Georgia Department of Education

Cluster Area: Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

|Career Pathway: |Students must successfully pass the following three courses in order to sit for the End-of-Pathway Assessment: |

|Flight Operations |47.46000 Fundamentals of Aerospace |

| |47.46800 Flight Operations I |

| |47.46900 Flight Operations II |

|Credentialing Exam: |Private Pilot Airplane Written Exam Only |

|Testing Agency: |Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) |

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|Exam Blueprint: |To view the knowledge test guide for Private Pilot, go to the following link: |

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| |Learning Statements: |

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| |For sample knowledge test questions, go to the following link: |

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|Exam Cost: |From $150.00 up to $165.00 depending on test site location (CATS Sites or PSI/Laser Grade Sites) |

|Duration of Exam: |2 hours 30 minutes |

|Number of Questions: |60 questions |

|Cut Score: |Passing Score: 70 |

|Test Ordering Information: |For information on testing requirements, go to the following link: |

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| |To order exams, contact the testing center nearest your school found at this link: |

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|Proctoring Guidelines: |N/A |

|Testing Format: |Written On-line |

|Required Computer Software |Written exam offered at Airmen Knowledge Testing Centers. Locations are available around Georgia, see locations|

|Specifications: |at the following link: |

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|Test Availability: |Year-round availability |

|Testing Agency Contact: |Federal Aviation Administration |

| |1-866-878-2498 |

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| |For testing information, contact Computer Assisted Testing Service at 1-800-947-4228 |

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| |For information regarding the testing location nearest your school, go to: |

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|GaDOE Contact for Credentialing: |Name: Mamie Hanson |

| |Telephone Number: (404) 657-6279 |

| |Email: |

|GaDOE Contact for Curriculum Area: |Name: Tim Elliott |

| |Telephone Number: (404) 657-8308 |

| |Email: |




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