Punctuating titles worksheet 5th grade


Punctuating titles worksheet 5th grade

Related Links: Quotation marks, underlining or italics to indicate a title Reference Materials Punctuating Titles of Works To link to this Using underlining quotations italics page, copy the following code to your site: Using underlining quotations italics When writing, we give special formatting to titles (books, movies, songs .....) to make them distinct from the surrounding text. Texts of longer works (books, movies, magazines, etc) should be underlined or italicized (not both). Titles of shorter works (poems, songs, short stories, etc) should be put in quotation marks. These worksheets give practice in capitalizing and formatting titles. "The story starts in a cold, dark, scary forest," said the storyteller. (Commas within the quote remain in the quote.) Do you teach students how to punctuate titles? It's a 5th grade standard (L.5.2.d), but in the past, I definitely touched on the more common rules (books, chapters, poems, songs, magazines, & articles) when I taught fourth grade, as well. Today I am going to show you the anchor chart I created to address this standard. Before class, I will create the base of the anchor chart- a simple T-chart. I will be creating most of the anchor chart during class with students. (I used clip art images that are free on TPT, just in case you want to replicate this anchor chart. To obtain the pie clip art, visit Kari Bolt's store. To download the free computer and pencil clip art, visit Tim van de Vall's store.) Once class begins, I will ask my students to help me fill in the anchor chart. First, I will tell my students that when it comes to punctuating titles, there is a guiding question they can ask themselves that will help them punctuate the majority of titles: Is this a WHOLE literary work, or is this a PART of a literary work? I'll explain that whole, complete literary works are underlined, while partial literary works are placed inside quotation marks. Next, I'll list associated pairs (book and chapter, for example), and I'll have students tell me in which column each literary piece should be written. After we've listed all of the titles that follow the whole vs. parts guideline, I will tell my students that there are a few items that need to be added to the column of titles that need to be underlined. After switching to a green marker, I will add the additional four items to the bottom of that column. Likewise, I will add a couple items to the bottom of the quotation mark list. These items written in green don't really follow the whole vs. parts rule, and simply need to be memorized. To complete the anchor chart, I will tell my students that there is one more important rule they need to remember, and it's related to the two images at the bottom of the anchor chart. After allowing 1 or 2 students to make a guess, I will jot the final rule on the anchor chart. When the anchor chart is complete, it will look like this: If you don't have time to make the anchor chart, you might want to consider purchasing my Punctuating Titles PowerPoint. Slides 4 through 16 take the students through a similar part vs. whole exercise. It also makes the same point about italicizing instead of underlining when you are using a keyboard. Furthermore, it concludes with 17 practice sentences. Whether you choose to use the anchor chart or the PowerPoint, be sure to download this FREE PRINTABLE by clicking on the image below! I plan to use it as a quick exit ticket. This sorting activity will allow you to check for understanding. Thanks for stopping by! Pin for later: 5th grade, Anchor Chart, Freebie, Writing Quotation Marks for TitlesCommasLearn to correctly use commas in your writing. This page covers commas in a series, commas to offset interjections, commas in dates and commas in addresses.Punctuation WorksheetsUse these worksheets to teach students about periods, question marks, exclamation points, and commas.Grammar WorksheetsThis page has printable grammar worksheets for teaching nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, and more. In order to continue enjoying our site, we ask that you confirm your identity as a human. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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