
Banking Services

PROPOSAL DUE: Monday, January 10, 2004









Minimum Qualifications 5

Award of Proposal 5

Award Evaluation Criteria 5

Award Selection Process 6

Example of Weighted Evaluation 7


Tab A – Letter of Transmittal 8

Tab B – Bank Profile 8

Tab C – Conversion Plan 9

Tab D – Services 9

Tab E – Price Sheet 19

Tab F – Required Exhibits 19

Tab G – Required Signatures 20

Attachment A – Price Sheet 21

Attachment B – Professional Services Agreement


The City of Corona was incorporated in 1896 under the general laws of the State of California. The City is a General Law City operating with a City Council/City Manager form of government. The City Council meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Center. The California Government Code authorizes the City Council to delegate the responsibilities for making and receiving disbursements and receipts, and for investment of surplus funds, to the City Treasurer. The Finance Director serves as the Deputy City Treasurer.

The City of Corona seeks proposals from banks with a full service branch located within the city limits. The City encourages banks to submit the most comprehensive proposal possible, offering the highest quality of service and enhancements to improve the current management of cash flow. The City is also interested in various technological advances and pilots that could improve our banking, cash management and customer service capabilities.


1. The City currently maintains the following accounts:

• General Account (concentration account for deposits and disbursements)

• T&A

• Revolving

• Workers Comp

• Fire Inspection

• On line Transportation Permits

2. The numbers of transactions indicated in this RFP are an estimate of the City’s banking activities. The actual number of transactions may vary, and no guarantees are provided by the City regarding minimum and maximum volumes. The average monthly volume of activity for the major accounts are as follow:

• 150 deposits

• 2,000 check disbursements

• 15 wire transfers

• 5 transfers between accounts

• 10 Automatic Clearing House (ACH) Debit

• 1,800 Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payroll

• 350 Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Heller & Associates

• Average daily balance of $3,000,000

3. The City accesses the following banking services on-line:

• A daily prior day balance report itemizing the day’s activity

• Viewing and placing stop payments

• Viewing cleared checks

• Performing transfers between City accounts

• Sending wire transfers and / or ACH debits

• Text file transfer for direct deposit of payroll

4. “Same-day” credit guarantee for U.S. Treasury, State, and County check deposits upon receipt.

5. Armored courier services are provided by the bank.

6. Immediate notification of any Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) returns.

7. Same day credit for EFT payroll disbursements to employees who bank with the selected vendor.

8. Compensation for the bank service charges through Compensating Balance.

9. Monthly bank statements and analysis statements for each account with a parent summary.


2. Free checking accounts for employees who choose to bank with the selected provider.

3. “Daylight Overdraft” line of credit for an amount of $10,000,000 to cover inadvertent overdrafts.


1. Acceptable banking proposals should address all of the items identified in the Proposal Format and Content, in the order that they appear. Proposals received that are not in compliance will be rejected. Each proposal package should contain one unbound original and five (5) bound copies of the proposal.

2. Schedule

Request for proposal issued December 6, 2004

Proposal Conference December 15, 2004

Due Date for proposals January 10, 2005

Interview with Finalists Week of February 1, 2005

Budget and Finance Committee February 23, 2005

Selected firm notified, pending Council approval February 24, 2005

City Council Approval (contract date) March 16, 2005

Implementation begins on or before March 17, 2005

**Projected dates, subject to change**

3. A Proposer Conference will be held on Wednesday, December 15, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. to answer any questions that prospective firms may have regarding the City’s RFP at:

Corona City Hall, City Council Chambers

815 West Sixth Street, Corona, CA

Inquiries should refer to specific RFP sections and/or paragraphs. An addendum to the RFP will be issued, if necessary, following the Proposer Conference.

4. Any concerns related to this RFP should be directed to Karrie Swaine, Cash Management Analyst at (951) 817-5756.

5. All submitted proposals and information included therein or attached thereto shall become public record upon their delivery to the City.

6. The City of Corona reserves the right to amend, alter, or revoke this RFP in any manner at any time. Any modifications, clarifications, or additions will be distributed as an addendum to all known participants.

7. The vendor shall wholly absorb all costs incurred in the preparation of this proposal.

8. Proposal packages shall be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked “BANKING SERVICES PROPOSAL 05-R016” to:

City of Corona, Purchasing Office

730 Corporation Yard, 2nd floor, Corona, CA 92882

Proposals must be received at or before 4:00 P.M. on Monday, January 10, 2004.

9. All proposals shall be firm for a period of ninety (90) days following the required date of submission.

10. Any submitter of a proposal may withdraw their proposal, either personally or by written request at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of proposals. Such requests should be directed to the Cash Management Analyst.

11. Proposals submitted will be subject to the City’s selection procedures for technical and/or professional consultants. Accordingly, final selection will be based upon overall capability to perform services and not exclusively upon cost of services.

12. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any non-material irregularities or information in any proposal, and to accept or reject any items or combination of items.

13. If the selected bank does not execute an agreement with the City by March 07, 2005, the City may give notice to that bank of the City’s intent to select from the remaining proposals or to call for new proposals, whichever the City deems appropriate.

14. The City reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time upon thirty (30) day's prior written notice of the intent to terminate. The designated bank shall provide the City at least thirty 30 days written notice of its intention to terminate the contract.

15. The term of the contract shall become effective immediately upon execution by all parties. The contract entered into between the City and the bank shall be for a three (3) year term, with an option to extend two (2) years at the discretion of the City.



To be considered for selection, proposing banks must have at least the following qualifications:

• Be a Federal or State of California chartered financial institution.

• Be a member of the Federal Reserve System and have access to all services.

• Be a qualified depository for public funds.

• Be a full service bank in good standing among other comparable banks.

• Be capable of providing the services sought by the City.

• Have established offices within the City of Corona.

• Maintain strong financial ratios.

• Have pledged securities as collateral in the City’s name with a market value of 110% of the City’s deposit as required by California Government Code.


Award will be made to the Proposer offering the most advantageous proposal after consideration of all evaluation criteria set forth below. The criteria are not listed in any order of preferences. An evaluation committee will be established by the City. The Committee will evaluate all proposals received in accordance with the evaluation criteria. The City reserves the right to establish weight factors that will be applied to the criteria depending upon the order of importance. Weight factors and evaluation scores will not be released until after award of proposal. The City shall not be obligated to accept the lowest priced proposal, but will make an award in the best interest of the City after all factors have been evaluated.


Evaluation criteria that will be used to evaluate all proposals that are received are listed below:

a. Qualifications and availability of key persons to be assigned to the contract resulting from this solicitation

b. Number of years of experience the Proposer has in this type of business and with accounts of this size

c. Demonstrated competence

d. Experience in performance of comparable work

e. Reasonableness of cost

f. Financial stability of firm

g. Conformance with the terms of this RFP

The evaluation committee may contact and evaluate the Proposer's references, contact any Proposer to clarify any response, contact any current users of a Proposer’s services, solicit information from any available source concerning any aspect of a proposal, and seek and review any other information deemed pertinent to the evaluation process. The evaluation committee shall not be obligated to accept the lowest priced proposal, but shall make an award in the best interest of the City.

A Notification of Intent to Award may be sent to any Proposer selected. Award is contingent upon the successful negotiation of final contract terms. Negotiations shall be confidential and not subject to disclosure to competing Proposers unless an agreement is reached. If contract negotiations cannot be concluded successfully, the City may negotiate a contract with the next highest scoring Proposer or withdraw the RFP.


Selection of qualified Proposers will be based on the following: quality and completeness of submitted proposal; experience and expertise with public agencies and similar types of efforts; and references. Additional questions may be asked of Proposers and interviews may be conducted. Proposers will be notified of any additional required information or interviews after the written proposals have been evaluated.

Interviews will be held with the most qualified respondents. The recommended proposal will be submitted to the City Council for contract approval. The Proposer selected will enter into a contract with the City.



|Submission - quality and completeness relative to the description given in the RFP. |20% |

|Qualifications - demonstration of meeting the minimum qualifications, ability to meet the City’s requirements as outlined |50% |

|in this RFP, and to provide innovative or advanced products and/or services. | |

|Experience - experience with similar organizations or public agencies. Staff experience and qualifications. |20% |

|Conversion Plan |10% |

| | |

|Total |100% |


In order for the City to be able to adequately compare and evaluate proposals, all proposals must be submitted in accordance with the format detailed below. Each proposal should be separated by section and tabbed in conjunction with the proposal specification (i.e. “Tab A – Letter of Transmittal”, “Tab B – Bank Profile”, etc.)


Describe the vendor’s understanding of the work to be performed and why this vendor is the best qualified to perform the services required. This letter of transmittal must state the names of the individual(s) authorized to negotiate with the City and sign contracts on behalf of the vendor. (Refer to Tab G)


1. Safety and Soundness

a. Each proposer shall submit with their proposal copies of their audited annual financial reports for the past three (3) years. These reports will be used by the City to determine the financial strength of the proposer. The successful proposer shall, during the duration of this contract, continue to furnish to the City updated issues of each report in a timely manner.

b. Identify key measures of the bank’s financial strength:

• Capital ratios

• Market capitalization

• Total Assets



c. Provide ratings for the bank and /or holding company from two of the following agencies: Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, Thomson BankWatch, Sheshunoff, or Lace.

2. Personnel

a. List names, titles, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses and provide brief biographies of primary bank contact personnel.

b. Will one primary contact be assigned to the City account? If so, from which area of the organization?

3. References

Provide names and phone numbers of a minimum of three references, preferably within our industry or with comparable volumes, which are currently using the services requested in this RFP. Select a mix of long-standing and recent customers.

4. Experience

Describe the bank’s direct experience in serving public sector clients. Please include the number of public agency clients, the dollar amount of the public funds on deposit, and bank’s knowledge of and adherences to the California Government Code and other applicable laws.


Detail the formal disaster recovery plan in place in the event of a systems failure or other disaster at the bank’s primary processing site? When was the plan last updated and tested?


The City requires a smooth and low-cost transition to a new bank or to enhanced services with its existing bank.

1. Describe an overall plan to ensure a smooth transition from current bank service providers.

2. Detail all costs and responsible party (City or Bank) in connection with the conversion. State a specific dollar amount or identify those supplies, products, or services included or not included.

3. Discuss the training program for City staff (i.e. on-site training). How is this structured?

4. Provide a time table for the transition period.


1. Depository Service Options

a. Deposit preparation:

1) Describe the requirements for deposit preparation.

2) Are the deposit tickets available in multiple part forms? How many copies would the bank require?

3) Would the bank require that checks and currency be on separate deposit tickets?

4) Do you require that cash be deposited in standard straps only? Is there a penalty for depositing non-standard straps?

5) Is there a fee for depositing loose or rolled coin?

6) How many bank employees are present when deposit bags are opened? Describe specific security measures employed.

7) How will the bank return the validated deposit receipts to the City? Please specify the time frame.

8) Can the deposit tickets contain an auxiliary MICR field for the City location and/or transaction information? If yes, can this information be included in the bank statement?

9) What is the bank’s policy on receipt of tampered bags?

b. Deposit bags:

1) What type of deposit bags will the bank allow? Would the bank provide these bags?

2) Would the bank charge a fee for these bags?

3) Would the bank limit the number of deposit tickets that can be included in one deposit bag?

c. Drop box services:

1) Are night drop, vault, remote, and branch service available? Is pricing different for utilizing these different deposit options?

2) Are any processing applications outsourced to a third party? If so, name the vendor(s) and describe the application(s).

3) Identify the vendor’s branch locations within the City of Corona limits. Do all locations provide night depository services? Is there a secured night drop box?

d. Same-day ledger credit:

1) What is the cut-off time to ensure same-day ledger credit?

2) Is it the same for night drop, vault, armored courier service and branch services?

3) Is it the same for cash, checks, drafts, and others?

4) Are there any options that might affect this cut-off time (provisional credit, delayed verification)?

e. How will the bank determine and calculate availability of deposited items?

f. Will the bank provide armored courier services? Will the bank allow armored courier pick-ups after 1pm and still receive same day ledger credits?

g. With Check 21 going into effect, describe the effects to the City’s check deposits.

h. Does the bank accept pre-encoded checks? What type of discounts will be provided? If pre-encoded checks are rejected, what are the additional costs, if any?

i. Does the bank identify and adjust all discrepancies? Describe the process in detail.

j. When counterfeit bills are discovered, what is the bank’s notification and adjustment process?

2. Return Item Processing

a. Provide the bank’s standard return item and re-clear processing instructions. List any non-standard options that are available.

b. What is the turn-around time to deliver a copy of a returned item to the customer?

c. Return item transmission:

1) Are detailed return item transmission provided to the City? If not, when will the service be available?

2) Does the transmission include both returns and re-clears?

3) Is there a separate record for each returned item?

4) Can these records identify the depositing location and the type of item being returned (personal check, traveler’s check, money order)?

5) Indicate which of the following details the bank can report:

Check number ___________

Check date ____________

Check amount _____________

Reason code ___________

Check account and ABA number ___________

Full name of check _______________

Complete address _____________

Phone numbers ___________

Driver’s license number and state _____________

Original deposit date _______________

Copy of check __________________

3. Transaction Research

a. What documentation is provided with deposit correction adjustments? What delivery methods are available?

b. Within what time frame can the bank provide requested copies or documentation? What delivery options are available?

c. Are there additional costs for research?

d. Can duplicate copies of deposit slips or debit/credit memos be requested? At what cost?

e. Does the bank have the ability to confirm the clearing status of a check as an on-line service? If not, by phone?

4. Wire Transfers

a. Please describe the bank’s on-line wire transfer service capabilities and what specifically is recommended for the City’s use and consideration.

b. What are the extraction/funding requirement for wire payments?

c. What is the bank’s cut-off time for receiving same-day and next day payment requests?

d. Please provide a description or sample of the bank’s fund transfer agreement.

e. How soon after wire execution can the City receive a confirmation? Will the bank send the confirmation via email or fax?

f. When and how can a wire transfer be canceled? Describe procedures in detail.

g. At what point does the bank assume legal liability for executing a wire transfer? How is that event identified?

h. What is the bank’s policy in the event of wire failure for which receipt instructions has been confirmed to the City?

i. How and when will the City be notified of a failed wire transfer?

j. Is the bank’s wire transfer system capable of warehousing instructions for future value dated wire transactions? If so, what are the limitations? How many days/months in advance? Is the warehouse function limited to certain type of wire transfers? Explain.

k. Can the wires be input, approved, and released so they will be executed automatically on value day? Will the wire transfer system provide a tickler report of warehoused transfers that are pending current day release?

l. At what time are future value dated wires automatically executed on the value date?

m. Is it possible to cancel a previously warehoused wire transfer request before value day? On value day?

n. Describe the bank’s safeguards and security measures for wire transfers.

o. Will the bank provide the City a line of credit to cover inadvertent disbursement overdrafts? How much are the overdraft charges?

p. How much “Daylight Overdraft” line of credit will the bank provide to cover inadvertent overdrafts?

5. Check Disbursement

a. Describe the overall effects of Check 21 to the City.

b. Does the bank offer a CD-Rom imaging service? If yes, describe the service and the cost associated with this service. Include a description of the bank software for reading the CD-Rom and when (monthly) will the City receive the CD-Rom?

c. How long will you retain the physical checks? After what period are they stored off-site? How long is microfilm retained?

d. Explain whether copies or images of checks can be requested on-line. If yes, how are they delivered? What is the turn-around time to receive a copy or image of check, the original check (if stored on-site), and the original check (if truncated and stored off-site).

e. Stop payments:

1) Can stop payments be placed on-line and/or manually?

2) What is the deadline for same day action?

3) Will the system verify if a check has been paid before accepting the stop?

4) How much history is examined in the verification process?

5) How long will the stops remain in effect? Can the period be extended?

6) Can you request stop payments for a range of checks? What is the limit of the range?

f. Will the bank accept facsimile signatures for check issues?

6. ACH Transaction

a. ACH Originated by the City (Debit / Credit)

1) Provide a copy of the bank’s ACH origination agreement.

2) What file format will the bank require for origination entries? Provide a sample of the file layout.

3) What is the time limit to receive the file for same day processing?

4) Will the bank accept files with mixed effective dates on the same file?

5) Will the bank accept files with advance effective dates? If so, how far in advance will the bank accept the file?

6) Can pre-notes be included on the same file as transactions?

7) How will the bank notify the City of rejected pre-notes and rejected transactions?

b. ACH Transactions from others (Debit / Credit)

1) How is ACH activity reflected in online banking? Are transactions with a future effective date shown on the activity report? Are future transactions memo posted to balances?

2) Detail the stop payment procedures for ACH debits.

3) Will the bank send the City a pre-note for all new ACH activity? If so, will the bank require the City’s written authorization to accept future transactions? If the bank does not receive the City’s authorization, will the bank return the pre-note to the originator with the ACH notification as an unauthorized transaction?

4) If the City does not authorize a pre-note, how will the bank prevent subsequent payment? Detail the bank’s procedures on disputed ACH activity.

7. Online Banking Services

a. Describe the bank’s on-line service capability including any costs associated with setting up the system and ongoing costs for all options, including summary balance information, detailed transaction information, stop payments orders, ACH/Wire transfers.

b. Describe the bank’s on-line information reporting system such as, but not limited to, time of previous day availability, hardware/software specifications, and custom options.

c. What reports are available and describe the security of data both internally and externally? How long is the data maintained?

d. Can multiple users be assigned different user levels? Explain the process in detail.

e. Can the City perform the following listed functions online?

1) View stop payments and cleared checks

2) View daily prior day balance report itemizing the day’s activity by 7 am the next day

3) Perform transfer between City accounts

4) Send wire transfers and ACH transactions

5) Download cleared check data to be uploaded to the City’s accounting software for automatic clearing in our system. Describe the required file format

6) Upload text file from the City’s accounting software to the bank’s on-line banking system for direct deposit of payroll. Describe the required file format

8. Direct Deposit of Payroll via EFT

Direct deposit of payroll is currently in place, with the majority of the City’s employees participating. The payroll files are transmitted every other Wednesday, as well as three other special payrolls throughout the calendar year.

a. Describe the bank’s Direct Deposit service in detail.

b. Will the bank provide free checking accounts for City employees?

c. What are the different electronic file transmissions available to the City?

d. Does the bank guarantee same day credit to city employees with accounts at the bank (i.e. Wednesday)?

e. What are the transmission deadlines for direct deposit electronic files? Please specify the day and time the bank needs the file from the City and when the fund is debited from the City’s account.

f. Does the bank accept pre-notes on the electronic file?

g. Describe the bank’s procedure for notification on a rejected or correction required on an electronic fund transfer (EFT).

9. LAIF Activity

The City transacts State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) fund transfers on a regular basis. Describe the bank’s procedure in LAIF incoming and outgoing transfers.

10. Letter of Credit

Describe the bank’s procedures and requirements for issuing Letter of Credit.

11. Escrow Accounts

a. Can the bank provide interest bearing escrow accounts arranged through an Escrow Agreement with the Contractor, the City, and the Bank, per California Public Contract Code Section 22300?

b. Can the bank mail separate monthly bank statements to the City and the Contractor?

c. Can the bank remit monthly interest payments to the Contractor, if requested on an escrow agreement?

12. Bank Statements and Analysis Reports

a. Can the bank provide a monthly bank statement within 10 days of month end?

b. Can the bank provide a monthly analysis statement for each account with a parent summary within 10 days of month end?

13. Positive Pay

a. Does the bank offer a daily service whereby it can provide the City a daily notification of all "paid not issued" (PNI) checks (Positive Pay)?

b. If the City is able to provide the bank with a file of all checks issued and voided prior to the checks being distributed, does the bank have the ability to accept and read the file? Describe the file format required.

c. What form of communication will the bank require for manual issues or deletes?

d. Are cashed checks verified against the issue file at the point of encashment, i.e., by the bank's teller? If no, what is the process for dealing with cashed checks?

e. How are PNI reports delivered? Is this report integrated with the bank’s balance reporting system/software?

f. Are MICR errors/misreads deleted from the PNI report prior to the report being sent/transmitted?

g. Can check copies be integrated with the PNI report? If yes, how are check copies delivered? If no, can check copies be delivered separately from the PNI report? Describe the process.

h. What is the bank’s delivery deadline for notifying the City of PNI checks?

i. What is the response deadline for the City’s pay decisions?

j. Are approved PNI checks automatically added to the issue file for account reconciliation purposes?

k. What is the deadline for the transmission of check issuance files to the bank?

l. Does the bank offer a daily service to transmit checks paid data to the City and accept a file of PNI checks (Reverse Positive Pay)?

m. What other review criteria are available for Positive Pay services?

n. In the event that the bank does not receive the customer’s pay decision response by the stated deadline, what is the default disposition?

Pay ______ Return _______ Optional ______

14. Automated Teller Machine

The City would like to install an ATM at two locations: the City Library and City Hall. The ATM’s must be maintained by the bank.

a. Describe in detail the ATM requirements

b. Since the ATM’s are maintained by the bank, what are other costs associated that the City may incur?

c. How will the City be reimbursed for such cost? Will it be through a portion of the fees charged to the customer?

d. Detail all functions and other services related to the ATM.

15. Calculation of Bank Compensation

The City may compensate the Bank in one or a combination of the following methods:

* Direct Fees or Charges (volume or non-volume based)

* Compensating Consolidated Fund Account Balance

a. For the compensating balance payment option, respond to the following questions:

1) What is the bank’s Earning Credit Rate (ECR) based on, and how is it calculated?

2) List the bank’s actual ECR for the last six months?

3) How will the bank stipulate the required compensating balance? Provide the formula for computing the compensating balance requirement.

4) For what period of time would the bank agree to a fixed amount for compensating balance, regardless of the volume of transactions?

5) How much notice will the bank provide prior to the effective date of any change in compensating balance?

6) Detail exactly which types of items and services can be applied against the City’s account analysis in addition to standard banking services such as armored car services, bank courier service, on-line transactions, etc.?

7) State the negative collected balance charge that the City will pay, and in detail explain how this charge is computed?

8) In the event that the City’s actual collected balance exceeds the amount stipulated, would the bank agree to pay interest on the excess? If so, state the period for calculation and the formula.

9) Explain, in detail, how and when the FDIC assessment is computed and charged?

10) What account analysis settlement period will be offered? Monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually?

11) How many days after month-end can the City receive its monthly Account Analysis?

12) What procedure is used to make any adjustments to Account Analysis statements and how long does it take for adjustments to take effect?

b. For the direct fee payment option, respond to the following questions:

1) Will the bank credit against fees the interest on average collected balance (monthly or other)? Indicate what index the interest rate is tied to and specify formula for calculating interest.

2) For how long a period would the bank guarantee the fixed charges quoted?

3) On what basis would the fixed charges be modified?

4) When would payment be due for fees?


See Attachment “A”


• Exhibit 1: Attachment “B” is the City of Corona’s Professional Services Agreement. Specific terms and conditions represented in the proposal may be used as an exhibit to the City’s Professional Services Agreement.

• Exhibit 2: Provide a sample of a monthly account analysis statement and the user’s guide to the account analysis statement.

• Exhibit 3: Provide a sample of a monthly bank statement.

• Exhibit 4: Provide a sample of a prior day daily balance report. Indicate what time the report is available.

• Exhibit 5: Provide a sample of a positive pay report. Indicate what time the report is available.


Every proposal must be signed by the person or persons legally authorized to bind the Proposer to a contract for the execution of the work. If an individual makes the proposal, his or her name, signature, and post office address must be shown. If a firm or partnership makes the proposal, the name and post office address of the firm or partnership and the signature of at least one of the general partners must be shown. If a corporation makes the proposal, the proposal shall show the name of the state under the laws of which the corporation is chartered, the name and post office address of the corporation and the title of the person signing on behalf of the corporation. Upon request of the City of Corona, the corporation shall provide a certified copy of the bylaws or resolution of the board of directors showing the authority of the officer signing the proposal to execute contracts on behalf of the corporation.

Representations made under Penalty of Perjury: The representations herein are made under penalty of perjury. We hereby offer to provide the City of Corona the above service(s) at the prices shown and under the terms and conditions herein, incorporated by referenced.

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|Branch Deposit - per deposit |  |

|Vault Deposit - per deposit regular hours |  |

|Night Drop Box Deposit - per deposit |  |

|Secured Deposit Overnight - per deposit |  |

|Checks deposited - on you |  |

|Checks deposited - on other banks |  |

|Checks deposited - pre-encoded on you |  |

|Checks deposited - pre-encoded other |  |

|Encoded check reject rate charge |  |

|Change Order - Standing per order |  |

|Change Order - Branch transaction |  |

|Deposit Correction |  |

|Deposited Item Recleared |  |

|Deposited Item Returned |  |

|Armored Car Service - per business day |  |

|Armored Car Service (same day credit) - per business day |  |

|Night Drop Bags - Canvas |  |

|Night Drop Bags - Plastic |  |

|Straps for Currency Deposits |  |

|Deposit Slip Orders - per account (box of 1000) |  |

|  |  |


|Checks Paid - not returned |  |

|Checks Paid - truncated |  |

|12 month stop payment (on phone) - per item |  |

|12 month stop payment (on-line) - per item |  |

|Check Orders - per account (box of 1000) |  |

|Check Copies (fax or mail) - per item |  |

|Check Copies (on-line) - per item |  |

|Check Imaging (on-line) - per item |  |

|Check Imaging (CDROM) - per item |  |

|Check Inquiry (on-line) - per item |  |

|  |  |

|  |  |


|ACH Credit - per item |  |

|ACH Debit - per item |  |

|ACH (direct deposit) payroll - per item |  |

|ACH Flex Account - per item |  |

|ACH Returned Items |  |

|ACH Data Transmission |  |

|ACH Add / Delete |  |

|ACH Reversal |  |

|ACH Implementation / Custom |  |

|ACH Notification of Changed |  |

|ACH Return Notification |  |

|ACH Template Set-Up Fee - per item |  |

|  |  |


|Outgoing Wire Repetitive (phone) - per item |  |

|Outgoing Wire Non-Repetitive (phone) - per item |  |

|Incoming Wire - per item |  |

|Book Transfer In (non-confirmed) - per item |  |

|Book Transfer Repetitive - per item |  |

|Book Transfer Non-Repetitive - per item |  |

|Outgoing Wire Repetitive (on-line) - per item |  |

|Outgoing Wire Non-Repetitive (on-line) - per item |  |

|Book Transfer Repetitive (on-line) - per item |  |

|Book Transfer Non-Repetitive (on-line) - per item |  |

|Automatic Transfer to/from ZBA - per account |  |

|LAIF transfer (incoming / outgoing) - per item |  |

|Wire Template Set-up Fee - per item |  |

|  |  |


|Positive Pay - per account |  |

|Reverse Positive Pay - per account |  |

|Set-up Fees |  |

|  |  |


|Monthly Maintenance Fee |  |

|Previous Day Balance Reporting |  |

|Previous Day Detail Reporting |  |

|Current Day Reporting |  |

|Set-up Fees |  |

|  |  |


|Monthly maintenance Fee - per account |  |

|ZBA Monthly Maintenance Fee - per account |  |

|Escrow Interest Bearing Maintenance Fee - per account |  |

|Escrow Interest Bearing Set-up Fee - per account |  |

|Escrow Interest Disbursement Fee - per account |  |

|Account Analysis Fee - per account |  |

|Account Analysis Report - per account |  |

|Bank Statements - per account |  |

|Bank Statements - additional statements for escrow account |  |

|Bank Statements (off-cycle) - per account |  |

|Letter of Credit Set-Up Fees |  |

|Letter of Credit other fees (please specify) |  |

|  |  |

|All other fees, please list in detail |  |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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