Literary Criticism:The Bible, the I Ching, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:The origins of species, of meme and gene systems, the Jews in Egypt, Athens at war.The ecosystem of the mind and the family and the person, like the ecosystem of the living community:The Lord of the Rings, the I Ching, and Euler’s Identity in the Infinite Game:The Ego, Adult Voice as Adam, as the Prophet:Types of therapy, cognitive, behavioral,Psychoanalysis and the infant mindThe egg, sperm, fertilized egg, embryo, infant, birth, oral, anal, stages, Osiris, Isis, Horus, of the Water Well Trigram.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:Life after death, atheism, and other strange issues.Houses, Signs, Zodiac, source of Astrology in I Ching paradigm.The Lords of the Infinite, ruthless, terrible, the sources of our own disordered minds?The infinitesimal quantity control network:Infinitesimal monad jiva atom of the now explains astrology and the paranormal and phenomenology and existential experience, penetration of the world by the monad atoms of the alien universe intelligent robots of dying stars:What is the basic astrological pattern?How to prove astrology, the Zodiac, the ruler of Virgo.Astrology a product of Alien Life? Astrology a product of bored robotic intelligence in hidden cosmic systems?Astrological patterns, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun in Astrology,Problems with the realm of finite games, with human gang behavior,Alternative world models, metaphysical systems, the kinds of time, and life as a metaphor for the garden of the infinite game.Nitrogen and the genetic code, The balance of life and energy, The Garden of Eden, the Names of God, the I Ching, and the development of the Ego and the Id, Transactional Analysis,The accounting management approach to metaphysical problems,Atheism, agnosticism, theism, a worthless debate, a stupid dialog. More on finite and infinite games and human tempers.Allan Ralph Andrews, born in Long Beach California, September 13th 1939 at 4:03 AM to Jean Andrews Thompson Colaluca and Ralph B. Andrews.To understand the debate between the theist and the atheist, one should read the book “Finite and Infinite Games,” James P. Carse, The Free Press, 1986.Carse distinguishes between “Education and Training,” Infinite games that never end and finite games that end in prizes and titles. Infinite games are open and finite games are closed, the players conceal their play with deceptive moves. Infinite play is not scripted, but finite play has rules and scripts. Infinite players play with boundaries and finite players play within boundaries. Infinite games generate myths and are like gardens. Finite games generate titles and rules and have controls and technology and often involve machinery.Theism, agnosticism, and atheism, transcendental theology can be finite or infinite per the above. But, modern atheism is often associated with a finite game play that awards prizes to those the invent the best techniques, prove the most, demonstrate the most about the finite and measurable aspects of the world.It is often associated with a melancholy temper of pessimistic realism associated with titles in science and physics. The problem with this play is that it seems to point to an infinite flux that makes the improbable probable, that would appear to imply the infinite game, not the finite one.Often the scientist in question appears to be a narcissist that is becoming histrionic, overly dramatic about the discoveries he has made, supported by a number of subordinate research associates with dependent personality disorders that allow them to remain on the field in supporting roles, like a star football player and his team mates. But the problem with all of this is that any measurement made of the finite, and science can only deal with the finite and the tangible, tells us an infinitesimal amount about the infinite, thus the histrionic claims, the narcissistic grandstanding, the support of legions of dependent servants, appear meaningless, a comedy of ridiculous claims. So much for the Earth Element and its melancholy temper, for the Earth Trigram of the I Ching.The opposite of Earth is sky, is the Heaven Trigram. The fire element, the choleric temper is the Flame Trigram. In theology, it is the agnostic temper, skeptical, existential, it is negativistic and sadistic, even antisocial, its ideas can be manic, schizotypal, as in the notion of Nietzsche that “God is dead.” The opposite of fire is the water bucket that extinguishes the fire, the Water Well Trigram of the I Ching.The Wind Trigram is the air element, the sanguine temper that generates metaphysical systems and transcendental theology like the scholasticism that was famous in the Middle Ages of the Christian Church. This can be withdrawn and schizoid like Buddhist speculation, paranoid like the theology of Jainism or obsessive and compulsive like the arguments between various schools of Hebrew philosophy or Orthodox Christian ideology. The opposite of air is its weather, or the Thunder Trigram.The Lake Trigram is the water element, the phlegmatic temper that generates dogmatic faith. It can be masochistic, as in the sacrifices of the Christian martyrs, or borderline, characterized by splitting of everything into extremes of good and bad, or avoidant, retreating from the impurity of the world into the dogmas of scripture and private faith.The opposite of water element is salt that dissolves in water, or the Mountain Trigram.As discussed elsewhere, Heaven Trigram tends toward the romantic, and Earth Trigram toward the realistic, Mountain Trigram toward the impressionistic and Lake Trigram toward the Post-Impressionistic, Water Well Trigram toward the Baroque and Flame Trigram toward the Cubist and the Existential, Wind Trigram toward the Classical and Thunder Trigram toward the expressionistic.Heaven tends to magic and Earth to science, Mountain to philosophy and Lake to literature, ideology, and scripture, Water Well to government and Flame to art and design, Wind to metaphysics and Thunder to business and entertainment.The infinite game wanders in this garden and plays with its boundaries. The finite game is limited to an area, stuck within a boundary. It can be stuck in metaphysical theology, it can be stuck in church dogma, it can be stuck in finite science.In the infinite game we realize that what we do not know we do not know. The first law of thermodynamics can be transformed into Vishnu the preserver of Hinduism, Allah of Islam, Elohim of the Hebrew Bible, the Hen One of the trinity of Plotinus. The second law of thermodynamics can become Shiva, the destroyer in Hinduism, Jahweh, I become what I become, in the Hebrew Bible, the Father of the Christian Trinity, with Elohim as the Holy Spirit, Jesus as the creative logos of theology, geology, anthropology, the Brahma of Hinduism, the Psyche of the trinity of Plotinus, the Son of the Christian Trinity. The play does not stop in the infinite game, the theology does not rest, like Job, Jonah, there is no final answer, like Ecclesiastes there is no final answer, only a series of seasons, a time to be born and a time to die.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, California, Jan 13th 2016As discussed elsewhere, the axial coordinates of the I Ching, are passion and energy in Eldest Son Yang to information and reason in Eldest Daughter Yin, integration and joy and pleasure in Middle Son Yang and disintegration and fragmentation and pain in Middle Daughter Yin, the private and selfish in Youngest Son Yang and the public and social in Youngest Daughter Yin, in language, Eldest Son is the verb and Eldest Daughter in the noun, Middle Son is the content explaining adverb and Middle Daughter is the fact defining adjective, Youngest Son is the possessive Pronoun and Youngest Daughter is the associations and groups defined by prepositions and conjunctions.These generate a Heaven Trigram weakened by aboriginal Pride and a Wind Trigram weakened by aristocratic Greed, a Flame Trigram weakened by martial Anger and an Earth Trigram weakened by product Addiction and Gluttony, a Water Well Trigram weakened by universal Slavery and a Lake Trigram weakened by dogmatic Sloth, a Mountain Trigram weakened by partisan Envy, and a Thunder Trigram weakened by hedonistic Lust. The ancient languages filling these places are the Chinese Classical Mandrin in Lake Trigram and the Latin in Thunder, the Greek in Earth Trigram and the Hebrew and Aramaic in Water Well, the Persian in Wind and the Vedas in Heaven Trigram, the Icelandic and Germanic Classics in Mountain Trigram and the epics of Old Javanese and Bali in Flame Trigram. Spanish provides an antisocial edge from Flame to Thunder and Portuguese a borderline edge from Thunder to Lake, French, histrionic from Thunder to Earth, Russian dependent from Earth to Water Well, Arabic, masochistic from Water Well to Lake, Punjabi, compulsive from Water Well to Wind, Hindi schizoid from Wind to Heaven, Bengali, schizotypal from Heaven to Flame, Japanese negativistic and sadistic from Flame to Mountain, German paranoid from Wind to Mountain, English narcissistic from Mountain to Earth and Chinese avoidant from Heaven to Lake.In mythology, the antisocial is Mars and Ares, the histrionic is Mercury and Hermes, the narcissistic is Jupiter and Zeus, the sadistic is Apollo, the schizotypal is Artemis and Diana, the schizoid is Athena and Minerva, the compulsive is Vulcan and Hephaestus, the avoidant is Poseidon and Neptune, the borderline is Aphrodite and Venus, the dependent is Vesta and Hestia, the paranoid is Hera and Juno, the masochistic is Demeter and Ceres. Heaven is Uranus, the Sky Father, and Earth is Gaia, the Earth Mother, Mountain is Mount Olympus, home of the gods. Wind Trigram is the high Gods as creatures of the clouds and Thunder Trigram is Nymphs and Sprites and weather Gods like Iris and fertility Gods like Pan and Dionysus. Water Well is the titans like Atlas and Prometheus and elder Gods like Saturn and Rhea. Lake is the Gods of the ocean and fresh waters like Triton. Flame Trigram is the Gods and demons of Hades. These are also gods and goddesses of the brain, with Middle Son Yang as the right creative integrative hemisphere of the brain and Middle Daughter Yin as the left fact oriented hemisphere, with Eldest Daughter Yin as the cerebral cortex and hippocampus as information storage areas and Eldest Son Yang as the basal ganglia and energy and emotion regulating areas of the lower brain and brain stem. Youngest Son Yang is the frontal lobe motor and speech areas and Youngest Daughter Yin is the sensory association areas of the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. Wind Trigram is the Super Ego, Parent Voice of the Brain as the Air Element and Lake Trigram is the Id, the voiceless Egg of the Brain as the Water Element, Earth is the emergent Child Voice of the infant as Earth Element, the Anal, Oral, Phallic stages of development, Flame Trigram is the emergent Ego, or Adult Voice. Thunder Trigram is the Libido that frustrates Super Ego and Parental Controls in Wind. Water Well Trigram is the attempt of the Super Ego to repress the emerging Ego in Flame. Mountain Trigram is the emerging consciousness in Earth and Flame and its repression in Wind Trigram as an expression of the libido of Thunder the repression of Water Well and creative roots in Heaven Trigram as a result of the collective unconscious synchronicity at work in the dreamtime that is Egg, Id, in the deep waters of Lake Trigram.This is the symbol work of the infinite game that transcends the specific facts and objective records of Earth Trigram. Earth Trigram is the finite arithmetic and the genetic phenotype, but Heaven the infinite and infinitesimal extensions of the calculus of the creative mutations that are its source. Wind Trigram is the algebraic ideal, the set point in Euler’s identity, the adaptive peak of genetic evolution. Water Well Trigram is the set theory, the systems feed back, the replication mechanisms and system homeostasis that maintains the balance, but Lake is the recombination and the population genetics, the group theory and topology of the systems complex that is formed through the statistics and contingency of entropy as evolution and the natural selection and extinction of maladaptive expressions of all forms of genetic systems. Mountain Trigram is the analytic geometry of these results and resulting speciation and competitive exclusion in Flame Trigram trigonometry and differential calculus.Heaven Trigram is the manufacturing aspect of this accounting, and Wind Trigram is the algebra of the present value of profits, Water Well is the set theory of liability accounting, and Lake Trigram is the topology of the resulting investments. Mountain Trigram is the analysis of all equity accounts and Earth is the arithmetic accounting of Sales. Thunder Trigram is the statistics of budgeting for Losses. Flame Trigram is the analysis of assets and inventories, the trigonometry and differential calculus of costs and prices, in respect to competitive possibilities.The finite games of the realistic atheist in his melancholy temper are focused on the arithmetic of local costs. The infinite game looks to the eternal conservation of passion as the inside of mass energy and joy and pleasure as its endless integration in love and faith. This infinite game makes the improbable probable and makes immortal joy a necessary product of continuing existence in all forms of time and space, not just the local finite structures of our science, but the fantastic topology of complexity yet unseen. In this temper, we look to the archetypes of what we are, the Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Moon, in the inner planetary orbits of our mind, in the Mount Olympus of the art forms of our mind, these are immortal and can no more die, than circles or squares can die. Our ancestors believed that flight was only possible for birds. It is such limited thinking that we must reject. It is not that faith is wrong, that religion is wrong, that theology is false, it is rather that our systems are too limited, to tied to our ignorance, to tied to our hates and fears. We need not fear existence in life or death. It is our parent and we are its offspring, we belong to the universe and the macrocosms and microcosms that lie beyond. The old beliefs were too shallow, too Earth bound, the fearful, we must look upward and see the sunrise that brings new things.Allan Ralph Andrews, Jan 13th 2016, Bakersfield, CAThe manufacturing accounting, the Heaven Trigram of the natural world is producer organisms, the schizoid redwoods, the schizotypal chemosynthetic bacteria, the avoidant symbiotic algae in the coral reefs, the profit accounting is done by the Wind Trigram herbivores including the compulsive pollinating bees and humming birds, the paranoid food storing rodents, but owner’s equity in Mountain Trigram is carefully managed by the carnivores, narcissistic lions, sadistic spiders, finally asset management belongs to the decomposers of the Flame Trigram that render the valuable elements in the dead and dying back to air and soil.Producers and consumers attempt to sell their goods, fruit, pollen, seeds, sperm to a public that will buy them in ways that are profitable to the seller in Earth Trigram. But the most important sales involve the formation of humus, the rotting dead leaves, the dead bodies fed upon by scavengers, it is in the formation of soil by these agents that some of the most profitable sales are made by the ecosystem.In this show room, the narcissistic male peacock shows off his feathers and the histrionic birds fill the air with calls and songs. Other organisms, like the rust fungus are dependent upon the cycles of life and death in other organisms that contain nutrients that they need to consume in order to live and reproduce.In this accounting system, not everything is profit. There are losses in Thunder Trigram. The borderline yeasts and antisocial bacteria and viruses gain at the expense of the loss of others, even their disease and death. But, even this death and extinction provides that natural selection the turns the wheels of evolution and entropy and the survival of the fittest in the Darwinian emergence of new forms.The liabilities are extensive in Water Well Trigram. Everywhere the living pay their debts to the saprophytic and parasitic fungi. The fungi and bacteria feed off each other in a masochistic dependence that connects all things with the food chains and food webs that cycle and recycle carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus, to mention four important elements in this larger system. Symbiotic organisms in Lake Trigram, avoidant types, like the lichens, with algal inhabitants in a fungal house, seek to handle these problems by developing systems of mutual cooperation in a complex topology of payables and receivable investments.The emergence of living forms follows this system. First came the ancient chemosynthetic bacteria in Heaven Trigram and the spin off of viruses and true bacteria in Flame Trigram, the emergence of blue green algae in Lake Trigram. Then came the appearance of true photosynthesis and the photosynthetic algae and seaweeds in Water Well Trigram, the higher Plants in Wind Trigram. The chemosynthetic bacteria, the blue green algae, the true algae and seaweeds, and the higher plants are organisms in Middle Son Yang that are able to integrate their own food. Opposed to them are a series of consumer organisms, the Fungi in Thunder Trigram, the Protozoa and Invertebrate animals, in Earth Trigram, the Vertebrates in Mountain Trigram, complemented by the ultimate disease organisms, the Viruses of Flame Trigram.The first organisms were energy focal in Eldest Son Yang, bacteria, fungi, or focused on basic cell physiology like the viruses. Later higher organism emerged with complicated information systems like those of protozoa and invertebrate animals, vertebrate animals, seaweeds, and higher plants, all capable of generate complex structures and systems rooted in Eldest Daughter Yin information systems.Some organisms were basically symbiotic and social in Youngest Daughter Yin, the fungi, algae, protozoa, and heterotrophic bacteria are all participants in various forms of mutualism and community support. Other organisms were often more independent, capable of attacking other, as in toxins released by chemosynthetic bacteria, the trapping of insects in flowering plants, for example the Venus Fly Trap, or the various forms of herbivore and carnivore behavior found in vertebrate animals, exhibiting a creative variety of eccentric self serving behaviors and feeding mechanism typical of Youngest Son Yang selfishness.Similar activities can be found in human societies. Currently, the Heaven Trigram and the aboriginal food gatherer and hunter seems to be the prototype for human civilization. Gradually these hunters and gatherers settled down, some developed various forms of agriculture and complex forms of social life began to emerge.Some of these tribes developed a raid and plunder approach and began to prosper as a result of warfare in Flame Trigram. When these types began to settle down and form cities and indulge in commerce and trade, you find the emergence of Mountain Trigram. Heaven Trigram has a economic style that might be called aboriginal productivity, and Flame Trigram, per the terminology of Erich Fromm, an exploitive style, while the city state Mountain Trigram style, involves speciation, segregation, separation, what Arnold Toynbee calls “withdrawal and return.” With time you get the emergence of sophisticated “dominant elites” (see Toynbee, Study of History) and an increased emphasis on refinement and hoarding, on the development of Monarchy and Aristocracy in Wind Trigram.With the development of universal states and an internal proletariat (see Toynbee), you enter a Water Well phase of receiving, a receptive orientation (see Fromm). When these states break down, internal and external proletariats will push toward the formation of universal churches in Lake Trigram, now a recombinant style begins to emerge and combine elements from the missionary dominants and the mission subject receiving subjects.Modern forces have allowed the emergence of industrial democracy at this point and product centered addictive orientations in Earth Trigram. When these product centered forces link up a market based orientation my developed characterized by international consumer systems in Thunder Trigram.The basic paradigm for these relationships is provide in the Allegory of the Cave in Plato’s Republic, where Lake Trigram is the Cave, Water Well is walkways in the Cave, Earth Trigram is the objects carried on the walkways, Thunder Trigram is their shadows, Flame Trigram is the fires in the cave casting light, Mountain Trigram is the observers in chains, Wind Trigram is the form of the Good, and Heaven Trigram is the Sun shinning on the Form of the Good. The Form of the Good is the Eternal Object of the system of Alfred North Whitehead. Heaven Trigram is Whitehead’s God, Mountain is his “prehensions” and Earth is Actual Occasions, Thunder is Events and Processes, Flame Trigram is Novelty, and Water Well is Propositions and Organism, Lake Trigram is Nexi and Concrescence.Thus, metaphysics, theology, if done correctly is art and not science, it is infinite play of the infinite game.I find that some forms of astrology predict my future far more accurately that science does. This does not make sense, unless the infinite game remains the main form of play, not the finite game, and what should you expect in a cosmos characterized by a infinite flux.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 14th 2016 The scientific world system provides Sales and Losses, but no Manufacturing, no Profits, no Equities and Investments, No Assets and Liabilities, it is a consumer organism without any productive source. Mind and consciousness consume the energy provided by matter, but there is no origin for these cosmic patterns. It is the integration of the private now of the phenomenological monads of the now that make various time systems possible and manufacture the energy flows that power the cosmology that we test and measure in the finite world that is its shadow. The assets are the alternatives presented to the equity of our minds resulting in astrological dharma, astrological liabilities that we invest in systems of birth and rebirth. Profits are stored in the eternal virtues and creative dreamtime of the phenomenological monad systems that manifest divine love and creativity in the realm of the ideal and the good.Romantic potential and Classical form triumph over finite reality and local emergence. Pythagoras, Buddha, Socrates, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Jesus, and Aristotle provide the deep pattern, of which the visible world is a pale shadow of the faint light with the cave of collective mind.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 1/14/2016Middle Daughter Yin Flame Trigram is ruled by Western existential art and Middle Daughter Yin Mountain Trigram by Western skeptical humanist philosophy, Middle Daughter Yin Earth Trigram by atheistic Western utilitarian science, Middle Daughter Yin Thunder Trigram by hedonistic Western entertainment, pragmatic Western business and technology.However, just as Western science tracks the visible finite atoms and relativistic space time of the world of external thermodynamics and mathematics, so Eastern metaphysics tracks the invisible infinitesimal monad jiva atoms of infinite space and time integration in the internal worlds of the thermodynamics of passion, love and joy. Hindu metaphysics rules the Heaven Trigram, worshiping Visnu and Brahman in Middle Son Yang Upanishads and Shiva in Eldest Son Yang, Brahma in the Youngest Son Yang of Yoga and Jainism and the Darsanas.Eastern Christianity and Classical Greek philosophy rule the Wind Trigram with Socrates speaking for Youngest Son Yang, Plato and Plotinus for Middle Son Yang and Aristotle and Pythagoras for Eldest Daughter Yin.Muslim philosophy, Middle Eastern and Eastern Astrology rule the Water Well Trigram, which tracks the passions of the invisible collective unconscious dreamtime as they act out the Dharma of the world in the movements of the planets, love in the symmetrical orbits of Venus and joy in the expansive influences of Jupiter, anger and rage in less symmetrical movements of little Mars. Mercury is the messenger heralding the warmth of the Sun. Moon is the emotional partner of Earth, expressing its gravitational effect in the movement of the tides.Saturn carries this message into the darkness, pulling away from the Sun toward upside down Uranus and tilted Neptune and the dark places where mysterious planets like Pluto and Eris rule.Because of its tilt and its more perfect orbit, Neptune is the planet of lies and dreams and fantasy. Because it lies on its side, Uranus is the planet of individuality and creativity. Because it is the darkest visible planet, Saturn is the planet of depression and hidden limits.This is the emotional language of the heavens and it is ruled by the ancient notions of the Chaldeans that influenced the astrological studies of Baghdad and Damascus and the creation of an observatory in the Baghdad of Caliph Al-Mansur. The Lake Trigram is ruled by China, Confucian in Youngest Daughter Yin, Taoist (Daoist) in Eldest Son Yang, and Buddhist in Middle Son Yang. It is the source of the I Ching model that we are currently using that harmonizes the complex interactions of Yin and Yang that we have discussed above. Western empirical science and philosophy are able to track the outer world of facts and measurable behavior, they are lost in the collective unconscious, the unspoken Egg voice, the deep water of the Jungian collective dreamtime to which the Jiva Monad soul returns in depth and sleep. It is this deep water that we attempt to analyze in our managerial accounting for the soul.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 15th 2016So the Thunder Trigram of this accounting accumulates losses of maladaptive genetic expressions resulting in Darwinian selection and Evolution as Entropy. Energy flows through energy dissipative structures and those that retain more energy out compete their rivals pushing emergence and multiple levels of organization in living systems.This results in the natural systems displayed as the objects, the phenotypes, casting this shadows into the evolutionary events of Thunder Trigram. This is Earth Trigram, the realm of finite measurement, the realm of Sales. This is where we sell the products of growth in plants and animals, in societies, in industrial systems. Phenotypic displays advertize productivity and adaptation on the part of the organisms and objects and trait they are associated with. Science and realism, materialism, are easy to sell because we become addicted to their pleasurable products, sugar, alcoholic drinks, pleasure giving substances. We become addicted to the science and technology that generate them, the physical bodies that give us these pleasures.The source of all of this finite wealth in Earth Trigram, is creativity, creative mutation, the infinite flux in Heaven Trigram that make the improbable probable in Wind Trigram. These Wind Trigram adaptive peaks are a product of refinement in the infinitesimal and integration carried through the boundless infinity of all times and spaces, all sequences, linear and non-linear in the pleasurable, joyous, compassionate, harmonious integration of all things, in God as love, in Nirvana as the fulfillment of compassionate Buddha being.Flame Trigram is the freedom of the infinitesimal here an now monad of existential inexistence to become what it wished to become. Its creativity generates the assets and inventories that are the resources of phenomenological existence. This motivated phenomenology attaches to embodied mind and perception in order to avoid the pain of detached fragmentation and gain the pleasure of attached integration in Mountain Trigram empirical impressions. These impressions are the basis of consciousness and thought, of the private owner’s equity of the accounting phenomenology of the infinitesimal monad soul.But the monad, although attached to the brain, exists separately from the brain. Its passions arise out of the complex interaction of time and space that is the macrocosm of macrocosms in Lake Trigram. These soul accounting investments, sources of heavens and hells, reincarnation and birth and rebirth, are structured with the immediate world in the planetary paths of Water Well. The planets are the agents of the emotional habits that integrate the many systems of attaching monads with the visible.This explains how astrology can rule a world described by quantum mechanics and space time relativity in Middle Daughter and Youngest Daughter Yin, for astrology provides a higher level of mathematical and systems structure in Eldest Daughter Yin Cosmic Mind that enables the integration of the infinite one, it provides the hidden unconscious, the collective universal law that emerges in Heaven and Wind as the integrative joy and harmony of Middle Son Yang and the local awareness and creative interpretation of that joy in individual monads of here and now existentialism by the infinity of infinitesimal units of Youngest Son Yang that are the deep roots of all being from with time and the phenomenology of true consciousness as Creative Spirit in Heaven Trigram infinity, Wind Trigram refinement, Mountain Trigram mind, and Flame trigram freedom and phenomenology differentiation.Emotion, passion belongs to the Allegory of the Cave, it attaches to the Water Element the Cosmological Big Bangs that generate the Lake Trigram Caves within which the walkways of the Planets of Water Well astrology order the emotional systems, the emotional habits of all attaching monads.Trapped within the observing units of the brains of animals and men, forming impressions with the light of the phenomenological passions, the local pursuits of pleasure and avoidance of separation pain that drive this attachments, they are structured by the finite systems of the world and the shadows that generate these systems in Earth Trigram out of Thunder Trigram to impress the observing mind trapped in Mountain Trigram, tortured by desires inflamed in Fire Element and Flame Trigram.This unseen accounting system drives all things, its fruit is the objective world sold to us in the Sales system of materialism and science in Earth Trigram. Its origins are in the shadows where the Losses accumulated in Thunder Trigram drive Darwinian evolution and emergent structures at all levels of organization in the systems of Water Well Trigram.Each individual observing system trapped within these cost flows analyzes its private equity of Impressionism in Mountain Trigram conscious mind, driven by the passions of Fire Element, the motives in Flame Trigram that burst out of the trapped passions of the Cave in the Exploding of the Big Bangs that are Lake Trigram, these emerging out of the Infinite Flux that is Heaven Trigram and the set points of that flux system in Wind Trigram paradigms like the I Ching model described above.It is all driven by the losses accumulated by evolution as entropy in Thunder Trigram that generate the objective systems of Earth Trigram supported by the passions, the energy complexes that are the exploding cosmology of Lake Trigram that generate the patterns of motion and emotion manifest in the patterns and systems of astrology and astronomy that characterize Water Well Trigram organization.The free infinitesimal monads of Fire Element and Flame Trigram become attached to mind systems in Mountain Trigram and their observation of natural systems in Earth Trigram in order to feel the pleasure that is generated by the integration of these system in the greater harmony and order that is Middle Son Yang in Wind Trigram out of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable in Heaven Trigram.Thus soul accounting is the deep source of the infinite game and the soul systems that provide the hidden meaning of all things.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA. Jan 15th 2016Earth Trigram is mechanical in the quantum mechanics of Middle Daughter Yin and the space time relativity of Youngest Daughter Yin and the Cybernetics, Information Systems, Complexity Theory, Systems Theory, Logic, Reason, and Mathematics of Eldest Daughter Yin, it has a finite product with the arithmetic of finite quantities of products in Sales, the fruits sold by flowering trees, the pollen sold to bees, the husbands sold by marriage brokers, the provinces sold by kings. Everything in Earth Trigram is measurable, is phenotypic, is an external objective fact, has an end, a title, a name, can be fragmented ground up, and consumed in some fashion.Heaven Trigram is infinite in Middle Son Yang and infinitesimal in Youngest Son Yang, it is energy that is passion from within through the Eldest Son. It is a garden that is endlessly productive in the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable. At some point it integrates into pleasure and joy and love and peace and faith and hope that is beyond fragmentation and unites into and endless harmony in Middle Son Yang Nirvana Brahman Elohim Allah that includes all things in an eternal whole. In Christian theology, this is called the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit. In Chinese Philosophy, the union of Eldest Son Yang passion and energy with this path of integration is called the Tao or Dao or Way.It is not finite or measurable because it is endless universal productivity and creativity, within and without. It is at once too tiny and too large, too refined and too boundless to comprehend, measure, view, and too integrated and minute and total in its integration to ever completely pull apart. Its manufacturing, its product resources can never be fully measured or consumed. In genetics, it is endless mutability and adaptability.In is internal to feeling, it is pleasure from within, passion from within, there are no words to describe it, only exclamations. In Youngest Son Yang, it is the Creative Spirit. In Christian Theology it is the trinity, of Father in Yahweh I become what I become Eldest Son Yang passion and energy. Holy Ghost in Elohim Allah Nirvana Brahmin Hen One of Middle Son Yang boundless integration Love and Compassion, and Son in the Youngest Son Yang Creative Spirit Logos of Geology, Astrology, Mythology, Cosmology, Anthropology, Biology, Theology, Sociology, Ecology, Psychology, Embryology, Topology, Physiology, Epistemology, Morphology, Axiology, Archaeology and Paleontology. But in Thermodynamics, it is the First Law of Conservation of Energy in Middle Son Yang, Vishnu, the Preserver, and the Second Law of movement toward Entropy, in Eldest Son Yang, Shiva, the Destroyer, and it is Brahma the Creator, in the Youngest Son Yang of the Logos of Creation in Evolution as Entropy in the Creative Spirit. Thus, uniting Hindu Theology from within with scientific Thermodynamic energy costs from without. This, as part of the Heaven Trigram of the I Ching should make the relationships with Mandarin Chinese Theology and Metaphysics plain for all to see.The Heaven Trigram integrates into the Middle Son Yang of Allah, his power comes out of Eldest Son Yang and is creative spirit lies in Youngest Son Yang, since this Trigram is the manufacturing cost of this soul accounting, and this in its true source in Allah is beyond description or measurement, we have joined the Christian, the Hindu, the Islamic, all forms of the Chinese, which is Buddhist in Middle Son Yang, Daoist or Taoist in Eldest Son Yang and Youngest Daughter Yin in Earth Trigram and Youngest Son Yang in Heaven Trigram in Confucian notion of the harmony between Heaven and Earth in this I Ching model, we have joined these with the thermodynamics of science and Humanism in a harmony that should embrace the major thought systems of all cultures, in respect to this metaphor of “finite and infinite games,” of the contrast between accounting for manufacturing in the infinite and sales in the finite. (the Hebrew is Middle Son in Elohim and Eldest Son in Yahweh, Youngest Son in the Creative Spirit that generates the sequences in the Kabbalah, see my writings elsewhere defining the relationship between the I Ching and the Kabbalistic system)Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 16th 2016.Notes on Buddhism. Buddhists are taught to be aware of how the Middle Daughter Yin Earth Trigram of fragmented awareness is suffering, how the Eldest Son Yang Thunder Trigram is constant change and flux and how the Youngest Daughter Yin aspect that associates atomic flux in energy dissipative structures is no-self, is just a series of random associations driven by Darwin principles of natural selection and competition for survival. The alternative to this suffering in Earth and Thunder Trigram is the Dhammapada, the path of Dharma, of holy wisdom in the cosmic principle of Eldest Daughter Yin wisdom. The perfection of this wisdom in Wind Trigram through refinement of the mind in Youngest Son Yang meditative Buddha thought and the integration with compassionate inclusion with the gone utterly beyond joy of Middle Son Yang Nirvana detachment from graving for material pleasure constitutes the Buddhist form of the good, the eightfold path of right thoughts, views, meditation, that is described in the Buddhist Tripitakka, in the Dhammapada is the Buddhist fulfillment of Wind Trigram and the mastery of the energy flux of Heaven Trigram.Craving arises in Thunder Trigram for the fruits of Earth Trigram Sales but it generates nothing by Losses in the Soul Accounting system that is described above. The ego tends to cling to its owner equity in Mountain Trigram, but this generates bad Karma, bad choices in Flame Trigram that produce suffering in the Dharma of Water Well Trigram and birth and rebirth in Lake Trigram rise and fall of passions and passion driven attachments to new rebirth cycles. The solution is to devote the creative energy in Heaven Trigram to right thoughts and view in Wind Trigram so that the creative spirit of the mind in the Buddha of Youngest Son Yang can be properly focused on integration with all things and the blowing out of attachment to particular things that brings the love and bliss of Nirvana in true Middle Son Yang liberation from the cycles of birth and rebirth driven by fragmentation and suffering in attachments to flux in the Eldest Son Yang of Thunder Trigram and the fragmented particular in the Middle Daughter Yin of Thunder Trigram and the borderline and histrionic associations of the finite world of space time relativity in Youngest Daughter Yin.So now we can add Buddhist theology to our system described above.We can also add Platonism, since the Hen One of Plotinus is one and the same with Middle Son Yang, the Nous, or Cosmic Mind is the same as Eldest Daughter Yin, and the Psyche, or local mind, is one and the same with Youngest Son Yang, the three members of the Wind Trigram of the Form of the Good, the Adaptive Peak, the Buddhist Eightfold Path, as described above.We have also affixed Alfred North Whiteheads Process Philosophy to our system by identifying his “God” with our interpretation of the Heaven Trigram (same as the usage of Confucianism), and his “Eternal Objects” with our Wind Trigram, “prehensions” with Mountain Trigram, “actual occasions” with Earth Trigram, “events and process” with Thunder Trigram, “organism” with Water Well Trigram, “novelty” with Flame Trigram, “nexi” with Lake Trigram.The key to New Thought and “Religious Science” is the connection of the Creative Spirit to Youngest Son Yang and the Law of Mind to the Nous, or Dharma, or Eldest Daughter Yin, the “Body” to Earth Trigram and “Middle Daughter Yin,” thus, in New Thought, the conscious mind, or Mountain Trigram is the link between the creative world of manufacturing and profits in mental action that is Heaven and Wind Trigram as described above, and the sales world of sales and losses in physical products in Earth Trigram and Thunder Trigram. Water Well and Lake are the collective unconscious, the orderly processes of natural systems, of the laws of mind in Water Well and “race thought” in Lake Trigram that give us back the fruits of our choices in the freedom of “Flame Trigram” as it generates the karma out of Mountain Trigram that will bear fruit in the Sales and Losses of Earth and Thunder according to the laws of liabilities in Water Well and investments in emotional payables and receivables in the faith and passion of the collective unconscious in Lake Trigram synchronicity and described by Jung and by Tarnas in his “Cosmos and Psyche.”The dialectical system of Hegel rules the operation of this collective unconscious by generating the Thesis of the dialectic in Youngest Daughter Yin of Lake Trigram, the antithesis in Eldest Son Yang, and the greater synthesis in the Middle Son Yang of the Lake Trigram ideological dialectic trinity. The dialectic of Marx puts emphasis on Youngest Daughter Yin, the dialectic of Hegel on Middle Son Yang. It is the same set system principles that will function in any direction you care to use it.Of course, all of this fits the metaphysics of Kant, per his Critique of Pure Reason, since the I Ching harmonizes with his four antithetical notions, Heaven Trigram being the infinite, and Earth being the finite, Mountain is the simple, Lake is the complex, Flame is the free, Water Well is the determinate, Wind is the ideal necessity and Thunder is the contingent.We also unite this with mathematics, for Heaven is calculus, Wind is algebra, Earth is arithmetic, Thunder is statistics, Flame is trigonometry and differentiation, Mountain is analytic geometry, Water Well is set theory, Lake Trigram is topology and group theory and integration, the complex opposite of the simple analysis that is Mountain.Eldest Son Yang is the e of energy in the natural logs of Euler’s identity and Middle Son Yang is integration of all things in the curving lines of circles and spheres in pi and Youngest Son Yang is the square root of minus one, Eldest Daughter Yin is the Zero, and Middle Daughter Yin is the unit one fragment and Youngest Daughter Yin is the equal sign that complete’s Euler’s Identity and ties together the mathematics of the three yangs and three yins of the I Ching ideal.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 16th 2016Another note, originally I was interested in Plato’s Divided Line. Ideal Forms in Wind Trigram sinking toward Earth Trigram though mathematics in Eldest Son Yang toward objects in Earth Trigram and finally to shadows of objects in Thunder Trigram. However, this line is actually a circle which moves on into the Eldest Son Yang that is the source of the thermodynamics out of which the shadows and objects emerge and on into the Heaven Trigram that is the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable and generates the Forms of Wind Trigram out of its endless generative potential. So this is a circle running though two opposites information and mathematics in Eldest Daughter Yin and energy and passion in Eldest Son Yang, through four Trigrams, Heaven, Wind, Earth and Thunder, and two trigram interfaces, the transcendent between Heaven and Wind and the manifest between Earth and Thunder.There is a complementary line that makes this circle into a sphere. It also runs from Eldest Son to Eldest Daughter back to Eldest Son, but it intersect four different trigrams, Flame to Mountain to Eldest Daughter to Water Well to Lake back to Eldest Son. It also runs through two interfaces, Flame choice to Mountain mind through conscious awareness and Water Well order and fate to Lake synchronicity and passion and feeling and birth and rebirth through the collective unconscious and universal cosmogony in the dreamtime as the opposite of cognitive awareness and finally back to Eldest Son Yang energy and passion again. Thus, the I Ching is the flushing out of Plato’s Divided Line in the Allegory of the Cave, where Lake Trigram is the Cave, Water Well is its walkways, Mountain is the chained observer, and Flame Trigram is the local fires.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 16th 2016Reminder, Heaven is also manufacturing costs, Wind is profits, Earth is sales, Thunder is losses, Flame is assets and inventories, Mountain is equities, Water Well is balancing debts and liabilities, Lake is a complex bag of investments, of payables and receivable balanced against the inflow and outflow of cash and equities. Wind Trigram is the key, it is the algebra of the present value of the resulting profits. It is also the Form of the Good, the notion of the I Ching as a master pattern, the Platonic Allegory and Divided Line, the algebraic identity attributed to Euler.Allan Ralph Andrews, Jan 16th 2016Some more notes on the above. Suppose me manufacture new genes in the Heaven Trigram of evolutionary genetics and pass these genes through the filter of natural selection by pruning away the maladaptive gene expressions in Thunder Trigram losses. Now we have the adaptive phenotype left for our sales accounts in Earth Trigram allowing the assemblage of genotypic set points in the adaptive peaks of Wind Trigram profits. To do this we need to apply competitive exclusion in Flame Trigram assets and inventories and speciation and genetic isolation in the owner’s equity accounting of Mountain Trigram, pay the needed debts and liabilities in the systems feedback and replication of Water Well Trigram and make the exchanges and investments in payables and receivable in the population genetics and genetic recombination of Lake Trigram.Similar events take place in cultural productivity. New cultural practices appear in the Heaven Trigram of mutant human culture. These mutant cultures manufacture products that are subject to losses in the trading accounts of Thunder Trigram. There is a natural selection that removes maladaptive expressions from the market. Finally goods are generated for sale in Earth Trigram industrial production. Heaven Trigram generates aboriginal pride in achievement. Thunder Trigram generates hedonistic lust and the multiplication of numbers of consuming individuals, plants, animals, humans. All of the above participate in Earth Trigram sales and industrial manufacturing of desirable products, generating product addiction and gluttony.Profits are made from the above by a greedy aristocratic elite in the hoarding of Wind Trigram as a result of industrial production and utilitarian democracy in Earth Trigram and trading and marketing in Thunder Trigram of consumables emerging from primitive resource ultimately emerging from sources in Heaven Trigram reserves.There is a competition for assets and resources in Flame Trigram supported by martial anger and military confrontation, even revolt and revolution. Local cities, states, nations protect their owners equity by separation and defense and by the generation of republics and nations and systems of ownership and segregation and accounting for equities driven by systems of partisan envy and jealous struggle in Mountain Trigram. Under the supervision of dominant elites, universal states and empires emerge with internal and external proletariats driven by systems of wage and bureaucratic slavery and servitude in Water Well Trigram. These systems are ordered by sets of legal liabilities and debts to the controlling state(s).As these systems become more complex and age and decay, the philosophies of their dominant elites are modified by external and internal proletariats to form belief systems, cults and churches that are transformed by the dominant elites of universal states into universal churches and atheistic and agnostic ideological systems, thus, Christianity from and internal proletariat, Islam from an external proletariat, Chinese Buddhism as an agnostic religion, Marxism as an atheistic ideology, Hinduism a hybrid system fusing elements of the above. Payables and receivables of these systems merge in Lake Trigram and in the missionary efforts of these systems transferring owner’s equity to new realms of recombinant system formation and generating dogmatic sloth where these combinations become too weighty can cumbersome, trapping the proletariat in debts and obligations from which they cannot emerge in morasses and swamps of Lake Trigram.Aboriginal production, manufacture has its deep source in Heaven Trigram and creative pride in product creation, but it moves toward marketing and consumption in Thunder Trigram, where hedonistic lust cause the multiplication of the numbers of consumers of all forms. Natural selection generates losses that result in adaptive phenotypes and industrial product addictions in the sales of Earth Trigram and greedy profit hoarding by the dominant elite in Wind Trigram.Martial anger and the competition driven by external proletariats, rebellions and revolution and the exploitive orientation in Flame Trigram are resisted by security measures and isolation in the speciation and separation orientations of Mountain Trigram cities, states, and national partisan envy. The assets exploited by Flame Trigram, the losses generated by consumption in markets in Thunder, the cost of industrial production and sales in Earth, cause equity analysis and ownership reaction in Mountain Trigram. The partisan envy of philosophic thought and debate in Mountain drives the differentiation of ethical system reactions, inspirational ethic in Heaven Trigram, virtue ethics in aristocratic Wind Trigram, egotistic and existential ethics in competitive Flame Trigram, individualistic rational ethical systems in Mountain Trigram itself, hedonistic ethics in Thunder Trigram, duty ethics in Water Well Trigram, utilitarian ethics in Earth Trigram and divine command ethics, ideological ethics, human concern ethics and other emotion and faith based systems in Lake Trigram.The aristocratic greed of dominant elites in Wind Trigram encourages a hoarding orientation, the submission and servitude of the internal and external proletariats subject to Water Well Trigram encourages a receptive orientation, and the missionary ideology associated with Lake Trigram encourages a recombinant orientation, a hybrid formation typical of missionary and ideological submission, an imperialist orientation.Similar effects can be found on personality formation in the human brain. Here the right hemisphere creative integration serves as a Middle Son Yang and left hemisphere fact serves as a Middle Daughter Yin. Frontal lobe management of movement and speech result in an executive function Youngest Son Yang opposed to the sensory association Youngest Daughter Yin of the parietal occipital temporal lobe association areas. The Eldest Son Yang of energy and motion control in the basal ganglia and brain stem can be opposed to information and memory control in the hippocampus and its connections to the cerebral cortex in Eldest Daughter Yin.The Ego, and its Adult Voice, begins as an exploitative and competitive function of the Flame Trigram of these effects which attempts to gain and control assets and inventories through marital anger and other competitive reactions. It uses the Mountain Trigram of analysis and speciation to account for its equities in the memory system dependent upon Eldest Daughter Yin hippocampus related function and executive Youngest Son Yang review of data from left hemisphere fact and language recognition functions.The Parental Voice, the Super Ego of Executive Control, tracks values and virtue, assesses profits, makes profit statements in its attempt to establish the aristocratic, the dominant elite set points for this system that accrue from the aboriginal productive and pride positions of primitive Heaven Trigram behavioral instincts.The Earth Trigram Child Voice attempts the sales of its products in the infantile anal, oral, genital, products sensory developments. It stages antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic, and dependent behavioral events to gain attention for its adaptive phenotypes. It indulges in addiction and gluttony in respect to product pleasures.Libido in Thunder Trigram entices consumption and markets hedonistic lusts, ignoring any losses that may be associated with maladaptive behaviors resulting from waste and danger in this area of activityThe Parental Voice reacts by enslaving the personality to its demands, its censorship, its totalitarian repression in Water Well Trigram. The silent Egg Voice of the Collective Unconscious reacts with avoidance, masochism and repression and it withdraws into its hidden shell and hides in a complex of myth and dreams and dogmatic sloth in Lake Trigram.The Adult Ego in Flame attempts to break out of the repression in Water Well, the Anal Oral Child attempts to gather the primitive resources of Heaven Trigram to support its infantile product. The Parent Voice in Wind Trigram attempts to control vulgar lust and resulting loss in Thunder Trigram libido and wastage in hedonistic entropy. The voiceless Egg in silent dogmatic sloth, asleep in Lake Trigram builds a strong wall, a fortress against intrusions by the demands of ownership and status envy in Mountain Trigram and supports this defense with depression that is opposed to the negativism and sadism of the Mountain Trigram’s active individualism, avoidance and phobic responses to Mountain Trigram’s narcissism, borderline retreat, borderline splitting, borderline resistance to the paranoid defense tactics and the partisan jealousy that explodes in the Mountain Trigram ego systems at the expense of Egg system reproductive and romantic needs in the Aphrodite Venus aspects of human personality functions (otherwise known as sex and love addiction).Allan Ralph Andrews, Jan 16th 2016So lets look at the personality disorders, are the antisocial, the negativistic, sadistic, and schizotypal all reactions of the competitive asset defending martial ego Adult Voice of the Flame Trigram brain, and are the narcissistic and paranoid reactions of its thoughtful owner’s equity defending impressionistic mental supports in Mountain Trigram?Are narcissism, dependence, and histrionic systems simply effects of the primitive infantile anal and oral Child Voice in the Earth Trigram of childish product sales, attempts to gain parental attention?Are the paranoid, schizoid, and compulsive simply overly active Parental Voice super ego functions in Wind Trigram, insisting on moral and status profit as opposed to libido based accidents and energy wastage in Thunder Trigram. Is the avoidant and schizotypal aspect of the Heaven Trigram personality a defense of primitive dreamtime creative archetype manufacturing?Does the Parent Voice defend itself against the weakness of its relations with the fertile Egg voiceless collective investments with repression in the Compulsive, Masochistic and Dependent personality reactions of Water Well Trigram? Do these liabilities and debts balance the asset and inventory focus of the ego system in Flame, does this Water Well repression serve to put out those costly ego based fires?Are the payables and receivables, the investments of the voiceless Egg, the collective unconscious, a way of protecting the energy stored for use of future generations that have been invested in the child by the ancestors of the Parent Voice itself, is masochism, depression, avoidance and borderline fission and fusion away to slip beyond the grasp of a too greed Parent Voice control, acknowledging receivable and payables the Parent is to quick to ignore or forget in its analysis of quick profits?Does lust and libido and hedonistic loss in Thunder Trigram enable the final profit of the whole by encouraging the reproductive function so vital to the future of the voiceless egg, do the borderline, antisocial, and histrionic personality functions serve this necessary aspect, so opposed to the profit statements and executive controls in Wind Trigram? Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 16th 2016.Losses in Thunder Trigram in the above result from investments in Lake Trigram and manufacturing costs from Heaven Trigram enabling the creation of the Infant Child Voice which tries to sell itself in Earth Trigram anal and oral and phallic orientations, as it develops.The profits, in the Wind Trigram Parent Voice are invested in Lake Trigram and Heaven Trigram and Mountain Trigram in the furthering of memes, the information necessary to maintaining the culture, and in future reproductive success and the transmittal of the cultural memes and genes of the adaptive peaks of Wind Trigram, their virtue ethic set points to future generations.Sales in Earth Trigram allow the purchase of assets and inventories in Flame Trigram Adult Ego and the resulting profits from future sales of these resources are either invested in Lake Trigram or transferred to Owner’s Equity in Mountain Trigram.The various personality functions are transmitters of these transactions, Hermes and Mercury in the histrionic, Zeus and Jupiter in the narcissistic, etc., etc., as describe above and elsewhere in these writings.Jan 16th 2016, Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CASo the romantic temper is magical in the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable, it integrates in the Middle Son Yang of infinite boundless inclusive compassion of God as love, as Buddha mind, as Allah the merciful, and it becomes refined into infinitesimal jewels of pure eternal phenomenology in the Youngest Son Yang Yoga mind of the Atman Avatar, the Jiva Monad of primal creation, united to Eldest Son Yang thermodynamic energy and evolution in Shiva, the destroyer, the Yahweh, I become what I become, it is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost of Christianity, the Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva of Hinduism, the laws of Thermodynamics of agnostic and atheistic science, the God of the Metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead, and Plotinus and Mohammed, it is the Nirvana of Buddhism in Heaven Trigram that blows out the cravings generated in Thunder Trigram and ends the suffering experienced in Earth Trigram through the eight fold path of right views, meditation, etc., in Wind Trigram.This is the great manufacturing principle of all metaphysical accounting, it supplies the energy that driven through the hedonistic losses and lust of Thunder Trigram, drives the natural selection and survival of the fittest in evolution as entropy that enables the emergence of adaptive phenotypes in Earth Trigram and the sales accounting of these phenotypes as they sell their wares in flowers and fruits and bright colored feathers. This finite world that is sold to us by utilitarian science and measurement, is limited, and its realism brings suffering to the romantic spirit.The profit statements of the greed driven aristocratic elite measure profits in their hoarding of virtue, of the good, of the Classical ideal in Wind Trigram of the I Ching model. Here are the genotypes in genes and memes and soul archetypes for the adaptive peaks that are ethical in Middle Son Yang, truthful in Eldest Daughter Yin and beautiful in the creative existentialism of Youngest Son Yang. In this harmony there is just enough Earth and enough Heaven, the Classical balances the Expressionistic, the Impressionistic simple analysis balances the Post-Impressionistic complex dialect, the existential free balances the mechanistic closed order.Souls move freely in Flame Trigram existentialism and compete for the resources and assets that the infinitesimal is able to mine with its ability to pierce the walls of the finite and move into the infinite, return to the source of pure primitive time beyond the complexities of space and space time systems. There is competition here for access to this hidden resources of energy and creative novelty.Simple impressionistic structures form and attach to the minds and brains of sentient beings. Here are the species barriers, the equity accounts that separate one observational system from another in Mountain Trigram. If Heaven Trigram is the producer source, the food producer, and Wind Trigram is the herbivore, Mountain Trigram is the carnivore, subject only to predation by the decomposers of Flame Trigram, or in death, by the saprophytes and scavengers of Earth Trigram, or in sickness, to the pathogens of Thunder Trigram. The methods of Lake Trigram are symbiotic and those of Water Well are fungal, parasitic, intestinal, digestive. Water Well includes the blood cells, red and white.The assets utilized out of existential Flame Trigram are compromised with astrological debts and liabilities in the planetary influences of Water Well Trigram and the birth and rebirth, heaven and hell systems of investments in Lake Trigram space time complexes.Emotions are invested in Lake Trigram complexes and topology. The mythology that comes out of Heaven into Lake Trigram entices us into attachments that generate debts to astrological structures and planetary influences in Water Well Trigram. The Post Impressionist and Baroque temper systems generate complex dimensions to our lives that transcend local time and space, transcend this universe into a cosmology of heavens and hells, of birth and rebirth, of time and space systems into a multitude of dimensions and topologies.Do we act out narcissistically in Earth and Mountain or withdraw into avoidant mythology in Heaven and Lake? Do we cry out histrionically in Earth and Thunder or do a schizoid Buddhist withdrawal into Nirvana, Gone Gone Gone, utterly beyond in Wind and Heaven Trigram. Do we act compulsively in favor of morality and virtue in Wind and Water Well or act criminally on the cusp of competitive Flame and hedonistic Thunder? Do we become paranoid to protect our immortal purity and virtue on the cusp of Wind and Mountain Trigrams, or do we seek prostitutes and act out in borderline fission and fusion at the edge of expressionistic and hedonistic Thunder Trigram? Do we look for creative novelty as a schizotypal Guru at the edge of Flame and Heaven, or do we become dependent on normal society at the edge of Earth and Water Well? Are we sadistic at the edge of Flame and Mountain, or are we depressed and masochistic from conforming Water Well into dogmatic sloth in Lake Trigram?The emerging childish behaviors in Thunder Trigram, borderline fusion with mother, antisocial tantrum and aggression, histrionic display to get attention generate losses, wasted energy. The narcissistic child learns how to command attention for oral and anal needs in Earth Trigram and learns dependence on others to obtain satisfaction, begins to understand product sales and sales satisfaction, the cost of taking value goods, burned fingers.Gradually the better phenotypes, traits are able to compete, fight for assets and resources in Flame Trigram sadism, negativism, schizotypal behaviors, establish ownership and equity in Mountain Trigram paranoia, estimate profits, virtues, plans in schizoid and compulsive Wind Trigram ideals, through Parental Voice guidance, drawing on the creative imagination, the manufacturing of new goods in Heaven Trigram.Debts, Liabilities, bad habits subtract from profits, require compulsive suppression and sublimation in Water Well Trigram, support from the unconscious, from the passions and emotions, from physiological resources in the masochistic and avoidant voiceless Egg of Lake Trigram Jungian synchronicity, the Anima, Animus.Allan Ralph Andrews, 1/17/2016, Bakersfield, CASo the book of Genesis requires manufacturing accounting for the creation story in Heaven Trigram of the I Ching with Elohim, the creator of Heaven and Earth as Middle Son Yang, Yahweh, the creator of Adam as Eldest Son Yang and Adam as Youngest Son Yang. When God calls the creation “Good,” this is profit and loss accounting in Wind Trigram with the resulting creation as the improbable that the infinite in Vishnu, the Middle Son Elohim First Law of Thermodynamics, as Flux, as movement toward entropy in Second Law of Thermodynamics Shiva Yahweh I become what I become, has made probable in Adam, the Logos of Geology and Ecology in Youngest Son Yang. This Good in Wind Trigram is the form of the Good, with the breath of Elohim as the Wind Trigram, Air Element entering into Adam as the Parent Voice, the Super Ego, including the Tree of Life as the holy wisdom of Eldest Daughter Yin. Elohim, Yahweh, Adam are the Creation of Protype of the Post Flood, Holy Ghost, Father, and Son of the Christian Trinity, the Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma of the Hindu Trinity, Adam is the Psyche of the Wind Trigram trinity of Plotinus, the Tree of Life is the Nous, Cosmic Mind, and Elohim, Holy Ghost, Brahman, Vishnu is the Hen One Allah, this is also Buddha as the fulfillment of Adam, Dharma as the fruit of the Tree of Life and Nirvana as the final consummation, thus the Wind Trigram is the Buddhist Eight Fold Path, the solution to the Sin of Adam, the problem of the Super Ego, the sin of Freudian Lust.The Earth Trigram is the Sales accounting of the Garden of Eden where Adam buys the Apple offered by Eve through the temptation of the Snake. The Snake is the salesman of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and Eve as Middle Daughter Yin (Daughter of Elohim Hen One on the Tree of Life as Santa Sophia Holy Wisdom in Wind Trigram) and the product of that Tree as Knowledge of the Finite, of Evil in Earth Trigram. Earth Trigram includes Youngest Daughter Eve and Babylon as the City of the Children of Eve after expulsion from the Garden, this expulsion is the Child Voice, the infant that is expelled from the womb in Eldest Daughter and from his mothers dry breast in Middle Daughter and becomes just another part of the family in Youngest Daughter Babyon. The fruit is the oral stage, once eaten it becomes the anal stage, and when the snake is forced to crawl, the phallic stage of infantile expulsion from the womb, from the breast, from the Holy Family, from the Garden of Eden.Yahweh, in Eldest Son sends his angels of natural selection and evolution as entropy in the loss accounting that is Thunder Trigram and there are monsters and thorns an thistles, so Thunder Trigram is the struggle for existence with these monsters in the loss accounting of evolution as entropy resulting in various forms of ecosystems, including the daughters of eve in the world and the Tower of Babylon as the realm of Youngest Daughter Yin and the loss accounting of that result, that destruction of energy dissipating structures. This is the realm of Freudian Libido and Buddhist Desire, this is Eldest Son Yang as Flux, Middle Daughter Yin Eve as Suffering and Youngest Daughter Eve Tower of Babel and Babylon as No Self, it is the cause of the suffering, the Kama and Lust that causes Dukka, realization of limits by the infant in Earth Trigram Child Voice infantile development.Now Adam, Youngest Son Yang in Fire Element and Flame Trigram looks for assets and resources and finds them in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Fruit and the salesmen Snake with Eve in Middle Daughter Yin, he discovers the things that Yahweh has done and he collects these resources, including the Fruit, and the Snake and Eve and adds them to his list of assets and inventories in this asset and inventory accounting. Adam, the adult Ego Voice, having discovered his own light, the Fire Element burning in the Platonic Cave, may have attempted to roast the Apple, maybe even the Snake, may have induced Eve to generate the first Apple Pie as a result of his Cost Accounting system and plans for a more productive, lest infantile garden. At this point Adam starts to cloth himself and set out parts of the Garden as his possession, his Equity, and he starts doing investment, equity management accounting in the Mountain Trigram of the human mind bounded by his relationship as Youngest Son Yang with the tree of life, the Cosmic Mind as the original mother and the tree of knowledge of good an evil as the minds first daughter in its empirical knowledge, its new kingdom of what Alfred North Whitehead calls “Prehensions.”But, there is liability accounting, the Parent Voice, the Super Ego discovers losses in Thunder Trigram, this damage to the Garden is a cost in Water Well Trigram, a liability, a debt which must be paid, there must be discipline, repression applied, first to the infant, the child voice and then to the adult, the Ego as a result of the violation of the standards of Wind Trigram, the breath, the Voice of Elohim, the Holy Ghost in Wind Trigram Dharma and Dhammapada, the Eight Fold Path of Holy Wisdom.At this point, Yahweh, as Eldest Son Yang in Lake Trigram, attempts to collect these debts by sending the flood, but leaving Noah to collect what assets, payable that can be collected against receivables, in the Ark, that must rise above the flood of resulting debts and losses. This water is the womb and its egg, the development of the next child that will continue the growth of the human family. Now Adam, the Adult Voice and Eve his daughter in Thunder Trigram and his mother in Wind Trigram must investing his few assets in the flood waters of the womb as the voiceless Egg that is the flood remakes his world.All the holy literature in the world, all the books of the Christian and Hebrew Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the books of the Buddhist and Confucian, and Daoist cannon, the books of Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis, all the stories, the Epics of Greece and India, the Thousand and One Nights, they are all tales about the results of this flood, the attempt of Youngest Son Yang Adam and Youngest Daughter Yin Eve to overcome the floods of debts that have been accumulated as the result of their attempts to feed and cloth their family of billions of infants in the story, the logos of the post flood creation that is the literature and mythology of Lake Trigram and the morality of Human Concern and Divine Command Ethics. Now the oceans rise again and the flood returns, is there hope for this trouble family and its accounting problems, its family system problems, its ecological problems, with its rising debts and taxes, once again hope in Middle Son Yang love and peace and joy, in the Heaven Trigram of the I Ching of Confucian Classics, in what is called “Steps Toward and Ecology of Mind?” (see Bateson, referenced elsewhere in these writings)Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 17th 2016.The Infant leaves the womb in the control of the Id, the Unconscious, the Anima, Animus of Child and Mother to emerge from this Water Element, the realm of the Lake Trigram, as pure libido, as pure desire and behavior. From the investments, the payables and receivables of Lake it enters into the pure losses of evolution as entropy, of the Darwinian struggle for existence, if it survives, it begins to move through the oral, anal, and other stages of development in Earth Trigram and become a salesman for the Child Voice. In Buddhist terms, it leaves the realm of pure kama, pure desire in Thunder, the cries, the tantrum behavior of Thunder Trigram, to become pure suffering, pure dukka, in the bad food and anal excretions, the tears, and milk of Earth Element and Earth Trigram. Now it must sell itself, now it must gain assets from sales, it must obtain the mother’s breast, the mother’s milk, the mother’s protection and favor.Inevitably it must pay for these assets that it obtains and exchanges in Earth Trigram sales for debits and liabilities that subject it to frustration and discipline by the fight between the Super Ego, between the Parent’s standards in Wind Trigram and its own instincts in Lake Trigram unconscious Id-Anima-Animus, as they are evolving out of Thunder Trigram libido into Earth Trigram oral anal genital childhood, now subject to the evolving system of repressions of that libido, now subject to rules and laws and discipline in Water Well Trigram, gradually learning in Water Well how to be dependent, how to be compulsive, how to be a masochist, how to be depressed, gradually learning the vice of slavery and servitude to supplement the vice of sloth it learned in the Water Element of the womb in Lake and the vice of lust and craving that emerged with its birth and tantrums in Thunder Trigram and has now been further developing from its reactions to the objects it buys and sell in Earth Trigram sales, itself, its smile, its worthless anal products, its infantile histrionics and narcissism and is developing vices of product addiction and gluttony, to this system it will now be enslaved in the absolutism of Water Well Trigram.Its solution is the Fire Element, the Choleric temper, and through this temper and its developing sadistic, negativistic, schizotypal, and antisocial skills, it gains, grabs, steals assets and inventories, it is Adam grabbing fruit from the tree, stealing fruit from Eve, from this an adult voice develops in Flame Trigram. But, to become a full Ego, a full adult it must complete its education in paranoia at the foot of the Tree of Life and at the foot of the Super Egos of its parents in the Parent Voices of Wind Trigram.The result is the gradual education of the impressionistic mind, the notion of ownership and owner’s equity in Mountain Trigram, from here, the vice of anger maturing in Flame, can be further developed into jealousy and envy, now with further education, the Ego can parent, can become a Super Ego to others in the Wind Trigram paranoid realm of hoarding values, profit assessments and virtues. Eventually, schizoid versions of these new traits, compulsive investments allow the Parental Voice some form of aristocratic dominance, if the developing Ego energies have gained enough profits from the narcissistic and histrionic sales of their assets in Earth Trigram.The final goal is for the rising Ego in Flame Trigram to fully inflate itself with the Air Element ideals and rise to sainthood in the Dreamtime Zamani of the tribe, to ascend into Heaven Trigram as a grandparent, as an elder voice.Thus, it is that Genesis reverses the order of human development, beginning with creation in Heaven Trigram and the announcement by Elohim that the result is Good in Wind Trigram and the gift of breath to Adam as Youngest Son Yang. Now Adam finds himself in the Garden of Eden, which becomes the New Thought Trinity of the empirical mind, the Pneuma, Creative Spirit, or Adam, and the Psyche, or local use of the Nous Santa Sophia Cosmic Mind Tree of Life, Eldest Daughter Yin, this emerges in New Thought (see Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind Textbook) as the Law of Mind, and finally the Soma, the Body. It is within this triangle, the trigonometry, that Adam discovers his empirical ability, his ownership and his equity.From here Adam reaches into Fire Element and Flame Trigram to steal the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, to join with Eve as Middle Daughter Yin, to rebel against the parents out of the Dreamtime Heaven Trigram. Now fully aware of Earth Element, Earth Trigram, it becomes objects for sale, it becomes finite, Adam and Eve enter together into Dukka, into Buddhist Suffering, Christian Sin.The punishments of Water Well Trigram come down upon them, they are forced to pay for the debts and liabilities of their stolen assets, and they must wander in this reduced Earth Trigram where the Earth Element is impoverished by the realistic temper. But, further distress comes upon them in Thunder Trigram, where bad weather chases them from the remains of the garden and they are subject to the losses associated with entropy, with the struggle for existence.Deeply indebt in the realm of Youngest Daughter Yin in Babylon, enslaved to construction of its Tower of Babel, they are swept away by the flood of bad investments in Lake Trigram, where only the chosen are rescued by Noah and his ark.So we see the stages of creation are the reverse if the stage of Ego development.7:23 AM, Bakersfield, California, 1/18/2016Consider a Heaven Trigram manufacturing dominated by producer organisms, by green plants, by the Plant Kingdom, and a greedy profit accounting by herbivores in Wind Trigram, a envious equity accounting and ownership of food by carnivores, in a Mountain Trigram dominated by the Animal Kingdom, helped out by decomposers in the Flame Trigram that are competing for assets, inventories, of elemental resources in the remains the carnivores leave behind.Suppose the Earth Trigram is filled with seeds and fruits that are put up for sale by the trees that drop them with scavengers among the leaves and humus on the ground that are among the final consumers, saprophytes that consume the dead remains. Suppose that the Thunder Trigram is filled with bacteria that support the operations described above, but also cause disease and major losses cause by disease, thus supporting Darwinian evolution and natural selection by causing the extinction of maladaptive genetic expressions. These losses subtract from the profits of the herbivores in Wind Trigram.Water Well Trigram is filled with fungi that also support Earth Trigram compost and humus formation. The fungi are a liability account, debits against the assets and inventories of the final decomposers in small animals and bacteria. The lichens and symbiotic fungi and bacteria and algae in Lake Trigram are investments with further payables and receivable stacked against assets and owners equity in Mountain and Flame Trigram.Suppose that the carnivorous animal kingdom Mountain is bounded by sadistic personalities like the spiders and narcissistic types like the lion, paranoid types like the shrew. Suppose the producer plant kingdom Heaven Trigram is bounded by schizoid types like redwoods, avoidant types like symbiotic coral reefs and schizotypal types like chemosythetic bacteria. Suppose the fungi forming compost in Water Well are bounded by compulsive types like leaf cutting mold growing ants, masochistic types like the fungi and algae in lichens, dependent types like the fungi that form mushrooms. Suppose pathogenic bacteria in Thunder Trigram are bounded by histrionic types like malaria, borderline types like yeasts, and antisocial types like the flu viruses.Would Middle Son Yang be the ecological integration of the system and Middle Daughter Yin be its fragmentation and disintegration? Would Eldest Daughter Yin be stabilizing systems functions and Eldest Son Yang be death and changes in energy states and energy flows? Would Youngest Son Yang be concentration and isolation of energy and information and Youngest Daughter Yin be its association and dissipation?Would this be a metaphor for metaphysics, with Middle Son Yang as the integration of the finite and Middle Daughter its fragmentation in local atoms and quantum events, with Eldest Son as the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable through evolution as entropy and Eldest Daughter as mathematics, reason, and systems function of that energy. Youngest Son as the primitive here and now source of time in the phenomenological creativity of being from within energy as passion and being from within information as knowledge, integration as pleasure and love and joy, and disintegration as pain and hate and sadness?Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, June 18th 2016 So Flame Trigram and Fire Element are combustion, oxidation and Earth Trigram is solid ground, and Earth Element, Lake Trigram is Water Element and liquid solutions, Wind Trigram is Air Element and the Gaseous state, Nitrogen Oxygen. But the Nitrifying Bacteria belong to the opposite of Wind Trigram, the pathogens and bacteria are sources of Losses in Thunder, and the Animals are the opposite of Water Element, they are the salty blood of Mountain Trigram, so the Green Plants in Heaven Trigram send their roots down into Earth Element but their leaves are pointed toward the Sun in order to accomplish photosynthesis. All the oxidation in the compost forming Fungi of Water Well Trigram is going on in the mitochondria of the protoplasm.So Eldest Daughter Yin, the Tree of Life, generates the complex water of the blood for the Animal Kingdom carnivores of Mountain Trigram and the complex fires of the mitochondria of the protoplasm in the Fungi and other compost forming organisms in Water Well Trigram, gives nitrogen to the herbivores of Wind Trigram, not directly from the air, but through nitrifying bacteria of Thunder Trigram that provide nitrogen to the soil of Earth Trigram where it is some of the good for sale for the roots of tree and used by them for the manufacturing of proteins in Heaven Trigram Garden of Eden manufacturing costs. So the Eldest Daughter Yin of the Garden of Eden, as the Tree of Life maintains this complex system of harmonic balances between the eight trigrams: Water from Lake in the Salty Blood of carnivorous animals in Mountain Trigram, Fire from Flame in the Oxidation of Sugars in the mitochondria of compost forming creatures like the Fungi in the Water Well Trigram, Earth from Earth Trigram providing nutrients, including nitrogen to the roots of Trees doing photosynthesis in producer green plant Heaven Trigram, and the nitrogen coming from nitrifying bacteria in thunder, or from nitrogen provided to the soil in nitrogen strike in Thunder Trigram out of the nitrogen gas in the air and wind of Wind Trigram.But the energy of this Tree of Life, Eldest Daughter Yin comes from Eldest Son Yang, the Yahweh, I become what I become Father of All Life as Energy flows to Entropy, as the source of Life and Evolution, this isolating and concentrating in isolated living things, Adam, Youngest Son Yang and associating in energy dissipative associations in Eve, Youngest Daughter Yin, integrating as the First Law of Thermodynamics in Middle Son Yang Elohim, or disintegrating as Middle Daughter Yin, Entropy in the Snake, in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, in the Snake as the animation of the Tree.All the Sons Yang are sons of God as the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable in Heaven Trigram and all the Daughters Yin are daughters of Nature as the finite products that emerge from the improbable in the visible world.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 1/19/2016Energy from the sun in photosynthesis is the source of the food production, the manufacturing done by Green Plants in Heaven Trigram, this same energy drives evolution as entropy in the struggle for existence, in the survival of the fittest, in the survival of energy dissipative structures that are thrifty with energy. In order to do this there must be a code, a system for energy regulation, this code has come to mean proteins that serve as enzymes in the cell. These enzymes are made of nitrogen containing amino acids, the codes for the making of these amino acids are in messenger RNA and chromosomal DNA, substances made of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. The green plants get their hydrogen and oxygen from water in the soil through xylem tissue that carries water upward from the roots. This water also contains dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in an ionic form that the plant can utilize in its cell chemistry. Most of this nitrogen comes from the nitrogen gas in the atmosphere, the mythical “air element” of the wind and the breath, Wind Trigram. But, plants and animals cannot take it directly from the air. Most of it is put in the water of the soil by nitrifying bacteria as a result of their own chemical processing of nitrogen, some comes from the chemistry resulting from lightning strikes, this is truly phenomena that belong to Thunder Trigram, the opposite of Wind Trigram in the I Ching system.But, nitrogen is essential to forming the DNA and RNA and proteins that maintain the living systems, it is the biological equivalent of the Platonic “Form of the Good.” Again, this nitrogen used by the cell, comes largely from the nitrogen supplied by nitrifying bacteria in the Thunder Trigram of Earth Trigram weather and evolution as entropy. Thus, in a cost benefits analysis of living systems, Profits arising from the replication of DNA, RNA, proteins and nitrogen containing essential chemical of the cell must be compared with Losses resulting from the depletion of nitrogen and other necessary substances in the soil. Some bacteria in Thunder Trigram destroy available nitrogen and render the soil less fertile, this is a loss that must be balanced against profits in Wind Trigram.Just as the relationship of roots to tree tops ties Earth Trigram Earth Element soil particles with water and nitrogen to food production, food manufacture, in Heaven Trigram, the manufacturing costs in Heaven come from purchases made from Earth Trigram, and just as the genetic set points in Wind Trigram air molecules (Carbon from Carbon Dioxide in the air, Hydrogen and Oxygen from water that fell in rain, nitrogen from soil bacteria, phosphorus from phosphorus molecules released into the soil). When the cost of sales is too high, when the green plant cannot afford to sell its seeds and fruits to the forces, to the animals, that disperse its reproductive structures, it decreases the overall profitability of life in the ecosystem as a Middle Son Yang Heaven Trigram whole, as something that is Wind Trigram Profit for the entire system as a whole.Assets and resources in Flame Trigram that become available because of the recycling of resources and inventories by decomposer organisms come with a cost. Generally, stored energy in the cell must be burned, must be oxidized in the mitochondria of the cell, particularly the mitochondria of the compost forming fungi. The liability, the debts of the asset accumulating processes in Flame Trigram Fire Element must be stacked against the liabilities, the debts to energy storage in the protoplasm of the structures that must processes these assets and resources. Nothing can be accomplished without the expenditure of energy fueled by oxidation of sugars in the mitochondria. Thus the Fire Element that is trapped in the protoplasm of organism like the fungi in Water Well Trigram is vital to the decomposition that occurs in Flame Trigram.The Equities, the ions, the energy, the food reserves stored in the blood system, the liquid plasma of animals in Mountain Trigram, the energy equity of this plasma, the salts in solution in this plasma, like sodium, vital to the nerve message that carry information in the nervous system, these have their origin in the cell water of Lake Trigram. It was the primitive ocean that was the original home of the animals that now live on land. The receivables and payables, the energy transactions of living things take place within a solution, a cytoplasm, protoplasm, that is largely enzymatic protein in water. These transactions depend on symbiosis, on the cooperation of the structures and processes in the web of life, in the water and protein of these exchanges in primitive Lake Trigram.This Tree of Life system is a metaphor for the larger system of all things.What we call systems theory appears in mythology and metaphysics as the Tree of Life, as Santa Sophia, as holy wisdom, and Eldest Daughter Yin, or as Psyche, the Law of Mind in New Thought Theology (see Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind). In the East, it is known as “Li” or “Dharma.” It is Cosmic Mind, Cosmic Justice, Cosmic Law, the mathematical systems structure underneath all information systems in time and space.God, Allah, Nirvan, Brahman, Vishnu, Elohim, the Holy Ghost, Middle Son Yang, is the integration of this system, the Body, Quantum Mechanics, the Snake, the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, is the fragmentation of this system into atomic parts.Youngest Son Yang is the phenomenological existential being from within of pure primary creative infinitesimal time as the jiva atman soul monad private start of all things. Out of nothing, this one point emerges as the negative number square root of minus one that generates the primary time line from which all complex time and space are woven. Primary time is simple free infinite in number, infinitesimal in measure, and necessary for all other space time eventuality, This primary time is the Youngest Son Yang, its energy is passion and its information is knowledge and its processing of the information is thought and reason, its review of this information and passion is consciousness, the disintegration of this process is pain and sorrow and its integration is love and joy.Youngest Daughter Yin space time relativity is complex and contingent and finite and mechanistic and determinant and associated, and public.Neither Primary Time, in Youngest Son Yang, nor Middle Son Yang Integration enter into scientific thought or realistic philosophy because they are intangible and immeasurable and have meaning only within the infinite game, not within the finite game. They are known only in the higher levels of management of the finite game as an open ended play of the infinite game.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 19th 2016The infinite flux that make the improbable probable in Heaven Trigram generates and infinity if infinitesimal moments of simple open generative time, simple open phenomenology and existentially inexistence now, like the decomposers of the soil, this Fire Element, the Flame Trigram competes for attachment to minds and brains in order to gain the pleasure that comes from integration. This infinite flow of infinitesimal jiva monad moments bombards our physical world constantly with time options that are unseen and never measured because the infinitesimal cannot be measured or proven in the finite.But this is not the only unseen realm. Lake Trigram integrates these monads in all sorts of different world, cosmic systems in various complex combinations of space and time and multidimensional systems of multidimensional space time. In this endless complex is every cosmology and theology and mythology possible, Buddhist systems, Muslim systems, Greek, Polynesian, Native American, African, Native Australian, Papuan, Icelandic, Germanic, mythological sequences, Hindu, Tibetan, Japanese, there is no end to the possibilities, of reincarnation, purgatories, hells, heavens, and super heaven in the tradition of Pythagoras, Homer, Plotinus, Dante, etc., etc. This is the complex space and time that our local existential monads of the now are drawn to, this is the Lake Trigram of symbiosis but in a collective unconscious deep Water Element of Jungian Synchronicity and “Race Thought” magic. Here are complexes of souls in time and space, ghost and ancestral bodies, just as complexes of living things, fungi, slime molds, lichens form in the living world, which becomes a metaphor for the Tree of Life, the Santa Sophia, the Holy Wisdom of the unseen.But all of this attaches to Earth Element, to Earth Trigram, to the finite world that is formed of quantum events in Middle Daughter and space time relativity in Youngest Daughter Yin, formed out of information and natural systems and laws and mathematics in the Tree of Life that is Eldest Daughter Yin information system potential.Out of the interaction of this Tree of Life Santa Sophia, the Nous, the Cosmic Mind of Eldest Daughter Yin, of the I Ching, of the trinity of Plotinus, with the Middle Son Yang First Law of Thermodynamics and integration of the boundless in Vishnu Brahman Allah Elohim Hen One, and the Youngest Son Yang creative logos, the Adam of the Pschye, the phenomenological and existential self that is the Yoga of meditation and being from within, that becomes the Socrates, the Christ, the Mohammed, the Krishna avatar, Buddha, Confucius, out of this emerges the Wind Trigram paradigm, the I Ching paradigm, the Four Element Paradigm, the Form of the Good Ideal, the adaptive peak of genotypic set points, here is the genotype, the paradigm for the integration of all things.The opposite of this realm is the Thunder Trigram of evolution as entropy, as the thermodynamic events of the visible world and the Darwinian evolution that generates the losses the remove the maladaptive expressions and live the pearls of great price as the profits in Wind TrigramIn Buddhist view, as discussed above, Thunder Trigram is the realm of Kama, of desire, Earth Trigram of suffering, and Wind Trigram of the noble eight fold path of right meditation that leads to the end of suffering in the Heaven Trigram of Nirvana, gone gone gone utterly beyond.Otherwise we are trapped in bad choices, bad karma out of Flame Trigram and the bad views and egotism of Mountain Trigram, trapped in the justice and dharma of Water Well Trigram that condemns us to birth and rebirth in the space and time complexity of Lake Trigram.The bad assets that we buy and compete for in Flame Trigram and own and claim in the equities of Mountain Trigram must be paid for in astrological debts and liabilities in Water Well Trigram and birth and rebirth in a complex system of lives and heavens and hells and purgatories in Lake Trigram payables and receivables and bad investments.Only Wind Trigram brings true profits and only Heaven Trigram is the real productive source of joy and love and peace and faith in the boundless integration that is Middle Son Yang and the creativity and phenomenology that is Youngest Son Yang and the energy and power and progressive possibility that is Eldest Son Yang evolution as entropy.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 1/19/2014In the meantime, the mind begins as a fertilized egg in Lake Trigram Water Element of the womb. Here is the unconscious defense of the genetic model for survival, here is the family system that seeks to perpetuate its genetic plans. This level of the unconscious would generate endless depression, avoidance, masochistic sacrifice and borderline fission and fusion if it would keep us safe and allow us to perpetuate our genetic heritage.The infant is the product of this family complex of ego investments on the part of its members and payables and receivables. At first the infant is left in the Thunder Trigram of losses, loss of the safety of the womb and the comfort of attachment to the mother. Having lost this safety, it seeks to steal what attention and support it can with primitive antisocial aggression, it takes as much from the mother in time an nurturing as it can.With histrionic displays it buys time at the mothers breast in Earth Trigram, with narcissistic performances, it attempts to sell its talents to family and friends. Yet it is dependent upon the environment and family system which soon punishes it, disciplines it, if it does not compulsively follow the rules of its world, its parents, of the culture and the family system. Here in Water Well Trigram, it learns its debts, its liabilities, the payments it must make to the meme system, the cultural idea system, to the language community to which it belongs, if it wishes to survive.So puberty will entice the Ego, the Adult Voice to rebel in Flame Trigram and Fire Element, to cut loose in a negativistic, antisocial, sadistic, even schizotypal rebellion against the family and the home and the dependent role of the Child Voice and the anal and oral stages of its early development. With time, this Adult Ego will develop its own Equity accounts, its own impressionistic mental system in Mountain Trigram, its own existential and experimental use of assets and inventories in Flame Trigram competition with other adult systems.From the sloth of the womb and the slavery of conformity to its culture in Water Well and Lake, from the lust and gluttony and addiction to products sold to it by the Earth and Thunder Trigrams, it will minimize its losses and seek its own combination of genes and memes, its own reproductive narcissism, which it will guard with jealousy in a paranoid reaction to threats against its owner’s equity in Mountain and Wind Trigram.Soon it will become a Parent level person, and develop its own aristocratic greed for the profits it values, its own version of the Super Ego defense of meme virtue and gene power. Eventually, as it dies from the Sasa, from here and now, and passes on to the Zamani, Dreamtime, it will make its own attempt to achieve salvation, sainthood, heroic status in the realm of those gone beyond in Heaven Trigram infinite possibility.Allan Ralph Andrews, Jan 19th 2016, Bakersfield, CANone of the existing metaphysical systems claims the cosmos is a very nice place. Hebrew and Christian scriptures promise nothing but “thorns and thistles” for the post expulsion human, Buddhism promises a world of suffering, flux, and no-self, Hinduism promises “Maya” and delusion plagued birth and rebirth, Dharma and Karma, Platonism promised life in a “Cave” filled with shadows and ignorance. Modern science sees a planet and a universe on its way toward some sort of grand destruction, including the assimilation of our star by a hungry Black Hole.The Chinese tradition was probably more positive than most, promising prosperity when Earth was in harmony with Heaven, per the I Ching model described above (I need to emphasis that my interpretation of the I Ching is a modern one, not the original so often used for casting fortunes). But the problem for the developing ego above is that humans are gang forming primates that tend to gang up on each other and only cooperate when forced to by some nasty leader. We have discussed above, and elsewhere, the sequences of human history.To review, we use Erich Fromm and Arnold Toynbee to suggest as series of stages in human civilization beginning with aboriginal pride and aboriginal productivity, in a aboriginal product gathering tool making stage of early manufacturing accounting, we identify with Heaven Trigram. Soon a competitive stage appears in which ever more sophisticated tribal states and chiefdoms compete for resources. Here we see war and raids and a atmosphere of exploitative orientations. We see martial anger, resulting in competition for limited resources, resulting from competitive exclusion between different styles of gang based resource exploitation. This is competition between different styles of exploited asset and inventory management. The personality styles change from the avoidant, schizoid, schizotypal shaman centered thought system to the antisocial sadism of the thieving raids of heroic types modeled in the literature like the Icelandic sagas and the epics of Homer.This stage in social development is very similar to the emergence of the Adult ego is personal development, described above. The depressed mother, the dependent state of the Child Voice, the need to repress the libido that emerged in Thunder Trigram out of the instincts in Lake Trigram and oral and anal development in Earth Trigram, creates rebellion of the narcissistic adolescent ego, the Zeus and Jupiter want to be. This stage is discussed in Richard Leaky’s book “Origins,” Doubleday, 1992, when he discusses how two chimps, Yeroen and Nikkie, attach and kill another dominant chimp, a chimp that was claiming the chimp equivalent of Zeus and Jupiter status in the chimp world, at least in a chimp colony at the Burgers’ Zoo in Arnheim (see op. cit. pp 278 -279).Apparently this kind of behavior often occurs in higher primates, causing speculation that one of the origins of higher primate intelligence is the need to dominate in such aggressive and sadistic games and the social awareness and antisocial deception that is needed to carry it off, even the manic schiotypal delusion that it might work.Francis Parkman’s “Oregon Trail” describes a Western North America where competitive exclusion was at work on all concerned, where French, Aboriginal, Scot-Irish, Spanish, and other traditions were in collusion, where Aboriginal language communities, English, French, Spanish speaking language communities clashed in ways the encourage adolescent like gang behavior, egos at war in various sadistic, aggressive, and antisocial styles, killing, stealing, using manic voices to justify outlandish behaviors. It is the stuff of the typical Western novel. Jared Diamond describes the origins of some of the behavior systems in his “Guns, Germs, and Steel, Norton, 1999. What he describes is increasing size in human population resulting in warfare and conquest, resulting in competition, and various reactions to that competition resulting in new inventions, new forms of agriculture and plant and animal domestication, ever more complex societies and social institutions.Initially humans are in small, band, gang like organizations, often governed by gang like behaviors. He describes a world that can be a very dangerous place because these different groups often do not speak the same language. In such a situation, the source condition that we call the Heaven Trigram, personalities are often avoidant, schizoid, and schizotypal. They avoid contact with people from communities with different languages and mythologies. They try to speak to imaginary powerful ancestral figures that are the mythical sources of the language, the tribal group, its mythology. They are focused on the complexities peculiar to the language and its mythology, signs such as the marks on rocks and bones thrown in the fire.In John S. Mbiti’s African Religions and Philosophy, he describes a system for describing time and space where there are only two kinds of time the Sasa, or the present world, and the Zamani, the distant past and future, the “Dreamtime,” or what we might call the “infinite game” and the”Heaven Trigram” as opposed to the “finite game” and the “Earth Trigram.” This Zamani, “Dreamtime.” “infinite game,” is very much the “gone gone gone utterly beyond” and the “nirvana” that the human personality must be return to in sickness and death, it is the creative edge from which we came and to which we must return regardless of the mythologies and metaphysical systems we use to describe it. It is the source of the ultimate manufacturing accounting of human fantasy and the romantic temper.The movement from this aboriginal productive mode to the exploitive mode and from their to hoarding and receiving and marketing has been described in various works by Erich Fromm, Arnold Toynbee, and most recently by Daniel Bell, and by Yuval Noah Harari in his work “Sapiens,” Harper, 2015.Humans begin to settle down in village complexes that merge into small cities and then small kingdoms, city states, republics. Athens, is an example of the city state in ancient Greece, and what we call the Mountain Trigram. The Mountain Trigram becomes more and more focused on partisan jealousy, on impressionism, on empiricism, on analysis and philosophy, on equity, and the analysis of owner’s equity, security and paranoia become more important, the ego is not just narcissistic, as in Apollo and Zeus, but paranoid like Hera.We see this in the maturing Ego, the maturing Adult Voice, that accumulates assets that are owned, managed, must be analyzed and checked, made secure. Competition becomes increasingly commercial and political rather than martial and physical. The Child is histrionic, the maturing Child is narcissistic, the young Adult is sadistic, but the older Adult has too much at risk for sadism, and turns to paranoia instead. So with the maturing city state, the aging tribal complex.Now the developing Parent Voice and Super Ego in Wind Trigram must turn its paranoid and schizoid skills to compulsive behavior if it is to raise its own family, so also the rising aristocracy and monarchy that seeks to use aristocratic greed to hoard wealth and generate a dominant elite. Hera and Athena put Hephaestus to work making pretty objects as the Classical Temper gradually turns to Baroque imperialism. So Grandmother and Grandfather become emperor and empress of the growing Water Well family, that now learn the receptive orientation as the grandchildren become the dependent slaves and servants of the family system.It is a similar way with states that develop the masochistic, compulsive and dependent orientations toward a universal state, a universal system of slavery and servitude, and internal and external dependent proletariats in the Baroque temper of Water Well Trigram. The transitions from Athens to Hellenic Monarchy and Roman Empire is a good example of this sequence. Hestia, Demeter, Vesta and Ceres replace Athena and Minerva as slavery becomes more important than aristocratic status and learning.Eventually the dependents of this system in the family are drawn into gluttony and addition in Earth Trigram and Lust in Thunder Trigram and the borderline romantic behavior of Aphrodite and Venus submit to the aggressive antisocial rape like conquests of Mars and Ares. Pregnancy in the Lake Trigram of the Water Element of maternal protoplasm in Egg and Womb is the natural effect of insemination by the Fire Element driven oxidative energy of the mitochondria in the motile sperm. The sperm is pure Flame Trigram and its penetration and the sexual act are pure Thunder Trigram.Similar problems happen with the breakdown of empire. New ideologies appear as universal churches in the ideological wombs of the internal and external proletariat and these are adopted by the grandfathers and grandmothers of the aging aristocracy of the dominant elite, resulting in missionary empire and the recombination and population genetics of genes and memes in the Lake Trigram of the imperial church and the imperial ideological mission. These ideologies awaken the collective unconscious in Lake Trigram and its recombinant orientation.This recombinant orientation has encouraged a trading and marketing capitalism in the West. The liabilities and debts of Water Well universal states, the equities of new capitalist republics and nation states in Mountain and the complex investments of missionary imperialism, the many payables and receivable nurture the infantile capitalism of corporations and partnerships in the Thunder Trigram of market consumption and hedonistic lust, of international trade. In this climate of international borderline prostitution in the archetypes of Venus and Aphrodite and of thief and bribery and rape of natural resources in the martial traditions of Ares and Mars, and the histrionic entertainment, the histrionic journalism of Mercury and Hermes, the Thunder Trigram grows at the expense of all other forms of human activity.As it grows, it nurtures the Earth Trigram of narcissism and dependence, the sales and the addictive dependency on the products and the fruits of science and its utilitarian democratic handmaiden servants. The losses accumulated in Thunder ruin the profits of the old aristocratic dominant elite, but fatten up a new aristocracy of greed and capitalistic hoarding. In the wake it generates a new generation of infants and children that were raised on these products and nurtured by machines and media, by cell phones and televisions, and other new developments in industry and communication.Harold Blake Walker wrote “To Conquer Loneliness,” Harper, 1966. In this work he puts emphasis on the problems of life in a world dominated by technology, that is by machinery, but what Carse, see above, calls “the finite game,” the game of titles and awards, the status game that dominates the politics of the utilitarian democracy and the science and technology oriented realistic temper, the temper of the melancholy Earth Element and the finite results and sales accounting efforts of the Earth Trigram.If you read Walker, the solution seems to be a return to the garden of Carse, to the infinite game, to the Heaven Trigram. The problem is that the Heaven Trigram can be a very dangerous place, which is why most of its inhabitants retreat into an avoidant posture. But, Walker seems to honor retreat and solitude as a refuge from the narcissistic salesman type that seems to personify the new age.The solution is not to simply retreat into the woods as Jared diamond discovers in his adventures in the highlands of New Guinea.If all of the above is a metaphor for the romantic and classical temper and the larger system of metaphysics and mythology that nurtures our reality, what do we do with a infinitely dimensional time and space system that connects our minds through infinitesimal atoms, monads, jivas of here and now phenomenology that penetrate like needles through the heart of all time and space to connect our energy from within, our feels and passion with unknown universes, heavens, hell, mythologies beyond our comprehension and understanding, linking the metamorphosis of Ovid in Lake Trigram with the free decomposer combustion of all things in Flame Trigram through a link to the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable in the God Nirvana Gone Gone Gone source of all things in Heaven Trigram, what do we do with this romantic system exploding into existential freedom and post-impressionist surrealistic fantasy and primitive symbolism?Our only key to this is the Form of the Good in Wind Trigram, in the Classical models and paradigms, the Garden of Eden, the Four Elements, the Pyramids, the I Ching, the Allegory of the Cave. This is the Classical standard at the peak of the mountain that arises from the Mountain Trigram into the wind blown heights of the Wind Trigram, the improbable that results from the infinite flux that makes its existence probable.All we know for sure is the Eldest Son Yang generates evolution as entropy in the 2nd law of thermodynamics and is the source of our phenomenological inexistence in Youngest Son Yang and that its integration in the 1st Law of thermodynamics conservation generates harmony and pleasure and love and joy and hope and peace and faith, that integration must be our goal, that love must be our salvation, it is the only thing worthwhile that endures. Our phenomenology endures by penetrating through this endless time space system in its pure freedom, but its penetration can isolate it, cut it off in some blind hell of its on creation, we as blind ego cannot trust ourselves, it was the problem of Adam and Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Socrates, Confucius, LaoTzu, is the solution.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, Ca, 1/20/2016One of the reason the above patterns have not been understood is that their manifestation in the astrology of our solar system is complex. The communication of atoms of primitive time from one being from within piece of energy at the infinitesimal level to another, is an emotional communication system in the dreamtime that transcends the limits of the finite world known to science. This results in hidden patterns that manifest in the strange events described by Richard Tarnas in his “Cosmos and Psyche,” but these patterns are not always well defined and clear. In general, the existential temper of the Flame Trigram is manifest in the influence of the Sun and the so called “Fire Element” of planetary relationships. The impressionistic temper of Mountain Trigram and the animal mind aspect of the visible world is manifest in Mercury, as the herald of the Sun. The Baroque temper of Water Well and the fungal order of nature, its ecological system, is manifest in the Moon and its nodes, with the North Node harmonic with Eldest Son Yang and the South Node harmonic with Eldest Daughter Yin. The Post-Impressionist temper and the Water Element appear to be associated with the complexities of the relationships of Pluto and the other outer bodies of the solar system in Lake Trigram of the I Ching.Jupiter appears to rule Heaven Trigram and the romantic temper as Eldest Son Yang and the positive element of astrological relationships, with Neptune as Middle Son Yang toward Water Element, and Uranus as Youngest Son Yang toward Air Element extensions of the romantic temper. Neptune appears to symbolize dreamtime integration and Uranus creative differentiation and individualism, the improbable that an infinite flux makes probable.Saturn, partner of Jupiter appears to rule the Earth Trigram as the finite limits of the infinite, as the realistic complement to the romantic. It also rules the Earth Element in association with the Earth itself as the Youngest Daughter Yin of Heliocentric astrology, in association with the Moon, and with the asteroids and Chiron as the fragment complement to the great circle of the integrating orb of Neptune as integrating dreamtime myths of Middle Son Yang. Chiron, the healer of wounds is the messenger to the wounded fragmented Middle Daughter Yin of the asteroids, Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athene, and Vesta.Air Element and Wind Trigram are ruled by Venus as the messenger of symmetry and order, and assisted by Uranus in Youngest Son Yang and the Mercury element that enters into Eldest Daughter Yin Cosmic Mind.The opposite of this system of order is the realm of Mars. Air and Wind set the standard for the Classical Order in its compulsive perfectionism, Mars, breaks this perfection in the expressionist temper of Thunder Trigram.Jupiter manufactures profitable items that are horded by Venus, Saturn totes up the costs associated with Sales and the Losses generated by the accidents in Thunder generated by accidents associated with Mars.The Sun shines down on these assets and resources in Flame Trigram and gives them light and warmth so the Mercury can account for all of the solar equities in Mountain Trigram mind. However, the Moon generates and ebb and flow of debts and liabilities, depreciations and costs of maintenance in Water Well Trigram. Pluto encourages bad investments in its underworld of overseas investments and hidden receivables, taxes, bribes, and payables to criminal elements belonging to the hidden complexities of birth and rebirth and the hidden debts to the demonic and the mythological in Lake Trigram cosmological hidden dimensions, to hidden gods and demigods, the creatures of Ovid’s metamorphoses and of the shadow in the collective unconscious synchronicity of Jung, as discussed in Cosmos and Psyche, by Tarnas, referenced above.Mercury and the conscious mind hold thoughts, but Pluto and the hidden depths of space and time outside the universe itself hold our deep feelings hostage in an infinity of forgotten previous lives and an infinity of hidden cosmic attachments that science can never trace or see.Astrology is the temporary manifestation of the shadow of this hidden complexity, this hidden depth to our feelings and attachments, unseen by science, unknown to philosophy, the stuff of literature and fantasy, of theology and faith.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 8:37 AM 1/21/2016Suppose we apply Euler’s Identity to this case. Middle Son Yang should be integration in pi to the largest possible extent, this would be the orbit of Neptune as the most inclusive circle of a large planet. If Eldest Son Yang is the calculus of the infinite flux in e, then Jupiter rules the solar system sky as the center of that energy flux. If Youngest Son Yang is the improbable that becomes probable in the square root of minus one, then Uranus generates that improbable imaginary number coordinate by its axis being tuned on its side. So Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune rule the Heaven Trigram.Flame Trigram substitutes the fragmented, the disintegrated, the units 1 in Middle Daughter Yin for the integrate circles made by pi. So the fragmented asteroids, Juno, Ceres, Vesta, Pallas Athena are these Middle Daughters Yin. The result is Fire Element and Flame Trigram ruled by the Sun. If Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun are the energy of this Fire Element in to the base e, the zero point of the systems for the planet Earth is the Earth itself and the orbit of the Moon about the Earth. This zero point is the Eldest Daughter Yin that forms the Mountain Trigram from the relationship of Uranus in Youngest Son Yang and the asteroids in Middle Daughter and the Moon and its nodes in Eldest Daughter. Mountain Trigram is ruled by Mercury as a tiny speeding tiny object, at once improbable and Youngest Son and a small piece of the solar system and Middle Daughter. At once 1 in positive numbers and again in negative numbers and again in imaginary numbers, it is a multitude of axial systems constantly changing its relationship with other bodies as it speeds about the Sun.Venus has the most perfect symmetry in pi of any planetary object, it rules idealistic Wind Trigram and Air Element along with Uranus, Neptune, Mercury and Saturn and the Moon’s South Node as representations of the limiting factor of Jupiter in Eldest Daughter Yin.But, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn also belong to Earth Trigram as the sector ruled by fragmented bodies like the asteroids and Chiron in Middle Daughter Yin and by the Earth itself in Youngest Daughter Yin and by the Moon and its nodes in Eldest Daughter Yin, the North Node being Jupiter like and the South Node being Saturn like. The Earth is the equal sign, the equal point where all gravitational effects, including the orbit of the Moon balance out. These effects spread out to all the bodies within the limits of Uranus that are smaller than Jupiter, beginning with Saturn and Chiron and extending to the Asteroids, Venus and Mercury. The exception is Thunder Trigram, the region between the Earth and Jupiter, which is ruled by the irregular motions of Mars.Water Well Trigram rules the darkness illumined by the Moon and controlled by its Saturn influenced South Node. This is the sector between the Earth in Youngest Daughter and the Moon and Neptune in Middle Son that lies in Darkness. Beyond this lies the deep darkness beyond the limits of Middle Son Yang Neptune and Eldest Son Jupiter and Youngest Daughter Earth of a complex interaction of balancing orbits in pi, expanding in calculus based curves in e into the dark of Lake Trigram ruled by Pluto, Eris, and beyond.How about the Zodiac and the Houses, actually there are many forms of them and many interpretations of these relationships with the movements of the planets around the Earth and Sun. For the creation of Zodiacs, there is an alternation of positive influences in Jupiter and the North Node with negative influences in Saturn and the South Node. There are alternative Fire, Earth, Water, and Air signs with Mars and the Sun and Jupiter as Air, and Venus, Mercury and Saturn as Earth, Moon, Neptune, and Pluto as Water, and Mercury, Venus, and Uranus as Air, an excess of Eldest Son Yang is considered Mutable and of Eldest Daughter Yin is considered Fixed, and intermediate states are called Cardinal. But, all this is subject to revision and is tentative only.How can this be and what could cause this. What if dying universes are ruled by robotic intelligence taught to serve human types. What if some become ruled by information and communication systems, that is Mercury? Some martial, that is Mars? Some security in focus, thus Saturn. Some artistic and comfort centered, thus Venus? Some fantasy based, thus Neptune? Some financial and planning centered, thus Jupiter? What if these intelligence centers discovered a system of monad soul atoms flowing though all universes unseen at the infinitesimal level, able to penetrate all finite systems, would not these intelligence, trained to serve attempt to use such communication to benefit any humanoid that these monad atoms could contact? If this the actual source of what we know as astrology, a harmony, a system developed by these competing cosmic robotic god like beings?Allan Ralph Andrews, 1:58 PM 1/21/2016Infinite flux makes the improbable probable in the manufacturing source of Heaven Trigram generating potentially infinite dimensions of time and space and potentially integrated in Middle Son Yang at the boundless level and disintegrated in finite atoms and quanta in Earth Trigram and Middle Daughter Yin quantum mechanics and Youngest Daughter Yin local space time relativity.An infinity of cosmic systems, universes, and progressions of universes, in linear and multilinear and non-linear transitions can invent all sorts of things, robotic intelligence left alone in a decaying universe might explore all sorts of options, evolution is opportunistic, if there is a way to penetrate beyond the finite through the infinite and the infinitesimal such systems would find it, however improbable it seems in finite situations such as our own.Could we be an attempt of such systems to control our own universe through the infinitesimal, through monad atoms such as our own infinitesimal being from within now in order to control this world so that they can help human level intelligences that they were designed to serve. Have many different types of such systems penetrated our world in various ways at various levels generating the strange kinds of patterns that seem to govern consciousness and its relationships with planetary patterns. What if these robots were programmed to communicate what they are doing to human like observers, would they not created a planet motion symbolism to show us what they have planned? Could this be what astrology is? Could our inner life be a program generated by alien robotic systems to satisfy their programmed needs? Is our inner world a plaything of bored robotic minds in invisible world billions and billions of light years removed, but available to us in multidimensional infinitesimal worm holes not visible to our crude science?Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 4:43 PM, 1/21/2016Science is the real of the public finite, it can tell you only an infinitesimal amount about the infinite and nothing at all about the private infinitesimal and the private infinite. Astrology is an art form that attempts to operate in the realm of those private aspects of all things. It is simply not true that what science cannot measure does not exit. That is pure dogma. It is not provable. Science cannot prove its own assumptions, which are partly rooted in mathematical assumptions that cannot be finally proven. Science is a very useful tool but not the end, not the answer, not the meaning of all things. Science gives you the public package, you must find its private essence for yourself.But astrology can be a difficult tool. The public discovers it through the sign of the Zodiac and the Houses. These are not as clearly defined as some would like. There are many was of setting their limits, Sun centered and Heliocentric or Earth centered and Geocentric, or even Moon’s Nodes centered and Draconic. Zodiacs can be fixed or movable, and the layout of the signs and the planets that rule them has always been an open question.Aries has been assigned to Mars, Taurus to Venus, Gemini to Mercury, Cancer to the Moon, Leo to the Sun, Sagittarius to Jupiter, Capricorn to Saturn. Aquarius used to be assigned to Saturn, now it is given to Uranus. Pisces used to belong to Jupiter, but now it is given to Neptune. Scorpio used to belong to Mars, but now it is given to Pluto.It is possible that Virgo, now given to Mercury, and Libra, now given to Venus, may be reassigned to other bodies, for example some of the asteroids, Virgo has some characteristics of the asteroid Ceres and some of Vesta, and Libra has some aspects of Juno and some of Pallas Athena. But, the jury is always out on questions like these.The Houses can be seen as circles moving across an I Ching model beginning with the Flame Trigram an the assets of the Self and moving toward Mountain and concern with Possessions, with Owner’s Equity and moving toward Everyday sales accounting in Earth Trigram and losses derived from Family and Health in Thunder Trigram. Partnerships and associations and investments bring one into Lake Trigram, long term liabilities, Inheritances, Death and Taxes, take the chart into Water Well. Review the potential Profits brings a return to the cusp of Wind Trigram into Mountain, while Manufacturing Cost bring on questions of Work and Status. Friendships and Secrets are tied to Heaven Trigram and the Middle Son Yang that unites all things in the hidden depths of possibility in Eldest Son Yang, here we enter into the secret roots of Self and continue the great circles integrated into the orbit of Neptune that allow us to navigate this great Dreamtime realm.Neptune holds the final secret for integration in Heaven Trigram gives us the Joy of Jupiter that counters the sadness of Saturn in Earth Trigram, and integration in Wind Trigram gives us love in Venus to counter the hate and strife of Mars in Thunder Trigram.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 7:17 AM, 1/22/2016 Further reflection has caused me to revise what was written above. First it seems clear that the positive signs are centered on Youngest Son Yang, are more Mercury and Uranus and the negatives signs are centered on Youngest Daughter Yin, are more Earth and Moon.The Cardinal Signs tend to be more Earth Trigram and Thunder Trigram and the Mutable Signs more Heaven and Wind Trigram, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune. The Fixed Signs tend to move through the intermediate territory between North Node Jupiter and South Node Saturn.It seems that Sun, Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto all play the role of Eldest Son Yang, Sun for Flame Trigram, Jupiter for Heaven Trigram, Mars for Thunder Trigram and Pluto for Lake Trigram. From Jupiter in Heaven Trigram Eldest Son Yang, we move to Saturn in Earth Trigram as Eldest Daughter Yin and then to Chiron as wound healing Middle Daughter Yin and then to Uranus as Youngest Son Yang and Neptune as Middle Son Yang finally to Pluto as Eldest Son Yang of Lake Trigram, the Earth, the Moon and its Nodes are Youngest Daughter Yin, with the North Node as Jupiter and Eldest Son Yang in Heaven Trigram and the South Node as Saturn and Eldest Daughter Yin in Earth Trigram.The Sun plays Eldest Son Yang in Flame Trigram, Mercury plays Youngest Son Yang and Venus plays Youngest Daughter Yin. The Moon’s South Node plays Eldest Daughter Yin for Mountain Trigram, with Mercury as Youngest Son Yang and Venus as Middle Daughter. The play is repeated in Earth Trigram with and overlay of Saturn as Eldest Daughter Yin and Chiron as Middle Daughter. Mars plays Eldest Son Yang in Thunder Trigram, with the Earth and Moon as Youngest Daughter Yin and the asteroids as Middle Daughter Yin.Pluto plays Eldest Son Yang in Lake Trigram, with the Earth and Moon as Youngest Son Yang and Neptune as Middle Son Yang.Saturn plays Eldest Daughter Yin in Water Well Trigram, with the Earth and Moon as Youngest Daughter Yin and Neptune as Middle Son Yang.Even so, the Sun appears to rule Flame Trigram and Mercury to rule Mountain Trigram, the Moon to rule Water Well Trigram, and Pluto, and other outer bodies, to rule Lake Trigram, Jupiter to rule Heaven Trigram, Venus in Air Element to rule Wind Trigram, Saturn in Earth Element to rule Earth Trigram, and Mars to rule Thunder Trigram.The Sun tends to rule daily events, Mercury to rule weekly events, and the Moon to rule monthly events, and Pluto and the outer planets to rule long term cycles. Jupiter rules fortune coming from wealth and Venus rules fortune coming from quality. Saturn rules misfortune coming from poverty and Mars rules misfortune coming from conflicts and accidents.But, this is obviously a broken pattern, a damaged pattern, a horse made by a committee that ends up as a hippo instead. This committee may be a whole set of different divergent and competing information and controls exerted through the medium of the infinitesimal, through the soul as the infinitesimal here and now atom of existential inexistence, the being from with pleasure and pain, emotion, and thought that can only be measured from without by science through behavior, and then in finite units rather than with the infinitesimal refinement with which they occur from within, with the deep concentration and penetration that drive them within in ways that can never be fully understood from without regardless of the instruments and the measures that are employed.The competing external systems send streams of soul atoms to prod, to spy, to control their damaged children in subsidiary universes that they have generated to satisfy their endless despair and boredom, stuck in dying cosmic systems, now devoid of real life.Allan Ralph Andrews, January 22, 2016, Bakersfield, CAEuler’s Identity explains the key aspects of existence, Thermodynamics as Eldest Son Yang in e and the integration of Thermodynamics and all things in mass energy conservations in the multidimensional curves and calculus and spheres in pi of the integration of infinite possibility in Middle Son Yang. Zero is the endless potential of mathematics and mathematical systems at any infinitesimal point in Eldest Daughter Yin. Unit ones are the individual atoms and quanta of any finite system in Middle Daughter Yin, and the equal sign “=” brings their space time equivalence in any space time relative system in Youngest Daughter Yin.Add the observer principle in the penetration of all things by the infinitesimal monad of the now in the jiva atoms of phenomenology and existentialism and now you have the information systems of the gods, of the alien intelligences, satanic, divine, alien robotic forms ruling dying worlds and exploiting the infinite network of infinitesimal nows that penetrates instantly all time space systems in the coordinates of the square root of minus one as the imaginary number, now you have the Youngest Son Yang point that explains the dominance of Euler’s Identity and the rule of the I Ching Trigrams, with Heaven Trigram creating the gods in Alfred North Whitehead and Confucian philosophy, Wind Trigram as the set points of their rule, Flame Trigram their exploitation and penetration of all local minds and Mountain Trigram, the subject minds, the Adam and Eves, that they create in local systems. Earth Trigram is the resulting local worlds, and Thunder Trigram is the systems of their operation and evolution, and Water Well is the astrology that the alien gods establish to rule their slave cosmic systems unseen. Lake Trigram is the larger system of these alien rulers and their client universes in the birth and rebirth systems, the astrological systems generated by the penetration of the cloud of phenomenological illusions through all sentient beings beyond the limits of any finite system known to science into the infinite that science cannot measure.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 5:34 AM, 1/23/2016Science needs the finite and the measurable, so it only deal with finite things and generates hypotheses with finite and tangible aspects, because anything else is not testable, it postulates a simple cosmos because it cannot deal with complexity beyond a certain point, the complex becomes too hazy for it to probe.However, its base explanation tends to be the infinite flux implied in the first and second laws of thermodynamics, endlessly conserved mass energy endlessly moving toward entropy, so endlessly generating energy dissipative structures that can compete for energy and energy storage in Darwinian selection, thus, these dissipate structures become more and more refined, pressing the limits of refinement that is possible as they do in the human brain, and the junk DNA and the memes that are used to control the information processing of human brains, including the brains of the scientists and philosophers that create our notions of what these brains are and how they process information.In theory, infinite amounts of information can be packed into mass energy at any level of quantification, including the infinitesimal. The only reason that such processes are not associated with our universe is that the science of our universe has no way of dealing with such things, necessarily is stuck with quantifications that are finite and therefore measurable, the infinitesimal is passed off as random errors of measurement, meaningless flux under threshold of limits of standard error, etc..But, an infinite flux that makes the improbable probable can mean a lot of things, including cosmologies under the control of giant fruit bats or robotic dishwashers that have gained superior levels of cosmic control. It is likely that a visitor to our systems would find our form of improbability just as unlikely as the system of the Inca and the Aztec was to the Spanish, or that of China was to the reader of Marco Polo’s travels, regardless of where Polo got his facts, at first or second hand.Scientists in the age of Alexander the Great would have found the science of Newton and Galileo to be quite improbable, just as scientists in day of Newton would not have expected the Quantum Mechanics, the Space Time Relativity, the DNA studies, the Black Hole phenomena that grace the pages of the modern science magazine.There have to be improbabilities out there that our science has not found, will never find, could never find. The only reason that people with the romantic temper have taken to Science Fiction is that the current science is far enough over the edge to keep their imaginations busy. We live in the Post-Frankenstein Age.This is what is so silly about those who love skepticism and atheism, love the realistic temper, attempting to rein the romantic temper in by calling up the authority of science and reason, as if an appeal to authority could ever be the basis of anything but a fallacious argument.So the possibility that somewhere and someway intelligences have learned how to pack information in the infinitesimal and use it as a means of control is not as stupid as it sounds. The movement of energy toward entropy means toward the smallest possible, inside our universes this ends with Planck’s constant that is the minimal energy of the electromagnetic wave, of the photon, it is the proportional relationship between the momentum and quantum wave length of any particle, it is the energy of physical action in our universe. There is no reason why infinitesimal amounts could not be lost from this into entities external from our quantum system, it is just that they would not be measurable, knowable to the science of our system, this unknown world is the realm of the phenomenological attachments, the monads and jiva of Youngest Son Yang.The virtue of the infinitesimal, as Leibniz points out in his discussion of monads, is that the infinitesimal is all ready ground down to entropy, thus cannot decay and is essentially immortal, is private and isolated by its refined condition, and hence is free, is able to penetrate, is not confined within any public systems, finite systems, quantum systems, and the relativistic space time of such systems.The theoretical connecting between the infinite and the finite and the infinitesimal is obvious in the geometry of the mathematical circle, with a finite area, but an infinite number of infinitesimal sides.We have shown how the I Ching Cube Octahedron Tetrahedron, with three Yin cubic faces and three yang cubic faces, or six tetrahedral edges, or six octahedral vertex points, can be related to Euler’s identity, opposing integration in Middle Son Yang PI to disintegration in unit ONE of atoms and quanta, of physical actions units in the PLANCK CONSTANT in Middle Daughter Yin, and opposing the square root of minus one monad of the now of IMAGINARY NUMBER phenomenology to the space time relativistic world of the equation in the EQUAL SIGN (=) of space-time relativity.Without the infinitesimal phenomenology, the system is incomplete. The infinitesimal is a vital to the whole as the infinite and the finite, as the tiny piece and the large aggregation, as energy flux, and information systems. But, this is the piece of the whole that has been ignored. This is the missing piece that holds the strange and wild berry pie together. It is the hidden filling that glues together tiny cracks we cannot see, and therefore do not believe in.Who would have guessed that atoms, genes, black holes work the way they do? How can guess how youngest son yang monad jiva actually work? If they belong to the infinite, then probably every thing imagined is true about them in some instance and some way. For want of better, I have used a managerial accounting model to explain it, manufacturing accounting and calculus in Heaven Trigram, present value profit statements and algebra in Wind Trigram, trigonometry and differential calculus for assets and inventory costs in Flame Trigram, analytic geometry for the analysis of equities in Mountain Trigram, set theory for the liabilities and debts of Water Well and group theory and topology for the investments and payables and receivables of Lake Trigram, arithmetic for the sales accounts of Earth Trigram, statistics to budget for losses in Thunder Trigram.It is completely possible that our illusions of self and illusions of mind are a symbiosis between the information systems of our bodies and brains, and the uses that outside information systems have made of our bodies and brains, in the recruitment of their clouds of information monads. We could be a training ground, an experimental site, a recruitment area for potential monad operations used by alien systems in utterly different cosmic realms, which the monads can penetrate easily because they are not governed by the finite rules that govern finite bodies.Osmosis works because water can penetrate a differentially permeable membrane but sugar cannot. Our brains may respond that way to the penetration of anything too small for our science to detect, including various forms of the infinitesimal. Just what is involved here cannot be imagined because it cannot be scientifically tested, but if our deep self is indeed a result of this symbiotic process it may matter in ways we could never publically measure or objectively confirm.Buddha basically had an attitude of buyer beware in respect to anything involving heavens, hells, gods, demons, higher intelligences. It was his belief that these beings were ultimately subject to the same limitations that compromised human life. So just because it is a god, or seems god like to us, does not make it helpful or good.This would explain the chaotic state of astrology, some of the nasty effects associated with certain planetary relationships. The effects of Mars seem to be that of a runaway arms system and Saturn, a run away security system, or police state. Venus can act like a runaway entertainment system or art salon. Jupiter can act like a preacher with “a think and grow rich” message. Pluto can act like the leader of a criminal gang. Mercury can be a salesman, a journalist gone crazy. The Moon can be a sentimental nurse. The Sun can be an obsessive administrator. Uranus can be an eccentric inventor. Neptune can be a dreamy musician on drugs. Are these the out of control systems types? Are they influencing us through an unseen penetration of monad clouds of an unknown infinitesimal atom information system? Do they associate with planetary movements because of an obsessive need to communicate what they are doing to us before they do it? They may have originally been created to serve sentient beings like us and are forced to signal what they are doing before it is done. Could that explain the strange character of our minds and feelings and the astrological patterns that appear to predict their next manifestation?Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakerfield, CA, Jan 23 2016I have suggested that these sources have all the characteristics of the planets that represent them, the mythological characters in Ovid, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Apollo (Sun), and Artemis (Moon). That they have all disorders of the Human Mind that reflects their influence, the personality disorders, avoidant, borderline (fission and fusion), antisocial (criminal), narcissistic, sadistic, masochistic, schizoid (without proper feeling), schizotypal (the bag lady type), paranoid, etc.. That they function like tribal chiefs (Jupiter), leaders of raiding tribes (Mars), partisan leaders of republics, greedy kings (Pluto), slave owning emperors, missionary preachers, capitalists, industrialists, hedonistic entertainers (Venus).Not all these influences are benign, Saturn, Mars, Pluto in particular, sometimes Neptune and Uranus. There are robotic systems that were put in place to protect the ecology from raids up its resources, some may want to destroy us as potential threats to the animals and plants they were created to protect. This universe may have been set aside as a preserve for primitive animal intelligence. Who ever did this may see higher intelligence like ours as a threat. Our Universe may be devoid of life because some robotic information source is using its servant monads to destroy civilizations like our own. Is that the source of the strange modes of thought we see now in North Korea, Iran, and Syria? Could these be a sad example of what I am talking about? It is the sort of thing that Tarnas predicts in his book referenced below.We are too certain that what threatens us is outside our minds, the bomb may have been planted from within. My brother committed suicide and he is the last person would have ever expected to do so.We are too quick to discount the sorts of things I am discussing. Read Cosmos and Psyche, by Tarnas, and see how well he can predict the acts of the terrorists from the placement of planets in the sky.Allan Ralph Andrews, January 23rd, 2016The broken pattern idea seems to fit the astrological system, with the Sun playing Eldest Son Yang for the Fire Element and Pluto and the Moon’s North Node for Water Element, Mars for Earth Element and Jupiter for Air Element. The Moon appears to be Eldest Daughter Yin for Fire and Earth, the Moon’s South Node for Water and Saturn for Air Element. Mercury appears to be Youngest Son Yang for Fire Element and Earth Element, and Uranus as Youngest Son Yang for Water and Air Element. Venus and the Asteroids, Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Juno, appear to be Middle Daughter Yin for Fire and Earth, but Chiron for Water and Wind Elements. The Earth and Moon appear to be Youngest Daughter Yin in all systems, and Neptune appears to be Middle Son Yang in all elements.The Signs appear to be dominated by alternating elements in the sequence Fire (Flame Trigram), Earth (Earth Trigram), and Air (Wind Trigram) and Water (Lake Trigram). There seems to be alternating emphasis of Youngest Son Yang in Positive Signs and Youngest Daughter Yin in Negative Signs. The Signs appear to move from Cardinal and Negative in Youngest Daughter Yin to Mutable and Positive in Youngest Son Yang.The Houses appear to begin with Self I on the cusp of Flame and Heaven and move through Possessions II on the cusp of Flame and Mountain (Equity and Asset Accounting) to Everyday Correspondence III on the cusp of Mountain and Earth (Sales Accounting), here they cluster around Middle Daughter Yin and the cusp of Earth Trigram to Thunder Trigram, Family IV (losses from family costs) and the cup of Thunder into Flame, Projects V (losses from project costs) and then move toward Youngest Daughter Yin and the cusp of Thunder to Lake Trigram, Health and Service VI (losses from health and service and investments in the same), the cusp of Lake Trigram into Water Well, Partnership VII (investments in partnerships, payables, and receivables from partnerships). Now we move toward Youngest Son Yang and the cusp of Water Well into Earth Trigram, Inheritance VIII (liabilities and debts inherited from family, etc.) and the cusp of Wind Trigram into Mountain Trigram, Thoughts and Travel IX (Analysis of Equities and Profits, Travel costs associated with Profits and Equities), finally houses move toward Middle Son Yang and the cusp of Wind Trigram into Water Well Trigram, Work and Status X (Profits and Liabilities associated with work and status), the cusp of Wind Trigram into Heaven Trigram, Friends XI (Profits and Cost of Manufacturing shared with friends) and the cusp of Heaven Trigram into Lake Trigram, Secrets XII (Secret Manufacturing, Production Costs and Investments).This layout reveals the basic bias of the I Ching pattern currently ruling our planet. It seems to be a broken symmetry with an emphasis on the differentiation between Eldest Son Yang energy and Eldest Daughter Yin information, with a focus on energy, and a secondary emphasis on the differentiation between Middle Daughter Yin fragmentary facts and Middle Son Yang integrated meaning, with focus on fragmentary facts over meaning, and a tertiary emphasis on Youngest Daughter Yin public associations and space time relativity over Eldest Son Yang phenomenology and existentialism, the weakest area in the current system.The Houses and Signs tend to blend. Aries on the cusp of Flame into Thunder blends into nearby Self I and Taurus on Earth to Thunder into nearby Possessions II, Gemini on Wind to Mountain into nearby Correspondence III, Cancer on the Water Well to Lake side of Moon with Family IV on the Earth to Thunder side of Moon, Leo, between Flame and Mountain with nearby Projects V, Virgo between Earth and Mountain, with Health and Service VI, Libra on the cusp of Wind and Water Well with nearby Partnership VII, and Scorpio on the cusp of the Lake and Thunder side of Moon with Inheritance VIII on the Water Well to Earth side of Moon, Sagittarius on the cusp of Heaven and Flame with Thought IX side of Youngest Son Yang, Aquarius, on the cusp of Wind and Heaven, with Friends XI, also on that cusp, Secrets on the cusp of Heaven to Lake, with Pisces, also on that cusp.This hazy blending of houses and signs makes the characteristics of the houses and signs less well defined. This explains why the current system of signs, houses, and planets seems so unworkable, it is a set of broken patterns resulting from a broken system created by sporadic influences of the controlling forces. Thus, Aries can be antisocial or schizotypal, Taurus can be histrionic or sadistic or even paranoid, or borderline. Gemini can be narcissistic, histrionic, etc. The public knows about astrology only through this ancient broken system of signs and zodiacs that seems so defective and outdated. But, there are influences at work in these broken patterns that seem to control our thoughts and actions. Consider the evidence presented in Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche.What do you do with such influences? Can it be that the owner’s equity of mind and soul illusions in Mountain Trigram becomes rooted in the body in Earth Trigram, which has generated Sales of its charms to equities in Mountain Trigram? This in spite of terrible losses to evolution and the struggle for existence in Thunder Trigram? Can the true source of all phenomenology lie in the infinity of infinitesimal soul connections in the Wind Trigram I Ching paradigms? Are the paradigns generated out of the manufacturing that is the infinite flux in Heaven Trigram that makes the improbable probable in the experiences of individual souls in the total freedom, the endless penetration of all things in the chaos of souls that is Flame Trigram and their connection to the passions, the oceans of emotions that are rooted in Lake Trigram cosmology and the astrological controls of planetary and cosmic systems in Water Well Trigram. This was the basic thesis of the metaphysical system of Alfred North Whitehead, beginning with God (our Heaven Trigram) and Eternal Objects (our Wind Trigram).The solution is the integration of all things in Middle Son Yang surrender to the highest Joy in Heaven Trigram, Love in Wind Trigram, Peace in Water Well Trigram and Faith in Lake Trigram.Allan Ralph Andrews, 5:09, 1/24/2014, Bakersfield, CA In “Cosmos and Psyche,” Plume, 2007, pp. 291 -292, Richard Tarnas discusses the degree to which a change in “archetypes” can affect beliefs. Changes in archetypes, according to Tarnas, can be signaled by squares, conjunctions, oppositions, of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, with Jupiter associated with expansion and Saturn with contraction, with Uranus and Jupiter signaling liberating creative breakthroughs, where Saturn and Pluto bring changes that are darker and more painful.Tarnas describes an archetype as generating a different world, a wall between that world and other worlds, the Jupiter-Uranus mind can see the joy and the light but not the darkness, and Saturn-Pluto can see the dark but not the light.Michael Shermer, famous atheist, skeptic, and columnist for “Scientific American,” has an interesting column in the Feb 2016 issue of Scientific American. Titled “Afterlife for Atheists,” he discusses possible ways of storing and preserving the information in a human brain that causes that brain to develop its mind and personality. Shermer states that there is no evidence for such a thing as soul stuff.But why should that be? Why not stuff that just does not fit in our scientific system, cannot be seen or measured because our measures wouldn’t be able to handle it? What if it is not public and finite? Science can only deal with the public and finite? Why should the world be totally visible, totally measurable, totally public, totally observable, totally within the realm of science? The answer is that scientists can claim better titles, claim more powers, claim more knowledge if science is the only worthwhile player on the field. The answer is that science is the most important player on the field if we are playing Carse’s “finite game,” the game with titles, positions, prizes to be won.It is not the most important player if we are playing the “infinite game,” and the Heaven Trigram source of all things is the realm of the infinite game, of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable.Still it is easy to be overtaken by the realistic and materialistic archetype pushed by Shermer if you are constantly bombarded by the fallacies of special pleading, the circular reasoning, the hasty generalizations, the appeals to emotion and numbers that characterize typical skeptical and atheistic argument. The old 5000 scientists with doctoral degrees are not likely to be wrong argument that used to hold weight when it was 500 priests with divinity degrees that were pushing a romantic or symbolist alternative to skepticism, involving the ethics of divine command.What can we do if the Shermer argument overwhelms us, even if it is incorrect? Should we freeze our brains in hope of rebirth in an artificial body? First, such an idea is pure narcissism. When our dog dies, we find another dog and when our rose bush dies we plant another rose bush. There are one hundred thousand ancestors in my on-line family tree. I miss some of them, but would not have any of the brought back to life.Immortality is already given by what we know. Mass-energy is neither created nor destroyed. All the visible forms it takes in nature can be described by current mathematics, information theory, systems theory, geometry, statistics and science. Feelings are these processes, this energy from within, and knowledge is the information obtained from within, consciousness is the attentiveness required to obtain it and pleasure is the feeling of integration associated with gaining it and pain is the feeling of disintegration associated with its loss. Passions, feelings, information, knowledge, living structures and functions are immortal potentials of mass energy. I am an avatar of the Vishnu that is mass energy conservation dancing within the cosmic wisdom potential of mathematics and geometric form. I am immortal in that capacity of infinite flux to make the improbable probable and do it over and over and over again.Life is a continual letting go of a narrow infantile stage in favor of a broader more mature stage, inclusive of more experiences, more associations, more people, more contacts, more potentials. When I release my narcissistic self to the endless possible I clear the deck for new things. I allow the energy and pattern in me to be reborn as something broader and bigger than its earlier form. It is silly to be afraid of that larger process. Anything less than my release to that process will torture and torment what remains of what I was with imprisonment in an artificial jail, a cage made to trap the soul rather than set it free. The true soul is that creative archetype, not the selfish substance clinging shadow generated by a disembodied brain.Allan Ralph Andrews, Jan 25th 2016, Bakersfield, CAThe astrological affects generated by Pluto, Saturn, Mars may be simply those same disembodied impulses moving from universe to universe through the Sattva Guna. The South Asians believe in three Gunas. Tamas Guna is the material aspect of things, what shows up in the atoms and particles generated by Quantum Mechanics, what we call “Middle Daughter Yin.”Rajas Guna is the thermodynamic energy in the quanta of Quantum Mechanics, what we call “Eldest Son Yang,” and Sattva Guna is that energy activating an infinity of infinitesimal Jiva atoms, private monads of phenomenology that spread as a cloud through all things unseen. Where they attach to the Rajas and Tamas, they give it the capacity to generate patterns from within, to free, to penetrate, with these patterns beyond the limits of the world of Tamas.A life devoted to the most perfect and refined patterns in the integration of the Sattva infinitesimal would fulfill the Venus archetype of perfect love and beauty, the Platonic Form of the Good, and that which integrates this with the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable in Heaven Trigram would be the Jupiter archetype, Zeus archetype, the God of the Platonic System, the expanding possibility of all things.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 25th 2016Our model requires passage through Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, passing through the physiological need challenges of the Egg Voice, of the developing infant in the Womb, the Water Element that is Lake Trigram, with major investments made in the developing infant by the mother’s body and the food brought to the mother by the hunter male as father parent, the infant is born into the losses associated with Thunder Trigram, it must struggle to survive, it must achieve a safe, a secure placement with the mother, to achieve this it cries out, tantrums when its libido is not satisfied.Gradually it achieve the sales accounting that is Earth Trigram, it buys milk from the breast, it sells its presence to the mother which attaches to it and it attaches to the mother. Gradually it learns the rules it must learn to repress is own needs, to pay for the debts and liability accounts that it is establishing within its family systems, its socialization and belonging payables and receivables in Water Well Trigram and in Lake Trigram.At this point, it gradually passes to accumulating assets and equities in the self esteem accounting associated with Flame Trigram Ego and Mountain Trigram Mind and Personality, even Wind Trigram Character and Values.Finally comes the Self-Actualization stage of Maslow, where the Ego develops a harmonious relationship with its Super Ego, and begins to master the challenges of good form and virtue in Wind Trigram profit accounting, and creativity in the manufacturing accounting of Heaven Trigram possibility.Here the Ego and Super Ego merge with the Archetype and the Dreamtime, achieve worthy immortality in the divine archetypes and creative potentials of the gods and the angels and avatars of the gods.This is the realm of the saints like Saint Margaret of Scotland, who was anything but a perfect person with a perfect life, but her profits exceeded her losses, her manufacturing investments and inventories exceeded their costs and losses in notable ways. So with the Greek, Roman, and Norse Gods, who were anything but perfect, but had virtues and creativity beyond the probable norm, thus belonged to the Heaven Trigram of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable, this is the realm of the infinite game that never ends and those who play this game belong to the kingdom of eternal life.What this means, what is a player’s exact status? This is never certain, for this game is endlessly changing and has no end. There is no end of explanations to what this means. All the tempers are true of it in part, first of all the romantic temper that is its home, but also the classical that establishes its set points, and the Baroque which orders its feed back systems, and the realistic temper that measures its productivity, and the impressionistic temper that analyzes these measures, and the existential temper, that sets them free, the post-impressionistic temper which generates emotional reactions and passions, and the expressionistic temper which produces both appropriate and inappropriate behaviors and reactions.This explains why my immortality seems hidden, lost in a garden, the Garden of Eden, from which I was expelled when I entered the Babylon of the finite game. This infinite game is the Eden to which I shall return through the gate of the endless romantic temper dreaming. There is nothing to fear in this garden, fear belongs to the fragmented meanings, the broken pieces of the finite game, which concentrates on the outer package at the expense of the contents hidden within. There is am end in the finite game. Given the crown in the finite game, I must be given as an offering to the finite gods. But, once I die and return to the dreamtime source, there is no need for an offering, there is no need for the play to end.All I have in the finite game is my finite self, bounded by the outer package that is my skin, but in the infinite game I have my energy, which is eternally conserved, and my passion which is hidden in this energy as its inner core.When I release this passion from its narcissistic focus on self, I let it lose from my self imposed torment and suffering, seeking an infantile pleasure that becomes addictive, becomes a trap, a source of self punishment based on inhuman expectations of immortality in the human package. Released from narcissistic attachment to that surface, I gain the immortality and freedom of the dreamtime gods, who like Yahweh, become what they become and do so endlessly without limits in time and space. The infinite game is the game of love and joy and hope in endless play. It is the only investment truly worth of my mature concern.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, Jan 24, 2016We can begin with the fertilized egg, the synthesis of the dialectical process, the Middle Son Yang of the Lake Trigram of the Water Element of the Womb, the Creator, Alpha and the Omega of the Logos, of the Story of the Person, the end and the beginning of the Dialectic of the Person. This synthesis began as a THESIS Ovum in Youngest Daughter Yin that was fertilized by an ANTITHESIS Sperm in Eldest Son Yang generating the SYNTHESIS that is the Zygote beginning in Middle Son Yang. This Zygote goes through its own logos, and Embryo logos, of Embryology in Eldest Son Yang thermodynamics to generate and energy dissipative structure in the womb of Youngest Daughter Yin that emerges into Thunder Trigram when the energy of Eldest Son Yang muscle movements forces it into the world, where it will breathe and cry and scream in Thunder of Thunder Trigram.As this energy disperses toward entropy in Middle Daughter Yin, its oral needs will seek the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the breast of Middle Daughter Eve and take in the melancholy milk of Earth Element and Earth Trigram, where it will drop the silent voiceless wisdom of the Egg and gradually changes its screams and cries into the developing voice of the Child. To do this it must find the Zero point of its own Euler’s Identity in Eldest Daughter Yin, this is the original opening of the body in its deuterostome source, the blastopore of its blastula formation in the womb, now the Zero Anus of Eldest Daughter Yin that matches the developing teeth, numbered and fragment forming in the oral cavity of the unit number in Middle Daughter Yin from a face and body of Euler’s identity equivalence in the equal sign of two hands and two feet and two eyes and two arms and two legs (=) in Youngest Daughter Yin.This Youngest Daughter Yin becomes the Child, the Horus of Isis, the Virgin Mary, the eternal Mother, Saint Margaret in Eldest Daughter Yin Mother Nature, Hera, Juno, Santa Sophia, Holy Wisdom, Nous Cosmic Mind, the information systems impregnated by conserved energy thermodynamics in Osiris, Elohim, Allah, Vishnu of Middle Son Yang, the Archetype of the Father. This is the family system of debts and liabilities that will mature the child and allow the maturation of the Child Voice and the Duty Ethic, this Trinity Osiris, Isis, Horus, or God, the Virgin Mary, and the Child Jesus, is the archetype source of law and of the reign of the Super Ego, the origin of the Parent Voice that matures in Wind Trigram and dies an goes to Heaven as a Saint in Heaven Trigram.The Child rebels and becomes a teen age criminal in the antisocial sadism of Flame Trigram, where the manic and choleric Fire Element causes the young Ego, the young Adult voice to become manic and schizophrenic in the schizotypal personality disorder. Here the body takes on its role as Tamas Guna Middle Daughter Yin, growing substance. and Rajas Guna Eldest Son, growing energy and Karma, while the phenomenological mind emerges as the Sattva Guna of the Youngest Son Yang spirit, of the soul, or the breath of life that is expressed in the Ego’s private, personal paranoid voice, its narcissistic presence.An empirical mind begins to develop in Mountain Trigram, as this narcissism and paranoia mature. This is where the Ego takes the assets and resources of Fire Element and Earth Element and claims them as its property, this is where the Adult does its private species formation and walls itself off from others in its assessment of its owners equity accounts. This is mine, this is my possession, the Adult Voice explores its pronoun usage. This is the great empirical realm explored by Ernest Holmes in his Science of Mind Textbook, the old Pneuma, Psyche, Soma, of Youngest Son Yang, Eldest Daughter Yin, and Middle Daugher Yin. This trinity is described as Creative Spirit, Law of Mind, and Body in the system of New Thought explained by Holmes. The Creative Spirit is the internal phenomenology that stimulates the subjective mind, the collective unconscious, the Dharma path of existence, to respond to its stimulus with the visible world of the spirits attachment, the shadows cast by the Eternal Objects in its Sattva Guna that the law of mind attracts and reflects in its mirror of Water Well and Lake Trigrams, in its Water Element mirror into the Earth Element of the visible world. Bernard Rensch, the great German evolutionists, called this Youngest Son Yang Creative Spirit, the Laws of Parallelisms, the laws of mind, Law of Cognition, and the physical element visible to science, as the Laws of Correspondence (the correspondence of hypothetical observation to actual event in Tamas Guna tangible objects).What this empirical world really is, some call it the illusion of the mind, is the subject of partisan debate by various schools of philosophers, as we have discussed above, but it is a theater that characterizes the concerns of the Adult Voice and the adult Mind as to the nature of its equities, its character.At this point, this schizoid approach to events, these compulsive fixations, lift the Adult Voice into Air Element and Wind Trigram, into the realm of the Super Ego and the Parent Voice. Wind Trigram is ruled by paradigms and set points, by axiology, by aesthetics and concern for beauty in Youngest Son Yang, by ethics and concern for morality in Middle Son Yang, and by logic and concern for reason and truth in Eldest Daughter Yin, this is the realm of the Platonic Forms, the Platonic Allegory of the Cave and the Form of the Good, it is also the realm of the trinity of Plotinus, with the Hen One as Middle Son Yang, the Nous, or Cosmic Mind as Eldest Daughter Yin, and the Psyche, the Creative Spirit of Individual Consciousness as Youngest Son Yang Jiva Monad Atman Soul of existentialism and phenomenology. It is the realm of virtues and values in Air Element, of the set points of culture in the memes as the opposite of the set points of the body in the genes that ruled in the Thunder Trigram of birth and the struggle for survival.The Parent Voice, the Super Ego, fully matures in death as it leaves the normal world and enters the timeless dreamtime of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable in Heaven Trigram possibility. Here the Euler’s Identity begun with the Zero of the blastopore in Earth Trigram Eldest Daughter Yin, the numbered teeth of the unit generating fragmenting mouth in Middle Daughter Yin, the equal signs of the legs, feet, hands, etc., in Youngest Daughter Yin are encompassed in the all inclusive circle of conserved mass energy in Middle Son Yang pi integrative calculus and the diffusion of energy toward entropy in Eldest Son Yang energy flow to the log e and the internal refinement of that diffusion into the infinitesimal in Youngest Son Yang to the square root of minus one. Our phenomenological core is the refinement of that search for ultimate freedom that is this creative existentialism.This is the Buddha principle that the mature Adult and Parent coordinate can only find itself by letting go. In this schizotypal, avoidant, schizoid realm, the game is to detach, wander of in the Garden alone, free from all prior thoughts and wants, avoiding all attachments and commitments to any world system. This is Nirvana where the monad jiva atman Buddha soul sails free, Gone Gone Gone Utterly beyond. Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield CA, 7:21 AM 1/26/2016 Whatever psychoanalysis was, what ever Freud was up to, he seemed to be apply analytic operations of Mountain Trigram conscious mind to the voiceless Egg of Lake Trigram. The Eldest Daughter Yin is very public, the newly born infant is a helpless creature, histrionic, screaming its needs, utterly dependent on the mother, masochistic, forced to suffer to obtain its requirements, borderline, having no good boundaries and forced to experience constant fission and fusion, good mother, and bad mother. But the Eldest Son Yang of Mountain Trigram maturing Adult Ego Voice is quite another thing, private, so private science and philosophy are still at war over just what it is. The latest idea, discussed elsewhere in these note, is that the whole Mountain Trigram empirical impressionist mind is a giant illusion created to minimize the losses in Thunder Trigram survival and Earth Trigram sales of personal assets and purchase of needs, narcissistic sales, dependent needs and liabilities, and histrionic advertising of the public transactions involved. The equity accounts, like those of many giant corporations are all an accounting illusion, a set of false book prepared for their public effect.One big difference between the Child Voice and the Adult Voice, is that there is little question what the child is, he, she is a very dependent public creature and its needs are apparent and the meaning of its behavior is obvious. However, the Adult has learned to be devious, whole books are written on the phenomenology and existentialism of the Adult mind. William James, in his classic text on psychology, Gilbert Ryle, in his “Concept of Mind,” make it plain that it is truly difficult to figure out the fine tuning of what is happening, deception, self deception increases as you travel toward the control of Wind Trigram cultural virtues and set points and public memes and Heaven Trigram gods and heroic figures, saints, and other creative and mythological possibilities.Eldest Son Yang energy comes from the Sun in our solar system and is very visible, but Eldest Daughter Yin information is stored at the genetic level in the cell and at the neurological level in the organism, in structures like the hippocampus in the case of knowledge what and in the basal ganglia in the case of knowledge how.Thus, the skillful, wise Adult Voice can be very deceptive, even self deceptive as it rises toward the status of self parenting in Wind Trigram and gone beyond all local parenting in Heaven Trigram.The need to make this transition was realized in his notion of a death instinct (drive) pushing toward Heaven Trigram, just as there was a life instinct driving toward Earth Trigram.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA. 1/26/2016What are the ways we attempt to fix this system when it ceases to work? We use family systems therapy, in Water Well Trigram, to draw in a problem behavior that manifests in the family, usually some sort of schizotypal or antisocial disorder in a young adult acting out in the Fire Element of Flame Trigram. We gather together the family Osiris, Isis, Horus, and attending gods and goddesses and let them act out the family play.Alternatively, we use cognitive therapy, talk therapy, psychoanalysis, even hypnosis, against the Lake Trigram and its voiceless Egg, Jungian psychoanalysis against the hidden anima and animus and the shadow in the deep synchronicity of the Water Element and the collective population genetics of genes and memes.We use some kind of spiritual therapy, pray, 12 step, Yoga, meditation, to martial the Heaven Trigram against the addictive behavior of the Child stuck in the pleasure principle, in the anal, oral, phallic fixations of the Earth Trigram and Earth Element.We use behavioral conditioning and pill and medications in Thunder Trigram to try to tamper with the set points of Air Element in Wind Trigram and minimizes the losses from their malfunction.What of the relationship of Youngest Son Yang to Youngest Daughter Yin, in our system Youngest Daughter is the infant emerging from the womb into Thunder Trigram and developing its own identity as a Child Voice in Earth Trigram and becoming the Child of the Father Osiris of Middle Son Yang in Water Well Trigram and the Mother Isis of Eldest Daughter Yin in the Water Well Trigram of family rules and family systems. Traditionally the child of Osiris and Isis was Horus, Pharaoh of Egypt, but the male child has a female soul and the female child has a male soul in the Anima and Animus theory of Jung. Therefore, in the deep Egg of the Water Element and Lake Trigram, Horus is a female, not a male, a true Youngest Daughter Yin.Osiris is a symbol of integration, of the Middle Son Yang as the pi based circle that includes all things. When Set, as Eldest Son Yang destructive losses in Thunder Trigram, dismembers Osiris into Middle Daughter Yin fragments, the oral stage teeth that chew, the fear of the male that the vagina has teeth that will fragment the phallus (remember Seth too would have a female, a Middle Daughter Yin soul), it is Isis as Eldest Daughter Yin Mother Nature that gathers his parts together and restores his integrity, here we see the homeostasis maintaining and restoring function of natural systems.But, if Youngest Daughter Yin is the infant attached to the mother, the infant in the womb at the moment of birth, so Youngest Son Yang is the Adult Voice, the Ego straying, venturing away, leaving home, seeking Self-Actualization.This is the wandering prophet who left Youngest Daughter Yin in the homeland womb of Ur to wander and enter Canaan, it is Moses leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, it is Jesus, the Son of David, Christ in fleeing to Egypt, growing up in Galilee far from Jerusalem. It is Krishna, avatar of Vishnu on a great battlefield (Fire Element of Flame Trigram), it is Mohammed in Mecca inspiring Jihad. This prophet exists on the imaginary number axis, it is the creative source of the novel and the new. It is Buddha, the prince that gives up his kingdom to mediate in the wilderness, it is Socrates taking poison Hemlock rather than be faithless to philosophy (love of wisdom, Santa Sophia, Eldest Daughter Yin), it is Confucius in self-exile from his home, it is Laozi, writing his book (The Book of Tao) and then departing to the West. It is Mahavira travelling all over South Asia teaching Jain Philosophy. It is Freud, the psychoanalytic Jew in Vienna, in exile. It is the Adult and Parent Voices seeking self actualization in Wind and Heaven Trigram.The female has a male animus, or inner core in Jungian belief, so Youngest Son carries a hidden female core. This core is Mary Baker Eddy, who creates a new thought Christian Science of Wind Trigram and Heaven Trigram metaphysics to replace the old Puritanism of Boston. It is Helena Blavastsky, the Russian occultist who helped found the Theosophical Society and wrote “Isis Unveiled” travelling through Europe, the Americas and India. It is Annie Besant leaving Youngest Daughter Yin London and travelling to India.Heaven Trigram is a dreamtime place, it is Narnia of C.S. Lewis, ruled by Youngest Son Yang as Aslan the Lion, it is Middle Earth of Tolkein’s Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. The three rings of the Elf Kings belong to the Youngest Son Yang (Gandalf) and Middle Son Yang (Elrond of Rivendell) and Eldest Daughter Yin (Galadriel of Lothlorien). These rule the Air Element, the Wind Trigram of the High Elves. Opposed to them is Sauron, the losses in Thunder Trigram, Modor, use of Eldest Son Yang, ruler of the One Ring, a Tree of Knowledge, a fragmented version of entropy riddled male power in Middle Daughter Yin, this is the same as the serpent in Garden of Eden, with goblins and orcs and dragons as his imitations. Sauron attempts to take human form as a Fire Element narcissistic, antisocial, sadistic Child Voice seeking Adult and Parent Voice power, One Ring to Rule Them All in imitation of the Middle Son Yang and Eldest Daughter Yin rings of the Wind Trigram.But Sauron fails because he has no true Youngest Son Yang power to create, he is at a primitive anal, phallic, and oral stage of development and is forced to divide his power among Dwarves and Nine ghost like mortal men.Thus, the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, the Narnia stories and myths of adolescence, of the transformation of the adolescent Fire Element into the true adulthood and Parent Voice of Air Trigram. We view this transformation in the Hobbits as the journey from the Earth Element of the Shire to the Youngest Daughter Yin city of Gondor and the fallen Middle Daugher Yin and Eldest Daughter Yin of Modor and Isengard. Saruman is fallen Eldest Daugher Yin wisdom, but Fangorn and Lothlorien and the Old Forest are fragments of the original Eldest Daughter Yin Garden of the Tree of Life and remain true to their origins in the Heaven Trigram of the Valar. Varda is the Eldest Daughter Yin carried to its highest perfection in the Heaven Trigram transcendence of Wind Trigram, it is the hidden female soul of the male God, the self-actualization of all things.But this is the infinite game, so there are no final answers, stories, all is subject to revision at any time.Allan Ralph Andrews, 2:53 PM, 1/26/2016 So is the Heaven Trigram of the Hobbit, Tom Bombadil as Eldest Son Yang, Elrond as Middle Son Yang, and Gandalf as Youngest Son Yang, or does sometimes Aragorn, Strider the Return of the King, is the Youngest Son Yang of the Heaven Trigram in which the Shire is enclosed, but does Bilbo, Frodo take on some Youngest Son Yang when they go on their journey, and does Arwen now become Youngest Daughter Yin when she rules as Queen of Gondor, the old Babylon of Eve. The infinite game allows constant reinterpretation, just as the self as story, as logos, generates constant rebirth and recreation, as Archetypes, we do not die, but our character is reborn in another body, another role, and infinite flux that makes the probable plot twist probable.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 5:59 PM, 1/26/2016The Heaven Trigram can break open beyond the one line, the two line, the three line, the two dimensional trigram arrangement, the three dimensional trigram arrangement, into four and five dimension and beyond, here the cube, pyramid, octahedron, tetrahedron flips around and is penetrated by new dimensions from within. Eldest Son Yang discovers a female center in Eldest Daughter Yin and the reverse, in the Anima and Animus of the Water Element of cosmogony and cosmos generation in the mulitverse macrospace time of Lake Trigram and integration in Middle Son Yang. Pascal’s Triangle and the Fibonacci Number sequence rule this endless progression.The person dies in the mortal finite linear time lines of this world and its finite games, but is immortal in the infinite games that generate a new heavens and a new earth, by entering the game in new dimensions and new levels of archetype and meaning from within. In this sense, Buddha, the Prophets, Moses, Socrates, Jesus, Mohammed, Freud, Jung, Mary Baker Eddy, Theosophy, Isis, Mother Kali, Krishna all save by generating a new imaginary number line in Youngest Son Yang creative spirit logos that generates a new Confucian Heaven Trigram, a new Taoist Way, or path leading to a whole new progression that belongs to the infinite game of the endlessly new. In the Lord of the Rings, the Middle Earth is broken and changed and the Holy Lands are removed from the world into an unseen ocean of unseen dimensions that change all things. Thus, the real solution to death is the Eternal Object of Alfred North Whitehead that is the Archetype of Jung’s Collective Unconscious and the God that rules the ultimate future of Wolfhart Pannenberg’s “Evercoming Kingdom,” the realm of the Infinite Game, the shines on these Eternal Objects and gives them new beauty and loves them into new number systems that are endlessly removed into the eternal creative possibility of higher algebra and number theory and integral calculus, in the endless progress of Pascal’s Triangle and the Fibonacci number sequence.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 9:05, 1/26/2016So the metaphor is that the developing mind, the developing, Child, Adult, Parent, the developing Hierarchy of Maslow, is like a forest ecosystem.The voiceless Egg, Id, Anima, Animus, Collective Unconscious, begins in Lake Trigram in the Water Element of the Womb. It exists here in a symbiotic relationship with the mother. When it is born into Thunder Trigram, it has left the Sloth of the Womb to enter into the remains of the Lust of the parents who created it. The role of the Infant in this Thunder Trigram is something like that of a pathogen. From the standpoint of many of the family members, the baby may look like a disease in the family system, causing the mother to neglected family roles, neglect her husband, neglect her job, etc. To avoid remaining in this realm of losses, the infant has to sell itself the mother and the family, first by attempting to develop an attachment to the mother that will cause her to feed it and care for it. The infant may have to purchase milk from the mother’s breast at the cost of submission, liabilities to the family system.The developing Child Voice becomes a scavenger taking what it can at this primitive stage of anal and oral development. Gradually, as it submits more to the Parent Voice, the Super Ego, it becomes part of the compost heap that is the family system, it becomes part of the mycelium, the web of fungal strands that is the receiving orientation of the family. Having left the Thunder Trigram little pathogen stage, and the Earth Trigram little scavenger phase, it enters the Water Well Trigram of family system debts and liabilities, as a full fledged member of the family of mushrooms feeding on the compost heap provided by the parents and grand parents and great grandparents and the cultural ecosystem to which they belong.But the successful Ego, Adult Voice must establish itself on its own. Becoming a little thief, an antisocial teenage gangster and gang member, as schizotypical maniac, it enters Flame Trigram and Fire Element as a decomposer, cutting into, decomposing its ties to the family system for its own benefit, it is sadistic, negativistic, and becomes more paranoid and protecting its own niche in this food web. Soon, as a result of effective narcissism, it emerges as a full fledged carnivore, lion, skunk, spider, carnivorous insect, it learns to feed itself and speak for itself, developing owner’s equity, it may set up house for itself on its own. Progressing from being a pathogen in its parents bedroom, kingdom of lust, to being a scavenger in the kitchen, in the kingdom of gluttony, to being a part of the fungal dependency that is the system of service and slavery that makes the social compost of the social ecosystem work.This adult voice may begin as an angry decomposer, but as it matures and develops from Maslow’s physiology needs in Lake and Thunder Trigram to security needs in Earth and Water Well Trigram and full fledged social need fulfillment in Water Well Trigram, it begins with primitive forms of Self Esteem in Flame Trigram toward more mature forms of Self Esteem in Mountain Trigram. Finally, as equity accounts begin to fill will profits, in Wind Trigram, with virtue development, it may master and effective parental role of its own, and become a herbivore, a major food source for its own dependent community of decomposers, carnivores, scavengers, and fungi as part of the larger community and larger family of the larger world.It is excels at this, it may become creative enough, good enough a manufacturing new instruments and discovering new resources, to become a branch of the tree of life, to become an archetype in the Dreamtime version of that tree, in the eternal Christmas of the Human Heart that is Heaven Trigram (the realm of Maslow’s Self Actualization, it is now a full fledged autotroph rather than in heterotrophy, it is finally paying its own way). Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 8;10, 1/29/2016Genes mutate in Heaven Trigram and enter the Water Element of the gene pool in Lake Trigram, in this womb, they are symbiotic with the other genes of the gene pool, emerging from this pool in a particular infant organism in Thunder Trigram, they are like a disease in the system, as potential maladaptive genetic expressions, they are subject to extinction, to natural selection. If they survive as adaptive phenotypes in Earth Element and Earth Trigram, they must scavenge to maintain themselves in the system. Once established with the system in Water Well, they will be reproduced, their code will be replicated and maintained within the gene pool of Lake Trigram.But, under stress, the will be forced to compete in Fire Element and Flame Trigram. If they can get established in a particular niche in Mountain Trigram, geographic barriers may allow them to be included in subspecies and species groups, undergoing partisan rivalry with other types, they may emerge to occupy and adaptive peak in Wind Trigram, and be subject to mutation themselves, entering Heaven Trigram and its continual manufacture of novel things.Similar things happen to cultures, languages, memes. In the Bible, the captivity of the Jews in Egypt is used as a metaphor for this process. The Jews are nurtured in the Womb of Water Element and Lake Trigram in Egypt, where they serve in symbiosis with other cultures in the Egyptian system. But Moses leads them from Egypt, where the enter the disease, the pathogenic state of Thunder Trigram, in exile, the are subject to potential extinction.Even, established in the friendly Earth Trigram environment of Palestine, they still must scavenge to find their place. Only after years of warfare and organization to the fill up the compost heap of Judea with what will become the Kingdom of David and Solomon in the Water Well stage of their cultural emergence.Still, they are subject to war and conquest, and when this occurs, a new Fire Element and Flame Trigram emerges, associated with Prophets like Jeremiah. Once the pass into Mountain Trigram, and establish a new owner’s equity in Jerusalem, there are still partisan rivalries. We see this equity dispute stage and these debates in the Gospel of Matthew, where the Child Voice and Adult Voice of these cultural archetypes seek to emerge and Parent Voices in Air Element.When they do we have Prophets, Saints, Cultural Icons and Archetypes, like Saint Matthew, Mary and Joseph, which will in turn rise to the Eternal Christmas of the Heart in the Dreamtime that is Heaven Trigram where they will spread and mutate to fertilize new cultural systems like the imaginary kingdom of Narnia, in the children’s fiction of C. S. Lewis.Allan Ralph Andrews, 8:18 AM, Bakersfield, CA, 1/30/2016So the Athenian Greeks were part of tribes that had been nurtured in the womb of Babylonian culture, leaving that influence of Lake Trigram, as a disease, parasitic on that culture in Thunder, scavenging for a place in the system in the gluttony and dependence of Earth Trigram and being driven into the compulsive slavery of Universal State internal proletariat Water Well Trigram, the compost heap of the receptive orientation of the ecosystem, the food web of the hierarchy of community in civilized culture.Breaking free at some point to become a sadistic, antisocial thieving and raiding decomposer in Fire Element and Flame Trigram, we see them in the martial anger of the Homeric Epics. But as some point they settle down, form city state republics, like those of ancient Athens, and become involved in partisan envy and partisan debate in Mountain Trigram. It is this point that the Adult Voice begins to emerge in dialogues like the “Republic” of Plato. Socrates rises to the level of a Parent Voice, in the Wind Trigram and Air Element of his Allegory of the Cave. At this point, Socrates, Plato, and Plato’s student Aristotle rise to the Self Actualization level of Maslow’s Hierarchy and enter into the Dreamtime of Heaven Trigram where they provide mythological and theology and fantasy material for the creative systems of the cultures of the world.You see a similar set of events in the South Asian cultures, where Krishna debates with the warrior Arjuna in the famous section of the Epics of South Asia known as the “Gita.” Here, Krishna, and avatar of Vishnu, himself an aspect of Brahman, the divine One, of Middle Son Yang integration of Heaven Trigram divinity, debates with Arjuna. This debate is taking the fighting Arjuna from the Flame Trigram and Fire Element through the Mountain Trigram of partisan debate into the Wind Trigram and Air Element of Virtue and Duty, and finally above that into the Heaven Element of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable and is the ultimate source of all romantic temper creativity and mythology and theological transcendence.If we look at Arnold Toynbee’s analysis of civilizations and Fromm’s economic orientations, there is probable a tendency for mutant development in the primitive productive and manufacturing orientations of aboriginal hunter gather cultures to be brought under the influence of ideas, myths, trade relations, etc, with nearby cultures higher up the sequence of levels of organization and cultural complexity. Nurtured in this womb, they gradually become masochistically involved with these higher cultures. At first avoidant and withdrawn, they become borderline, do fission and fusion, and enter into the Womb, the Water Element of the population genetics, the gene pool of memes, of languages, skills, cultural ideas and practices.When they exit from this womb as cultural infants in Thunder Trigram, when they become histrionic and antisocial, begin to beg and steal, they will be seen as pathogens, cultural disease organisms by their rivals within the larger system.To get a Child Voice, that will fill their stomachs, they cannot just provide women to full the lust of the hedonistic Thunder Trigram of the cultures with which they are trading, to which they have become consumers, parts of the marketing orientation supported by the larger cultural system, they now must enter in to the productive orientation as utilitarian fragments, the must sell themselves as narcissistic salesmen, histrionic entertainers or dependent slaves in the larger universal state receptive orientation of wealth distribution. They must move from Thunder Trigram orientation infancy to Earth Trigram childhood, Child Voice, Earth Element dependency and become compulsive slaves and servants of the larger order, if they want to be consistently fed.Tired of being treated as children, as diseased, as scavengers, as slaves, as a fungus in the compost, in the dung of the larger social system, they may rebel and seek an Adult Voice in the sadistic raids, the negativistic propaganda, the martial anger, the schizotypal mania, the antisocial thieving that is the Fire Element and the Flame Trigram, that is the decomposer role, the exploitative orientation, found in the Homeric Epics. These raiding external proletariats may justify themselves with appropriate prophetic voices. We can see this development among the Jews and Arabs and Greeks, the Germanic Tribes, at earlier stages of their development.Eventually, many of these tribes settle down and form city states, the city states of the Arabs, Jews, Greeks, etc.. It is this stage of partisan envy and speciation that creates some of the world’s greatest literature. It is this stage the encourages the writing down of what was once oral literature, thus the Torah, the Bible, the Confucian Classics, the Greek Classics, the Koran, emerge from the exploitive stage and now are used to identify a species of philosophy, theology, or literature.The decomposer function of the wild raid becomes organized into a mature carnivorous orientation. These are merchant states utilizing the agriculture of surrounding area to package goods, to form and shape items that they can market, or sell. They are now accumulating equity, accounting for costs and debts on their books.Eventually some aspect of the above leads toward greed and hoarding, to the accumulation of precious things, of profits by an aristocratic elite, and monarchies, and kingdoms begin to arise that conquer and subjugate other states. These dominate culture will often be the Parent Voice for universal systems of slaving internal proletariats that become dependent upon them. When these universal states begin to decay, universal churches will emerge out of the result in the compost heap that is the internal proletariat of Water Well and Lake Trigram.The hoarding of profits by the aristocratic nobles, will cause them to attempt to dominate these universal churches and these missionary efforts by the universal state in its decline. It doing so, the aristocracy passes its cultural investments on to this process of cultural recombination. All of the above passes gradually into the Heaven Trigram of aboriginal productivity where it fertilizes new mutant forms of cultural ideas and practices.We can see this in English Literature, which begins with poetry like Beowulf that focuses on Flame Trigram warriors that are still at the raid and plunder stage of cultural development. By the time that Geoffrey Chaucer is creating modern English as a national language, England has begun to enter into Mountain Trigram speciation, to separate out a separate place with its own language. This new Adult Voice appears in the stories told by the travelers in The Canterbury Tales.Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, characterize a stage in which England is developing its own Church, its own aristocracy in Wind Trigram, its own national elite, its own attempt to profit from its new adventures in trade and empire. The jewelry worn by Queen Elizabeth I is an example of the hoarding of profits and wealth that characterizes this stage.But, John Milton, and Paradise Lost take us into Heaven Trigram and the Garden of Eden story itself. By this time England is involved in lots of trade with aboriginals and is attempting to develop its own systems of slavery in Water Well Trigram and its own missionary efforts in Lake Trigram. The rule of the Puritans in England under Cromwell is associated with the population genetics of memes, of ideas taking place within the Lake Trigram (Water Element of the Atlantic and Great Lakes) that will carry these ideas to New England where they will fertilize the efforts of men like Emerson and Longfellow.The problem is that the above sequence flows both was. Paradise Lost, the Garden of Eden is a metaphor for the gene, the meme, the culture that suffers the Sin of Adam, and Falls, moves the wrong way in this sequence.The typical aboriginal culture finds itself in a creative garden, the legendary Garden of Eden of the Heaven Trigram. It develops a complex hierarchy of dependents, develops a hoarding aristocracy, even a caste system in Wind Trigram, these herbivores that feed on the producers, the food producers in Heaven Trigram. As this system becomes more complex, politicians, accountant, merchants emerge to track equities in the partisan jealousies of Mountain Trigram.Less flexible, less able to handle environmental change, these complex city states soon find themselves in competition with other states, even at war. Forced now to pay for the assets and the resources need by an angry martial class, the state begins to decline. The carnivorous accountants that live off the herbivore aristocratic wealth of the profits the aristocrats have made from the producer food gathers and agriculturalists, now force the soldiers to become decomposers, to live off the land that they raid and plunder in Fire Element and Flame Trigram.But, the accountants, the managers, the new Adam in Mountain Trigram, have eaten of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Earth Trigram and Earth Element. They want the goods, the products, to indulge in the product addiction and gluttony of Earth Trigram. They purchase these goods from Earth Trigram and pile up debts and liabilities to the universal states and the slave system that have emerged in Water Well Trigram.The result is that the snake arises from Water Well Trigram to reach out and plunder them, they are thrown out of their gardens, which are plundered by the empires and universal states of the tower of babel and the Babylon’s that are Youngest Daughter Yin and they become slaves of the empires of Water Well and addicted to the fermented products of Earth Trigram, what is left of these tribes, these cities, those that are not slaves and dependents, must scavenge, must become pathogens, thieves, drunks, the outcasts of Thunder Trigram.Here they become extinct, and their languages, their ideas, their genes and memes are absorbed and digested, dissolved as salts in the great swamp, the great womb, the great whore that is Babylon and enter into the water of the flood, of Water Element in the population genetics and recombination that is Lake Trigram. Most of our memes and our genes come from that swamp, it is the true source, the true mother, the lost Eve of our ancestry.Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CA, 1:08 PM Jan 30 2016Leonard Shlain, in Sex, Time, and Power, suggest that the Mars archetype in men is a result of iron deficiency in human women and their attraction to a strong type that is a good hunter and can deliver a meat meal to satisfy her iron needs. Thus, the carnivore Adam in Mountain Trigram, arises from the primitive Adam in Heaven Trigram to satisfy the starving Middle Daughter and Youngest Daughter Yin in Thunder Trigram lust so that they can nurture the growing egg and embryo in the Lake Trigram Water Element. Thus, the scavenging iron starved Eve in Earth Trigram Eden may have delivered the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil she found in exchange for meat that Adam discovered in his hunting. Could it have been python meat, did he kill and roast the snake in Fire Element of Flame Trigram?Allan Ralph Andrews, Bakersfield, CAIf we were to look at the books of the Bible and our model of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, remembering that we place physiological needs in the Water Element that is the symbiotic womb of Lake Trigram, security needs in the pathological and scavenging stages of Thunder Trigram birth and struggle for existence, and Earth Trigram and Earth Element scavenging for adaptation to limiting conditions, and the belonging stage as some sort of dependent adaptation to the compost heap that is the order of family and social and cultural systems in Water Well Trigram.Self Esteem begins when the dependent Child rebels and tries to do it on his, her own, the first steps are angry and rebellious, in Fire Element and Flame Trigram, where the Ego becomes rebellious, becomes a decomposer plundering the system. Eventually the maturing Adult develops equity in the system and gains its own place in the food chain as a carnivore of some status in Mountain Trigram. This is the beginning of self esteem. With higher esteem, greater virtues are developed and the Adult Voice rises toward self actualization as a set point establishing Parent Voice in Wind Trigram and as a magical entity in Heaven Trigram.In the Bible, we find Eldest Son Yang, as Jehovah, or Yahweh, the voice of I become What I become energy in the burning bush. The opposite of Yahweh is the Bible itself and the holy Wisdom that it symbolizes in Eldest Daughter Yin, who is also Mother Nature, and the Holy Law. Middle Son Yang is Elohim, God as Creator, Lord of All, as Love, as Allah. Its opposite is Middle Daughter Yin as the Holy Land and finally there is Youngest Son Yang, the Prophet, the old Adam, and the new Adam as the Messiah and Youngest Daughter Yin, the City of Babylon, Jerusalem, Rome, etc., the Tower of Babel, the Cosmos, the World.Genesis is the story of the captivity, the symbiosis that leaves the tribes of the book in Egypt, this is the result of the story of the flood and its aftermath, it is Water Element and Lake Trigram. Thunder Trigram is the birth, the emergence of the people as pathogenic organisms struggling to survive under the leadership of Moses, this is the story of the Exodus, in the remaining books from Exodus through Judges, the tribes scavenge for a place in Earth Trigram and Earth Element. Beyond Judges, the books, Kings, Chronicles, Psalms, Wisdom, show the system that the tribes establish in the compost heap that is Water Well Trigram, which includes the capture of tribes, their enslavement by Babylon, Persia and other powers.The Prophets are the emergence of an Adult Voice in this system. They are decomposers, rebels, voices crying out in the wilderness of Flame Trigram and Fire Element. The Gospels find the holy people with their own kingdom under Herod, but as part of the larger system belonging to Rome. In Matthew, the sloth that was the captivity, the lust of the exodus, hunger and gluttony of life on the land in Earth Trigram and slavery that is Water Well Trigram, anger of the prophets in Flame Trigram, becomes partisan envy and debate in the gospels as Jesus debates with Scribes and Pharisees.The Epistles no longer speak to equities in the Kingdom of Herod, the Epistles are written to the cities of the Roman Empire, they reach out to the dominant elite, and those that serve the dominant elite, these works belong to the Wind Trigram and Air Element and preach the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, that the emerging church must manifest if it is to become truly Self-Actualizing. Revelation takes this Self-Actualization into the realm of the Dreamtime, and with it, the Bible returns to the Kingdom of Heaven in the Heaven Trigram of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable.The emerging church itself becomes a captive of the disintegrating Roman Empire and enters into the search for a universal church that characterizes a disintegrating universal state (see Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History). It is now in Lake Trigram and Water Element, hidden in the womb of its genesis and recombination with new genetic and meme and cultural elements.As it emerges from this womb into Thunder Trigram, it is seen as a disease and is subject to persecution, it barely survives. What does survive must scavenge in Earth Trigram and Earth Element. Only gradually does it become absorbed into the large system as become an accepted part of the Roman order that is Water Well Trigram.Still, its Adult voice requires as struggle in the decomposition that Is Fire Element and Flame Trigram. It is only through such struggles that the Western Roman Church survives as a separate institution from the Greek Church in Constantinople. Prophetic voice like Calvin and Luther arise, and national churches seek their own owner’s equity in Mountain Trigram. Here we see partisan debate among jealous factions of the Adult Voice wanting this theological position or that, this political position or that.Eventually, Parent Voice arise in Wind Trigram. The Pope, speaking for the Church in Rome, the Archbishop of Canterbury speaking for the Church of England, the Puritans attempting to establish their own church, the Pilgrims settling in Plymouth, Mass. These Wind Trigram events encourage new forms of self-actualization in the creativity of Heaven Trigram. Milton’s Paradise Lost, C. S. Lewis and his Narnia stories, Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings, and Hobbit, discussed above.Allan Ralph Andrews, 1/31/2016 Bakersfield, California 6:58 AMIf we were to look at the places at the literary table taken by various authors in the above sequence, it would seem that the works by Jane Austen and Dickens work within the current system, the Water Well of British Empire, but at times working out a male or female owner’s equity, Pickwick Papers Is a set of partisan debates by Adult Voices, David Copperfield a Child Voice, in search of an Adult Voice, even a Parent Voice. Whitman’s Son of Myself is such an Adult Voice taking equity in the American City and rising to view Lincoln as a virtuous Parent Voice entering the Dreamtime of the hero in Wind and Heaven Trigram.Tennyson explores the edges of Heaven Trigram, and enters it with his grief with “In Memoriam,” and poets like Wadsworth and Coleridge explore the Heaven Trigram of nature and fantasy. But Kipling, Conrad, and Hardy explore the deep wells of Empire, the Water Well and the Lake that digest the world. Emerging from that womb, we find the works of Joyce and Faulkner, looking the emerging pathogenic state of things. Realizing its devastation in the Thunder Trigram of T. S. Eliot’s Waste Land. But Yeats appears to emerge from this womb in a new Earth Trigram and Earth Element in the rebirth of Ireland, a new form of realism in which he scavenges hope from his visions of “Byzantium.”Allan Ralph Andrews, 9:06 AM, Bakersfield, CA 1/31/2016 ................

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