
JMIETI, RadaurLesson Planof Compiler Design DepttCSE Semester Even Name of Teacher : Tajinder KumarDesignation: Assistant ProfessorSubject with code: Compiler Design Objective of Course: To understand different phases in compiler construction and their functionsTo understand the role of top down and bottom up parsing techniqueTo study various data structures used for symbol table and also learn the role of symbol table in compiler constructionTo understand and apply error detection and correction method.Understand the working of LEX Compiler for implementing and debugging of programs.Code generation, machine independent code optimization and instruction scheduling.Week & MonthTopic / Chapter CoveredAcademic ActivityTest/AssignmentJANUARYIntroduction to CompilerLECTUREJANUARYAnalysis of the source programLECTUREJANUARYPhases of a compilerLECTUREJANUARYCousins of the CompilerLECTUREJANUARYGrouping of PhasesLECTUREJANUARYCompiler construction toolsLECTUREAssignment 1JANUARYLexical Analysis –Regular ExpressionLECTUREJANUARYIntroduction to Finite Automata and Regular expressionLECTUREJANUARYConversion of Regular Expression to NFALECTUREJANUARYRole of Lexical AnalyzerLECTUREJANUARYInput Buffering, Specification of TokensLECTUREJANUARYSyntax Analysis ,Role of parserLECTUREFEBRUARYWriting GrammarsLECTUREFEBRUARYSymbol TableLECTUREFEBRUARYContext-Free GrammarsLECTUREFEBRUARYTop Down Parsing with or without backtrackingLECTUREAssignment 2FEBRUARYRecursive Descent ParsingLECTURE1st sessionalFEBRUARYSLR ParserLECTUREFEBRUARYCanonical LR ParserLECTUREAssignment 3FEBRUARYLALR ParserLECTUREFEBRUARYIntermediate Code GenerationIntermediate language,declarationsLECTUREClass Test 1MARCHAssignment statement,Boolean expressions.LECTUREMARCHCase StatementsLECTUREMARCHDAG representation of Basic BlocksLECTUREMARCHA simple Code generator from DAGLECTUREMARCHIssues in the design of code generatorLECTUREMARCHThe target machineLECTUREClass Test 2MARCHRun time Storage managementLECTUREMARCHError Handling- Type checkingLECTUREMARCHCode Optimization Principal sources of optimizationLECTURE2nd sessional MARCHoptimization of basic blocksLECTUREMARCHPeephole OptimizationLECTUREAPRILSource Language issuesLECTUREAPRILRun Time EnvironmentLECTUREAssignment 4APRILStorage OrganizationLECTUREAPRILStatic Storage ManagementLECTUREAPRILHeap Storage managementLECTURE3rd sessional APRILAccess to non-Local NamesLECTUREAPRILParameter PassingLECTUREOutcome of Course:1) To understand, design and implement a lexical analyzer.2) To understand, design and implement a parser.3) To understand, design code generation schemes4) To understand optimization of codes and runtime environment(Sign. of HOD)(Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)JMIETI, Radaur Lesson Planning of Essentials of Information Technology Deptt. CSE Semester 6thName of Teacher : Ms. Upasana SoodDesignation: Assistant Professor & HeadSubject with code: CSE-304NObjective of Course :1. To learn the problem solving techniques2. To develop the skills of design and test programs to implement object oriented concepts using Java.3. To understand artifacts using common quality standards.4. To study the relational database and design database using SQL.5. To understand the use case diagrams.6. To study normalization concept.Week & MonthTopic / Chapter CoveredAcademic ActivityTest/AssignmentJanIntroduction to problem solving,LectureJanComputational problem and its classification - Logic and its types,LectureJanIntroduction to algorithms and flowchart, LectureJanSearching algorithms: linear search,LectureJanbinary search and sorting algorithms: insertion, LectureJanquick, merge and selection sort,LectureTestJanIntroduction and classification to Data Structures, LectureJanBasic Data Structures: array, stack, and queue.LectureFebProgramming Basics: Identifiers, variables, data types, operators, control structures, typeLectureAssignmentFebreference variables, parameter passing techniques, constructors, this reference, static, and command line argumentsLectureFebIntroduction to UML: Use case diagrams–Class diagramsLectureAssignmentFebRelationships:aggregation, association,LectureFebInheritance, types of inheritance, Static Polymorphism: method overloading,LectureFebconstructor overloading, abstract,LectureTestFebDynamic polymorphism: method overriding,LectureFebinterface, introduction to packagesLectureMarch Industry Coding Standards and Best Practices, LectureMarchcode tuning & optimization,Lecture Marchclean code & refactoringLectureAssignmentMarchRDBMS- data processing, Lecture Marchthe database technology,LectureMarchdata models, Lecture MarchER modelling concept, notations,LectureMarchconverting ER diagram into relational schema,Lecture April Logical database design, normalization (1NF, 2NF and 3NF)LectureTestAprilSQL: DDL statements, DML statements,LectureAprilDCL statements, LectureAprilJoins, Sub queries, Views,LectureAssignmentAprilDatabase design Issues,LectureAprilSQL fine-tuningLectureOutcome of Course:1.2.3.(Sign. of HOD)(Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)JMIETI, RadaurLesson Planning of Mobile Communication Deptt CSE Semester 6thName of Teacher : Dr R S ChauhanDesignation:Director & ProfessorSubject with code:MOBILE COMPUTING (CSE-306N)Objective of Course :1 Include major techniques involved and system issues for the design and implementation ofmobile computing.2 CO2 To study and learn various components of cellular architecture.3 Learn an analyze Ad-Hoc Network routing protocols and their applications.4 To analyze various data delivery models for mobile system.5 UNDERSTAND THE need and the trend toward mobility; the concepts portability andmobility.6 Study of cloud architectureWeek & MonthTopic / Chapter CoveredAcademic ActivityTest/AssignmentJanIntroduction, issues in mobile computing,LECTUREoverview of wireless telephony: cellular concept, Mobile computing Architecture, Designconsiderations for mobile computing,LECTUREMobile Computing through Internet, Making existing applications mobile enabledLECTUREGSM: air-interface, channel structureLECTURElocation management: HLR-VLR, hierarchical, handoffs,LECTURETestchannel allocation in Cellular systemsLECTUREWCDMA, GPRS 3G, 4GLECTUREFebruaryWireless Networking, Wireless LAN Overview: MAC ISSUESLECTUREIEEE 802.11, Blue Tooth,LECTUREAssignmentWireless multiple access protocols, TCP over wireless,LECTUREWireless applications,data broadcastingLECTUREMobile IP, WAP : Architecture,LECTURETestTraditional TCP, Classical TCP,LECTUREissues improvements in WAP, WAP applicationsLECTUREMarchData management issues, data replication for mobile computers,LECTUREadaptive clustering for mobile wireless networks, File system, Disconnected operationsLECTUREMobile Agents computing, security and fault tolerance, transaction processing in mobilecomputing environment.LECTUREAssignmentCloud Architecture model, Types of Clouds: Public Private & Hybrid Clouds, Resourcemanagement and scheduling,LECTUREClustering, Data Processing in Cloud: Introduction to Map Reduce for Simplified dataprocessing on Large clusters.LECTUREAprilAd hoc networks, localization, MAC issues,Routing protocols, global state routing (GSR),LECTURELECTUREAssignmentDestination sequenced distance vector routing (DSDV),LECTUREDynamic source routing (DSR),LECTURETestAd Hoc on demand distance vector routing (AODV), Temporary ordered routingalgorithm (TORA)LECTUREQoS in Ad Hoc Networks, applications.LECTUREJMIETI, RadaurLesson Planning of Web engineering Deptt.CSE Semester 6thName of Teacher : Er.Priyanka KambojDesignation:Assistant ProfessorSubject with code:CSE-308NObjective of Course: To study the elementary concepts of information and web architecture.To develop skills that enable to design and build high level web enabled applications.To learn JavaScript and its applications in current software industries.To understand Style sheets and their implementations in web pages.To introduce python, its design and functions.Develop an ability to design and implement static and dynamic website.Week & MonthTopic / Chapter CoveredAcademic ActivityTest/AssignmentJANUARYThe role of Information Architect, Collaboration and communicationLECTUREJANUARYOrganizing information, organizational challenges, Organizing web sites and IntranetsLECTUREJANUARYCreating cohesive organization systems,LECTUREJANUARYdesigning navigation systems, types of navigation systems, Integrated navigationLECTUREAssignment-1JANUARYelements, designing elegant navigation systems,LECTUREJANUARYSearching systems, Searching your web site, designing the search interfaceLECTUREJANUARYIndexing the right stuff, To search or not to search grouping content,.LECTUREJANUARYconceptual design, High level Architecture Blueprint. Architectural Page Mockups,LECTURETest JANUARYDesign SketchesLECTUREFEBRUARYIntroduction to XHTML and HTML5: Origins and Evolution of HTML and XHTML,LECTUREFEBRUARYand XHTML.LECTUREFEBRUARYBasic Syntax, Standard XHTML Document Structure, Basic Text Markup,LECTUREAssignment-2FEBRUARYImages, Hypertext Links, Lists,LECTUREFEBRUARYTables, Forms, HTML5,LECTUREFEBRUARYSyntactic Differences between HTMLLECTUREFEBRUARYCascading Style Sheets: Introduction, Levels of Style Sheets, Style,LECTURETest MARCHSpecification Formats, Selector Forms, Property Value Forms, Font Properties, ListLECTUREMARCHPropertiesLECTUREMARCHColor, Alignment of Text, Box Model, Background Images, Conflict ResolutionLECTUREMARCHJava Script: Overview of JavaScript, Object Orientation and JavaScript,LECTUREAssignment-3MARCHGeneral Syntactic Characteristics, Primitives,LECTUREMARCHOperations, and Expressions, Screen Output and Keyboard Input, Control Statements,LECTUREAPRILPattern Matching Using Regular Expressions, Errors in ScriptsLECTUREAPRILPython: Introduction to Python,LECTUREAPRILData Types and Expressions, Control Statements,LECTURETest APRILStrings and Text Files, Lists and Dictionaries,LECTUREAPRILDesign with Functions, Design with ClassesLECTUREOutcome of Course:Identify tools and technologies for developing web applicationDevelop user interface for web applicationDevelop web applications and web services Develop dynamic webpage(Sign. of HOD)(Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)JMIETI, RadaurLesson Plan of Software Engineering Department CSE Semester 6thName of Teacher : Tajinder KumarDesignation: Assistant ProfessorSubject with code: Software Engineering (CSE-310)Objective of Course :To study the fundamental concepts of software engineering.2. Learn the skills to construct efficient software.3.To study the software process models4. To understand the basic concepts of software requirements and analysis.5. To learn different design techniques and their uses.6.To understand the software testing and maintenance criteria.Week & MonthTopic / Chapter CoveredAcademic ActivityTest/AssignmentJanuary1st week,Introduction to Software Engineering, Software Characteristics,LECTURE1st weekSoftware Crisis, The Evolving role of Software,LECTURE2nd weekSoftware Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models: Water Fall ModelLECTUREClass Test2nd weekPrototype Model ,Spiral Model,LECTUREAssinment-13rd weekEvolutionary Development ModelsLECTUREClass Test/Tutorial sheet4th weekIterative Enhancement Models, RAD, V Model.LECTURE5th weekSoftware Requirement SpecificationLECTUREEvent taskFebruary1st week,Engineering Process: Elicitation, Analysis,LECTUREAssinment-21st weekDocumentation, Review and Management of User Needs, Feasibility Study,LECTUREEvent task2nd weekData Flow Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document, IEEE Standard for SRS.LECTUREClass Test2nd weekSoftware Quality: Software Quality, Concept of Software Quality Assurance (SQA), SEI-CMM ModelLECTUREEvent task3rd weekIntroduction to Software Risk Management and Software Configuration ManagementLECTURE1st Sessional4th weekSoftware Design: Basic Concept of Software Design, Modularization,LECTUREClass Test/Tutorial sheet4th weekDesign Structure Charts, Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and CohesionLECTUREMarch1st week,Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design,LECTUREClass Test/Tutorial sheet1st weekSoftware Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures: Halstead’s Software Science,LECTURE2nd weekTop-Down and Bottom-Up DesignLECTUREAssinment-33rd weekFunction Point (FP) Based Measures, COCOMO,LECTUREEvent task4thweekCyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs.LECTURE2nd SessionalApril1st week,Software Construction :Software construction fundamentals minimizing complexity, Top-Down and Bottom –Up programming,LECTUREClass Test/Event task1st weekStructured programming, Compliance with Design and Coding Standards.LECTURE2nd weekTesting: Testing Objectives, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, system testing,Acceptance TESTINGLECTUREAssinment-43rd weekRegression Testing, Structural Testing, Functional Testing, debugging.LECTUREClass Test4th weekMaintenance: key issues, Types of software Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance, Software Re-EngineeringLECTUREEvent taskOutcome of Course:1)To understand the basic concepts of Software EngineeringTo learn about the skills that will enable to construct high quality software3) To understand the software process models4) To understand the fundamental concept of requirements engineering and Analysis Modeling5) To understand the different design techniques and their implementation6) To learn about software testing and maintenance measures.(Sign. of HOD)(Sign. of Teacher Concerned with date)JMIETI, RadaurLesson Planning of Bussiness Info.Systems Deptt. CSE. Semester 6thName of Teacher : Ms. RitikaGargDesignation:Assistant ProfessorSubject with code: HS-303NObjective of Course :Students will be able understand who the entrepreneurs are and what competences needed to become an EntrepreneurStudents will be able understand insights into the management, opportunity search, identification of a Product; market feasibility studies; project finalization etc. required for small business enterprises.Students can be able to write a report and do oral presentation on the topics such as product identification, business idea, export marketing etc.Students be able to know the different financial and other assistance available for the establishing small industrial units.Week & MonthTopic / Chapter CoveredAcademic ActivityTest/AssignmentJan Entrepreneurship: Concept and Definitions;LectureJanEntrepreneurship and Economic Development;LectureJanClassification and Types of Entrepreneurs;LectureJanEDP ProgramsLectureTestJanEntrepreneurial Competencies;;LectureJanFactor Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth – Economic, Non-Economic Factors;LectureJanEntrepreneurial Training;LectureFebTraits/Qualities of an Entrepreneurs;LectureFebEntrepreneur; Manager Vs. Entrepreneur.LectureAssignmentFebOpportunity / Identification and Product SelectionLectureFebEntrepreneurial OpportunityLectureFebSearch and Identification; Criteria to Select a Product;LectureFebConducting Feasibility Studies; Project Finalization; Sources of InformationLectureFebSmall Enterprises and Enterprise Launching FormalitiesLectureTestMarch Definition of Small Scale;LectureMarchRationale; Objective; Scope;LectureMarchRole of SSI in Economic Development of India; SSI;LectureMarchRegistration; NOC from Pollution Board; Machinery and Equipment Selection;LectureMarchProject Report Preparation; Specimen of Project Report; Project.LectureAssignmentMarchPlanning and Scheduling using Networking Techniques of PERT / CPM; Methods ofLectureMarchProject AppraisalLectureMarchRole of Support Institutions and Management of Small BusinessLectureApril Director of Industries; DIC;LectureAprilSIDO; SIDBI; Small Industries Development Corporation (SIDC); SISI; NSICLectureAprilNISBUD; State Financial Corporation SIC; Marketing Management; ProductionLectureTestAprilManagement;LectureAprilFinance Management; Human Resource Management; Export Marketing; Case Studies- At least one in whole course.Lecture ................

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