A. INTRODUCTION The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford (the “Authority”) is seeking a qualified Contractor or Contractors to implement and configure a Contract Management System (hereinafter “System”) that will be used to manage goods, services and construction contracts from the solicitation phase, through vendor evaluation and selection, contract execution, and closure. The Authority is also seeking potential System integrated solutions for inventory and purchase order management. Such solutions will be considered part of the System for purposes of this solicitation. B. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Letters of Interest and Demonstration of System: Authority is requesting Letters of Interest from qualified Contractors with a Contract Management System who would be interested in performing a demonstration (each a “Demonstration”) of their System in lieu of a formal written response/proposal. Letters of Interest may be delivered electronically to bids@ . The Demonstrations will be scheduled within a few weeks after the letter submission deadline. Demonstrations are limited to 90 minutes and should be based upon the requirements identified in Section C Scope of Work and will be scored based upon Section E Evaluation Criteria. This evaluation process may lead to a contract for a System. This procurement is being carried out utilizing the Authority’s small purchase procedures.LETTERS ARE DUE BY 2PM VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION ON THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2020C. SCOPE OF WORK The selected System must meet the following requirements: 1. The System must support the management of a contract project for the entire contract lifecycle – from the initial solicitation, through vendor evaluation and scoring, contract creation and negotiation/redlines, contract execution, performance period contractor performance issues and closure. The System must support the following features to that end: a. The System must provide the capability to create a separate “file” for each Authority procurement. For purposes of this solicitation, the term “Contract” applies to full length contracts and simple purchase orders managed by the System. The ideal System would have the capability to record the following activities for each procurement: i. Contract Number ii. Contract Name iii. Contract Administrator iv. Initial Annual Not To Exceed Amount (“NTE”) Authorized, as well as Authorization Type (i.e. Board of Commissioner Approval or Purchase Order System Approval)v. Real time (daily update automatically, real time on command for particular Contracts) remaining balance of available Contract funds (i.e. NTE plus any increased amounts authorized minus all approved invoices for payment) vi. Budget Coding vii. Estimated Solicitation Date viii. Estimated Work Start Date/Contract Effective Date as well as Contract Term End Date and Extension Information ix. Evaluation Plan (Authority employee information) x. Current Status – the status field will be updated by the system as a Contract progresses through the process. The status codes include: 1. Assigned to staff2. Draft 3. Solicitation 4. Evaluation 5. Negotiation 6. Executed 7. Active 8. In Closing 9. Closed b. Provide the capability to manage Contract documents, including Requests for Proposals, Invitations for Bids, Proposals or Bids received, Evaluation Scoresheets and Selection Memos, Contract forms and components, and other supporting documentation. i. These documents will be tagged with appropriate metadata or otherwise be organized by document type and Contract number. ii. The System will support routing documents for editing and approvals, tracking changes and approvals in a reportable manner. iii. The System will provide version control of all documents. iv. The System will support routing invoices for editing and approvals, tracking changes and approvals in a reportable manner.v. Ideally (but not required) the System will support document auto-population and assembly (i.e. solicitation body and necessary attachments) with prompts for document components based on solicitation type.v. If the System does not provide this document management capability internally, it must integrate or interface with another vendor demonstrated document management system. c. Provide a mechanism for capturing vendor performance reports from Contract users. d. Provide the capability to submit change requests which follow an approval workflow, utilizing the same approvers as the original Contract.e. Provide the capability to submit work or task orders which follow an approval workflow, utilizing the same approvers as the original Contract. f. Provide calendar scheduler showing upcoming critical dates in order of impending deadlines – this function should feed user email or straight calendar prompts for certificates of insurance, annual reporting requirements, renewals or extensions, contract end dates, bid openings, pre-bid meetings, etc.g. Support multiple vendor contracts. The Authority has several contracts with multiple vendors (i.e. legal services).h. Provide ability to edit, delete line items, and/or change quantities on partially received PO’s.i. Provide integrated e-signature capability whether through native application or through API. Currently the Authority uses RightSignature for its e-signature needs.2. Support the management of vendor information for all active vendors. This information will include the following attributes: a. Vendor name, address, and contact information b. Vendor Tax ID c. Vendor WMBE, Section 3, and Small Business designations d. Sub-contractor use, and the WMBE, Section 3, and Small Business designation of those sub-contractors e. Contracts or proposals that the Vendor is associated with f. Vendor Insurance Coverage Informationg. Vendor Compliance Reporting for Wage Requirements 3. Support periodic data uploads from the agency ERP, Emphasys: a. For all active contracts, daily automatic upload (real time on demand for each Contract) the current budget and spend information from Emphasys, including the original budget amount, current budget amount, history of change requests and task orders, as well as any invoices that have been paid against the Contract. 4. Provide reporting capability, including the following pre-configured reports (see sample report configuration at end of this Section for more detail): a. Contract financial summary b. Contract status c. Contract abstract d. Open workflow items e. Organizational dashboard f. Vendor dashboard g. Contract Administrator workload 5. Inventory Integration – The System must include its own integrated inventory tracking solution (integrated with the Authority ERP) or be able to integrate with the Authority’s current Procure IT system. In addition to general integration the inventory module must incorporate the following:a. Reporting to incorporate a locator system and min/max inventory levels to utilize a JIT concept for replenishment.b. Warehouse to warehouse transfers to coincide with proposed off-site locations.c. Generate cycle counts for multiple locations based on item value and usage.The selected Contractor shall perform the following tasks in support of the purchase and deployment of the System: a. Implementation Planning: i. Work with the Authority project manager to create a detailed project plan for configuring and implementing the System. ii. Hold a formal project kickoff meeting with key stakeholders to review the project plan for implementation. b. System Configuration/Customization: i. Define and document detailed requirements necessary to configure the System. ii. Configure and/or customize the System to meet those requirements, including the creation of 3-5 custom reports. c. Historical Data Migration - Upload historical data and documents for active contracts. (fewer than 100) i. Clear out and eliminate discontinued items from the catalog, clean up partially received PO’s with no recent activity. d. Administrator Training: i. Provide onsite or online administrator and super user training for up to five (5) Authority users. ii. Provide training materials so that Authority trainers can train the remaining end users on the System. e. Deployment Planning and Support: i. Create a detailed implementation plan for cutover and go-live. ii. Manage the actual cutover to the System, including directing Authority resources as needed. iii. Provide comprehensive support (at no cost to the Authority) for the System for 30 days after go-live. Provide support pricing for ongoing service.D. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED IN YOUR LETTER OF INTEREST Response Content: Letters of interest should address and be organized in the order of the outline given below and include the following information: Brief description and history of your System Brief narrative statement describing how your System meets Authority requirementsSystem implementation and operational requirementsRates/Costs associated with development, implementation and training, as well as any annual System charges.A list of at least three references of similar or greater size and complexity when compared to the Authority for whom the firm or team members have installed the System and when the System was installed (including agency or business name of client, contact person, address, telephone number and e-mail address if available.) Signed forms as indicated in Section F.E. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EVALUATION CRITERIA Letters of Interest, demonstrations and any hard copy submittals will be evaluated as described in this section. The Authority reserves the right to request additional information or documentation from the Contractor regarding its System, submittal documents, personnel, financial viability, or other items in order to complete the selection process. In submitting a Letter of Interest and performing a demonstration of your System, the Contractor and any sub-consultants agree that any costs, prices, hourly rates proposed are valid for a minimum of 90 days from the date of System demonstration. The following criteria weighted by relative importance with an aggregate total of one hundred points will be utilized to evaluate the Systems: Evaluation Criteria – Qualifications Weighting (Max. Points) 1 System Contract Management 25 2 System Integration (to internal and external components) 25 3 System Document Management 20 4 Custom Report Generation Capability 15 5 Implementation Cost, Annual Costs 15 MAXIMUM TOTAL POINTS 100 Cyber Liability: When applicable, the Contractor shall provide Cyber Liability coverage including both first and third party coverage, covering claims involving privacy violations, information theft, damage to or destruction of electronic information, intentional and/or unintentional release of private information, alteration of electronic information, extortion and network security. $1,000,000 each Occurrence Cyber liability coverage can be either stand alone or included within the Professional liability policyF. RESULTING CONTRACT DOCUMENTATIONThe Authority intends to contract for a period of 3 years with 2 options of one year each to extend the contract. Options to extend are exclusively the Authority’s to exercise. Included with this solicitation are the following forms and contract documents which will make up the final contract:HUD Form 5369b: Instructions to Offerors (Pre-award Terms)HUD Form 5369c: Representations, Certifications and other Statement (Signature Required)HUD Form 5370-C: General Conditions for Non-Construction Contracts (contract value above 100,000)HUD Form 50071: (Signature Required)Form SF-LLL (Signature Required)Sample Contract Acknowledgement of Addenda (Signature Required)CLARIFYING QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:Question 1. Is Authority looking for an Off the Shelf product or a custom application?Authority Response: Either is fine, so long as all requirements are met. Question 2. May non-United States based companies respond and perform while out of the country??Authority Response: Yes, the Authority has no restrictions on doing business with foreign companies. It should be noted that the selected vendor must comply with all applicable state and federal regulations.Question 3. Please clarify the number users (by role and department) expected to need access to the system. Authority Response: 3 Purchasing (full access), 5 Finance (full access), about 10 in the customer departments (generally casual users), and several approvers in the approval routings (casual). Access for users must be permission based).Question 4. Does the Authority have an estimate on the number of users who will need to access the System at the same time (Concurrent Licenses)?Authority Response: 15Question 5. Will the System need to track sub-contractors? If yes, does that tracking include sub-contractor financial values and payments?Authority Response: The system will track information related to sub-contractors (i.e. name, address, approval date of sub-contract) but not payment from contractors to sub-contractors. Question 6. Must the System track insurance compliance?Authority Response: Yes, the System should list required types and limits, store insurance certificates and schedule reminders when new certificates are needed from vendors.Question 7. Must demonstrations be presented in person, on location at 180 John D Wardlaw Way in Hartford, or can the vendor present the demo via an online presentation?Authority Response: Online System demonstrations are acceptable.Question 10. How many unique contract types (Views) are required? Authority Response: One view for purchase orders, one for all other contracts.Question 11. What is the average number of fields within each contract type for capturing data? Fields are key terms that you wish to be able to search, sort & report upon. Common examples: Company Name, Milestone Date, deliverables, division, status, financial info, etc.)Authority Response: Around 20 fields including all of the fields included in the attached contract registry, MBE/WMBE/Section 3 status, other general information fields as well as the possibility of adding custom fields.Question 12. Does some of your contract data currently exist today in either a spreadsheet, homegrown database, or other application that you would want migrated into the System during implementation?Authority Response: Yes, the Authority has its Contract Registry spreadsheet, Procure IT for purchase order information and Sharepoint for current contract documents. All will have to immigrate into the System. Question 13. If offered, how many contract templates or other documents such as letters, notices, forms etc. will the Authority want the System to be able to auto populate?Authority Response: Request for Proposals (RFP)Invitation for Bids (IFB)Request for QualificationsSolicitation AddendumRFP Score SheetRFP Non-Disclosure CertificationIndependent Cost EstimatePurchase Order InitiationStandard Contract Form (approx. 8 slight variants)Terms & Conditions (approx. 9 slight variants) Amendment/Change OrderContract Approval SheetBoard Of Commissioners Resolution and Selection Memo (RFP)Board of Commissioners Resolution and Selection Memo (IFB)Vendor Award Notification (RFP)Vendor No-Award Notification (RFP)Vendor Award Notification (IFB)Vendor No-Award Notification (IFB)Purchase Order, with appropriate HUD or other terms includedQuestion 14. Total number of contracts added annually?Authority Response: Annual Contracts: 10-15, Annual Purchase Orders: [____]Question 15. Are the Authority’s documents currently linked to the Contract Registry or Emphasys?Authority Response: No.Question 16. What format(s) do the documents currently reside in? (.pdf, .tiff, .doc, paper etc.)Authority Response: Documents are primarily word, pdf and excel.Question 17. What is a rough approximate number of records being migrated?Authority Response: Total number is unknown but likely not more than 5k. This includes all current contracts and purchase orders.Question 18. Is there an expected length of the Letter of Interest, or any format requirements?Authority Response: No. The Letter of Interest requirements are outlined in section D. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED IN YOUR LETTER OF INTEREST of the RFP. Question 19. Does the Authority require its vendors (in relation to the solicitations Authority will advertise) to submit proposals online? Or is the System just needed for internal management of projects/solicitations/contracts?Authority Response: The Authority is exploring the option to allow for electronic submittals and would be interested in seeing electronic submission demonstrations.SAMPLE REPORT FORMATSReportColumnsSort ParametersContract FinancialsContract #Contract Start Date (Drives Annual Budget)Contract End DateContract Type (Micro Purchase PO, Micro Purchase non-PO, Small Purchase PO, Small Purchase non-PO, Over Small Purchase Threshold)Project ManagerContract AdministratorVendor or VendorsBudget CodingOriginal Total Annual Budget (NTE) Per VendorCurrent Remaining Annual Budget (NTE) Per VendorChange Orders (Date and #)Task Orders (Date and #)Invoices Paid (Date and Amount) Per VendorContract #Contract Type (Micro Purchase PO, Micro Purchase non-PO, Small Purchase PO, Small Purchase non-PO, Over Small Purchase Threshold)Organizational UnitProject ManagerVendorContract StatusContract #Project ManagerContract AdministratorVendorContract StatusHistory of WorkflowsContract #Organizational UnitProject ManagerContract AdministratorContract AbstractContract #Contract TypeContract Authorization TypeProject ManagerContract AdministratorContract DescriptionStatusVendor or VendorsLinks to DocumentsContract #Open Workflow ItemsContract #Contract NameWorkflow Action NeededResponsible UserOrganization DashboardContract #Contract NameContract TypeContract StatusProject ManagerContract AdministratorOrganizational UnitTotal BudgetLink to the Contract AbstractProject ManagerOrganizational UnitContract AdministratorContract StatusYearVendor DashboardVendor #Vendor NameTotal Dollars AwardedAssociated ContractsLinks to Vendor DocumentsWMBEWBEMBECBESmall BusinessSection 3Contract StatusContract Administrator Workload# Contracts of each Status and the total BudgetNext Critical Action DateLink to Contract DetailsContract AdministratorFORMSHUD 5369-BHUD 5369-CHUD 5370-CHUD 50071HUD SF-LLL\s\sHOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF HARTFORDACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA FORMProposer has received the following Addenda, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged:Addendum Number __________Date Received: __________________Addendum Number __________Date Received: __________________Addendum Number __________Date Received: __________________Addendum Number __________Date Received: __________________Addendum Number __________Date Received: __________________(Company Name)(Signature) ................

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