Connecting JSON, REST and AngularJS

Connecting JSON, REST and AngularJS

? 2016 InterSystems Corporation. All rights reserved.



q Orientaci?n en REST, JSON y AngularJS q ?C?mo usar estas tecnolog?as de forma conjunta? q Explorar los conceptos con ejemplos


q Cach? 2016.2 + Atelier

1 | ? 2016 InterSystems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connecting JSON, REST and AngularJS

Trabajando con JSON

2 | ? 2016 InterSystems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Esquema general

3 | ? 2016 InterSystems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Uso de formato JSON

4 | ? 2016 InterSystems Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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