
RECONSTRUCTION INTERNET SCAVENGER HUNT1. Site:?Reconstruction Period Read the article.A.?What years did the Reconstruction period take place?B.?What three problems did the Reconstruction period plan to solve?C.?Which president was assassinated during this time period?2. Site: Radical Republicans Read the articleA. What did Radical Republicans believe and how did they view Lincoln’s plan?B. Who was Lincoln's Vice President that took over as President after his assassination, and how did he get along with the Radical Republicans?? C. What did the Radical Republicans attempt to do to President Johnson(1868)?? How close did they come to doing so? 3. Site: # 1?Black Codes; #2 Ku Klux Clan Watch the Video and Read the article.A.?What year were the Black Codes created?B.?What was the purpose of the Black Codes?C.?Who created and enforced the Black Codes during this time period?D. What was the purpose of the Ku Klux Clan?E. When was the KKK founded?4. Site: #1?Reconstruction Amendments #2 Effects of Reconstruction Watch the Video and read the article.A.?What three amendments were added during Reconstruction?B.?What type of problems were created because of these amendments?C.?Were the amendments fairly implemented and carried out?5. Site:? HYPERLINK "" Freedmen's Bureau Overview Read the articleA.?Who headed the Freedmen's Bureau along with who appointed him?B.?Explain how the Freedmen's Bureau helped African-Americans obtain the rights they were previously denied?C.?List the four reasons why many historians believe the Freemen's Bureau to be a failure?6. Site:?#1 Civil Rights #2 On this Day Read articlesA.?What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?B. Who was the first person to argue for a new Civil Rights Act?C.?What did the Civil Rights Act do?D. What was the final vote count and was the Civil Rights Act passed?E. What type of people voted against the Act??F. What impact did the Civil Rights Act have on racial discrimination?? ................

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