Environmental Public Health Tracking

E P H T nvironmental ublic ealth racking


Creation of Groundbreaking Community Profiles

What was the problem/situation?

One of the largest issues faced by Local Public Health Agencies (LPHAs) and other community officials is the ability to create a well-rounded picture of their jurisdiction. Data is scattered throughout many different state and federal agencies, it is time consuming to gather and analyze many diverse datasets, it can be difficult to interpret raw data, and it is impossible to compare many different datasets across multiple jurisdictions.

How was Tracking involved?

The Missouri Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) team recognized this problem and created a solution that addresses all the problems listed above. By utilizing EPHT datasets and other data sources, the Missouri EPHT team created the "Health, Environment, and Community Profiles". By working with both LPHAs and data stewards, the Missouri EPHT team was able to engineer profiles that addressed this complaint and removed low-count suppression issues.

What action was taken to resolve the problem?

The completion and dissemination of these profiles addresses a key concern of community officials. Each county and the top fifteen most populous cities throughout Missouri now have their own unique profile. Data is comparable to other jurisdictions in the United States (US), it is in an easy-to-read format, and it brings diverse datasets into one location for busy community officials. The profiles provide a more comprehensive review of the health and structure of a particular community, while keeping the ability to compare across the state and the country. The profiles provide data at a city level that was previously inaccessible. Local officials are using the profiles for accreditation, grant proposals, and other local decision-making purposes.

The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program Missouri Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) is a program within the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. EPHT is part of a larger initiative to establish Environmental Public Health Tracking

systems at the national and state levels.


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