
Lincolnton High School Beta Club Officer PacketElection May 17th INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Beta Club Officer ApplicationName: _______________________________ Please place a check beside the office you wish to hold. You may choose one. ____President: The president will be responsible for conducting monthly meetings, as well as the New Member Induction ceremony, along with other leadership responsibilities requested of him/her throughout the year by the Beta Advisor and Principal. The president’s effectiveness will be measured by his/her ability – by voice, demeanor, and stage presence – to keep order and to so conduct himself/herself that fellow members are willing to abide by his/her decisions and directions.____ Vice President (Membership): The vice president of membership will work with the executive committee to develop activities that promote a desire for membership among our general school population. This person will also encourage participation and involvement in club activities among members. This person will be responsible for maintaining tutoring sheets on the 400 hall and at meetings. ____ Historian: The Historian will be responsible for maintaining pictures from each meeting and submitting those on a flashdrive to the advisor. They will also be responsible for creating a video, slideshow, or other remembrance for the end of year celebration.____ Secretary: The secretary should be detail-oriented and willing to keep excellent records of membership along with detailed notes from monthly meetings. These notes will be kept organized in a notebook and returned to the club advisor at the end of the year as a record of activities for the year. They are also responsible for posting minutes to the board on the 400 hall. ____ Accountant: The accountant will be responsible for reporting the balances in the club account periodically throughout the year. This person will also be responsible for counting the ballots following the election of officers and will be responsible for collecting service project logs and tallying the information to determine eligibility for club membership the following school year.Please describe the qualifications that you have which would enable you to serve the Lincolnton High School Beta Club in the office for which you are interested: 200 words or less____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BETA CLUB CANDIDATE RECOMMENDATION FORMCandidate’s Full Name _______________________________________________The above named candidate is being considered for a Beta Club Office. Club sponsors will use this form to determine if he/she meets the National Beta Club’s high standards of service, leadership, and character. Please complete the survey to the best of your ability. If you have questions or comments, please contact Dr. Clark at Please place this form in the envelope provided by the student, seal the envelope, sign along the seal and return to the student.Thank you in advance,Patricia ClarkTeacher completing form ______________________________ Please rate the student using the scale provided. For responses of 2 or lower, please comment.1= poor3= average5= excellentCommentsAttitudeActs ResponsiblyAttendanceSocial SkillsRespectfulnessInitiativeAbility to keep commitments/meet deadlinesPunctualityLeadership PotentialResults OrientedMaturityOverall impression of candidate: (please circle one)Highly recommend Recommend Recommend with reservation Do not recommend Signature __________________________________ Date __________________BETA CLUB CANDIDATE RECOMMENDATION FORMCandidate’s Full Name _______________________________________________The above named candidate is being considered for a Beta Club Office. Club sponsors will use this form to determine if he/she meets the National Beta Club’s high standards of service, leadership, and character. Please complete the survey to the best of your ability. If you have questions or comments, please contact Dr. Clark at Please place this form in the envelope provided by the student, seal the envelope, sign along the seal and return to the student.Thank you in advance,Patricia ClarkTeacher completing form ______________________________ Please rate the student using the scale provided. For responses of 2 or lower, please comment.1= poor3= average5= excellentCommentsAttitudeActs ResponsiblyAttendanceSocial SkillsRespectfulnessInitiativeAbility to keep commitments/meet deadlinesPunctualityLeadership PotentialResults OrientedMaturityOverall impression of candidate: (please circle one)Highly recommend Recommend Recommend with reservation Do not recommend Signature __________________________________ Date __________________ (A)The candidate will only take part in campaigning and campaign speeches. (B)The speech will have a time limit of two (2) minutes. (C)The candidate will use no costuming, props, slides, videos or inappropriate gestures during the speech. (D)During the candidate’s speech NO singing or rapping will be allowed. The speech is to be strictly a speech. The speech should have substance and list of your qualifications. You should discuss how you represent the central beliefs of Beta Club. (E)The candidate’s speech will be followed by the promotional skit or video. The dress for participants in the skit must be appropriate with no low-cut tops, no midriffs showing, no skin tight clothing, shorts must be worn under very short skirts. (F)The candidate will not take part in the promotional skit.(H)Young ladies must wear a dressy pantsuit with coordinating long sleeve jacket or business suit. The length of the pants must be to the ankle. The length of the business suit skirt must be below the knee, with a front, side or back slit no longer than 2” above the knee. The jacket’s sleeve must be to the wrist. No low cut or tight fitting tops will be allowed. No strapless or spaghetti straps for dresses or tops will be allowed.(I)The young men must wear a suit or jacket with dress slacks, a tie, collared dress shirt and dress shoes. Clothing may not reflect candidate’s slogan or name. (L)The promotional skit or video will have a time limit of one (1) minute. A percentage of the votes will be deducted for inappropriateness.If there are infractions of the above stated candidate rules,a deduction of votes will occur as follows:Inappropriate speech or skit which includes the following: 50% deduction in votesSexual gestures or connotationsInappropriate dance moves or gestures Reference to alcohol, drugs and tobaccoUse of and/or portrayal of guns of any type, real knives or swords and very sharp pointed objects.Reference to gambling, bathroom humor, underclothing, sex and race ................

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