Psychiatry Section Monthly Note(January 2020)To stimulate Christians in the practice of psychiatry, to investigate and discuss the relation between their faith and professional practice, and to incorporate such examined beliefs into their daily practice.To promote within the church the knowledge and understanding of valid psychiatric approaches to mental health and healing, consistent with Christ’s redemptive love.As we welcome and engage the new year,?it is good to start out reminding ourselves of who we are are and why we are part of the CMDA Psychiatry Section.?Leadership Team for 2020 - 2021?Brian Briscoe, MD – Co-Chair: ABPN, Medical Director of Adult Programs at Next Step 2 Mental Health, Louisville KY and Associate Professor?University of Louisville,?brianbriscoe@.Tom Okamoto, MD – Co-Chair: ABPN, Founding Director of Thomas H. Okamoto, MD, Inc, Santa Ana CA and an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UC Irvine School of Medicine,?drokamoto@.Barney Davis, MD – Secretary, Treasurer: ABPN, Founder and Clinical Psychiatrist with Godspeed Resources Connection, Columbia, SC,?barneydavis@.Marshall Williams, PE – Director of Operations:?psychsectioncmda@.?Vision Statement?Section?To promote and represent the role of ‘The’ recognized national professional organization for Christians in the field of psychiatry seeking to live out their faith through their professional life.? We are unique in our calling in that we as individuals with Christian belief are charged to be a light in a world of darkness.? As a physician, to be Christ’s hands and feet (and heart) in today’s medical environment is a personal and professional challenge. With belief, we are the bearers of the hope of salvation in a field with pressures to dehumanize. As psychiatrists practicing the medical treatment of the soul, we are now at the forefront of medicine, as general medicine integrates mental health care into their field of practice. We are in the position to battle for God’s love and healing, to defend the doctor-patient relationship, to be a resource to our fellow brothers and sisters in medicine and as such to minister to them, their families and their patients.?Guiding Principals of the Section?To promote fellowship and provide community to support and encourage Christian physicians in the practice of psychiatry, as they explore the relationship between their faith and professional practice.To promote within the church the knowledge and understanding of valid psychiatric approaches to mental health and healing, consistent with Christ’s redemptive love.To contribute to the ministry of CMDA through participation, mentorship, prayer and sharing of our specific gifts and expertise.To join in the ministry of Christian missions.To present a positive witness of God our Father, and Jesus Christ our Savior, and the work of the Holy Spirit to colleagues, patients and society.The leadership of the Section agrees that the path to fulfilling our vision is to provide guidance, direction, professional insight and clarity of our activities.?Please pray for us as we seek to follow Christ’s leading in all of our endeavors.Please?consider joining us?in a leadership role supporting these doctors and seeking to fill one of these positions in the near future. Commitments are for 2 years with the outgoing leader providing assistance as desired to the incoming leader.? We are seeking members who desire to lead now and in the future.? Contact any of us if you desire to consider leading with us.??A New Year’s Note from our Co-ChairmanBrian Briscoe MD?Matthew 13: 3-8, 22-233?Then he told them many things in parables, saying:?“A farmer went out to sow his seed.?4?As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.?5?Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.?6?But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.?7?Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.?8?Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred,?sixty or thirty times what was sown.?22?The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth?choke the word, making it unfruitful.?23?But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”?As Christians, we all desire to be ‘the good soil’ described in Mathew 13:8 above. ??I don’t know about you, but I personally find it very easy to become distracted (i.e. 'choked out’) by ‘the thorns’ that surround us in our profession.?Here are a few potential ‘thorns’ some of us may face:? ?EMRs?? ?superfluous documentation. ?MIPS, MACRA?? ?RAC audits? ?battles with insurance companies? ?conflicting priorities with hospital administrators?? ?legal concerns (defensive medicine or litigation)?? ?burning the candle conducting research and interpreting data? ?hammering away at draft after draft seeking to get a paper published?? ?complex, challenging patients that can sometimes test our patience or throw us for a loop?? ?long working hours? ?large bonus incentives? ?student loans?Though most of us would not consider it to be a ‘thorn,' we do have to balance our work lives with the responsibility to care for our families. ?Some of us have children we are raising. ??Some us of us are grandparents. Some are newlyweds who need to invest time in a new marriage. ?Some are caregivers for aging parents or a spouse whose health is failing. ??The point is that we, as psychiatrists, live rather challenging, busy lives. ? We have to work very hard to keep all the various distractions and blessings in our lives from becoming the ‘thorns’ that choke us off from living a full and thriving relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. ??It is only when we surrender all to Christ -?everything?within our personal lives and our work - that we truly begin to experience life at its fullest. ? When we surrender completely, and pray to Him to help us bring forth His Will in every aspect of our lives, we become the fertile soil on which Christ’s seeds can produce their maximal crop -?'a hundred,?sixty or thirty times what was sown.’?As we enter the New Year in 2020, I would challenge each of us to consider what it may look like to surrender more completely to Christ. And asking Him to give us the wisdom and understanding to discern what he is calling us to do in every area of our life, including our profession. ??The Lord calls each of us towards something very unique and special within our professional lives.? ?I have met hundreds of Christians within our Psychiatry Section, and I can honestly say that no two psychiatrists have felt called to use their gifts in the exact same way. ???Here are some examples of ways in which some of our members have found to live out their faith in and through their profession:Some psychiatrists engage with their church to increase awareness of mental illness, educate, and decrease stigma?Some engage with their local CMDA chapter, educating and encouraging medical students interested in the field of psychiatrySome volunteer part of their time to serve the poorSome find ways to integrate faith into therapy (in an ethically appropriate manner)Some study/research the interaction between faith and mental health/wellness, and publish much needed literature in this areaSome have devoted their life to full-time missions, while others plug in to short-term missions trips.What is Christ calling you to in 2020??If you are seeking to find greater meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in your professional life in 2020, I invite you to utilize the Psychiatry Section as your resource to explore the vast opportunities that exist to live out your faith in and through your profession.?Our organization provides you with direct access to hundreds of believing psychiatrists who can help you explore virtually any area of Christian work and ministry within the practice of psychiatry. Whether you are interested in research, academic practice, integrating faith into therapy, missions, educating churches - whatever your interest - we can help. ??What next?Pray:Surrender completely to Christ. ? “Your will, not mine own.”Ask Christ to grant you the desire to place him first in every aspect of life, and to grant the discipline and wisdom necessary to maintain.Seek Christ’s calling in your professional life. ?Given your current circumstances, what is He calling you to?Connect: Reach out to Marshall Williams at?psychsection@, regarding any interest, however small, you have in learning more about how to use your gifts, knowledge, skills, experience, etc. as a professional as part of living out your faith. ? Let Marshall know what you are interested in (missions, connecting with medical students in your local CMDA chapter, research/writing, engaging the church, etc.). ?Marshall can connect you with another psychiatrist who is experienced in this area and happy to walk with you as you explore the unique calling Christ may be laying on your heart - and the practical nuts and bolts of getting started.?Attend: Plan to attend one of our conferences, which provide a fantastic opportunity to share fellowship with other Christians in Psychiatry who face many of the same challenges and opportunities as you. ? Nothing is better than connecting with friends of ‘like mind,’ - friends who ‘get it.'?Currently we plan to participate with and support doctors at the following Events. Our purpose in being at these events is to meet and engage with believers in the psychiatric health care field in order to partner, and educate and support their desire to integrate their faith and practice.?Friends Church (Yorba Linda, CA) and CMDA Mental Illness Workshops -?February, June and October: Triannual workshops focused on common mental illnesses found in the church (society) and how the church can become effective ministers, loving and supporting those affected. Contact Marshall for Details.CMDA National Conference?-?April 16-19:?The premiere annual gathering for CMDA members for worship, fellowship/teaching, and professional training.? We will sponsor an Exhibit, conduct a Pre-Conference on Depression for health care practitioners (Treating the New Depressive Diseases:?Pearls and Practical Tips for the Modern Practice of Medicine), and host a Psychiatry Track during the regular conference.? All will be certified for CME credit.American Psychiatric Association Annual Conference?-?April 25-29:?The premiere gathering of psychiatrists from all over the world for professional training and networking. We will sponsor an Exhibit, host morning Fellowship and Encouragement Meetings, and host our Annual Psychiatry Section Banquet. Review our CMDA?Agenda?and join us.? Reserve a spot at our events and secure a hotel room using our?2020 Registration Form?and send to Marshall for processing. We will personally confirm your registration requests.American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists -?October 19-24: The premiere gathering of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists from all over the world for professional training and networking.? We will sponsor an Exhibit, host morning Fellowship and Encouragement Meetings, and host a Dinner.Remedy West?October 23-25:?A health care focused gathering of Christians in the western United States to learn about medical missions, who is doing what and where, and how to get involved and be successful.Global Missions Health Conference - November 12-14:A health care gathering of Christians in the eastern United States to learn about medical missions, who is doing what and where, and how to get involved and be successful.??Psychiatry, Spirituality/Theology/Christianity, and Health?In this new section of the?newsletter, we will try to provide insights into research, publications, presentations, and other media which will strengthen your faith and confidence as you seek to integrate faith and your psychiatric practice. While some of the topics presented may involve controversial subjects, they will nonetheless be relevant and worthy of consideration and a topic of interest to both the Christian and overall psychiatric community.? If you desire to contribute,?and read literature, and do or see research that interests you and has merit and value regarding the interface of spirituality and practice, please forward me a brief description / abstract (50-500 words) and access information. We will take it from there and contact you with questions as they arise. Our initial follows:?Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care?The?Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health - Duke University?(Center) was founded in 1998, and is focused on conducting research, training others to conduct research, and promoting scholarly field-building activities related to religion, spirituality, and health. The Center serves as a clearinghouse for information on this topic, and seeks to support and encourage dialogue between researchers, clinicians, theologians, clergy, and others interested in the intersection of faith and practice. Several of our members are part of and participate in the activities of the Center (Dr Harold Koenig MD, Dr Warren Kinghorn MD are two).Each year, the Center hosts a 5-day?Research Workshop on Spirituality and Health. This year’s Workshop is being held at Duke University in Durham NC from August 10-14.? The Workshop faculty this year comes from Duke, Yale, and Emory, and includes physicians, nurses, and chaplains with extensive research and clinical experience in quantitative and qualitative research.? The workshop compresses material presented in our past 12-month post-doctoral fellowship into 5 days, and is the only place in the world where specific training on how to conduct research on religion, spirituality & health can be obtained from researchers active in the field for over 30 years. We recommend these courses for researchers early in their career and for seasoned researchers wishing to shift their work into spirituality & health, as well as for undergraduate and graduate students or others considering research in this area.? Those more generally interested in spirituality and health will also find the workshop useful, as we cover material applicable to clergy and laypersons. This is the 17th year the workshop is being offered, with more than 900 attendees over the years.?The Center has made available, five professionally produced, 45-minute videos titled?Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care?on why and how to “integrate spirituality into patient care”.? The videos and transcripts are available on the Center’s website ().? They are free, unless CME/CE is desired.While not specifically targeted at psychiatrists, they do reach out to physicians, nurses, chaplains, and social workers in an effort to help them form spiritual care teams to provide “whole person” healthcare that includes the identifying and addressing of spiritual needs. Psychiatry often needs to be a part of that team.? Descriptions and links to the transcripts and videos are provided below.? To obtain CME credit go to the Center’s?CME Video?page and fill in the form.? There is no cost unless you desire CME credit.This 5-part educational series is designed to train health professionals to integrate spirituality into patient care as part of the practice of "whole person" medicine.?Health professionals, regardless of specialty, are encouraged to watch all five videos?(even though the first three videos are designed for physicians). The?first video?is an overview and summary of the series [transcript]. The?second video?focuses on past research linking religion/spirituality to mental, social, behavioral, and physical health, which forms the rationale for this approach [transcript]. The?third video?examines in detail "how to" integrate spirituality into patient care in a way that minimizes physician time and utilizes a team approach [transcript]. The?fourth video?is designed for nurses and practice managers and focuses on the spiritual care coordinator, who orchestrates the addressing of patients' spiritual needs [transcript]. The?fifth video?is designed for the entire spiritual care team and describes how team members work together to accomplish the common goal of practicing whole person care, with a focus on the role of the chaplain and the social worker [transcript].?Christianity-Psychiatry Interface Webinar Series?LUKE / PAUL CONNECTION? Combining Doctor / Ministry Role.? Best of Medicine and Best of Faith In PracticePresenter/Moderator:? Dr. Greenbrier Almond MD?Thursday, February 27, 20207:30 PM, Eastern?Dr. Almond, a 40-year member of the CMDA Psychiatry Section,? brings a rich history to us as a Board Certified psychiatrist and Distinguished Life Fellow of APA, living?in Buckhannon (Upshur County), West Virginia. He and his family have?authored?seven?books featuring highlights of his and his father's medical practices.? Married 42+ years, he and his wife, Dr. Araceli Almond,?are active in the community supporting social,?church and educational initiatives while seeking to provide mental health expertise?through direct participation.? For decades, they have actively served and supported the Foursquare Gospel Bible College in the Philippines which they helped establish.Join Dr. Almond MD in our inaugural Zoom Web-Interface Meeting on?February 27th at 7:30 (Eastern time)?to hear his thoughts and observations, and then participate in a period of discussion and reflection.? Connection details as well as additional information regarding our meeting will follow in future announcements.??Mark your calendar and join us as we explore this aspect of the practice of psychiatry as a Christian.?Psychiatry Opportunities: Career Opportunities and Short Term Opportunities.-?Riverside Counseling?in Leesburg Virginia (Washington DC Suburbs) is seeking a part-time child psychiatrist to join this faith-based practice. We are a multi-specialty private practice, all outpatient, fee-for-service with no on-call.? See our website at . Contact Dr. Hall at?donhallmd@?to discuss details.-?Honey Lake Clinic,?Karl Benzio, MD, Medical Director, Founder and Clinical Director,?Lighthouse Network, Pennsylvania Director, American?Academy of Medical Ethics,?KBenzio@HoneyLake.Clinic, is seeking ?psychiatrists as well as?prospective graduating residents?regarding options for integrating their faith and professional expertise in a clinical setting.?HoneyLake.Clinic, ?, Addiction and Counseling?HELPLINE: 844-Life-Change (844-543-3242).-?The Ludden Group, P.C.,?(lindaluddensivils@), a Christian private practice group of Independent Contractors, located in Rockwall, TX, 25 miles east of the Dallas Metroplex. The Ludden Group is seeking a full or part-time Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Gerontologist.? Duties will include Medication Evaluations and ongoing Medication Management with the Geriatric population. Providing services for child thorough geriatric patients in The Ludden Group’s outpatient office is also an option. Areas served:?Rockwall,?Greenville,?Terrell, and?Ennis. Opportunities available in Dallas.-?LifeCare?is looking for a Christian Child and/or Adult Psychiatrist in to join our team in the Raleigh, NC, area. The position is?100% outpatient?and may be either?full-time or part-time?depending on your needs.?Learn more about LifeCare’s mission and vision?at??and see if our values align with yours. If this sounds like an opportunity for you, email a cover letter, resume, or any questions you may have to?info@. Thank you very much. Carolyn Ballantine, MD, Psychiatrist, LifeCare Counseling and Coaching.???-?Dignity Health Medical Group?in Stockton, CA is seeking Christian residents and psychiatrists for inpatient and outpatient work in a very supportive and encouraging environment.? “The opportunities for graduating and practicing psychiatrists are wonderful.”? Dignity Health offers a full range of health services and is backed by the St. Joseph's Medical Center. Contact Dr. Chris Van Schenck,?Chris.VanSchenck@.-?Tumaini Counseling Center?near Nairobi Kenya is seeking full time and part time staff. Contact Dr. Roger Brown,?shirley.brown@.-?Cornerstone Counseling Foundation?in Chiang Mai Thailand is seeking full time and part time staff. Contact Bill Hoppe,?billhoppe@.-?Foundation Psychiatry?in Atlanta GA is seeking a strong professional to join our team as a Physician Assistant for our growing practice. The PA will provide direct patient care services within the scope of their PA License in collaboration with other members of the practice’s treatment staff; under the direction and supervision of the Medical Director. For more information, please send resume and cover letter to?Morgan.Dudkowski@.-?Godspeed Resources Connection (GRC), is seeking psychiatrists for short term, on-scene interventions and support to global workers.? Personal struggles, cultural stress, and relational challenges are just a few of the issues workers face today.? Visit the website or contact Jo Marturano at?jo@.?Psychiatry Section Contact.??Comments, questions and needs??? Please contact Marshall at?psychsectioncmda@.? We will promptly be in touch.? Visit our website at?psychiatry?for meeting information, resources, blogs and much more.? See our Facebook page at “CMDA Psychiatry Section”.? Follow us on Twitter at “cmda@cmdapsych”.Psychiatry Section Finances.??We fund our activities through your dues ($119/yr practicing psychiatrists, $59/yr global workers, $0 Residents and Interns) and donations.? Checks welcomed. On-line, single?and monthly automated giving available for?dues?and?donations. Partner with us to reach a larger and more diverse audience as we seek to provide resources and opportunities for fellowship, professional development and collaboration while integrating faith and practice. We thank you.?The?Lord?bless you, and?keep you; The?Lord?make His face shine on you, And?be gracious to you; The?Lord?lift up His countenance on you, And?give you peace.Numbers 6:24-26Our email address is:?psychsectioncmda@.Our website is:?psychiatry.Follow us on Facebook at:?CMDA Psychiatry Section.Our Twitter Account is:?cmda@cmdapsych.Want to change how you receive these emails?You can?update your preferences?or?unsubscribe from this list.This email was sent to?psychsectioncmda@why did I get this?????unsubscribe from this list????update subscription preferencesPsychiatry Section of Christian Medical and Dental Associations · 2604 U.S. Hwy 421 · Bristol, TN 37620 · USA ................

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