.

Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + X

54. Name the process represented by the equation (1)


55. Name the molecule represented by letter X. (1)





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