

1. repression – holding everything in

2. subconscious – mind below the mind

3. innate – born with it

4. displacement – taking anger out on someone or something innocent

5. guilt – regret; remorse

6. free association – talking about one word from your point of view to unlock your subconscious

7. anima – female-like traits; kind, caring, maternal

8. animus – male-like traits; jealousy, anger

9. Maslowe – hierarchy of needs – self-actualization

10. synchronicity – seemingly unrelated coincidences

11. archetypes – ultimate stereotype

12. inner child- innocent child within

13. Pavlov/Skinner – Behaviorism – operant conditioning; positive/negative reinforcement

14. stimulus – something that evokes a response

15. id, ego, superego – the three parts that Sigmund Freud used to describe the human psyche

16. paranoia- extreme irrational fear of persecution

17. self-loathing/narcissism – hating yourself; extreme insecurity/extreme conceit

18. introvert/extrovert – shy/outgoing

19. phobias – unfounded fears

20. psychotic- one who exhibits visual signs of mental illness

bonus: OCD, schizophrenia, ADHD

Psychology Terms Test

1. ____________________ – holding everything in

2. ____________________ – mind below the mind

3. ____________________ – born with it

4. ____________________ – taking anger out on someone or something innocent

5. ____________________ – regret; remorse

6. ____________________ – talking about one word from your point of view to unlock your subconscious

7. ____________________ – female-like traits; kind, caring, maternal

8. ____________________ – male-like traits; jealousy, anger

9. ____________________ – hierarchy of needs – self-actualization

10. ____________________ – seemingly unrelated coincidences

11. ____________________ – ultimate stereotype

12. ____________________ - innocent child within

13. ____________________ – Behaviorists, operant conditioning/ positive/negative reinforcement

14. ____________________ – something that evokes a response

15. ____________________ – the three parts that Sigmund Freud used to describe the human psyche

16. ____________________ - extreme irrational fear of persecution

17. ____________________ – hating yourself; extreme insecurity/extreme conceit

18. ____________________ – shy/outgoing

19. ____________________ – unfounded fears

20. ____________________ - one who exhibits visual signs of mental illness

bonus: OCD, schizophrenia, ADHD


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