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Program Monitoring: Consolidated Program Review | Audits and Title I, Part A

Why Do We Monitor?

1. Building Relationships?We're in this together. OSPI's main objective is to raise student achievement for Washington's public school children. Through cooperative assessment of the federal programs between the State and the local education agencies (LEAs), the quality of services to students will be strengthened and improved.

2. Technical Assistance?We're here to help. State monitoring team members provide technical assistance during the review visit and beyond. It is not the State's intent to tell the LEA how to run its title programs, but rather to answer questions, facilitate dialogue, and exchange ideas and information for program improvement while, at the same time, meeting all federal requirements.

3. Compliance?it's the law. Monitoring federal programs helps ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Compliance monitoring is intended to be a collaborative partnership between the state and LEAs and public charter schools to ensure compliance with the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Did you know?

Total allocation and not enrollment is the basis to selecting the four largest LEAs for annual CPR monitoring.

CPR Review Cycle Most LEAs are monitored by ESD on a 5-year cycle. The four largest LEAs and selected other LEAs are monitored annually. 2019?20: Districts in ESDs 101 and 114 2020?21: Districts in ESDs 121 and 171 2021?22: Districts in ESDs 105, 112, and 113 2022?23: Districts in ESDs 105, 112, and 113

Information regarding the monitoring process and resources for LEAs that have an upcoming school year, go to Consolidated Program Review (CRP). There you will find checklist of all state and federal programs monitored, templates, guidance and more. Here are some other useful resources:

? CPR Action Plan Template

Preparing for Title I, Part A and Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Consolidated Program Review (CPR) The staff at the CPR team, Title I, Part A and LAP programs provide technical that contribute to the success of students in Washington each year. Even if your LEA is not scheduled for a Consolidated Program Review, the checklist and resources below can be helpful to regularly self-evaluate and document compliance with various requirements under Title I, Part A. Additionally, you will want to review the Grant Management section of OSPI's Accounting Manual for School Districts.

Keep documentation of these items: Written policies and procedures (including internal control activities) Supporting documentation for all expenditures Monthly expenditure reconciliations and grant claim reconciliations Time & Effort documentation ? certifications, calendars, schedules, etc. Procurement documentation

School/Building Selection Guidance for Evidence Documentation 1. Please provide documentation for each building being monitored with the exceptions of items 1.1 and 1.5, where each Title I building-level evidence is requested. 2. When a description is requested as evidence, please provide up to 200 words. 3. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) staff may request documentation for additional buildings based on initial review.

Desk Review

1. Local Educational Agency's (LEAs) with student enrollment of 5,000 and under Submit documentation for one targeted assistance and one Title I, Part A schoolwide school with the highest per pupil expenditure (PPE). If LEA has only: One Title I, Part A school, send documentation for that school. Targeted assistance schools, send documentation for two schools with the highest PPE. Schoolwide schools, send documentation for two schools with the highest PPE.

2. LEAs with student enrollment of 5,001 and over Submit documentation for two targeted assistance and two Title I, Part A schoolwide schools with the highest PPE.

If LEA has only: Targeted assistance schools, send documentation for the three targeted assistance schools with the highest PPE. Schoolwide schools, send documentation for the three schoolwide schools with the highest PPE.

On-site Review

3. Submit building documentation only for the buildings identified by OSPI for on-site reviews. Note: Unless noted below (items 1.1 and 1.5), please follow these directions for determining building level evidence.

Title I, Part A CPR Indicators Guide with Examples

Item 1.1

Description Ranking and Allocating Title I, Part A funds are used for eligible attendance areas and follow the ranking and allocation rules. [ESSA Section 1113(a)(b)]

Resources: Ranking & Allocating Title I, Part A Funds

Spreadsheet used to calculate Ranking & Allocating Compliance

Evidence LEA Level A. Title I, Part A expenditure report for each Title school served, showing only Title I expenditures for the 2018?19 school year. There should be a separate report submitted for EACH Title-served school.

The reports must show: ? Total 2018?19 Title I, Part A funds budgeted for each school. ? Total 2018?19 Title I, Part A expenditures for each school.

Note: When running the report (from WSIPC or other internal system) please sort by Title I expenses and location code. Please label reports by school or attach a location code key.

Examples of compliant items: ? Expenditure Report Example ? Verification Sheet Example

Item 1.2

Description Title I, Part A Set-Asides Charges to federal grants are charged and documented appropriately. [2 C.F.R. Part 200 Subpart E ? Cost Principles] ? Parent Engagement (1%, if over $500,000

allocation). [Section 1116(a)(3)] ? Private schools (if applicable). [Section 1117(a)(4)] ? Neglected & Delinquent students. [Section 1113 & Section 1115] ? Homeless students. [ Section 1113 & Section 1115]

Resources: Title I, Part A & LAP Program Guide See page 37

Title I, Part A: A Fiscal Handbook See page 10

Evidence LEA and School Level

Expenditure report (or other internal tracking document), separated by category/set-aside, for each of the following required set-asides. The report must show the budgeted amounts, as well as the total 2018?19 expenditures for each set-aside. In addition, include a document, or LEA chart of accounts, with account coding for Title I, Part A set-asides and locations.

A. Homeless students (required for all LEAs). B. Parent Engagement (1%, if allocation over $500,000). C. Evidence that unspent 2018?19 LEA and/or school Parent Engagement set-aside (required for LEAs with an allocation of $500,000 or more) was carried forward and added to 2019-20 (current year) budget for Parent Engagement. D. Private schools (if applicable). E. Neglected & Delinquent students (if applicable).

Examples of compliant items: ? Homeless Set-Aside Example ? Parent Engagement Set-Aside Example 1 ? Parent Engagement Set-Aside Example 2 ? Private School Set-Aside Example

Item 1.3

Description Supplement, Not Supplant Methodology Title I, Part A funds must supplement, and not supplant, the funds that would, in the absence of Title I funds, be made available from state and local sources.

The LEA must demonstrate that the methodology used to allocate state and local funds to each school ensures that schools receive all the state and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving Title I funds. [Section 1118(b)]

Resources: Supplement, Not Supplant Guidance

Evidence LEA Level

A. Provide the written methodology or methodologies for the LEA's distribution of state and local funds to each school (any facility with a building code) in the LEA. The methodology must include:

? How the LEA ensures that state and local resources are not reduced based on Title I status.

? How the LEA will ensure the methodology for distribution will be followed going forward.

B. Upload documentation (i.e. spreadsheet, template, etc.) that demonstrates the LEA is following its methodology for distributing state and local funds to each school (any facility with a building code) in the LEA for the current year.

C. N/A if marked by OSPI staff. LEAs are exempt from items 1.3A and 1.3B if at least one of the following apply: ? Only one school in the LEA ? All schools in the LEA are Title I schools ? Only one school per grade span in the LEA

Please review the updated guidance to learn if the LEA is partially exempt from the SNS requirement.

Examples of compliant items: ? SNS Example 1 ? SNS Example 2 ? SNS Example 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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