
Name: Johnathon IvesDate: 7/11/2012 Psychological Disorders in ContextDue 7/11/12 by 5pmAfter you read each of the following four case studies, discuss and answer the questions below the case regarding the problem(s) that may or may not be present. Feel free to use your textbook or any other notes/resources you may have. Remember, not every case will necessarily present you with a specific disorder and some may present you with more than one disorder (what we refer to as “comorbid” disorders). Case #1Jim is a 31-year old successful salesman. He was referred by the nurse practitioner in his physician’s office. He complains of muscle tension, headaches, and difficulty sleeping. He worries about not having enough money for his family in the event he dies suddenly or is fired from his job. He worries about job stability and feels he would be unable to get another job that paid as well. In fact, he is extremely bothered by a constant preoccupation with the possibility that he might inadvertently start screaming at his boss for no reason. To make sure he doesn’t actually start doing this, he often goes way out of his way to avoid any contact with his boss. He even goes so far as to miss important meetings where his boss is likely to be present. He has elevated blood pressure, heart palpitations, and has now missed several work deadlines because of all his worrying and preoccupations. Jim’s friends describe him as a “constant worry-wart” who is always planning for that one “disaster” that never actually comes. Jim states that he tries to stop worrying, but can’t seem to make himself stop. His worrying has begun to interfere significantly with his ability to perform his job, enjoy time with his family, or engage in any of the hobbies that he once enjoyed.Based on the symptoms presented in Jim’s case and the four key criteria for determining whether behavior is abnormal, would you say that Jim has a psychological disorder? Why or why not? I would say he does because of the fact that the scenario described fits the four criteria for determining whether behavior is abnormal. His daily routine has been affected and he does not know how to make himself stop.If you answered yes, what disorder (if any) should be considered? Explain why you chose this disorder. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the best disorder to be considered in this situation. I chose this disorder because he shows signs of being worried about things more than normally. The symptoms of elevated blood pressure and heart palpitations help in showcasing he has some form of anxiety.Case #2Martin is a 21 year-old business major at a large university. Over the past few weeks his family and friends have noticed increasingly bizarre behaviors. On many occasions they’ve overheard him whispering in an agitated voice, even though there is no one nearby. Lately, he has refused to answer or make calls on his cell phone, claiming that if he does it will activate a hidden microchip that he was forced to swallow.His parents have tried to get him to go with them to a psychiatrist for an evaluation, but he refuses. He has accused them on several occasions of conspiring with “others” to have him killed so they can remove his brain and put it inside one of their own. He has stopped attended classes altogether. He is now so far behind in his coursework that he will fail if something doesn’t change very soon.Although Martin occasionally has a few beers with his friends, he’s never been known to abuse alcohol or use drugs. He does, however, have an estranged aunt who has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals over the years due to erratic and bizarre behavior. Based on the symptoms presented in Jim’s case and the four key criteria for determining whether behavior is abnormal, would you say that Jim has a psychological disorder? Why or why not? I would say that Jim has a disorder. Talking to himself, claiming to not answer a phone because of the fear of swallowing a hidden microchip, and accusing his parents on several occasions of conspiring with “others” to have him killed all lead me to believe he has a disorder. He is not a heavy drinker or drug abuser, so that eliminates the idea of him doing these things simply because he is on drugs.If you answered yes, what disorder (if any) should be considered? Explain why you chose this disorder. I would say that paranoid Schizophrenia is the disorder that should be considered. I chose this disorder because he is having delusions about people trying to kill him and activating a hidden microchip that he was forced to swallow. He is showing positive signs of Schizophrenia which led me to think he has paranoid schizophrenia. Case #3Lenore has been feeling very sad since her husband died 12 weeks ago. She hasn’t eaten very well, and has difficulty sleeping. She cries most days but is usually able to “put on a happy face” when people stop by to comfort her. Lenore is preoccupied with thoughts of her husband and does not want to do much other than think about him. She has declined all invitations by friends to socialize and instead, spends most of her time alone looking through old photographs and remembrances.Based on the symptoms presented in Jim’s case and the four key criteria for determining whether behavior is abnormal, would you say that Jim has a psychological disorder? Why or why not? I would say Lenore does not have a psychological disorder. In some cases, it can take several years for someone to get over the grieving process of losing a loved one. People stop by to try and comfort her and she tries to be strong by putting on a happy face. Not being able to eat and sleep is just a part of the grieving process. What she needs is for friends and family to be there for her and be actively concerned with her health and how she is dealing with the loss.If you answered yes, what disorder (if any) should be considered? Explain why you chose this disorder. Case #4Sister Margaret has been a member of her congregation for 20 years. She is 45 years old and the Director of Religious Education for a large suburban parish. She seems to be the perfect fit for the job. Her high energy, her overflowing enthusiasm, talkativeness, and engaging personality make her a favorite of the staff and parishioners. In particular, she seems to connect emotionally with adolescents who enjoy her enthusiasm. Everyone marvels at her ability to do so much with as little as two to three hours of sleep each night. Prior to entering religious life, Sr. Margaret had abused alcohol and had incurred some significant credit card debt. After entering her community, she seemed to channel her energies into her ministry. Although she continuously overworked, she did not appear to be having other significant life problems. In the last several years, however, she has taken on more and more responsibility at work and is more stressed. A few months ago, she began to act out sexually with another sister in her community. Currently, she finds herself depressed; she is struggling to keep up with her many ministerial commitments. The sisters living with Sr. Margaret are experiencing many forms of distress. Some feel angry because their routines are often disrupted and others feel anxious. because they continuously anticipate a change in her mood, going from highs to lows almost weekly. With her mind racing at night, her increased inability to sleep and the increasing distress in her local community, Sr. Margaret decided to talk with someone on her leadership team. After an assessment, she was admitted to a local treatment facility.Based on the symptoms presented in Jim’s case and the four key criteria for determining whether behavior is abnormal, would you say that Jim has a psychological disorder? Why or why not? I would say that Sister Margaret has a psychological disorder. The other sisters living with Margaret continuously anticipate a change in her mood, going from highs to lows almost weekly. She is showing signs of Sublimation, which is one of Freuds defense mechanisms. She abused alcohol and incurred significant credit card debt, however, she is wonderful with adolescents and she seems to be a perfect fit for the Director of Religious Education. She has learned to channel her negative thoughts about alcohol abuse and put them to use by being enthusiastic and by being a talkative person. She finds herself depressed and she is struggling to keep up with her many ministerial commitments. She does not appear to have any other significant life problems, but in the last several years she began to act out sexually with another sister in her community and she is disrupting the routines of everyone around her with her ups and downs.If you answered yes, what disorder (if any) should be considered? Explain why you chose this disorder. I would say Bipolar disorder would need to be considered. Up until the recent years, Sister Margaret appears to be having one Giant Manic Episode where she has a decreased need for sleep, constant talking, and inflated self-esteem. Now the tables have turned however and she is showing signs of depressive episodes. This is why I chose the Bipolar Disorder.Case #4Elise is a 35-year-old architect. She comes to you in great distress, feeling that she is unable to work, and generally unable to function. She says that she feels tired all the time, to the point of feeling completely exhausted. She says that she cries easily, and almost every day, is having difficulty sleeping, and has lost 20 pounds in the last 2 months without trying. She also describes herself as a “worrier” and tells you that she constantly feels restless, irritable and has difficulty concentrating. She can't let her husband or children leave the house without making them call her regularly to reassure her that they are okay. Her husband is growing weary of her constant worry and distressed mood. Her children can't understand what all the fuss is about. Their impatience with her only makes her feel worse.She says that things have been "real bad" for the last 2 months; she doesn't enjoy doing anything and thinks frequently of suicide. However, she also says that she has never been a very happy person. She says that things rarely go right for her, and she has given up on expecting good things to happen for her.Based on the symptoms presented in Jim’s case and the four key criteria for determining whether behavior is abnormal, would you say that Jim has a psychological disorder? Why or why not? I would say Elise has a psychological disorder. She feels tired all the time, she cries easily, has difficulty sleeping, is losing weight without trying, describes herself as a worrier, and she constantly feels restless and irritable. She claims that things have been “real bad” for the last 2 months, however, she also says that she has never been a very happy person. She says that things rarely go right for her and she has given up on expecting good things to happen for her. Now, the last paragraph shows evidence that she just doesn’t have the right mindset and doesn’t feel like things will change. The evidence from the first paragraph however, shows that something is wrong with her and it is affecting her daily routine. If you answered yes, what disorder(s) (if any) should be considered? Explain why you chose this disorder. I would say that Obsessive-Compulsive disorder should be considered. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is ruled out because of the “at least 6 months” in the definition. She is showing signs of an obsession, which is a persistent intrusive thought, idea, impulse, or image that causes anxiety. The thought or idea in this case being that things rarely go right for her and she has given up on expecting good things to happen for her. She does not show signs of Compulsion which is okay because some people with OCD experience only obsessions or only compulsions. ................

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