I dedicate this book to the host of gifted singers who have led God's people in praising Christ and his Father. They have enriched the hearts and souls of Christians as they directed them in offering up their sacrifices of praise to God, "the fruit of lips which make confession to his name" (Heb. 13:15). To hymn writers such as Tillet Teddlie, L. O. Sanderson, Alton Howard, A. W. Dicus, Will Slater and F. L. Eiland we express our thanks. To capable song leaders such as Aubrey Yearwood, Nick Boon, Ralph Casey, Gary Hale, David Duncan and Ray Walker we express our sincere appreciation. You have blessed our lives and enriched our worship. We are grateful.

My thanks to Eddy Joel Silsbee who designed the cover of this book.


The portion of the Bible we call the Psalms was the hymnal of ancient Israel. It continues to provide wonderful hymns sung by both Jews and Christians. One small branch of Presbyterians sing only the Psalms in their worship, having adapted them to our modern style of music. Outside of the Four Gospels, the Psalms are the most read portion of the Bible. It is a treasure trove of devotional thoughts that will inspire and strengthen all who read them.

In the Psalms we catch glimpses of how the Hebrews expressed their praise to God. Some of the Psalms were majestic hymns sung by the sacred singers at God's temple. Among those songs are psalms 146-150. Other psalms reflect the praise and devotion of individual saints. Such is the twenty-third psalm of David. Psalms 43 and 51 reflect David's sorrow and repentance regarding his sin with Bathsheba and his wicked actions that caused the death of her husband. Many of the psalms grew out of their author's reflection on creation and the world of nature (See Psalms 33 and 148).

In reading the Psalms we see the unique style and beauty of Hebrew religious poetry. Their appeal to man's spiritual appetite is universal and age-lasting. Whether young or old, whether the reader is highly educated or of limited reading skills, all will find food for their soul in the Book of Psalms.

Reading the Psalms is of great value, whether in the worship assembly or in ones private devotions. Whether read or sung, the Psalms edify those who take them into their heart.

I encourage you to take time to read the introductory chapters of this book before you begin with Psalm 1. This material will enable you to better understand the words you read. It will also familiarize you with the unique style of Hebrew poetry which makes much use of "parallelisms" and other figures of speech which, if you have not previously learned about them, might not be recognized or understood.

The Psalms abound in lessons for life. Make good use of you notepad and pen as you read these beautiful hymns and learn their contents. I call them lessons to remember.

The treasures of the Psalms are inexhaustible. Like the rest of Scripture, the Psalms never grow old. If you truly love God with all your heart, soul and mind, you will never grow weary of reading the Psalms. The older you grow, the more precious they will be to you. Like your marriage vow to your mate, the Psalms will be your companion in good times or hard times, in sickness or in health until you finally close your eyes in death.

"I will be glad and exult in thee; I will sing praise to thy name, O thou Most High" (Ps. 9:2). "I will declare thy name unto my brethren; In the midst of the assembly will I praise thee." (Ps. 22:22). "Bless be Jehovah God... And blessed be his glorious name for ever" (Ps. 72:18-19).

John Waddey


1. Background and Introduction to the Book of Psalms........................................................................Page 2. Psalm 1. The Righteous Man and Wicked Man Contrasted............................................................... 3. Psalm 2. The Reign of Jehovah's Anointed Son................................................................................. 4. Psalm 3. A Song of Unshaken Trust in Jehovah................................................................................. 5. Psalm 4. The Life of Trust.................................................................................................................. 6. Psalm 5. A Payer for the Morning Sacrifice....................................................................................... 7. Psalm 6. A Plea for Help in Time of Sickness.................................................................................... 8. Psalm 7. The Song of Slandered Saint............................................................................................... 9. Psalm 8. What is Man, to be so Honored by God.............................................................................. 10. Psalm 9. A Song Praising God the Righteous Judge of Both Saints and Sinners............................. 11. Psalm 10. A Prayer for the Overthrow of the Wicked...................................................................... 12. Psalm 11. The Answer of Faith to the Advice of the Fearful........................................................... 13. Psalm 12. A Plea for Help Against the Treacherous......................................................................... 14. Psalm 13. An Urgent Plea for Help in Affliction.............................................................................. 15. Psalm 14. On the Universal Foolishness and Wickedness of Man.................................................... 16. Psalm 15. Who is the Friend of God?............................................................................................... 17. Psalm 16. A Song Praising the Blessed Heritage of the Godly......................................................... 18. Psalm 17. The Prayer of a Man in Serious Trouble.......................................................................... 19. Psalm 18. A Hymn Praising Jehovah for Providing Protection and Victory..................................... 20. Psalm 19. Nature and Revelation: Two Witnesses to God's Glory................................................... 21. Psalm 20. A Prayer for Israel's King................................................................................................. 22. Psalm 21. An Anthem of Thanksgiving for the Deliverance and Victory of Their King................... 23. Psalm 22. A Psalm Depicting Christ's Suffering On Calvary............................................................ 24. Psalm 23. The Good Shepherd and His Sheep.................................................................................. 25. Psalm 24. A Song Celebrating the Bring of the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem........................ 26. Psalm 25. A Prayer for Protection, Instruction and Forgiveness....................................................... 27. Psalm 26. The Prayer of a Righteous Soul for Vindication............................................................... 28. Psalm 27. A Song of Fearless Trust in Jehovah................................................................................. 29. Psalm 28. A Plea for Help and Thanksgiving For Its Answer............................................................ 30. Psalm 29. A Song of a Storm-Tossed Soul........................................................................................ 31. Psalm 30. A Song of Thanks Upon a Signal Deliverance by the Mercy of God................................ 32. Psalm 31. A Hymn of Mingled Sorrow and Praise............................................................................ 33. Psalm 32. The Song of a Forgiven Sinner.......................................................................................... 34. Psalm 33. A Song of Praise to Jehovah the Creator and Preserver of Life......................................... 35. Psalm 34. A Hymn Praising Jehovah the Great Provider................................................................... 36. Psalm 35. A Petition for Help Against His Enemies......................................................................... 37. Psalm 36. A Song Contrasting the Wickedness of Man with the Righteousness of God.................... 38. Psalm 37. On the Prosperity of the Wicked and the Adversity of the Righteous................................ 39. Psalm 38. A Song of a Suffering Servant........................................................................................... 40. Psalm 39. A Song on the Vanity of Life............................................................................................. 41. Psalm 40. A Song of Sacrifice, Service and Trust.............................................................................. 42. Psalm 41. A Song of A Seriously Ill Man........................................................................................... 43. Psalms 42 & 43. A Song of a Depressed and Weary Soul.................................................................. 44. Psalm 44. An Appeal to God in a Time of Unmerited National Disaster........................................... 45. Psalm 45. A Song Celebrating the King's Marriage........................................................................... 46. Psalm 46. A Song Praising God as the Refuge of His People............................................................. 47. Psalm 47. A Song Calling On People to Glorify God......................................................................... 48. Psalm 48. A Song Celebrating the Deliverance of Jerusalem From the Assyrian Siege..................... 49. Psalm 49. An Exhortation Not to Envy Wealthy Sinners.................................................................... 50. Psalm 50. A Hymn Praising God, the Judge of All Men..................................................................... 51. Psalm 51. A Convicted Sinner's Prayer for Pardon............................................................................ 52. Psalm 52. A Song of Rebuke to a Wicked Man..................................................................................

53. Psalm 53. A Song About the Deadly Disease of Sin........................................................................... 54. Psalm 54. A Plea for Divine Help....................................................................................................... 55. Psalm 55. A Prayer for God's Judgement on the Wicked................................................................... 56. Psalm 56. A Psalm About Trouble and Trust, Fear and Faith............................................................. 57. Psalm 57. A Prayer for Rescue From His Enemies............................................................................. 58. Psalm 58. A Bitter Outcry Against Unjust Judges.............................................................................. 59. Psalm 59. A Prayer for Deliverance From His Enemies..................................................................... 60. Psalm 60. A Lamentation Over a Lost Battle and a Prayer for Help.................................................. 61. Psalm 61. A Song Celebrating God's Providential Protection........................................................... 62. Psalm 62. Faith is the Victory that Overcomes Every Adversity........................................................ 63. Psalm 63. A Song of a Satisfied Soul................................................................................................. 64. Psalm 64. A Plea for Protection Against Slanderous Enemies........................................................... 65. Psalm 65. In Praise of God's Providential Goodness......................................................................... 66. Psalm 66. Praise to God for Past and Present Deliverances............................................................... 67. Psalm 67. A Charge to All Men of All Nations to Praise God........................................................... 68. Psalm 68. A Song Praising the Victorious God of Battles................................................................. 69. Psalm 69. A Lamentation of Distress and an Imprecation Upon His Enemies................................... 70. Psalm 70. An Urgent Plea for Help.................................................................................................... 71. Psalm 71. A Prayer of an Aged Saint................................................................................................. 72. Psalm 72. A Prayer for Israel's Righteous King................................................................................. 73. Psalm 73. Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People and Good Things Happen to the Evil?...... 74. Psalm 74. A Lamentation When Heathen Armies Destroyed God's Temple..................................... 75. Psalm 75. A Song Celebrating the Righteous Judgments of God....................................................... 76. Psalm 76. A Celebration for a Remarkable Deliverance.................................................................... 77. Psalm 77. From Sorrow to Song......................................................................................................... 78. Psalm 78. A Parable of the Prodigal Nation....................................................................................... 79. Psalm 79. A Song of Sorrow for the Ruined City of Jerusalem.......................................................... 80. Psalm 80. A Plea for Restoration of the Captives of Northern Israel................................................. 81. Psalm 81. A Song of What Might Have Been..................................................................................... 82. Psalm 82. Judge of Unjust Judges....................................................................................................... 83. Psalm 83. A Prayer for Deliverance.................................................................................................... 84. Psalm 84. The Heart Song of a Temple Servant.................................................................................. 85. Psalm 85. A Song of Praise, Prayer and Prospect................................................................................ 86. Psalm 86. A for Divine Help................................................................................................................ 87. Psalm 87. The Privileges of the Coming Spiritual Zion...................................................................... 88. Psalm 88. A Song of a Dying Man...................................................................................................... 89. Psalm 89. Standing on the Promises of God's Covenant..................................................................... 90. Psalm 90. On the Frailty and Brevity of Human Life.......................................................................... 91. Psalm 91. The Security of the Man Who Trusts in God...................................................................... 92. Psalm 92. A Sabbath Day Hymn.......................................................................................................... 93. Psalm 93. A Hymn Praising Jehovah's Majesty................................................................................... 94. Psalm 94. A Prayer for Divine Vengeance upon Wicked Rulers......................................................... 95. Psalm 95. A Hymn Praising the Great King of Israel........................................................................... 96. Psalm 96. A New Song Celebrating the Reign of Jehovah.................................................................. 97. Psalm 97. A Hymn Celebrating Jehovah's Righteous Reign................................................................ 98. Psalm 98. A Call for Joyful Praise to Jehovah.................................................................................... 99. Psalm 99. A Hymn to the God of Holiness.......................................................................................... 100. Psalm 100. A Song of Thanks for the Thank Offering...................................................................... 101. Psalm 101. A Song of Pious Resolutions.......................................................................................... 102. Psalm 102. A Lament of a Patriot for His Nation.............................................................................. 103. Psalm 103. A Song of Love and Adoration for God.......................................................................... 104. Psalm 104. Praise God for His Marvelous Creation......................................................................... 105. Psalm 105. In Praise of God's Wonderful Works on Behalf of Israel............................................... 106. Psalm 106. A Hymn Confessing National Shame.............................................................................. 107. Psalm 107. A Call for Thanksgiving.................................................................................................. 108. Psalm 108. A Song Praising God and Pleading for Victory in Battle..................................................

109. Psalm 109. A Call for Vengeance Upon His Adversaries.................................................................... 110. Psalm 110. A Song of the Coming Messiah......................................................................................... 111. Psalm 111. A Hymn Praising Jehovah for His Wonderful Works....................................................... 112. Psalm 112. A Song Celebrating the Blessings of a Righteous Man..................................................... 113. Psalm 113. Praise to Jehovah Who Exalts the Humble........................................................................ 114. Psalm 114. A Song Celebrating Israel's Deliverance From Egypt....................................................... 115. Psalm 115. A Song Praising God As Superior to All the Idols Men Have Made and Worshiped....... 116. Psalm 116. A Song of Thanks to God for Deliverance From Death................................................... 117. Psalm 117. A Universal Summons For All Men to Worship Jehovah................................................. 118. Psalm 118. A Song of Thanksgiving for Jehovah's Goodness and Salvation...................................... 119. Psalm 119. An Inspired Tribute to God's Holy Scripture.................................................................... 120. Psalm 120. A Prayer Song Requesting Deliverance From Slanderers................................................. 121. Psalm 121. A Song Praising God's Providential Keeping of His People............................................ 122. Psalm 122. A Prayer Song for the Peace of Jerusalem........................................................................ 123. Psalm 123. A Song of Unfaltering Faith and Patience in the Face of Contemptuous Scorn................ 124. Psalm 124. A Hymn Praising God for National Deliverance............................................................... 125. Psalm 125. A Song of the Believer's Confidence in Jehovah.............................................................. 126. Psalm 126. A Song of Thanksgiving for God's Great Blessings.......................................................... 127. Psalm 127. A Song Teaching Dependence Upon Jehovah for Every Blessing.................................... 128. Psalm 128. The Happiness of Those who Fear Jehovah..................................................................... 129. Psalm 129. A Prayer for the Defeat of Israel's Enemies..................................................................... 130. Psalm 130. A Penitent's Cry for Forgiveness..................................................................................... 131. Psalm 131. A Humble Soul's Talk With God..................................................................................... 132. Psalm 132. A Song Beseeching Jehovah's Blessings Upon His Holy Temple................................... 133. Psalm 133. On the Blessing s of Brethren Dwelling Together in Unity............................................. 134. Psalm 134. A Song of Greeting to Those Who Watched the Temple by Night.................................. 135. Psalm 135. A Call to Praise Jehovah for His Goodness, His Workers and Judgments...................... 136. Psalm 136. A Song Praising God's Great Mercy............................................................................... 137. Psalm 137. A Sorrowful Song of the Hebrews Exiled in Babylon..................................................... 138. Psalm 138. A Song of Heartfelt Thanksgiving................................................................................... 139. Psalm 139. A Celebration of God's Wonderful Greatness................................................................. 140. Psalm 140. A Prayer Beseeching Protection From His Enemies........................................................ 141. Psalm 141. A Prayer for Sanctification and Protection...................................................................... 142. Psalm 142. A Cry for Help by a Depressed Soul............................................................................... 143. Psalm 143. A Psalm of One Who Longed for and Lived for the Lord............................................... 144. Psalm 144. David's New Song........................................................................................................... 145. Psalm 145. A Song Praising God's Greatness and Goodness............................................................. 146. Psalm 146. A Song Praising Jehovah as the One True Helper........................................................... 147. Psalm 147. A Song Praising Jehovah for the Restoration of Jerusalem............................................. 148. Psalm 148. An Exhortation to all of Creation to Praise Their Creator............................................... 149. Psalm 149. A Song of Praise in Victory............................................................................................. 150. Psalm 150. The Closing Doxology of the Psalms............................................................................... 151. Appendix A. Two Kinds of Music...................................................................................................... 152. Appendix B. Instrumental Music in the Old Testament...................................................................... 153. Appendix C. Will God Accept Instrumental Music in Christian Worship?........................................



Key Verse: 29:2 "Ascribe unto Jehovah the glory due unto his name; worship Jehovah in holy array."

Key Thought: Worship.


I. Authors: A. Contrary to popular opinion, David did not author all of the psalms. B. The following authors are named: 1. Moses wrote Psalm 90. 2. David is credited with 73 psalms. 3. Solomon wrote Psalms 72 and 127. 4. Asaph authored 12 psalms. 5. Heman gave us Psalm 88. 6. Ethan is credited with Psalm 89. 7. Hezekiah wrote 10 psalms. 8. The sons of Korah authored 11 psalms. 9. The remainder are anonymous. These are often described as orphan psalms. C. Our present edition of the Book of Psalms is a compilation done by some later inspired hand: 1. One Jewish tradition ascribes the collecting of the psalms to Nehemiah. 2. Another says it was Ezra. 3. Still another would credit it to Hezekiah. D. About David as lyric writer: 1. He was a skilled musician (1 Sam. 16:16-18; II Sam. 6:5; I Chron. 16:4-6). 2. He was an inventor and maker of musical instruments (Amos 6:5). 3. He was an accomplished poet (II Sam. 1: 19-27). 4. He was a man of deep feelings and rich information. 5. He was a true worshiper of Jehovah with genuine religious convictions. 6. His life's experiences were rich and varied. 7. He was filled with God's Spirit (I Sam. 16:13). 8. He was inspired of the Holy Spirit to write his psalms (II Sam. 23:1-2).

II. About the Book:

A. Date of composition:

1. From Moses, about 1450 B.C.

2. Most were completed by 500 B.C. in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah.

3. The psalms had their origin primarily in the age of David.

Hezekiah and the return from Babylonian captivity.

4. In days past, liberal scholars sought to place a late date on all of the psalms, i.e., 500-150 B.C.

Today such views have been discredited and repudiated by nearly all.

5. Some conservative scholars would date Psalms 44, 74 and 79 in the Maccabean period.

B. Name

1. In the Hebrew title is Tehillim which means Praise.

2. Psalms is from the Septuagint.

3. Early Christians referred to the book as the Psalter,

C. State of the Hebrew text, "It may safely be maintained that the Hebrew text of the Psalter

has come down to us in a rather good state of preservation" (Leupold).

D. Numbering of the Psalms:

1. In ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts the number of Psalms vary as some are joined


as one, or longer ones subdivided.

2. Some manuscripts count 147, others 151.

3. Psalms 1 and 2 are often joined as one, as are 9 and 10, and 114 and 115.

E. Divisions of the Book:

1. Hebrews divided the Psalms into five books. 2. Each book ends with a doxology except the last. There the 150th psalm is the doxology to it and the whole collection. 3. Characteristics of the five books:

a. Book I, Psalms 1-41. With four exceptions, the psalms are attributed to David. The name Jehovah is most often applied to God. b. Book II, Psalms 42-72, consists of psalms of Korah (42-47) and David (51-65, 68-70). Here the name Elohim is dominate, c. Book III, Psalms 73-89. Psalms of Asaph (73-83) and Korah (84-89). Psalm 86 is attributed to David, The names Jehovah and Elohim are equally employed. d. Book IV, Psalms 90-106. Moses is credited with the first, David is assigned two (101, 103). The rest are anonymous. Jehovah is the prevailing divine name, e. Book V, Psalms 107-150. Fifteen of these are attributed to David, one to Solomon. The rest are anonymous. Jehovah is the prominent name used. F. Type of Literature: Poetry. 1. Psalms is composed of 150 inspired poems set to music for Israel's worship. 2. It is the world's most ancient collection of poems. 3. The poetry of the Hebrews has been called "a poetry of between God and man" (Herder). 4. Psalms are lyric poetry, that is adapted to music. There is a great variety in style of composition: a. Some are odes, i.e., a dignified sort of song which narrates in a highly figurative way the facts of public and private history, b. Some are ethical, delivering solemn rules for life or religion in a simple manner. c. Some are elegiac, sad compositions upon mournful subjects. d. Some are dramatic odes, consisting of dialogues between the psalmist and others. e. Some are enigmatic, delivering doctrines of religion in obscure symbols designed to strike the imagination forcefully, thus bringing about understanding. 5. The Psalms (Hebrew poetry) contrasted with the poetry of ancient Greece: a. Greece's "subjects were either a fabulous theology, a false and ridiculous religion, chimerical wars, absurd heroism, impure love, agriculture, national sports, or hymns in honor of gods more corrupt than the most profligate of men. Their writings served only to render vice admirable, to honor superstition, to favor the most dangerous and degrading passions of men, such as impure love, ambition, pride and impiety." The same is true of Latin poets. (Adam Clarke). 6. In 1753 Bishop Lowth of England, an Oxford scholar and professor, discovered the fundamentals of Hebrew poetry and their use of parallelism. G. Style of Poetry -- Parallelism: 1. Hebrew poetry is not governed by a sense of rhyme. There is no attempt to arrange every psalm into carefully measured stanzas though a psalm is sometimes divided by recurring refrains. 2. Their poetry has meter, but it is primarily a rhythm of sense. This is called parallelism. 3. In parallelism the lines are so arranged that the thought is expressed in different ways by repetition, amplification, contrast, or response. 4. Various types of parallelism: a. Synonymous parallelism where the second line echoes or expands the first line with the same thought in different words.

b. Synthetic or constructive parallelism, where the second line adds a supplement or variation in thought to the first. c. Analytical parallelism, where the second line states a consequence of the first line. d. Antithetic parallelism in which the second line is in contrast to the first. e. Tautological parallelism where almost identical words are used in both lines. f. Cumulative parallelism where the thought grows in intensity through repetition to a grand climax. H. Guidelines for Interpreting Psalms: 1. Always seek to determine the historical background of the psalm and become familiar with it. 2. Remember the Psalms are poetic in nature. Take into consideration the author's use of allegory, metaphor, personification and hyperbole. These must not be understood literally.


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