This example syllabus provides ideas, resources, activities, readings, and assignments, aligned with the personnel preparation standards and recommended practices. Consider state and university policies and add as appropriate. This is an example only and is not a complete syllabus. ECPC Example Syllabus_ Leadership (advanced standards)Semester YearInstructor: Office:Email:Phone: Primary Delivery Format: Class Location: Online (Blackboard) Office hours: By appointment, schedule via email**Indicate preferred method of communication and response time to be expected.Course InformationCourse DescriptionSample description: This course focuses on administering early intervention and early care and education programs and promoting effective public policies to support the delivery of services to young children and their families, with a specific focus on young children with disabilities. Topics include leadership, planning, managing personnel, finance and budgeting, program evaluation, public policy development and implementation, advocacy and systems change, and current issues and challenges in service delivery systems. 3 Credits.Course Delivery MethodTeaching MethodsDescribe how the course content will be delivered, and how students will be encouraged to reflect on course content and relate to their own experiences.Mode of Instruction Describe how the course will be taught (e.g., weekly readings and discussions, flipped classroom). Include time format also (e.g., asynchronous, synchronous, in-person, weekly).Digital Services RequiredDescribe technology requirements and resources needed for course (e.g., Blackboard, Zoom, Google Suite).Instructional Materials and ResourcesCourse ReadingsExample: Students will be assigned readings from the required text. Additionally, students will read relevant research articles or supplemental materials, which will be posted to the Blackboard course site. Required Text (Insert textbook title and access, and/or recommended text) ResourcesCEC Advanced Preparation StandardsCEC Advanced Preparation Standards Specialty Set: EI/ECSENAEYC Advanced Preparation StandardsAdvanced Standards alignment with CEC, DEC, NAEYCConnect ModulesEarly Childhood Recommended Practices ModulesPolicy Resources Examples: The following links have public policy and advocacy information for issues affecting young children and their families.Zero to Three works to ensure that babies and toddlers benefit from the family and community connections critical to their well-being and development. Healthy connections help build babies’ brains.First Five Years Fund works to sustain and expand the support for early learning that exists at the federal level, while identifying and advancing new and innovative ways to increase access to high-quality early childhood education for children from low-income families.The National Center for Children in Poverty highlights states’ policy choices alongside other contextual data related to the well-being of young children.The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child is a multi-disciplinary collaboration of leading scholars in neuroscience, early childhood development, pediatrics, and economics whose goal is to bring sound and accurate science to bear on public decision making affecting the lives of young children.Journals in EI/ECSEJournals that publish early childhood and early intervention (there are many more, but these are excellent choices for you to consider). Consider explaining how to use these to support practice and to examine current research – clarify the difference between practitioner-based journals and research-based journals.Infants and Young ChildrenTopics in Early Childhood Special EducationJournal of Early InterventionJournal of Special Education Technology Young Exceptional ChildrenTeaching Exceptional Children Rural Special Education QuarterlyIntervention in School and ClinicJournal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education Young ChildrenClick here for Early Childhood Personnel Center resources.Click here for NAEYC Program Standards for Early Childhood Program accreditation.Course Goals and ObjectivesCourse GoalsIndicate what will be learned in the course. Goals should be stated as broad, generalizable statements.Example: This course is designed to help prepare graduate-level students for leadership positions in the early childhood and early intervention fields. The course focuses on administering early intervention and early care and education programs and promoting effective public policies to support the delivery of services to young children and their families. Topics include providing effective leadership; planning and program management; funding sources, finance, and budgeting; supervision and professional development; licensing and regulations; program evaluation; litigation and legislation; public policy development and analysis; advocacy and systems change in early intervention and early childhood programs and systems; and current issues and challenges in early childhood service delivery systems. Instructional ObjectivesThese should be specific and measurable student behaviors. Think of these objectives as the tools that you will use in your course to ensure that the course goals are being reached.Student Learning OutcomesUsing specific statements, describe the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that students are expected to learn through their successful completion of the curriculumExamples: As a result of active participation and successful completion of course requirements, students will:Discuss leadership and skills that are essential for effective leadership in EI/ECSE.Apply effective practices to the management processes of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and monitoring and controlling for quality with programs.Identify laws and regulations that govern the operation of early childhood programs.Discuss methods and considerations for providing supervision, mentoring, systems of performance evaluation, and meeting professional development needs of staff.Describe methods for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of early childhood and early intervention programs and services.Apply knowledge and skills for generating teamwork and motivation among staff, including knowledge of group dynamics, communication skills, and conflict resolution techniques.Identify types of advocacy and describe effective strategies for family, professional, and public policy advocacy.Explain legislative and regulatory processes at the state and federal levels, the role of litigation, and other means through which policy is made at state and local levels.Demonstrate knowledge of provisions of legislation and regulations that govern early childhood programs and services, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the Head Start program.Analyze and synthesize policy issues within the early intervention and early care and education systems nationally and (within your state).Personnel Preparation StandardsConsider additional preparation standards that support your course content. See links in Resources section.DEC Recommended Practices addressed in this courseConsider additional Recommended Practices that may be applicable to your course content. LeadershipUse this link for examples of the recommended practices: Leadership ExamplesL2. Leaders promote adherence to and model the DEC Code of Ethics, DEC Position Statements and Papers, and the DEC Recommended Practices.L3. Leaders develop and implement policies, structures, and practices that promote shared decision making with practitioners and families.L4. Leaders belong to professional association(s) and engage in ongoing evidence- based professional development.L5. Leaders advocate for policies and resources that promote the implementation of the DEC Position Statements and Papers and the DEC Recommended Practices.L6. Leaders establish partnerships across levels (state to local) and with their counterparts in other systems and agencies to create coordinated and inclusive systems of services and supportsL9. Leaders develop and implement an evidence-based professional development system or approach that provides practitioners a variety of supports to ensure they have the knowledge and skills needed to implement the DEC Recommended Practices.L10. Leaders ensure practitioners know and follow professional standards and all applicable laws and regulations governing service provision.Use this link for examples of the recommended practices: Family ExamplesFamilyF9. Practitioners help families know and understand their rights.F10. Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. Grading and Course ExpectationsCourse Guidelines (Modify content as needed for your class.)Before Class SessionsDuring ClassAssignmentsBe RespectfulCome prepared to engage in discussions and activities.Use appropriate and professional language.Honor diverse opinions and perspectives.Use “person-first” language when addressing someone with a disability. Ex. “A person with autism”Obtain instructor permission prior to due dates if more time is needed.Be ResponsibleRead and/or view expected context before class sessions.Contact instructor if you are unable to attend class.Attend class sessions and actively participate in discussions and activities.Maintain personal, student and school confidentiality.Ensure technology is turned off to eliminate distractions for yourself and others.Submit original work.Maintain academic integrity.Submit assignments on time.Submit electronically via Blackboard Be InformedFollow syllabus, guided notes and class presentations regarding content to be read or viewed.Sign up Blackboard notifications.Check your email regularly.Be alert to cancellations due to weather, instructor emergency, etc.Identify assignment due dates on Blackboard’s class calendar, guided notes, class presentations and syllabus.Ask questions about assignments in class, through email or during office hours.Assignments can be revised with instructor permission.Attendance and ParticipationExample: This is a fast-paced and interactive on-line class. Students “attend” class by accessing learning materials and completing activities posted on the Blackboard site, and by participating actively in the online discussion board. Participation in the discussion boards is a graded requirement of the class and missed deadlines without prior permission or without a valid excuse will result in a reduced grade for that week’s class. Missing deadlines on more than one occasion without prior permission or a valid excuse will result in a discussion with the instructor about the student’s ability to continue with the class.Course Assignments and Standards/RPs Crosswalk*In addition, consider the addition of CEC High Leverage Practices.7975608890000Aligned with87757082550007461258255000Assessment(point values)Personalize this form. For example, insert state standards or SLOs.CEC Advanced StandardsCEC/DEC Advanced Specialty Set: ECSE/EIDEC RPsNAEYC Advanced StandardsAdvocacy Presentation(15 points) Adv. Standard 5,6S5.1Adv. L2, L4Standard 4, 6Family Advocacy Project(25 points)Adv. Standard 5, 6K5.2S5.1, S5.2Initial F9, F10Standard 4, 6Sample Assignment for LeadershipAdvocacy Presentation. Each student will select an issue or challenge in the early childhood field and develop a presentation. The purpose will be to educate ourselves on the important policy issues that are currently impacting infants and young children, families, and our profession in the State of Maine and nationally.Each student will be asked to select a policy issue and create a 5-slide presentation about the issue. Slide 1 will introduce the issue and identify why it is an issue, Slide 2 will summarize important aspects of the issue (this should be based on what you learn from the literature), Slide 3 will discuss implications for early intervention/ECSE, and Slide 4 will discuss any current or recent state or national initiatives to address the issue. Slide 5 should list references and recommended print and Internet resources on the issue. Below are some examples of critical issues in our field:Achieving high quality inclusionOvercoming implicit biasResponding appropriately to young children’s behaviorCreating and maintaining strong family partnershipsFinancing early care and education servicesFamilies in vulnerable circumstances (e.g., poverty, neglect, abuse, NAS)Re-conceptualizing diversity within the early childhood curriculumPlay vs. academic emphasis in early childhood curriculumEarly childhood workforce issuesQuality in early childhood programsPrograms for infants and toddlersEligibility for early intervention or special education servicesMethods of assessing young childrenAddressing mental health and/or social and emotional development needs of young childrenTentative Course Schedule(Include a course schedule for transparency of expectations. Example topics, readings and assignments below.)(Consider the field placement and/or practicum requirements and add as needed.)DateTopic and Learning ActivityWeekly Explorations Readings LinksPAG – Program Administrator’s Guide to ECSEHECSE – Handbook of ECSESee additional readings on e-platformAssignments DueWeek 1Topic: Introductions and Overview of Course*Syllabus/Assignments scavenger hunt*Setting the stage: What makes a leader?*Effective leadershipPAG: Masci & McGowan, Ch. 2Reflection paper Syllabus quiz Discussion group Video introductionWeek 2Topic: Families as Partners*How to partner with families*Family systems*Family advocacyTopic: Parents as team members *Working with diverse families*How to engage families HECSE: Dunst & Espe-Sherwindt (2016)Center for Parent Information & ResourcesSee additional readings on e-platform*consider having parents lead sessions and small group discussionsDiscussion Groups Content QuizWeek 3Topic: Legislation, policies & the role of research *Legislation, litigation, & regulations*Federal vs state lawsIDEAADACourt decisionsMaking sense of the researchData-driven decision makingHECSE: McLean, Sandall, & Smith (2016)IDEAADASpecial education caselawPAG: Nussbaum, Ch. 14Observation videosWeek 4Topic: Leadership in EI/ECSE*Cultivating leadership in EC*Types of positions in EI/ECSE*Attract, recruit, retain*Barriers to retention*Communication skillsKagan & Hallmark (2001) onlineGroups assignmentsDiscussion GroupsWeek 5Topic: Considerations for Programs*Policies & procedures*Regulations, budgets, funding*Marketing*Service coordination*TransitionsPAG: McCracken, Ch. 12See additional readings on e-platformVideos Week 6Topic: Developing & defining exemplary practice through professional learning*Professional development*Mentoring*SupervisionDiscussion groupWeek 7Topic: Supporting & mentoring staff*Meetings*Personnel managementThe early advantage: Building systems that work for young children, Ch 4: Kagan, Melvin, Landsberg, Kumpulainen & Reid (2019)Content quizWeek 8Topic: Supervision of paraprofessionals & volunteers*Constructive feedback*Knowledge & skillsPAG: Masci & McGowan, Ch. 10See additional readings on e-platformResource listDiscussion GroupsWeek 9Topic: Health issues in settings for young children*Nutrition*Safety*Guiding policies & proceduresPAG: Taylor & Taylor, Ch. 11Discussion GroupsWeek 10Topic: Proposal writing, submission & grant management*How to find grants*Proposals and submissions*Grant managementPAG: Tyler, Ch. 13See additional readings on e-platformWeek 11Topic: Leadership experiences*Reflective practice*Adult learning principlesSupporting EC practitioners through relationship-based, reflective supervision (located on e-platform)Week 12Topic: Leaders in EI/ECSE*Applying lessons learnedPanel presentationsWeek 13Topic: Parents as leaders*Applying lessons learnedPanel presentationsParent interviews*consider having parents lead sessions and small group discussionsParent videos & interviewsWeek 14Topic: Program evaluation* Purposes of evaluation*Monitoring and controlling for quality* Program administration scalePAG: Carran, Ch. 15PAS toolWeek 15Topic: Program evaluation* Purposes of evaluation*Monitoring and controlling for qualityPAS ................

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