Mental Health Bulletin, July 2008


This monthly bulletin covers topics relevant to staff working in acute mental health settings, including adult inpatient services, child and adolescent inpatient services, forensic and emergency psychiatry services, eating disorders, liaison psychiatry and mental health nursing.

Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at

If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network and you would like to request a print copy, please submit your request online at

This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

Contents: Page:

Recent publications – Scotland, UK and International 2

Eating Disorders 2

Emergency Psychiatry Services 4

Forensic Services 5

Inpatient Services (Adults) 6

Inpatient Services (Children and Adolescents) 7

Liaison Psychiatry 7

Working in Acute Mental Health 8

New resources available from NHSGGC Library Network 8

Compiled by:

Tracey McKee

Specialist Librarian (Mental Health Partnership)

Maria Henderson Library

Gartnavel Royal Hospital

T: 0141 211 3913 F: 0141 211 0348 E:

Recent Publications – Scotland, UK and International

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2010 Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Europe

New report from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, November 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Alcohol Etc. (Scotland) Bill

New bill passed by the Scottish Government, December 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Community Health Partnership Profiles 2010

These profiles highlight the considerable variation in health between areas in Scotland and help identify priorities for health improvement. [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2010

New statistical report from ISD Scotland, December 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Family life and alcohol consumption: A study of the transmission of drinking practices

New report from the Joseph Rowantree Foundation, October 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Health in Scotland 2009 Time for Change: Annual Report of the Chief Medical Officer

New report published November 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

HEAT targets for 2011/2012 in NHSScotland Local Delivery Plan Guidance 2011/12

Published by the Scottish Government, December 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Mental health and the productivity challenge: improving quality and value for money

New report from the Kings Fund, December 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Pre-teens learning about alcohol: Drinking and family contexts

New report from the Joseph Rowantree Foundation, October 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Recovery begins with hope

New report from the National School of Government and the Centre for Mental Health [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Right time, right place: Alcohol-harm reduction strategies with children and young people

New report from Alcohol Concern, October 2010 [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Tackling Stigma – a practical toolkit

Toolkit developing by the National CAMHS Support Service [Last accessed 22.12.10]

Eating Disorders Services

BardoneCone, A. M., Schaefer, L. M., Maldonado, C. R., Fitzsimmons, E. E., Harney, M. B., Lawson, M. A., et al. (2010). Aspects of self-concept and eating disorder recovery: What does the sense of self look like when an individual recovers from an eating disorder? Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(7), 821-846.

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Castro, L., Davies, H., Hale, L., Surguladze, S., & Tchanturia, K. (2010). Facial affect recognition in anorexia nervosa: Is obsessionality a missing piece of the puzzle? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(12), 1118-1125.

Choate, L. (2010). Interpersonal group therapy for women experiencing bulimia. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(4), 349-364.

Collin, P., Power, K., Karatzias, T., Grierson, D., & Yellowlees, A. (2010). The effectiveness of, and predictors of response to, inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(6), 464-474.

CookCottone, C., Jones, L. A., & Haugli, S. (2010). Prevention of eating disorders among minority youth: A matched-sample repeated measures study. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 18(5), 361-376.

Court, A., Mulder, C., Kerr, M., Yuen, H. P., Boasman, M., Goldstone, S., et al. (2010). Investigating the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of quetiapine in the treatment of anorexia nervosa in young people: A pilot study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44(15), 1027-1034.

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Crisafulli, M. A., ThompsonBrenner, H., Franko, D. L., Eddy, K. T., & Herzog, D. B. (2010). Stigmatization of anorexia nervosa: Characteristics and response to intervention. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(7), 756-770.

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Daansen, P. J., & Haffmans, J. (2010). Reducing symptoms in women with chronic anorexia nervosa. A pilot study on the effects of bright light therapy. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 31(3), 290-296.

Doyle, P. M., Le Grange, D., Loeb, K., Doyle, A. C., & Crosby, R. D. (2010). Early response to family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43(7), 659-662.

Helverskov, J. L., Clausen, L., Mors, O., Frydenberg, M., Thomsen, P. H., & Rokkedal, K. (2010). Trans-diagnostic outcome of eating disorders: A 30-month follow-up study of 629 patients. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(6), 453-463.

Isnard, P., Quantin, L., Cortese, S., Falissard, B., MusherEizenman, D., Guedeney, A., et al. (2010). Bulimic behaviours and psychopathology in obese adolescents and in their parents. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 5(6), 474-482.

Ison, J., & Kent, S. (2010). Social identity in eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(6), 475-485.

Jones, M., Grilo, C. M., Masheb, R. M., & White, M. A. (2010). Psychological and behavioral correlates of excess weight: Misperception of obese status among persons with class II obesity. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43(7), 628-632.

Juarascio, A. S., Shoaib, A., & Timko, C. A. (2010). Pro-eating disorder communities on social networking sites: A content analysis. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, 18(5), 393-407.

Lock, J., Le Grange, D., Agras, W. S., Moye, A., Bryson, S. W., & Jo, B. (2010). Randomized clinical trial comparing family-based treatment with adolescent-focused individual therapy for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Archives of General Psychiatry, 67(10), 1025-1032.

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Menzel, J. E., Schaefer, L. M., Burke, N. L., Mayhew, L. L., Brannick, M. T., & Thompson, J. K. (2010). Appearance-related teasing, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating: A meta-analysis. Body Image, 7(4), 261-270.

Olatunji, B. O., Tart, C. D., Shewmaker, S., Wall, D., & Smits, J. A. J. (2010). Mediation of symptom changes during inpatient treatment for eating disorders: The role of obsessive-compulsive features. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44(14), 910-916.

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Parling, T., Mortazavi, M., & Ghaderi, A. (2010). Alexithymia and emotional awareness in anorexia nervosa: Time for a shift in the measurement of the concept? Eating Behaviors, 11(4), 205-210.

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Roehrig, J. P., & McLean, C. P. (2010). A comparison of stigma toward eating disorders versus depression. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43(7), 671-674.

Rosen, D. S., Blythe, M. J., Braverman, P. K., Breuner, C. C., Levine, D. A., Murray, P. J., et al. (2010). Clinical report - identification and management of eating disorders in children and adolescents. Pediatrics, 126(6), 1240-1253.

Rubinstein, T. B., McGinn, A. P., Wildman, R. P., & WylieRosett, J. (2010). Disordered eating in adulthood is associated with reported weight loss attempts in childhood. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43(7), 663-666.

Schlup, B., Meyer, A. H., & Munsch, S. (2010). A non-randomized direct comparison of cognitive-behavioral short- and long-term treatment for binge eating disorder. Obesity Facts, 3(4), 261-266.

Treasure, J., Macare, C., Mentxaka, I. O., & Harrison, A. (2010). The use of a vodcast to support eating and reduce anxiety in people with eating disorder: A case series. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(6), 515-521.

Woelders, L. C. S., Larsen, J. K., Scholte, R. H. J., Cillessen, A. H. N., & Engels, R. C. M. E. (2010). Friendship group influences on body dissatisfaction and dieting among adolescent girls: A prospective study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 47(5), 456-462.

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Emergency Psychiatric Services

Svindseth, M. F., Nottestad, J. A., & Dahl, A. A. (2010). A study of outcome in patients treated at a psychiatric emergency unit. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 64(6), 363-371.

Forensic Services

Ching, H., Daffern, M., Martin, T., & Thomas, S. (2010). Reducing the use of seclusion in a forensic psychiatric hospital: Assessing the impact on aggression, therapeutic climate and staff confidence. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 21(5), 737-760.

Diaz, D. R., & Landsberger, S. A. (2010). Exploring the use of seclusion and restraint with deaf psychiatric patients: Comparisons with hearing patients. Psychiatric Quarterly, 81(4), 303-309.

Duperouzel, H., & Fish, R. (2010). Hurting no-one else's body but your own: People with intellectual disability who self injure in a forensic service. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23(6), 606-615.

Laurell, J., Belfrage, H., & Hellstrom, A. (2010). Facets on the psychopathy checklist screening version and instrumental violence in forensic psychiatric patients. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 20(4), 285-294.

Lightbody, E., Gow, R. L., & Gibb, R. (2010). A survey of older adult patients in special secure psychiatric care in Scotland from 1998 to 2007. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 21(6), 966-974.

Lyall, M., & Bartlett, A. (2010). Decision making in medium security: Can he have leave? Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 21(6), 887-901.

Mezey, G. C., Kavuma, M., Turton, P., Demetriou, A., & Wright, C. (2010). Perceptions, experiences and meanings of recovery in forensic psychiatric patients. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 21(5), 683-696.

Parrott, F. R. (2010). 'Real relationships': Sociable interaction, material culture and imprisonment in a secure psychiatric unit. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 34(4), 555-570.

Pedersen, L., Rasmussen, K., Elsass, P., & Hougaard, H. (2010). The importance of early anti-social behaviour among men with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder in a specialist forensic psychiatry hospital unit in denmark. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 20(4), 295-304.

Segal, A., Daffern, M., Thomas, S., & Ferguson, M. (2010). Needs and risks of patients in a state-wide inpatient forensic mental health population. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19(4), 223-230.

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Inpatient Services (Adults)

Mukundan Anitha, Faulkner Guy, Cohn Tony, & Remington Gary. (2010). Antipsychotic switching for people with schizophrenia who have neuroleptic-induced weight or metabolic problems. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 12

Chen, M. -., Chou, L. -., Lin, C. -., Chen, C. -., & Lane, H. -. (2010). Time to rehospitalization in patients with major depression vs. those with schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder in a public psychiatric hospital. Psychiatry Research, 180(2-3) (pp 74-79)

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Doerfler, L. A., Moran, P. W., & Hannigan, K. E. (2010). Situations associated with admission to an acute care inpatient psychiatric unit. Psychological Services, 7(4), 254-265.

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Forbes, N. F., Cash, H. T., & Lawrie, S. M. (2010). Intensive home treatment, admission rates and use of mental health legislation. Psychiatrist, 34(12), 522-524.

Guaiana Giuseppe, Barbui Corrado, & Cipriani Andrea. (2010). Hydroxyzine for generalised anxiety disorder. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 12

Glickman, N. S. (2010). Lessons learned from 23 years of a deaf psychiatric inpatient unit: Part 1. Journal of the American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association, 44(1), 225-242.

Gratz, K. L., & Tull, M. T. (2010). The relationship between emotion dysregulation and deliberate self-harm among inpatients with substance use disorders. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34(6), 544-553.

Hatonen, H., Kuosmanen, L., Koivunen, M., & Valimaki, M. (2010). Patient education practices in psychiatric hospital wards: A national survey in finland. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 64(5), 334-339.

Isacsson, G., Reutfors, J., Papadopoulos, F. C., Osby, U., & Ahlner, J. (2010). Antidepressant medication prevents suicide in depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 122(6), 454-460.

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Komossa Katja, Depping Anna M, Gaudchau Andrea, Kissling Werner, & Leucht Stefan. (2010). Second-generation antipsychotics for major depressive disorder and dysthymia. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 12

Komossa Katja, Depping Anna M, Meyer Magdalena, Kissling Werner, & Leucht Stefan. (2010). Second-generation antipsychotics for obsessive compulsive disorder. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 12

Keski-Valkama, A., Sailas, E., Eronen, M., Koivisto, A. M., Lonnqvist, J., & Kaltiala-Heino, R. (2010). Who are the restrained and secluded patients: A 15-year nationwide study. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(11), 1087-1093.

Kjellin, L., & Wallsten, T. (2010). Accumulated coercion and short-term outcome of inpatient psychiatric care. BMC Psychiatry, 10, 53.

Kobayashi, M., Ito, H., Okumura, Y., Mayahara, K., Matsumoto, Y., & Hirakawa, J. (2010). Hospital readmission in first-time admitted patients with schizophrenia: Smoking patients had higher hospital readmission rate than non-smoking patients. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 40(3), 247-257.

Koukia, E., Giannouli, E., Gonis, N., & Douzenis, A. (2010). Security rules and banned items in psychiatric acute admission wards in Athens, Greece. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19(6), 428-436.

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Depping Anna M, Komossa Katja, Kissling Werner, & Leucht Stefan. (2010). Second-generation antipsychotics for anxiety disorders. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 12

Szasz, T. (2010). Defining coercion. Psychiatrist, 34(12), 539-540. Click for full text via Athens

Inpatient Services (Children and Adolescents)

Gyllenberg, D., Sourander, A., Niemela, S., Helenius, H., Sillanmaki, L., Piha, J., et al. (2010). Childhood predictors of later psychiatric hospital treatment: Findings from the finnish 1981 birth cohort study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(11), 823-833.

Hopkins, P., & Hill, M. (2010). The needs and strengths of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people in scotland. Child & Family Social Work, 15(4), 399-408.

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Luukkonen, A. H., Riala, K., Hakko, H., Rasanen, P., & Study-70 workgroup. (2010). Bullying behaviour and substance abuse among underage psychiatric inpatient adolescents. European Psychiatry, 25(7), 382-389.

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McDonell, M. G., Tarantino, J., Dubose, A. P., Matestic, P., Steinmetz, K., Galbreath, H., et al. (2010). A pilot evaluation of dialectical behavioural therapy in adolescent long-term inpatient care. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 15(4), 193-196.

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Tas, F. V., Guvenir, T., & Cevrim, E. (2010). Patients' and their parents' satisfaction levels about the treatment in a child and adolescent mental health inpatient unit. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17(9), 769-774.

Walker, S. (2010). A description of the establishment of a new child and adolescent mental health service in the United Kingdom. Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 22(1), 35-39.

Liaison Psychiatry

Gabel, S. (2010). The integration of mental health into pediatric practice: Pediatricians and child and adolescent psychiatrists working together in new models of care. Journal of Pediatrics, 157(5), 848-851.

Hillen, T., & Szaniecki, E. (2010). Cyclic variations in demand for out-of-hours services in child and adolescent psychiatry: Implications for service planning. Psychiatrist, 34(10), 427-432.

Working in Acute Mental Health

Abed, R. T. (2010). Custom and standard care: Implications for the future role of doctors in mental health. Psychiatrist, 34(12), 505-506.

Berry, K., Wearden, A., & Barrowclough, C. (2010). Psychiatric staff perceptions of patient attachments: A pilot study to investigate differences in and predictors of psychiatric staff perceptions of patient attachments. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(11), 1081-1086.

Tanja-Dijkstra Karin, & Pieterse Marcel E. (2010). Psychologically mediated effects of the physical healthcare environment on work-related outcomes of healthcare personnel. Cochrane database of systematic reviews: Reviews 2010 issue 12

McLoughlin, K. A., Webb, T., Myers, M., Skinner, K., & Adams, C. H. (2010). Developing a psychosocial rehabilitation treatment mall: An implementation model for mental health nurses. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 24(5), 330-338.

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Soothill, K. (2010). The qualifications and careers of psychiatrists, psychologists, social scientists and nurses interested in forensic mental health research. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 21(5), 697-710.

Staten, R. ". (2010). Are we preparing our nursing workforce to provide mental health promotion? Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 23(4), 244-245.

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Tsai, J., Salyers, M. P., & Lobb, A. L. (2010). Recovery-oriented training and staff attitudes over time in two state hospitals. Psychiatric Quarterly, 81(4), 335-347.

New resources available from the NHSGGC Library Network

A selection of recently published resources held across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Libraries. Items can be sent to your nearest site for collection. If you would like to search the full NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Library Catalogue you can do so from any NHSNet PC via the following web address:

Mattick, Richard P. ; Et al,

Pharmacotherapies for the treatment of opioid dependence: efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and implementation guidelines

Informa Healthcare, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 284 MAT 2009

Ryan, Peter ; Morgan, Steve

Assertive outreach: a strengths approach to policy and practice

Churchill Livingstone, 2004

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 30 RYA 2004

Nolen-Hoeksema, Susan ; Et al,

Atkinson and Hilgard's introduction to psychology

15th ed.

Wadsworth, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital BF 38 NOL 2009

Clark, David ; Et al,

The brain and behavior: an introduction to behavioral neuroanatomy

3rd ed.

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WL 300 CLA 2010

Perry, David ; Et al,

Caring for the physical and mental health of people with learning disabilities

Jessica Kingsley, 2011

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 300 PER 2011

Jackson, Catherine ; Et al,

Child and adolescent mental health today: a handbook

Pavilion Publishing, 2008

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WS 105 JAC 2008

Lloyd, Chris ; Et al,

Clinical management in mental health services

John Wiley, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 30 LLO 2009

Hofmann, Stefan G. ; Reinecke, Mark A.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy with adults: a guide to empirically-informed assessment and intervention

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 425 HOF 2010

Johnstone, Eve C. ; Et al,

Companion to psychiatric studies

8th ed.

Churchhill Livingstone, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 100 JOH 2010

Gilbert, Paul

The compassionate mind: a new approach to life's challenges

Constable, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital BF 575 GIL 2010

Sue, Derald Wing ; Sue, David

Counseling the culturally diverse: theory and practice

John Wiley, 2008

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WA 305 SUE 2008

Silberstein, Stephen D. ; Marmura, Michael J.

Essential neuropharmacology: the prescriber's guide

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 76.5 SIL 2010

Francis, Ronald D.

Ethics for psychologists

BPS Blackwell, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 62 FRA 2009

DuBois, James M.

Ethics in mental health research: principles, guidance, and cases

Oxford University Press, 2008

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 20 DUB 2008

Koocher, Gerald P.

Ethics in psychology and the mental health professions: standards and cases

3rd ed.

Oxford University Press, 2008

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 62 KOO 2008

National Forensic Nurses' Research and Development Group,

Forensic mental health nursing: capabilities, roles and responsibilities

Quay Books, 2008

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 170 NAT 2008

Kinchin, David

A guide to psychological debriefing: managing emotional decompression and post-traumatic stress disorder

Jessica Kingsley, 2007

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 170 KIN 2007

Ames, David ; Et al,

Guide to the psychiatry of old age

Cambridge Medical Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WT 150 AME 2010

Leigh, Hoyle ; Streltzer, Jon

Handbook of consultation-liaison psychiatry

Springer, 2008

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 64 LEI 2008

King, Robert ; Et al,

Handbook of psychosocial rehabilitation

Blackwell, 2007

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 400 KIN 2007

Bateman, Anthony ; Et al,

Introduction to psychotherapy: an outline of psychodynamic principles and practice

4th ed.

Routledge, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 420 BAT 2010

Lemma, Alessandra

Introduction to the practice of psychoanalytic psychotherapy

John Wiley, 2003

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 460 LEM 2003

Schultz, Judith M. ; Videbeck, Sheila L

Lippincott's manual of psychiatric nursing care plans

8th ed.

Wolters Kluwer, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 SCH 2009

Kozak, Michael J. ; Foa, Edna B.

Mastery of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a cognitive-behavioral approach - therapist guide

Oxford University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 176 KOZ 2009

Craske, Michelle G. ; Barlow, David H.

Mastery of your anxiety and panic: therapist guide

4th ed.

Oxford University Press, 2007

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 172 CRA 2007

Newell, Robert ; Gournay, Kevin

Mental health nursing: an evidence-based approach

2nd ed.

Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 NEW 2009

Callaghan, Patrick ; Et al,

Mental health nursing skills

Oxford University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 CAL 2009

Thornicroft, Graham ; Tansella, Michele

Mental health outcome measures

3rd ed.

Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 30 THO 2010

Grant, Igor ; Adams, Kenneth M.

Neuropsychological assessment of neuropsychiatric and neuromedical disorders

3rd ed.

Oxford University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 141 GRA 2009

Beyer, Chad E. ; Stahl, Stephen M.

Next generation antidepressants: moving beyond monoamines to discover novel treatment strategies for mood disorders

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 77.5 BEY 2010

Jones, Adrian

Nurse prescribing in mental health

John Wiley, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 JON 2009

Thorpy, Michael J. ; Plazzi, Giuseppe

The parasomnias and other sleep-related movement disorders

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 188 THO 2010

Millon, Theodore ; Et al,

Personality disorders in modern life

2nd ed.

John Wiley, 2004

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 190 MIL 2004

Rassool, G. Hussein

Alcohol and drug misuse: a handbook for students and health professionals

Routledge, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 270 RAS 2009

Foa, Edna B. ; Et al,

Prolonged exposure therapy for adolescents with PTSD: emotional processing of traumatic experiences - therapist guide

Oxford University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WS 105 FOA 2009

Pratt, Carlos W. ; Et al,

Psychiatric rehabilitation

2nd ed.

Elsevier, 2007

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 29.1 PRA 2007

Amos, James J. ; Robinson, Robert G.

Psychosomatic medicine: an introduction to consultation-liaison psychiatry

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 90 AMO 2010

Gilbert, Paul

Psychotherapy and counselling for depression

3rd ed.

Sage, 2007

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 171 GIL 2007

Watkins, Peter

Recovery: a guide for mental health practitioners

Elsevier, 2007

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 29.1 WAT 2007

Stedmon, Jacqui ; Dallos, Rudi

Reflective practice in psychotherapy and counselling

Open University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 55 STE 2009

Massachusetts General Hospital,

Residency handbook of psychiatry

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 34 MAS 2010

Stahl, Stephen M.

Stahl's illustrated antidepressants

Cambridge University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 77.5 STA 2009

Stahl, Stephen M. ; Mignon, Laurence

Stahl's illustrated antipsychotics: treating psychosis, mania and depression

2nd ed.

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 77.9 STA 2010

Stahl, Stephen M. ; Grady, Meghan M.

Stahl's illustrated anxiety, stress, and PTSD

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 77.2 STA 2010

Stahl, Stephen M. ; Mignon, Laurence

Stahl's illustrated attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Cambridge University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 190 STA 2009

Stahl, Stephen M.

Stahl's illustrated chronic pain and fibromyalgia

Cambridge University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WL 17 STA 2009

Gordon, Adam J.

Physical illness and drugs of abuse: a review of the evidence

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 270 GOR 2010

Bhugra, Dinesh ; Malik, Amit

Professionalism in mental healthcare: experts, expertise and expectations

Cambridge University Press, 2011

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 100 BHU 2011

Stahl, Stephen M.

Stahl's illustrated mood stabilizers

Cambridge University Press, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 77.2 STA 2009

Aiyegbusi, Anne ; Clarke-Moore, Jenifer

Therapeutic relationships with offenders: an introduction to the psychodynamics of forensic mental health nursing

Jessica Kingsley, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 170 AIY 2009

Banyard, Victoria L. ; Et al,

Trauma and physical health: understanding the effects of extreme stress and of psychological harm

Routledge, 2009

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 170 BAN 2009

Marshall, E. Jane ; Et al,

The treatment of drinking problems: a guide to the helping professions

5th ed.

Cambridge University Press, 2010

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 274 MAR 2010

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Sources used for this bulletin :

Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, The Cochrane Library, ISD Scotland, Centre for Mental Health, The Kings Fund, The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Mental Health Foundation, Scottish Government, The Department of Health, Scottish Public Health Observatory, SIGN, NHS QIS, NICE, Audit Scotland, SCIE, CEBMH CAB, NHSGGC Library Catalogue.


Acute Mental Health Bulletin

November/December 2010




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