Get filename from path vba

Get filename from path vba


Get filename from path vba

Vba get folder path from filename. Excel vba get filename from path without extension. Get only filename from path vba. Vba get file path from filename. Excel vba get filename from file path. Vba get filename from path without extension. Excel vba get filename from path with extension. Get filename from path vba excel.

Newbedevpythonjavascriptlinxcheat sheet ?? 2021 NewbedevPrivacy Policy Here¡¯s a simple VBA solution I wrote that works with Windows, Unix, Mac and URL paths. SFileName = Mid (Mid) (Mid) (Spath, Instrrev (Spath ¡°/¡±) + 1), Instr??v (Spath, ¡°\¡±) + 1) sterdername = left (Spath, Len (Spath) ¨C Len (SFileName)) You can test the output using this

code: ¡¯Visual Basic for http = ¡° ?? unix = ¡°/home/user/docs/leter. txt¡± dos = ¡°c: \ user \ docs \ letter.txt ¡°win =¡± \\ server01 \ user \ docs \ letter.txt ¡°blank =¡± ¡°spath = unix sfilename = mid (mid (shoulder, istrrev (spath¡± / ¡°) + 1), Instrrev (Spath, ¡°\¡±) + 1) sterdername = left (Spath, Len (Spath) ¨C Len (SFileName)) Debug.Print ¡°Folder:¡± &

SFoldername & ¡°File:¡± & SFileName See also: Wikipedia ¨C Path (Computer) VBA has some useful features that can take your automation in Excel to the next level. One such function is the dir VBA function. While alone, it may seem like a simple function that does a specific thing. But when you combine it with some other useful elements of the VBA

coding language, you can create powerful stuff (covered in the examples later in this tutorial). What does the dir VBA function do? Use the DIR VBA function when you want to get the file or folder name, using their path name. To give you an example, if you have an Excel file in a folder, you can use the DIR VBA function to get the name of that Excel

?le (or any other ?le type). What if I want to get the names of all the Excel ?les in the folder (or all the ?les ? ? ? ?¡±Be It Excel ?le or not)? You can do it too! When you use a DIR function once, it returns the ?rst ?lename in a folder. Now if you want to get the names of the second, third, even the fourth ?le, you can use again the dir function (covered later

as an example). DIR returns the ?rst ?lename corresponding to the path. To get more ?les from ?les that match PathName, call again without arguments. When multiple ?lenames do not match, ? ? returns a zero-length string (?? ? ?? ??? ? ??). Covered in Example 3 and 4 later in this tutorial. VBA DIR Syntax FUNCTION DIR [ (PathName [,

Attributes]) ] PathName: This is an optional argument. This can be the name of the file, the name of the folder or the name of the directory. If PathName was not found, the DIR VBA function returns a string of zero length (?? ?? ?? ¡°Attributes: This is an optional argument. You can use this argument to specify some attributes and the dir function will

return filenames based on those attributes. For example, if you want a list of all hidden files or read-only files (along with files without attributes), you need to specify it in this topic. Attributes available for use depending on DIR (you can use one or more of these): Constant Value Description VBNormal 0 (default) Specifies files without attributes.

VBReadonly 1 Specifies read-only files in addition to files without attributes. Vbhidden 2 Specifies hidden files in addition to files without attributes. VBSystem 4 Specifies system files Added to file without attributes. Not available on the Macintosh. VBVVolume 8 Specifies the volume label; If any other attributed is specified, VBLume is ignored. Not

available on the Macintosh. VBDirectory 16 Specify Directory or Folders In addition to file without attributes. VBALAs 64 The name of the specified file is an alias. Available only on the Macintosh. Using Jolly characters with DIR function If you are working with Windows, you can also use wildcards in the DIR function. Note that you can not use these

when working with VBA in Macintosh. Using Wildcards can be useful when: you want to get file names of a particular file type (such as .xlsx or .pptx) when you have a specific suffix / prefix in file names and you want to get the names of these files / Folders / Directory. For example, if you want the names of all files with the 2019 prefix in it, you can do

it using wildcards. There are three Jolly characters in Excel: * (asterisk) ? € "represents any number of characters. For example, 2019 * you would give you the names of all files with the prefix 2019 in it. ? (Request sign) ? € ? € represent a single character. For example, 2019? You would give you the names of all the files starting with 2019 and has

another character in the name (like 2019a, 2019B, 2019C, and so off) there is another wildcage character ? € "Tilde (~). Because it is not very used, I skipped his explanation. You can learn more here if interested. DIR VBA function ? € "Examples now immersion and see some examples to use the DIR VBA function. Example 1 - Get the file name from

your path when you have a file path, you can use the DIR function to get the file name from it. For example, the following code returns the file name and shows it to a message box. Sub GetFilenames () Dim Filename as String Filename = DIR ("C: Users SUMIT Desktop Test File A.XLSX") MSGBox Filename Fine Subs The above code uses a variable ?

€ ?FileName? € ? for Store the file name that is returned by the DIR function. Then use a message box to view the file name (as shown below). And what happens when the file does not exist? In this case, the DIR function would return an empty string. The following code uses an IF ELSE statement to check if the file exists or not. If the file does not

exist, show a message box with a text ? € ?file does not exist? €, otherwise it shows the name of the file. Sub CheckFileExistence () Dim Filename as String Filename = DIR ("C: Users SUMIT Desktop test If End example 2 ? € "Check if a directory exists or not (and creates if it does not file) the following code verifies if the 'test' folder exists or not. A

message box is used to show a message in case the folder or when it does not exist. Sub CheckDirectory() Dim PathName Come String Dim Check Dir As String PathName ==checkdir = dir (pathname, vbdirectory) if checkdir "" "then msgbox checkdir &" exists "being msgbox" the directory does not exist "end if end sub can further refine the check if

the folder exists or not and if it does not, you can oare vba to create that folder. Below is the code that uses the mkdir function to create a folder in case it does not exist. sub creamerectory () dim pathname as string dim checkdir as string pathname = "c: \ oers \ sumit \ desktop \ test" checkdir = dir (pathname, vbdirectory) if checkdir < "" then

msgbox checkdir & "exists" esists mkdir pathname msgbox " a folder end is created with name" the following code lists all file and folder names in the test folder (which is located at the following path ?€ "c: \ oers \ sumit \ desktop \ test \). I'm oando Debug.Print to show names in the immediate window. You can also use this to list names in a message

window or in a column in excel. sub getallfile & foldernames () dim filename as string filename = dir "(c: \ oers \ sumit \ desktop \ test \", vbdirectory) does during the file " debug.print filename = dir () loop fined sub the loop in the code above continues until all the files and folders in the specified path have been covered. when there are no more files /

folders to cover, the file name becomes a null string and the loop stops. example 4 ?€ "get the names of all files in a folder you can use the following code to get the names of all files in a folder/ directory (and not the subfolders names.) sub getallfilenames () dim filename as string filename = dir "(c: \ oers \ sumit \ desktop \ test \") do while subname

name is < "" debug.print filename in this code, I did not specify vbdirectory in the function dir. when you specify vbdirectory, it will give you the names of all files and folders. when you do not specify vbdirectory, the dir function will only provide you with file names. Note: If you want to get the names of all the files in the main folder and subfolders,

you cannot use the dir function (as you do not recur.) to do this, you can use the power query (no necessary coding) or use the object of the file system in vba (with recursion.) example 5 ?€ "get the names of all subfolders within a folder the following code uses the function getatr inwhich allows us to check whether the name returned by the DIR

function is the name of a file or a folder / directory. Sub GetsubFoltNames () Dim FileName as String Dim PathName as String PathName = "C: \ Users \ Sumit \ Desktop \ Test \" filename = DIR (PathName, VBDirectory) does during filename "" If GetaTtr (PathName & & = VBDirective then debug. Print Filename End If Filename = DIR) (Loop End

Sub once again, I'm using debugging. Print to get the names in the immediate window. You can get these in a message box or in Excel (changing the code accordingly.) Example 6 ? € ? € "Get the first Excel file from a folder with the DIR function, you can specify the file extension or any suffix / prefix you want in the file name that is returned. The

following code would display the name of the First Excel file in the Test. Sub GetFirstexCelfileName folder) (DIM Filename As String Dim Pathname as String PathName = C: Users SUMIT Desktop Test Filename = DIR (PathName & .xls) MSGBox Filename Fine Subs Note that I used. XLS (asterisk sign on both sides.) This will ensure that all the

versions of the Excel files are checked. (XLS, XLSX, .xlsm, XLSB) Example 7 ? € "Get names of the entire Excel file in a folder Use the Following code to obtain nom I of all Excel files in the Test folder. Sub GetallFilenames) (DIM FolderName as String Dim Filename as String FolderName = C: Users SUMIT Desktop Test Filename = DIR (FolderName

& .xls) Making While Filename "" DEBUG.PRINT FILENAME FILENAME = DIR) (Loop End Sub While the DIR function returns the name of the first Excel file only, since we call it back into the loop, pass through all the files and give us the names of all Excel files . I hope you found this tutorial and the useful examples. Let me know your thoughts in

the comments section. You can also like the following Excel tutorials: Tutorial:

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