VINCENT A - The E-3 Healy Zone

Angel TaverasMayorSusan LusiSuperintendentREGINA WINKFIELDDirectorE3 AcademyDear Parents and Student, My name is Mrs. Alyssa Healy, and I will be your child’s 9th grade English Teacher this year. Because I will be spending many hours a week with your student, I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you a few things about myself personally and professionally.To introduce myself, I am a veteran E-Cubed Teacher; specifically, this is my tenth year at E-Cubed. I came to Providence to complete my Masters in English Education at Brown University, and have been living and teaching in Rhode Island for fifteen years. I am married and have two middle school aged children. Prior to teaching your student, I have served as an Educational Consultant, Technology Trainer, Test Tutor and Student teaching mentor. Until this year, I have taught primarily eleventh and twelfth grade students. This year, I have the exciting opportunity to teach a select group of ninth grade Intro to Literature students, one of which is your son or daughter. Your student was chosen for this class because he or she was identified as an excellent candidate to be groomed for the AP level classes in their junior and senior years. As an experienced upper-class and AP teacher, I am so excited to have the opportunity to help your child prepare for the rest of their school year!The particular focus of the ninth grade at E-Cubed Academy will be on strategies for test taking, reading difficult text, oral presentation, and research. We will also be heavily soft skilled focused. This is your student’s first year of high school, and a very important time of transition. I will be focusing heavily this year on oral presentation skills, note-taking, studying and writing to better prepare your child for these next four years.I recognize, no matter how much effort I expend, parents are the most important people in a student’s life. Therefore, we need to work together for the benefit of your student. I have included my supply list and homework policy with this letter, for your review and signature. I also have a website, e3englishhealy., which I encourage you to use to keep up to date with homework assignments, projects, and class activities. With school and home working together, I know that each and every student can have his or her most successful school year yet. I’m looking forward to meeting you personally at Parent Teacher Conferences this fall.Sincerely, Mrs. Alyssa Healy, MAT, NBCT English DepartmentClass Supplies Required 2013-14:1” three ring binder Small and medium sized sticky notesLoose Leaf PaperFlash Drive (USB)Binder DividersPens/PencilsMrs. Healy’s Homework PolicyWhy I assign homework: I believe homework is important because it is a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their experience in school. I assign homework because it is useful in reinforcing what has been learned in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons, teaches responsibility and helps students develop positive study habits.When and what homework is assigned: Homework may be assigned?throughout the week, and consist of reinforcement activities, vocabulary, and Reading-Plus Practice. Assignments should take no longer than 45 minutes a night, not including studying for tests and working on long term projects. Student’s homework responsibilities: Students must write down their homework assignments each day! I expect students to do their?best job on their homework. Students are to do the work on their own and be responsible for making up homework missed due to absence. I expect that all assignments will be turned in on time.Parent’s homework responsibilities: Parents are the key to making homework a positive experience for their children. Therefore, I ask that you make homework a priority, provide necessary supplies, including access to the internet, and a quiet homework environment, give praise and support, and contact me if you have questions.? Teacher’s homework responsibilities: I will check all homework and keep records of assignments completed and not complete. Because I strongly believe in the value of motivating students to develop good study habits, I will give students praise and other incentives when they do their homework.? Homework counts for 30% of a students’ grades and can aid struggling students significantly.If students do not complete homework: They may be asked to stay after school or come to school early to complete their homework. If students continue not to complete their homework, I will ask parents to begin checking and signing completed homework each night. If they choose not to make up missed assignments within 1 week of the due date, they will receive a 0 for that assignment.? Missed assignments will directly affect their overall grade.? When there is a legitimate reason why a student is not able to finish an assignment,?the parent must?send a note stating the reason it was not completed, or the student must contact me via phone or email prior to the due date. _______I have read and understand the homework expectations of Intro to Lit, and will help my student meet them._______I have questions about the homework policy. Please contact me at ________________________ to discuss.Parent Signature_________________________________________________ Date____________________Student Signature________________________________________________ Date ___________________ ................

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