Psychological Disorders

Dissociative Disorders Psychological Disorders

|Disorder |Symptoms |Possible Causes |Other Information |

|Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) | When two of more distinct personalities are |Physical or sexual abuse when very young |AKA Multiple Personality Disorder |

| |present within the same person. | | |

| | |Psychoanalysts: believe dissociative disorders |Extremely Rare |

| |Amnesia is involved when alternate personalities|can be explained as repressions of anxiety | |

| |take over. |and/or trauma, caused by such disturbances as |Each alternate personality has its own memories,|

| |(Will often experience “missing time” |beatings, rejection from parents, or sexual |behaviors, relationships, and may have different|

| | |abuse. Also, may be defenses against the |prescriptions, allergies, and other physical |

| | |anxiety caused by the eruption of unacceptable |symptoms. |

| | |impulses. | |

| | | |Many professionals are still skeptical of DID. |

| | |Learning/Behavioral theorists: behaviors |(In particular, many social learning theorists |

| | |reinforced by anxiety reduction |believe that these individuals are role playing.|

| | | | |

| | | |It is very rare outside the U.S. |

| | | | |

|Dissociative Amnesia |Loss of memory for a traumatic event or period |Psychoanalysts: believe dissociative disorders | |

| |of time that is too painful for an individual to|can be explained as repressions of anxiety | |

| |remember. |and/or trauma, caused by such disturbances as | |

| | |beatings, rejection from parents, or sexual | |

| |The person holds steadfast that he/she has no |abuse. Also, may be defenses against the | |

| |memory of the event and becomes upset when |anxiety caused by the eruption of unacceptable | |

| |others try to stimulate recall. |impulses. | |

| | | | |

| |In time, parts of the memory may begin to |Learning/Behavioral theorists: behaviors | |

| |reappear. |reinforced by anxiety reduction | |

|Dissociative Fugue |Memory loss for anything having to do with |The cause of the fugue is often abundant stress | |

| |personal memory. |or an immediate danger of some news coming out | |

| | |that would improve embarrassing to the | |

| |It is accompanied by flight from the person’s |individual. | |

| |home, after which the person establishes a new | | |

| |identity. |Psychoanalysts: believe dissociative disorders | |

| | |can be explained as repressions of anxiety | |

| |All skills and basic knowledge remain intact. |and/or trauma, caused by such disturbances as | |

| | |beatings, rejection from parents, or sexual | |

| | |abuse. Also, may be defenses against the | |

| | |anxiety caused by the eruption of unacceptable | |

| | |impulses. | |

| | | | |

| | |Learning/Behavioral theorists: behaviors | |

| | |reinforced by anxiety reduction | |

Everything in teal/blue is information (mostly direct quotes) from: Maitland, L. & Hannah, P. (2008). Five Steps to a 5—AP Psychology. San Francisco: McGraw Hill.

Everything in pink is information (mostly direct quotes) from: Weseley, A. & McEntarffer, R. (2007). AP Psychology. New York: Barron’s.

Everything in yellow is information (mostly direct quotes) from: Myers, D. G. (2007). Psychology: Eighth Edition in Modules. New York: Worth Publishers.


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