Prior Unit Exam Multiple-Choice QuestionsNote: Due to different versions of the exams, some multiple-choice questions may be slightly different than what you recall from your period’s test. Typically, either the question or the choices were changed to alter the test, but essentially the same topic was addressed. Please REFRAIN from printing this off to save paper!Emergency MedicineFYI—I cannot replicate the Red Cross or American Heart Association exam questions for public viewing. Athletes and Injury1. When you kick a ball, what type of lever are you using in the leg that will be making contact with the ball (knee extension)? A. Class I B. Class II C. Class III D. There is no lever at work2. Which of the following is not a component of DABDA? A. Acceptance B. Denial C. Bargaining D. Aggression E. Depression3. If you got a paper cut, you most likely stimulated what kind of pn nerve fiber? A. C-fibers B. A-beta fibers C. A-delta fibers D. B-delta fibers E. B-beta fibers4. Which of the following does not occur in the proliferation phase of healing? A. Wound contraction B. Wound remodeling C. Wound revascularization D. Regeneration E. All of these processes occur during the proliferation phase5. Which of the following statements is NOT correct regarding histamine? A. It's released during the acute inflammation phase B. It increases vasoconstriction C. It increases blood vessel wall permeability D. Is released from damaged cells E. All of the above are correct statements regarding histamine6. The motion most often resulting in lateral ankle sprains (85-90% of all ankle sprains) is A. Inversion B. Eversion C. Plantarflexion D. Dorsiflexion E. Supination7. The "gate control theory" works by ____________ fibers "overriding" other pain fibers, thus diminishing the patient's perception of pain. A. A-delta B. B-delta C. C D. A-beta E. C-beta8. This plane divides the body into left and right. A. Frontal B. Transverse C. Sagittal D. Horizontal E. Coronal9. The knee is what to hip? A. Distal B. Proximal C. Superior D. Medial E. Cephalic10. The shorthand for "with" is _____ with a line over it. A. a B. p C. s D. c E. w11. The O in SOAP stands for A. Obvious B. Objective C. Observation D. Outlook12. Which of the following is NOT a sign, but a symptom? A. Body Temperature B. Discoloration/bruising C. Blood pressure D. Dislocation E. All of the above are signsThe Toe and Foot1. A "Runner's Bump" or "Pump Bump" is an injury to what type of anatomical structure? A. Ligament B. Tendon C. Bursa D. Bone E. None of the above2. The MOST common MOI for an ingrown toenail is A. stubbing the toe B. the toe repeatedly hitting the end of the shoe C. a traumatic blow atop the toe D. improper cutting of the toenail E. none of the above3. Hammer Toe involves hyperflexion of what joint(s)? A. DIP B. PIP C. DIP and PIP D. MP and DIP E. MP, DIP and PIP4. How can you best PREVENT getting tinea pedis? A. Use antifungal medications like creams and powders B. Wear sandals or flip flops in public areas like locker rooms and ATR's C. Wear shoes that are not made of synthetic materials D. See a doctor E. Determine whether your are genetically immune or not6. This fracture is a stress fracture of a metatarsal. A. Jones fracture B. Smith fracture C. March fracture D. Reed fracture E. Avulsion fracture5. Excessive pronation or supination of the foot occur at which joint? A. Ankle Joint B. Subtalar Joint C. Syndesmosis D. Tarsometatarsal Joint E. Morton's Neuroma7. Proper biomechanics of the foot are critical to an athlete because A. the arches help absorb shock. B. it is an important lever that allows the body to be propelled forward. C. poor biomechanics can lead to injuries in other areas of the body. D. A and B only E. All of the above8. This overuse foot injury results in pn and possible swelling at the calcaneus where the Achilles tendon inserts. It's most commonly observed in active young children and is similar to that of Osgood-Schlatter's Disease in the knee. A. Plantar Fasciitis B. Lisfranc Injury C. Sesamoiditis D. Sever's Disease E. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome9. On which of the following injuries would it be appropriate to perform Tinel's Sign during a clinical evaluation. A. Plantar Fasciitis B. Lisfranc Injury C. Sesamoiditis D. Sever's Disease E. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome10. Which arch(es) of the foot is/are affected pes planus and pes cavus? A. Medial Longitudinal Arch B. Lateral Longitudinal Arch C. Anterior Transverse Arch D. A and B E. A and CThe Ankle and Lower Leg1. The tissue surrounding long bones to which muscles typically attach. A. Fascia B. Periosteum C. Syndesmosis D. Interosseous Membrane2. This is a very palpable structure on the lateral aspect of the lower leg, just inferior to the knee joint. A. Tibial Tuberosity B. Tibial Plateau C. Fibular Head D. Lateral Malleolous3. Which of the following is NOT a lateral ankle ligament? A. Anterior Talofibular Ligament B. Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament C. Posterior Talofibular Ligament D. Calcaneofibular Ligament4. Which muscle(s) is/are responsible for causing shin splints? A. Gastrocnemius B. Posterior Tibialis C. Anterior Tibialis D. A and B E. B and C5. A condition resulting from a direct blow to the lower leg, resulting in immediate swelling and an increase in pressure within the lower leg, requiring a 911 call to transport the patient to the hospital where a fasciotomy will be performed to release the pressure. A. Acute compartment syndrome B. Exercise-induced compartment syndrome C. A contusion D. A fibular fracture E. None of the above would require a 911 call6. If a stress fx is suspected in an athlete, what type of imaging would be MOST effective in detecting the fracture? A. X-ray B. MRI C. Bone scan D. CT scan E. Stress fx cannot be imaged7. An athlete comes to you c/o pn in their lower leg when they workout. p the workout their pn subsides and it does not hurt as much to walk around. They seem to be tender to palpation about the tibial ridge. They have pn and weakness in dorsiflexion when you manually muscle test (RROM) them. All other actions actively, passively or resistively appear to be norm. What is likely their injury? A. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome B. Exercise-Induced Compartment Syndrome C. Acute Compartment Syndrome D. Achilles Tendonitis E. None of the Above8. Which of the following bones is a non-weight bearing bone? A. Tibia B. Tibula C. Fibula D. Fibia E. Talus9. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are responsible for what action in the ankle? A. Dorsiflexion B. Plantarflexion C. Inversion D. Eversion E. Supination10. If you wanted to stress the ATF ligament, you would perform which special test? A. Anterior Drawer Test B. Posterior Drawer Test C. Heel Strike Test D. Leg Squeeze Test11. A Thompson Test would an appropriate special test to perform on what injury? A. Lateral Ankle Sprain B. Medial Ankle Sprain C. Tib/Fib Fx D. Ruptured Achilles Tendon E. Achilles TendonitisThe Knee1. Which of the following injuries is not included in the Unhappy Triad? A. MCL Rupture B. ACL Rupture C. Lateral Meniscus Tear D. Medial Meniscus Tear2. The function(s) of the menisci are/is: A. Shock absorption B. Deepening the knee joint C. Reducing friction D. A and C only E. All of the above3. The Varus Stress Test is stressing what structure? A. ACL B. PCL C. MCL D. LCL4. The medial meniscus is most shaped like a A. circle B. oval C. cresent D. none of the above5. Of the following bursae, which one is injured in Housekeeper’s Knee? A. Superficial suprapatellar bursa B. Superficial infrapatellar bursa C. Prepatellar bursa D. Deep infrapatellar bursa6. The MOI for an ACL rupture is A. Anterior tibial translation B. Posterior tibial translation C. Rotation D. A and C E. B and C7. The ____________ is NOT one of the bones that make up the joints of the knee. A. femur B. tibia C. fibula D. patella8. A patellar strap would provide temporary relief from which of the following injuries? A. Prepatellar Bursitis B. Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis C. Patellar Dislocation D. Patellar Tendonitis9. McMurray's Test is an orthopedic special test designed to stress which anatomical structure? A. Meniscus B. MCL C. ACL D. Chondromalacia E. Patellar Dislocation/Subluxation10. Chondromalacia (patellofemoral syndrome) is frequently seen in adolescents because they ____________, which can lend to more wear on the articular cartilage of the patella. A. are more active than most other age groups B. experience frequent growth spurts C. tend to participate in more physically aggressive sports D. have underdeveloped quad and hamstring muscles ................

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