
right31750COVER PAGE FOR ASSESSMENTS PROGRAMMEOffice AdministrationSUBJECTODPLEVEL (NCV)4COMPONENT (e.g. TM, AM, ISAT)IEASSESSMENT DATESeptember 2019DURATION3 hoursSOURCE OF INSTRUMENT(please indicate/tick) DHET EXAMINER T LübbeINTERNAL A.HENDRICKSSUBJECT LECTURER L.PLAATJIESINSTRUMENT MODERATOR (Internal)A.HENDRICKSTOTAL MARK200Candidate’s SurnameNameStudent NumberDateClass GroupTOPICS AND OUT-COMES COVERED ACCORDING TO SUBJECT GUIDELINESAll topicsRESULTSMARK200%Weight of Assessment30 %Weighted Mark FEEDBACKMarkModLecturer FeedbackSignature: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________Q1Q2Q3Student FeedbackSignature: _____________________________ Date: ___________________________Q4Q5Moderator FeedbackSignature: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________200Student DeclarationI declare that the evidence provided for this assessment is my own work.Signature: ____________________________Date: ___________________________OFFICE DATA PROCESSING L4SEPTEMBER 2019 INTERNAL EXAMINATIONEXAMINER: L. PLAATJIESMODERATOR: A. HENDRICKS DURATION3 HOURSQUESTION 140QUESTION 240QUESTION 340QUESTION 420QUESTION 560TOTAL =SUM(ABOVE) 200INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES1.Answer ALL questions.2.Number all printouts correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.3.The time allocated for the question paper is THREE (3) hours including printing.4.Save at regular intervals to prevent loss of work in the event of a power failure. No additional time will be allowed for such loss work. It is your responsibility to protect your answers through regular saving.5.Do not write on a printout. Handwritten examination numbers will not be marked.6.Hand in all printouts. Should you wish that a printout not be assessed, hand in separately.7.Place all printouts in the correct order after the cover page.8.Make use of the folder: 2019 ODP4 IE STUDENT FILESInformation:You are the Personal Assistant to the Manager of the NGO, Magnificent South Africa and need to complete a few tasks, using MS Office.QUESTION 1: MS ACCESS DATABASE (36 minutes)Create a database table using appropriate data types to keep record of the stock at the Magnificent South Africa Shop.1.1Open the Microsoft Access program and create a new database named MAGNIFICENT SA.(1)1.1.1Create the table structure below with the name Q1A BOOKS and your EXAMINATION NUMBER. Note: DO NOT set a primary key.(1)FIELD NAMEDATA TYPEFIELD SIZE/FORMATBOOK TITLEShort Text25AUTHORShort Text20PUBLISHERShort Text25PRICECurrencyNo decimalsTYPEShort Text15AVAILABLEYes/NoDefault(7)1.1.2Save and print the database structure.(1)1.2Enter the following records in the table.(10)Q1A BOOKS EXAMINATION NUMBERBOOK TITLEAUTHORPUBLISHERPRICETYPEAVAILABLELiving in South AfricaRegina GraffAwesome SA Publishers R 220E-bookYesAbsolutely Awesome SADerryn CampbellAwesome SA PublishersR 340Soft coverYesGreen is not a colourDevan ValentiThe Lightning LabR 370Hard coverYesLiving a fulfilled lifeDiana SmithThe Lightning LabR200Hard coverNoCape Town A3Awesome SA PublishersR 160PosterYesUbuntu A3Awesome SA PublishersR 160PosterYes1.2.1Save the table and print in landscape orientation ensuring all fields are clearly displayed on ONE page. Close the table.(1)1.3Make a copy of the table and save it as Q1B SHOP and your EXAMINATION NUMBER.(1)Edit this table (Q1B SHOP EXAMINATION NUMBER) as follows:1.3.1Rename the BOOK TITLE field name to ITEM.(1)1.3.2Move the TYPE field to appear between the PUBLISHER and PRICE fields.(1)1.3.3Delete the record Living a fulfilled life by Diana Smith completely.(1)1.3.4Change the Price of the Absolutely Awesome SA record to R445.(1)1.3.5Sort the table according to the ITEM field in alphabetical order.(1)1.3.6Save the table and print in landscape orientation ensuring all fields are clearly displayed on ONE page. Close the table.(1)1.4Create a query using the Q1B SHOP table using the following fields:ITEM, AUTHOR, PUBLISHER, PRICE(2)1.4.1Add the necessary criterion to filter only the items from the Awesome SA Publishers with the price less than R300.(2)1.4.2Save the Query as Q1C QUERY and your EXAMINATION NUMBER.(1)1.4.3Print the QUERY, displaying all the information clearly on ONE page.(1)1.5Create a report with default settings based on the Q1B SHOP table. Add the following fields: ITEM, PRICE, AVAILABLE(1)1.5.1Left aligned the report title over two lines as follows:MAGNIFICENT SA SHOP (your) EXAMINATION NUMBER(2)1.5.2Show the Average Price of all the Items below the PRICE field in the Report footer.(2)1.5.3 Save and Print the report on one A4 portrait page.(1)[40]QUESTION 2: MS POWERPOINT (36 minutes)Open a blank MS PowerPoint document to create a new presentation by following these instructions.2.1Slide 1 Title: How do you want to make a difference?(2)2.1.1Delete the subtitle placeholder.(1)2.1.2Change the font of the Main title to: Berlin Sans FB Demi, 72 pt.(1)2.1.3Add a 6pt border to the Main title placeholder.(1)2.1.4Middle align the title placeholder on slide 1.(1)2.2Import slide 2 and 3 from the Presentation saved as Q2 IMPORT from your STUDENT FILES folder.(2)2.3Format the logo on slide 2 as follows:2.3.1Rotate Right 90° .(1)2.3.2Ungroup the shapes and change the blue rectangle shape to a rounded rectangle shape.(1)2.3.3Change the width of the rectangle shape to the width of the slide and the height to 2 cm .(2)2.3.4Change the font to 48pt and centre the text on the rounded rectangle shape and regroup the rounded rectangle and the wordart shapes.(2)2.3.5Move the logo to slide 1 and paste below the title.(1)2.4Edit slide 2 as follows:2.4.1Add a Picture Background to slide 2, use the Image PETS saved in your STUDENT FILES folder. Apply 50% Transparency to the photo.(3)2.4.2Slide 2 has a speaker note. Cut the note and paste it to become the last bullet on slide 2. Indent this bullet once.(2)2.5Insert a new Title and Content slide as slide 3. (Before the slide with the chart).(1)2.5.1Slide 3 Title: How?(1)2.5.2Insert a Vertical Bullet List SmartArt Shape with the following text:(5)2.5.3Add a light variation gradient fill to the shape as shown above. (1)2.5.4Apply the 3D-Bird’s Eye Scene SmartArt Style to the SmartArt Shape.(2)2.6Edit the Chart on slide 4 as follow:2.6.1Add the following two categories to the chart data on slide 4:Blood LionsR140 018R200 000Conservation through CommunityR135 656R153 750(4)2.6.2Add a chart title: CURRENT PROJECTS(1)2.7Open the Handout Master and remove the Date and Page number placeholders. (2)2.8Type your EXAMINATION NUMBER, Q2 in the Header and close the Handout Master.(1)2.9Save the presentation as Q2 and print the presentation as handouts, 2 slides per page.(2)[40]QUESTION 3: MS EXCEL (36 minutes)3.1Open the MS Excel workbook QUESTION 3 from the STUDENT FILES folder.As well as, open the MS Word document saved as Q3 ANSWER SHEET to paste the chart and print screen images in the spaces provided as required.(2)3.2Make the following changes to the workbook:3.2.1Delete the Sheet3 completely.(1)3.2.2Create a new sheet, place it after Sheet 1 and rename it to GAUTENG.(2)3.2.3Rename Sheet1 to COMPANIES.(1)3.2.4Open the workbook saved as SECTORS in your STUDENT FILES folders and copy the sheet to the QUESTION 3 workbook. Place the SECTORS sheet between the COMPANIES and GAUTENG sheets.(3)3.3Work now on the COMPANIES worksheet: 3.3.1Resize the columns to display all the text.(1)3.3.2The COMPANIES sheet is Protected (no password is assigned). Unprotect the sheet and change the telephone entry for the Penta Floor company to (011) 440-6759.(4)3.3.3Use the Freeze Panes feature to be able to keep rows 1 and 2 and column?A visible when scrolling.(2)3.3.4Move the chart from the COMPANIES sheet to the MS Word document Q3 ANSWER SHEET from your STUDENT FILES folder in the space provided.(2)3.3.5Delete the comment in Cell G2.(2)3.3.6Show the comment in column C of the COMPANIES worksheet.(2)3.3.7Make a screenshot of the COMPANIES worksheet. Note: show the Tabs with the sheet names and the visible comment in column C. Paste the screenshot in the Q3 ANSWER SHEET document in the provided space.(2)3.4Continue working in the COMPANIES worksheet:3.4.1Use the Custom Sort feature to sort the data simultaneously according to the following two levels :first alphabetically according to Province; then according to the Sector.(4)3.4.2Make a print screen of the Custom Sort Dialogue box and paste it in the Q3 ANSWER SHEET document in the provided space.(1)3.5Continue working in the COMPANIES worksheet:3.5.1Filter the data to show only the records in the Clothing sector in Gauteng and the Western Cape.(4)3.5.2Add your EXAMINATION NUMBER in a header left.(1)3.5.3Print this worksheet on one page with row and column headings and gridlines. Save and close the workbook.(2)3.6Work now in your Q3 ANSWER SHEET document.3.6.1Type your EXAMINATION NUMBER in the header left.(1)3.6.2Turn the data labels off on the chart you have pasted.(2)3.6.3Print Q3 ANSWER SHEET on 1 page both sides. Save and close the document.(1)[40]QUESTION 4: MS OUTLOOK (18 minutes)You have to send frequent emails to the sponsors of the Magnificent SA organisation. Use the MS Outlook program to create a contact group to send the necessary correspondence.4.1Use the People Feature of MS Outlook to create a Contact Group by following the instructions below:(1)4.1.1The name of the group is SPONSORS(1)4.1.2The members of the group are as follows:Marilyn Page - marilyn@business-sa.co.zaNosie Mgojo – nosie@lookfoward.co.zaEthan April – eapril@ (6)4.1.3Make a screen shot of the New Contact Group box clearly showing all the members with their email addresses.Paste this image in a MS Word document with your details left in the header as follows (do not print yet):NAME SURNAME QUESTION 4Save and close the Contact Group window, but keep the MS Word document open. You will print this at the end of QUESTION 4.(2)4.2Use the Mailing Feature of MS Outlook for important correspondence to the sponsors. Use the information below to set up the new message:4.2.1Send the message to the SPONSORS Contact Group created in 4.1 and send a carbon copy to the manager at simons@magnificentsa.co.za.(3)4.2.2The subject of the message is Project Zenzele(1)4.2.3 Enter the following message in the body, using Arial 16 pt:Dear SponsorOnce again a BIG THANK YOU for your generous contribution and support to the very successful Project Zenzele. We opened the centre on 30 August and already notice the impact of the project on the community. Thanks to organisations like yours, we make a difference in our community!Kind regardsBart SimonsMANAGER: MAGNIFICENT SA(5)4.2.4Make a screen shot of the New Message window and use the same MS Word document created in 4.1. Paste this image below the previous image from 4.1.3. Both images should fit on one page with all information clearly visible.Save the document as Q4 and print it out.(1)[20]QUESTION 5: AUDIO TYPING + MINUTES OF MEETING (54 minutes)Type the following question while listening to the audio transcript from your media file. 5.1 Open the letterhead named Q5 LETTERHEAD in the STUDENT FILES folder to type the audio transcription.Document:Minutes of MeetingMargins:Left aligned to the letterheadRight 2 cmLine spacing:Single unless otherwise instructedSpacing before and after paragraph 0 ptFont:Arial 12 ptJustification:LeftPaper:A4, PortraitWords found in the text:adopted, disabilities, fund-raising, Block, Kuhle, Little, Rivers, Simons, Project Zenzele, Tamboerskloof, proposals5.2Open the audio file named Q5 AUDIO from the STUDENT FILES folder.5.3Insert a footer with your EXAMINATION NUMBER and QUESTION 5 right aligned as follows:EXAMINATION NUMBER QUESTION 55.4After you have completed the transcript, use the Spelling function to correct any errors.5.5Save the document as Q5 and print the Minutes.[60]GRAND TOTAL 200 ................

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