
Mr. Nelson



Psychology Final Project Outline 25 points – due Tuesday:

Directions: From Tuesday – Wed of next week, we will discuss your projects individually in class. If you have this form filled out as completely as possible, it will move the process along, and you can get to actually starting your final exam.

Your Name: _________________________

General Topic (for example ‘relationships’, ‘stress’, ‘memory’, ‘personality’ ‘development’, etc.):


Specific Topic *see pages 2-3 of your Final Exam packet for guidance on how to make a general topic more specific (stated in the form of a question. For example, “How do advertisements use cognitive biases and heuristics to get consumers to buy more things?” OR “In what ways do children of divorced homes perceive romantic relationships?”


How does this topic relate to class (list all of the topics/sections – for example, ‘my topic deals with authoritarian parenting styles’ or ‘semantic memory’)? Many of the topics may cross over a lot of different class material.


10 Discussion Questions for Class Based on Your Project:

You want your questions to be interesting and engaging. The more they are, the more the audience will want to discuss the topics, and the less focus will be on you. In general, ask “Open-Ended” Questions (see below), which are questions that allow people to give a longer descriptive answer, not a 1-word or ye/no type of response. An easy trick to this is to begin sentences with words/phrases such as “HOW”, “WHY”, “EXPLAIN”, “DESCRIBE”, “IN WHAT WAY/S”, “TO WHAT EXTENT” Example:

Closed Ended: “How was school?” (BAD!)

Open-Ended: “Describe to me about what you did in school today?” (GOOD)












Based on your topic, what supplemental materials do you think will make the project better (videos, interviews, social experiment, survey, a lot of images/pictures, etc.)? If so, list and describe (including length, and how they relate to your topic) – * at this point you can just list ideas you have.


The next 2 pages are meant to be filled in after you find articles. See your Final Packet to see how to navigate Psychology Today Magazine website.

Article 1:

Title: _______________________


Date Published:_________________

Source (e.g. “The New York Times”, “Psychology Today”) _________________________

Brief Synopsis (summary/main points/arguments):


How this Article Relates Specifically to your Topic:


Why you either Agree or Disagree with the Author’s Arguments/Points of View:


Any Questions for the class about this specific article???


Article 2:

Title: _______________________


Date Published:_________________

Source (e.g. “The New York Times”, “Psychology Today”) _________________________

Brief Synopsis (summary/main points/arguments):


How this Article Relates Specifically to your Topic:


Why you either Agree or Disagree with the Author’s Arguments/Points of View:


Any Questions for the class about this specific article???



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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