University of the Punjab


University of the Punjab, Lahore. |[pic] | |

|Ref. No: 190 / QEC | |Date: 03-05-2011 |

Dean, Faculty of Science,

University of the Punjab,


Subject: Minutes of Meeting for Expediting Self Assessment Activities of Faculty of Science

Purpose of Meeting: To expedite the completion of Self Assessment Report

Scope of Meeting: Minutes of Visit to Faculty of Science

Date of Meeting: 18-04-2011 (Monday)

Venue of Meeting: Committee Room, Center for Undergraduate Studies

Responsible Staff:

1) Prof. Dr. Shahida Hasnain (Dean Faculty of Science)

2) Chairman, Department of Geography

3) Chairman, Department of Mathematics

4) Chairman, Department of Physics

5) Chairman, Department of Space Science

6) Director, Institute of Chemistry

7) Director, Institute of Geology

8) Director, Center for Integrated Mountain Research

9) Principal, College of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences

10) Director, Centre for High Energy Physics

11) Director, Microelectronic Research Centre

12) Director, Center for Solid State Physics

13) Principal, College of Earth & Environmental Sciences

14) Director, Centre for Undergraduate Studies

15) Principal, Punjab University College of Information Technology

In Attendance:

1) Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Rafique (Department of Physics)

2) Dr. Bushra Haider (Department of Physics)

3) Dr. Munawar Ali Munawar (Institute of Chemistry)

4) Dr. Muhammad Abdul Qadir (Institute of Chemistry)

5) Dr. Farah Kanwal (Institute of Chemistry)

6) Dr. Muhammad Qadeer Afzal (Centre for High Energy Physics)

7) M. Ayub Faridi (Centre for High Energy Physics)

8) Ms. Aroona Ijaz (Centre For Integrated Mountain Research (CIMR))

9) Mr. Abdus Sattar (Institute of Geology)

10) Dr. Shahid Jamil Sameeni (Institute of Geology)

11) Dr. Sohail Chand (College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences)

12) Mr. Munawar Iqbal (Statistical and Actuarial Sciences)

13) Dr. Muhammad Aslam Malik (Department of Mathematics)

14) Prof. Dr. Shahid S. Siddiqi (Chairman, Department of Mathematics)

15) Mr. Safdar Ali Shirazi (Department of Geography)

16) Ms. Isma Younes Department of Geography)

17) Ms. Ammara Dar (Centre for Undergraduate Studies)

18) Ms. Nida Ahsan (Centre for Undergraduate Studies)

19) Mr. Asim Zafar (Centre for Undergraduate Studies)


1. Dean Faculty of Sciences

2. Program team members of Department of Space Science

3. Program team members of Microelectronic Research Centre

4. Program team members of Center for Excellence in Solid State Physics

5. Program team members of College of Earth & Environmental Sciences

6. Program team members of Punjab University College of Information Technology


Meeting started at 11:00 am with the recitation of few verse from the Holy Quran.

1. A short presentation was given to the participants about following contents:-

▪ Objectives of SAM

▪ Elements of a successful assessment

▪ Steps of Procedure for Self Assessment:

▪ Components (criteria) of SAM

▪ Scoring of criterion items (Rubric form of assessment)

▪ Activities of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)

▪ Future Plan of QEC

• The Director QEC then presented the latest status / position regarding the self assessment activities of Faculty of Sciences to the faculty in the form of a Table-1 (shown next)

|Department / Institute |PTs formed |SAR received |SAR Sent back for Changes|SAR received after |

| | | | |Improvement |

|1 | | | | |

|2 | | | | |

|3 | | | | |

|Chairman’s Comments |

|Name & Signature |

|Dean’s Comments |

|Name & Signature |

|QEC Comments |

|Name & Signature |

4. Prof. Dr. Aamir Ijaz further advised the participants as follows:-

4.1 Evaluate all the institutes / departments for their own standing with the help of scoring of criterion items (Rubric format) which was circulated on meeting day (18-04-2011) to all the participants.

4.2 Departments are at their liberty to change the criterions according to their system of examinations.

4.3 The shortcomings should be mentioned in their SAR; which is the basic source for improving the faculty needs, infrastructures, library facilities and any other resources at the departmental level.

4.4 Participants were further told that HEC will not approve any projects from any department in future whose self assessment process is not completed.

4.5 The participants were told that QEC staff is available at any time for assistance if so required. They can be contacted at the following telephone Nos:-

Mr. Muhammad Abdullah 0336-4110499 (mob)

Mr. Ijaz Ahmad 0321-4355495 (mob)

042-99230085 Ext-817 (off)

5. Question asked from one of the participants about the work load of program team members should be minimized. Director QEC answered this question that he will request the directors of different departments of faculty of sciences to reduce the teaching load of those teachers who are involved in self assessment activity. The Director QEC also told the participants that QEC is trying to get hold of a software which could be useful for evaluating and analyzing the teachers evaluation automatically.


1. The names of program team members of Institute of Chemistry should be sent to QEC by the 10th May, 2011.

2. It was further decided that the revised names of program team members of Institute of Geology, Department of Physics and Centre for High Energy Physics or any other institute / department / centre / college; must send their names to QEC by the 10th May, 2011.

3. QEC team will email the soft copy of self assessment report of Institute of Quality & Technology Management to all the institutes / departments / centres / colleges of Faculty of Science before the end of 21st April, 2011.

4. The minutes of meeting will be circulated to all the institutes / departments / centres / colleges under Faculty of Sciences, Worthy Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab and Higher Education Commission (HEC) by 10th May, 2011.

The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by Prof. Dr. Aamir Ijaz.

(Prof. Dr. Aamir Ijaz)

Director, QEC


• Secretary to Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab

• Higher Education Commission (HEC)

• Department of Geography

• Department of Mathematics

• Department of Physics

• Department of Space Science

• Institute of Chemistry

• Institute of Geology

• Center for Integrated Mountain Research

• College of Statistical & Actuarial Sciences

• Centre for High Energy Physics

• Microelectronic Research Centre

• Center for Solid State Physics

• College of Earth & Environmental Sciences

• Centre for Undergraduate Studies

• Punjab University College of Information Technology



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