Web Design AssessmentThe company that I will be creating this website for is the X-Rippers they are a band who require a website so that they can better promote their brand.Benefits of a websiteThere are many ways in which my client will benefit from a website, such as:Promoting their brand nameHaving a website that people can access who attend your gigs, gives of an image of professionalism that you cannot achieve without a website, it allows for people to easily access information about the band as well as music samples, merchandise and tour dates.Timeline of the bandA timeline allows the band the opportunity to upload important images that may be relevant to the bands history such as gigs when the band was first established, also it will allow them to show images of recent gigs in order to allow the person who is looking at the website a good idea of what the band will offer in a live performance.Distribution of merchandiseIt will allow the band another method of selling their CD’s and merchandise other than having to advertise it at the venues where they are playing, this will allow for a larger amount of people to have the opportunity to purchase their music and also get a band T-shirt which will have the knock on effect of advertising the band further.How Will My Website Give Them An Advantage Over Their Competitors?The website will give the band the opportunity to have a high quality, aesthetic, easy to navigate website that will show both professionalism but will also reflect how the band likes to operate. The website will follow a basic design with very few colours, it will use Blue Black White and Red in order to represent the band is a British born and they are proud to promote this, unlike a lot of bands this website will be a representation of the ideology of the band, it will have very easy to navigate links that will allow the user to freely search the website without having any navigation problems, also due to the simplicity of the website it will also not hinder the load times of people who have slow internet connections, as it will not be full of advertisements, Gifs and music that may load up when you click the webpage.What function will the website have?The website will serve as a way for the band to advertise themselves to the world as much as possible. This is done providing the user with a simple to use website that has easy navigation and links to the bands alternate websites, such as their eBay for purchasing their music. The website will also have a newsletter than users can subscribe to in order to keep up to date with the band’s latest gig dates or song releases. The website will basically act as a hub for the band, it will be there main source of advertising as well as being a way for them to distribute more of their merchandise. The sight will also be used as a timeline for the band so that they can forever immortalise the journey they have taken and make it available for everyone to see. Basic Designs for the websiteThis is the basic design that I will use on the website, it will have 4 headers at the top stating what pages the website wanted which were: About us, Contact us, Home, and Gig Dates. The pages will also have a header saying the name of the band. The home page will have a block of texting stating who the band are, what they do and instructing the user to use the links at the top of the page to look around the website. It will also have a big image, such as a group photo of the band below this.The gig dates page will have the same links and header as the home page. It will then have a block of text that states the dates which he band will be performing , underneath this there will be a couple of images of band in a live performance.The about us page will also have the same links and headers at the top of the page. It will then have a big block of text using the backstory of the band that will take up most of the page.The contact us page also has the same links and headers at the top of the page. It will then have a form allowing the user to input their name and email address so that they can sign up to a newsletter. This will then be followed by links to the ebay and the Facebook pages of the band so that the users can check the bands merchandise and also their personal pages for updates.Colour SchemeThese are the colours that I will use on the website, the red white and blue will represent that the band is British born, and the black represents the darker theme of the punk era.Factors that need to be considered when making a websiteLegal FactorsThere are many legal complications that arise with the creation of a website, such as:CopyrightMaking sure that the images and music that are used on the website belong to the band, and also if any images are used that do not belong to the company, you have gotten permission from the creator to use the image.Domain nameGetting a domain name is one of the most important parts of having a website, this will be what people will have to search in order to find your website, so you must have a domain name that is simple and effective at representing your company. However you must be sure to get your domain name from a reliable source, this is to prevent you purchasing someone else’s domain name and then being sued for it, it is also important to make sure that your web domain does not contain a trademarked word or phrase, this can be done by performing a trademark search on your domain name.TrademarkMake sure that none of the photos or information that you have used are trademarked by another company. It is also important when the company is creating a logo to ensure that it is unique and does not directly copy another companies logo, this will avoid any sort of trademark in that respect.Good Practice when creating a websiteIt is important to demonstrate good practice when constructing a website to show to your client that you are confident and also professional in the way that you create their desired website. There are several ways that you can demonstrate good practice when creating a website an example of this is validation.ValidationValidation is a method of checking the code of your website to see if there are any errors in the code that may present an error in the future. It is also a way of demonstrating that you take care when it comes to creating a clients website, proving that if there are no errors you have completed the job as expected rather than trying to take shortcuts that may present errors. This is an example of the validation that I carried out when creating the websites style sheet, here it is proven that there are no errors with the design of the style sheet, meaning there will be no expected aesthetic errors on the pages of my website. The pages of the website also passed the validation period. Validation is also incredibly useful for future proofing the website, meaning that if the company was to hire someone to change the program in a few years’ time, then the web developer will have an incredibly easy time implementing any new features to the website due to the well-constructed error free code that I have created. Validation also means that the website is easy to maintain, for example if upgrading it to a new version of HTML the code will stay the same and will generally still be problem free.The website that I used in order to validate my code was the validator. site, this site is very well known for being a respectable and very accurate method of validating your websites code.Client MeetingsI originally met with my client in person (10/5/16), they provided me with a small list of features that they wanted the website to have this included:Black, white, red and blue colour schemePictures of the band (to come at a later date)Links to their eBay and Facebook accountsGig DatesThe bands history4086225622300Print screen of sent emailPrint screen of sent emailI then sent an email with a print screen attached (13/5/16) showing what the basic layout for the website would look like and if they would be able to provide the images that they were wanting me to upload onto the website. 33432751238254905375325120Print screen of responsePrint screen of responseThe client then responded and said the website design looked good and also sent me the images that he wanted me to use. (14/5/16)2628900154305I then went away and put the images in where my client wanted them and made sure everything fit correctly and then sent the final versions of the website to my client to see if he approved before we host the website. (16/5/16)3086100-2768604407535-819785Printscreen of my sending the final versions00Printscreen of my sending the final versions4962525389255The email response from my client00The email response from my clientThe client said the pages were to his liking and then we arranged to meet up in person to sort out the hosting of the website. (17/5/16)35623507239000We decided to meet up on the 20/5/16 in order to sort out the hosting website and the domain name that the user wanted. We decided to go with hostinger as the site is well known for being reliable, they also offered a very good deal on 3 months hosting for the website, they also has a 30 day money back guarantee so if there were any problems the client would not lose any of their money and could use another hosting site. The client also agreed to the domain name “” which was very easy to remember and represented the simplicity and easy going 235267566674002447925-743585Printscreen of me and the client purchasing the hosting and domain name00Printscreen of me and the client purchasing the hosting and domain namenature of the band.Hosting the siteFrom here we had to follow the necessary process in order to upload our website. First of all we had to download a file transfer protocol software, this allows us to transfer our webpages to the hosting site. Secondly we were given access to our web server by hostinger meaning that they give us our username and password. Thirdly we then used our file transfer protocol program to upload our web pages to the server. Lastly we made sure that all of the web pages worked correctly by making sure that all of the pages worked properly on our browser.After ensuring the website was up and running properly the job was then complete as the client had now got a fully functioning website that was aesthetically pleasing and also met his requirements. Maintaining the websiteThe website will be maintained by either me or another company if the client decides they want to take their website elsewhere. The website will be maintained by routine updates and scans of the programs code using a maintenance program, this will secure the website from any potential hacking threats as the websites security will be as up to date as it can be. The website will also have its information updated as the client wants it, this could mean that the websites links to ebay and facebook pages may be updates, as well as old gig dates being removed and being replaced with new ones. They could also potentially add a blog which would then need routinely updating to show that they are active when it comes to their social media.Images of the uploaded websiteThese are the images of the website when it had been uploaded.Home ScreenGig DatesAbout UsContact Us PageWebsite working in Internet explorerWebsite working in Mozilla Firefox ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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