| |

| |getting a position of a translator or interpreter or a foreign economic activity manager or any other position where|

|Aim: |my knowledge and experience can be useful, preferably remote (from home) or with flexible schedule of work |

|Date and place of birth: |July 24, 1979, Dnepropetrovsk city, Ukraine |

|Address: |Kharkov, Ukraine |

|Age: |35 years. |

|Education: |1996 finished Pavlograd secondary school #5. The same year entered Kharkov State Teacher Training University named |

| |after G.S. Skovoroda (on state-financed base), Foreign Philology Department (the English language - major, German- |

| |minor). |

| |2001 graduated from the university with diploma of specialist in methodology of teaching English, teacher of |

| |English. |

|Work experience: |

|2001- today |freelance translator for different agencies and private customers (in the USA, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, India). |

| |Current constant partners now are CMM Languages (India), T-Link (Russia and Ukraine), LocalTran Translations |

| |(China), Patent Agency Mikhailyuk and Co. (Ukraine) |

| |See more at |

|Duties: |translating into Russian and Ukrainian from English and German and into English from Russian and Ukrainian. Areas of|

| |translation: tourism, technical descriptions of products, user manuals, marketing, resumes, birth certificates, |

| |agricultural equipment, home appliances. |

|01/09/2009 - today | |

| |English language school «English Garden», teacher and owner of |

| |private school of English |

| |Ages of pupils - 5 -40. |

| |Number of groups - 8. |

| |Levels: elementary, beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate |

| |Developing new groups for adults. |

| |Individual lessons for pupils wishing to pass IELTS or TOEFL |

|Duties: |registering with state authorities as a private entrepreneur, purchasing all the necessary furniture and equipment |

| |(computer, desks, chairs, board), finding place for the class, organizing process of interviews for assessing the |

| |pupils' knowledge level, distributing the pupils in different groups, attracting customers, placing advertisements, |

| |developing program of teaching (for different ages), accounting (making reports for tax police and pension fund, |

| |handing them to tax police and pension fund), keeping track of all the pupils (addresses, phone numbers, age, |

| |parents information). |

|31.07.2014- up to now | Freelance English-Russian translator in Edition Department of Joint-stock Company with Foreign Investment “Family |

| |Book Club” (Part of Bertelsmann Group) |

|Duties: |Translation of different books into Russian from English, providing readable and understandable for our readers |

| |texts. Right now I am working on a book about Climbing and Miniature Roses. |

|18.03.2014-31.07.2014 |Foreign rights manager in Non-Fiction Division of Program Department in Joint-stock Company with Foreign Investment |

| |“Family Book Club” (Part of Bertelsmann Group) |

| | |

|Duties: |Work of Foreign Rights Manager in Non-Fiction Division of Program Department of Publishing Company comprised quite a|

| |lot of duties: first of all it was communicating with foreign publishing houses regarding purchase of rights for |

| |their books, negotiating terms of licensing (royalties, payment for photographs, terms of license and many others), |

| |receiving digital materials for desk-top publishing, sending complimentary samples to authors or rights agencies. |

| |Everything must be timely, otherwise publishing plan collapses or relations with partners worsen. Besides above |

| |mentioned duties there was other part of job: working with catalogues by which the published books are sold to |

| |customers in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Foreign Rights manager has to provide or choose photos or spreads for |

| |presentation of each book of our division. Besides pictures and spreads for catalogues, annotations for books must |

| |be chosen or corrected by Foreign Rights Manager. The third major part of work was to monitor other publishers |

| |(rivals) and find interesting topics for new books, then find similar books in partnering foreign publishing houses |

| |and negotiate their license purchase. The fourth part of work involved making publishing plan for next quarters, |

| |that means offering to the head of the division ideas for new books accompanied by information of statistics of |

| |sales of similar books from previous quarters, or if such books were not sold before accompanied by reasons why it |

| |would be profitable to publish one. The fifth part was providing copyright information for edition division. The |

| |sixth part was making passports of books projects and passports of books and complying them with all the divisions |

| |involved into process of publishing: production, edition, marketing, royalty and head publisher departments. The |

| |seventh part consisted in preparing the Non-fiction division head’s plan for book fairs, held in Frankfurt and |

| |London, taking place two times a year and preparation for which lies in making schedule of interesting publishers’ |

| |stalls’ visits, agreeing time and duration of visits. The eighth part of job consisted in controlling the quality of|

| |visual information in non-fiction books – choosing photos and their layout for covers, spreads, half-title and title|

| |pages. |

|Left the post: |The job involved too many duties, all that work could not be done in 8 hours of working day and many of them were |

| |not discussed at job interview. Having other job (teacher of English) I needed to leave at 5 pm sharp, leaving some |

| |undone work for the next day. It was not accepted by my division head, who disliked it and wanted me to stay 2 or 3 |

| |hours longer at work. Furthermore I suggested publishing books which would be more practical and useful in life, |

| |like organic gardening, beautiful braiding, natural cosmetics, building ovens (statistics were good) while my boss |

| |preferred more books on crafts like making paper flowers or beads animals or esoteric. All my ideas were looked down|

| |upon, also I didn’t much like choosing photos for books covers, half-title and title pages of books, I think it must|

| |be designers’ work, so I quitted. I needed to find some job which would allow me to plan my day myself, without |

| |having to stay long hours at work in the evening, something like freelance translating. |

|30.10.2006- 17.03.2014 |Purchase manager in JSC “Avtech” (alias LLC Chemtrade) .ua |

|Duties: |Finding and contacting suppliers of adhesives, packings, glues both in Ukraine and abroad (getting price-lists, |

| |technical information, certificates, their translation). Monitoring the purchase from making an inquiry or order and|

| |getting an invoice for payment up to the moment of receiving the cargo at the warehouse and making arrival documents|

| |for the warehouse. In case of importing my responsibilities involve as well communication with customs brokers, |

| |getting all the necessary documents from the suppliers, finding transporters. Monitoring availability of the goods |

| |at stock, planning purchasing from suppliers. I continue to perform as a translator (phone calls, translation of |

| |technical data sheets). |

| |Certificates of quality, analyses, hygiene certificates, insuring the quality of the products – part of my job. I am|

| |in charge of getting them from the manufacture, if the product is new in Ukraine I am responsible for obtaining all |

| |the documents permitting its sale in Ukraine (this involves contacting with Sanitary Epidemiological Station in |

| |Kharkov and Kiev, Toxicology and Hygiene Institution named after Medved, Ministry of Emergency of Ukraine, Ministry |

| |of Ecology of Ukraine). |

|29.04.2005- 30.10.2006 |translator, staff secretary (English, German) in the JSC ‘’Avtech” (specialization: trade in area of industrial |

| |adhesives, packings, sealants, cutting tools) |

|Duties: |translation of technical data sheets, catalogues from English, German into Russian, Ukrainian, phone calls to our |

| |foreign partners, searching for suppliers in internet (establishing contacts, sending inquiries for their products),|

| |accompanying director and logistics department head in negotiations + record keeping (orders, work-books, |

| |registering incoming-outcoming numbers of correspondence) + paper work connected with visas + receiving and |

| |distributing phone calls + supply of stationery + mail (sending, receiving, registering, distributing). |

| |Sometimes my responsibilities involve making invoices, load bills and tax bills (with the help of “Granite” |

| |software), organizing transporting of our clients’ orders to their locations (via forwarders like Eurocargo, |

| |Euroexpress, Autolux, SAT, Night Express and private forwarders). It happens when one of my co-workers who is |

| |usually responsible for this part of work is ill or absent for another reason. |

|1/07/2004-15/04/2005 |staff translator in the translating agency ‘’Eurologos” (English,German) |

|Duties: |Translation in/from English, German from/in Russian, Ukrainian. Notary certification of the translations. + |

| |searching for new clients on the internet |

|Left the post |due to financial difficulties of the Agency (due to the high rent our director decided to reduce the salaries, that |

| |did not suit me) |

|10.04.2003-1.07.2004 |staff-assistant in private enterprise “Media-group “OKNA”. |

|Duties: |Telephone calls reception and distribution, organization of office sufficient work (stationery, water supply), |

| |documentation keeping, and information search on the Internet, rare translations from English into Russian |

|Left the post |because of an offer of another more interesting in terms of professional growth work (translator in a translation |

| |agency). |

|November 2000- 1.07.2004 |work as a freelance translator in the translating agency “EUROLOGOS”, private lessons of English at home. |

|Duties: |Translations of some projects (GPS, restaurant menus, technical descriptions, dentistry texts) from English into |

| |Russian |

| |Both oral and written translations of letters, telephone calls, interpreting during meetings |

|April 1998- December 1998 |translator in international marriage agency “ZHIZN” (“Life”). |

|Left the post |due to its incompatibility with my university schedule. |

|Software: |Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook, Trados, Bat, Granite, Photoshop |

|Additional information: |1994 graduated from Pavlograd music school (piano class) |

| |1996 finished a course of PC literacy, |

| |2004 finished a course of category B driving in driving school of DOSAAF (Voluntary society of army, aviation and |

| |navy assistance). Unfortunately I don’t drive, have not got my car yet and don’t have enough practice. |

| |2014 took a course of Tourism agency manager, passed exam successfully |

| |Hobbies: I am fond of music, sport (belly dance, lawn tennis, skiing and skating), biking, cooking, healthy mode of |

| |life, divorced, have a son aged 13. |

|Contact details: |

|Phone numbers: |

|*Cellular phone +38063-947-16-77, *CDMA phone +38 057 755-92-62 |

|E-mail:, darja.kozak@ |

|skype etcetera2008 |

| |

|Thank you for reading my resume to the end |

| |


[Kozak Darja (Darya), +38 063 947 16 77, +38 057 755 92 62

Kharkov, Ukraine


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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