1 - Quia

1. Psychology is both a ___________________ and a ______________________, and psychology studies:

2. Match the following with the choices on the right (a choice can be used more than once):

|_____ ___ Chemicals released by the pituitary gland to reduce the |Cerebellum |

|sensation of pain. |Dyslexia |

| |Enkephalins |

| |Cerebrum |

| |ADHD |

| |Endorphins |

| |Brain Stem |

| |Autism |

| |Norepinephrines |

|_____ ___ Part of the brain that is much larger in proportion in | |

|humans than in lower animals | |

|_____ ___ What a child who is extremely withdrawn and isolated | |

|may have. | |

3. An experiment tests the effects of a new drug that that is supposed to improve the memory of elderly patients with dementia. Patients first take a preliminary memory test, and then are randomly assigned to one of two groups: one group gets the memory drug, and the other group is given a placebo. The patients don’t know whether they are getting the real drug or the placebo, but the researcher does know who got what. Afterwards, both groups take another memory test, and the results show that both groups improved by the same amount.

A. This experiment is a ___________________ - blind design.

B. What is the independent variable?

4. Jack’s Aunt is a Numerologist, who “charts his numbers” and tells him all sorts of flattering things about himself and his future. Jack, who is an Network Administrator, doesn’t usually believe this kind of thing, but he finds himself believing that his “numbers” really do reflect his personality. Which one of the mistakes/effects on page 43 of your text has Jack made?

5. Marie walks over to the kitchen counter, picks up the potato peeler, examines her potatoes, and begins peeling them. Her ability to do his is controlled by nerve fibers in which nervous system?

6. George has a stroke that leaves him unable to feel anything on his right side. Which side of his brain was most likely damaged? Which lobe?

7. Approximately how many children are physically battered in the United States and Canada each year?

8. Identify the endocrine system gland for each of the following:

a. Produces melatonin: ___________________________

b. Associated with arousal: ________________________

c. Responsible for growth: _________________________

d. Associated with sleep: __________________________

9. A. In women “of a certain age”, what does the lowering of estrogen levels bring on?

B. What analogous event do some 40-to-60-year-old men experience?

10. Which of the following is a myth about aging?

a. Older people are rarely placed in mental hospitals by uncaring children.

b. Older people become isolated and neglected by their families.

c. Older people who live alone are not necessarily lonely or desolate.

d. Few elderly people sho signs of simility, mental decay, or mental illness.

11. What are the first three typical reactions to being told one is dying?

a. ____________________________________

b. ____________________________________

c. ____________________________________

12. A place that provides supportive care for the terminally ill to improve the quality of life in a person’s final days is called a ______________________________.

13. Which part of the eye contains the photoreceptor cells?

14. True or False for each of the following statements about the eye:

a. There are fewer rods than cones in the eye. ________

b. Cones work best in dim light. ________

c. Cones produce color sensations. ________

d. Rods are less sensitive to light than cones are. ________

15. Regarding soundwaves, what sensation does amplitude correspond to?

16. Which taste are our tastebuds least sensitive to?

17. What sensory process explains why, after a while, we don’t “feel” a ring we’re wearing on our finger?

18. What do magicians rely on to help them “fool” the public when performing sleight of hand tricks?

a. Perceptual features

b. Inattention

c. Awesome somatic control

d. Perceptual habits

19. What is the difference between a hallucination, illusion and delusion?

20. What do we call the idea that we see what we expect to see? (HINT: p. 186)

21. True or False for each of the following statements about eyewitness testimony:

a. It is often inaccurate. ________

b. A confident witness is more accurate. ________

c. The presence of a weapon detracts from the ability to recall the face of the perpetrator. ________

d. It tends to be much less accurate in identifying members of races other than the eyewitness’s own race. ________

22. True or False for each of the following statements about sleep:

a. It is a natural bodily cycle. ________

b. It is necessary for human life. ________

c. Can be dangerous under some conditions. ________

d. It is regulated by the thalamus. ________

e. It occurs because of a sleep hormone in the CNS. _______

f. It occurs because of a sleep hormone in the bloodstream. ________

23. True or False for each of the following statements about sleep deprivation:

a. Doesn’t occur until a week of no sleep. ________

b. Its symptoms are difficult to reverse by sleeping. ________

c. Symptoms include the inability to concentrate. ________

d. Is never really dangerous. ________

24. What happens during REM sleep?

25. The condition where a person has sudden, irresistible daytime sleep attacks is called:

26. True or False for each of the following statements about hypnosis:

c. It is an altered state of consciousness. ________

d. During it, a person falls into a stage of sleep. ________

e. Puts a person into a lessened state of suggestibility. ________

f. People are very inattentive when hypnotized. ________

27. What are the four common elements that all techniques of hypnosis encourage a person to so?

1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________

28. Circle the correct response in each of the following statements:

a. Receptive / Concentrative meditation involves focusing the attention.

b. Receptive / Concentrative meditation is more difficult to learn.

c. Receptive / Concentrative meditation makes use of a “mantra”

27. True / False: Daily meditation can allow you to go without sleep. ________

28. Identify the following substances as either stimulants or depressants:

a. Caffeine: _____________________________

b. Alcohol: ______________________________

c. Opium: _______________________________

d. Marijuana: _____________________________

29. By how much does every cigarette reduce life expectancy?

30. How many smokers who try to quit will succeed?

31. True / False: Second-hand smoke is harmless. ________

32. How does smoking figure in the overall causes of death in the United States and Canada?

29. True or False for each of the following statements about marijuana:

a. It is not physically addictive. ________

b. It can cause short-term memory loss. ________

c. It is generally safe to drive under its influence. ________

d. It accumulates in the fatty tissues of the brain. ________

33. Circle the correct responses: In classical conditioning, voluntary / involuntary behavior is influenced by antecedent / subsequent events.

34. Dr. Igor has conditioned his dog to pant at the sound of a buzzer. The doctor has a habit of coughing just before buzzing the buzzer. Eventually, the dog begins to salivate to the doctor’s cough, due to what conditioning process?

35. According to the informational view of conditioning, learning occurs because of:

36. According to the informational view of operant conditioning, what is the end result of conditioning?

37. Psychologists generally believe that phobias are examples of what kind of conditioning process? (HINT: 3 words)

38. Advertisers use cute babies, beautiful people and music in their ads to create ____________________ _____________________ __________________ in viewers.

39. What does the Law of Effect say?

40. List 3 reasons why delayed reinforcement can work with adults:

41. At first Mary is rewarded for making sounds, then for making sounds closer to the word “baby”, and eventually for saying “baby.” This is an example of:

42. Jack’s TV starts messing up, so he hits it and the problem goes away. Jack is likely to continue hitting his TV when it acts up in the future, because of the operant conditioning principle of:

43. What type of operant conditioning principle is at work when an addict in withdrawal takes more of an addictive drug?

44. Pedro punishes his son for being naughty in church as soon as they get home, which is several hours later. Pedro is making a mistake in the ____________________ of the punishment.

45. We tend to slow down when we see a police car on the freeway, because the police car acts as a:


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