# Based on testing harness dated 2017-06-02.# STUDENTS: TO USE:# # The following command will test all test cases on your file:# # python3 <thisfile.py> <your_one_file.py># # # You can also limit the tester to only the functions you want tested.# Just add as many functions as you want tested on to the command line at the end.# Example: to only run tests associated with func1 and func2, run this command:# # python3 <thisfile.py> <your_one_file.py> func1 func2# # You really don't need to read the file any further, except that when# a specific test fails, you'll get a line number - and it's certainly# worth looking at those areas for details on what's being checked. This would# all be the indented block of code starting with "class AllTests".# INSTRUCTOR: TO PREPARE:# - add test cases to class AllTests. The test case functions' names must# be precise - to test a function named foobar, the test must be named "test_foobar_#"# where # may be any digits at the end, such as "test_foobar_13".# - any extra-credit tests must be named "test_extra_credit_foobar_#"# # - name all required definitions in REQUIRED_DEFNS, and all extra credit functions# in EXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNS. Do not include any unofficial helper functions. If you want# to make helper definitions to use while testing, those can also be added there for# clarity.# # - to run on either a single file or all .py files in a folder (recursively):# python3 <thisfile.py> <your_one_file.py># python3 <thisfile.py> <dir_of_files># python3 <thisfile.py> . # current directory# # A work in progress by Mark Snyder, Oct. 2015.# Edited by Yutao Zhong, Spring 2016.# Edited by Raven Russell, Spring 2017.# Edited by Mark Snyder, June 2017.import unittestimport shutilimport sysimport osimport time######################################################################################################################################################### BEGIN SPECIALIZATION SECTION (the only part you need to modify beyond # adding new test cases).# name all expected definitions; if present, their definition (with correct# number of arguments) will be used; if not, a decoy complainer function# will be used, and all tests on that function should fail.REQUIRED_DEFNS = ["create_3D", "copy_3D", "crossword", "sublist", "sparse" ]# for method names in classes that will be testedSUB_DEFNS = []# definitions that are used for extra creditEXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNS = []# how many points are test cases worth?weight_required = 2weight_extra_credit = 0# don't count extra credit; usually 100% if this is graded entirely by tests.# it's up to you the instructor to do the math and add this up!# TODO: auto-calculate this based on all possible tests.total_points_from_tests = 60# how many seconds to wait between batch-mode gradings? # ideally we could enforce python to wait to open or import# files when the system is ready but we've got a communication# gap going on.DELAY_OF_SHAME = 1# set it to true when you run batch mode... CURRENTLY_GRADING = False# what temporary file name should be used for the student?# This can't be changed without hardcoding imports below, sorry.# That's kind of the whole gimmick here that lets us import from# the command-line argument without having to qualify the names.RENAMED_FILE = "student"# END SPECIALIZATION SECTION######################################################################################################################################################### enter batch mode by giving a directory to work on as the only argument.BATCH_MODE = len(sys.argv)==2 and (sys.argv[1] in ["."] or os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]))# This class contains multiple "unit tests" that each check# various inputs to specific functions, checking that we get# the correct behavior (output value) from completing the call.class AllTests (unittest.TestCase):############################################################################# 5 create_3D tests -- 10 pointsdef test_create_3D_00(self):self.assertEqual(create_3D(1,1,1), [[[0]]])def test_create_3D_01(self):self.assertEqual(create_3D(2,2,2), [[[0, 1], [1, 2]], [[1, 2], [2, 3]]])def test_create_3D_02(self):self.assertEqual(create_3D(3,3,3), [[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]], [[2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6]]])def test_create_3D_03(self):self.assertEqual(create_3D(1,2,3), [[[0, 1]], [[1, 2]], [[2, 3]]])def test_create_3D_04(self):self.assertEqual(create_3D(3,2,1), [[[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]])def buildIDList(self, test_list):id_list = []id_list.append(id(test_list))for level_one in test_list:id_list.append(id(level_one))for level_two in level_one:id_list.append(id(level_two))return id_listdef deepAssertIsNot(self, test_list_1, test_list_2):ids_one = self.buildIDList(test_list_1)ids_two = self.buildIDList(test_list_2)for id_one in ids_one:if id_one in ids_two:self.fail("One or more of the lists in your copy are still shallow copies of the original.")# 5 copy_3D tests -- 10 pointsdef test_copy_3D_00(self):xs = [[[0]]]test_result = copy_3D(xs)self.assertEqual(test_result, xs)self.deepAssertIsNot(test_result, xs)def test_copy_3D_01(self):xs = [[[0, 1], [1, 2]], [[1, 2], [2, 3]]]test_result = copy_3D(xs)self.assertEqual(test_result, xs)self.deepAssertIsNot(test_result, xs)def test_copy_3D_02(self):xs = [[[0, 1]], [[1, 2]], [[2, 3]]]test_result = copy_3D(xs)self.assertEqual(test_result, xs)self.deepAssertIsNot(test_result, xs)def test_copy_3D_03(self):xs = [[[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]]test_result = copy_3D(xs)self.assertEqual(test_result, xs)self.deepAssertIsNot(test_result, xs)def test_copy_3D_04(self):xs = [[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]], [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]], [[2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6]]]test_result = copy_3D(xs)self.assertEqual(test_result, xs)self.deepAssertIsNot(test_result, xs)# 8 sublist tests -- 16 pointsdef test_sublist_00(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[0,1,2],[-4,5,6],[7,8,3]],5), [[5,6],[8,3]])def test_sublist_01(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[0,1,2],[-4,5,6],[7,8,3]],23), [[0,1,2],[-4,5,6],[7,8,3]])def test_sublist_02(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[1,0],[6,5],[-7,8],[5,5]],10), [[1, 0], [6, 5]])def test_sublist_03(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[1,2,3,4],[-3,5,-2,-1]],7), [[2, 3], [5, -2]])def test_sublist_04(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[1,2,3,4],[-3,5,-2,-1]],1000), False)def test_sublist_05(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[0, -2, 7, 12, 7, 9], [2, 14, 15, -5, -3, 13], [0, 13, -2, 9, 15, -3], [-5, -1, 0, 11, -2, 9], [-5, -4, -1, -5, 4, 1], [15, 4, 5, 5, -4, 9], [9, -5, 8, 9, 5, -4]],50), [[-2, 7, 12], [14, 15, -5], [13, -2, 9]])def test_sublist_06(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[0, -2, 7, 12, 7, 9], [2, 14, 15, -5, -3, 13], [0, 13, -2, 9, 15, -3], [-5, -1, 0, 11, -2, 9], [-5, -4, -1, -5, 4, 1], [15, 4, 5, 5, -4, 9], [9, -5, 8, 9, 5, -4]],75), [[7, 12, 7, 9], [15, -5, -3, 13], [-2, 9, 15, -3], [0, 11, -2, 9]])def test_sublist_07(self):self.assertEqual(sublist([[0, -2, 7, 12, 7, 9], [2, 14, 15, -5, -3, 13], [0, 13, -2, 9, 15, -3], [-5, -1, 0, 11, -2, 9], [-5, -4, -1, -5, 4, 1], [15, 4, 5, 5, -4, 9], [9, -5, 8, 9, 5, -4]],100), [[-2, 7, 12, 7, 9], [14, 15, -5, -3, 13], [13, -2, 9, 15, -3], [-1, 0, 11, -2, 9], [-4, -1, -5, 4, 1]])# 7 crossword tests -- 14 pointsdef test_crossword_00(self):self.assertEqual(crossword([['t','b','c','a'],['d','a','r','r'],['a','f','r','c']], 'car'), 2)def test_crossword_01(self):self.assertEqual(crossword([['t','b','c','a'],['d','a','r','r'],['a','f','r','c']], 'bat'), 0)def test_crossword_02(self):self.assertEqual(crossword([['t','b','c','a'],['d','a','r','r'],['a','f','r','c']], 'rdr'), 1)def test_crossword_03(self):self.assertEqual(crossword([['t','b','c','a'],['d','a','r','r'],['a','f','r','c']], 'dad'), False)def test_crossword_04(self):self.assertEqual(crossword([['z','l','b','a','t'],['b','z','x','f','e'],['l','u','b','e','r'],['e','k','j','g','w']], 'blue'), 2)def test_crossword_05(self):self.assertEqual(crossword([['e','l','b','a','t'],['b','z','x','f','e'],['l','u','b','e','r'],['e','k','j','g','w']], 'table'), 0)def test_crossword_06(self):self.assertEqual(crossword([['e','l','b','a','t'],['b','z','x','f','e'],['l','u','b','e','r'],['e','k','j','g','w']], 'belt'), False)# 5 sparse tests -- 10 pointsdef test_sparse_00(self):self.assertEqual(sparse([[1,0,0]]), [[1]])def test_sparse_01(self):self.assertEqual(sparse([[3,1,2]]), [[0,0,0],[0,0,3]])def test_sparse_02(self):self.assertEqual(sparse([[3,1,2],[4,5,3]]), [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,3,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,4]])def test_sparse_03(self):self.assertEqual(sparse([[7,5,5],[2,0,0],[5,2,1],[6,2,3]]), [[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7]])def test_sparse_04(self):self.assertEqual(sparse([[4,4,4],[8,6,7],[1,0,0],[2,2,2],[3,7,8],[9,3,5],[3,7,5],[10,3,5]]), [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3]])############################################################################# This class digs through AllTests, counts and builds all the tests,# so that we have an entire test suite that can be run as a group.class TheTestSuite (unittest.TestSuite):# constructor.def __init__(self,wants):self.num_req = 0self.num_ec = 0# find all methods that begin with "test".fs = []for w in wants:for func in AllTests.__dict__:# append regular tests# drop any digits from the end of str(func).dropnum = str(func)while dropnum[-1] in "1234567890":dropnum = dropnum[:-1]if dropnum==("test_"+w+"_") and (not (dropnum==("test_extra_credit_"+w+"_"))):fs.append(AllTests(str(func)))if dropnum==("test_extra_credit_"+w+"_") and not BATCH_MODE:fs.append(AllTests(str(func)))#print("TTS ====> ",list(map(lambda f: (f,id(f)),fs)))# call parent class's constructor.unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self,fs)class TheExtraCreditTestSuite (unittest.TestSuite):# constructor.def __init__(self,wants):# find all methods that begin with "test_extra_credit_".fs = []for w in wants:for func in AllTests.__dict__:if str(func).startswith("test_extra_credit_"+w):fs.append(AllTests(str(func)))#print("TTS ====> ",list(map(lambda f: (f,id(f)),fs)))# call parent class's constructor.unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self,fs)# all (non-directory) file names, regardless of folder depth,# under the given directory 'dir'.def files_list(dir):this_file = __file__if dir==".":dir = os.getcwd()info = os.walk(dir)filenames = []for (dirpath,dirnames,filez) in info:#print(dirpath,dirnames,filez)if dirpath==".":continuefor file in filez:if file==this_file:continuefilenames.append(os.path.join(dirpath,file))#print(dirpath,dirnames,filez,"\n")return filenamesdef main():if len(sys.argv)<2:raise Exception("needed student's file name as command-line argument:"\+"\n\t\"python3 testerX.py gmason76_2xx_Px.py\"")if BATCH_MODE:print("BATCH MODE.\n")run_all()returnelse:want_all = len(sys.argv) <=2wants = []# remove batch_mode signifiers from want-candidates.want_candidates = sys.argv[2:]for i in range(len(want_candidates)-1,-1,-1):if want_candidates[i] in ['.'] or os.path.isdir(want_candidates[i]):del want_candidates[i]# set wants and extra_credits to either be the lists of things they want, or all of them when unspecified.wants = []extra_credits = []if not want_all:for w in want_candidates:if w in REQUIRED_DEFNS:wants.append(w)elif w in SUB_DEFNS:wants.append(w)elif w in EXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNS:extra_credits.append(w)else:raise Exception("asked to limit testing to unknown function '%s'."%w)else:wants = REQUIRED_DEFNS + SUB_DEFNSextra_credits = EXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNS# now that we have parsed the function names to test, run this one file.run_one(wants,extra_credits)returnreturn # should be unreachable!# only used for non-batch mode, since it does the printing.# it nicely prints less info when no extra credit was attempted.def run_one(wants, extra_credits):has_reqs = len(wants)>0has_ec = len(extra_credits)>0# make sure they exist.passed1 = 0passed2 = 0tried1 = 0tried2 = 0# only run tests if needed.if has_reqs:print("\nRunning required definitions:")(tag, passed1,tried1) = run_file(sys.argv[1],wants,False)if has_ec:print("\nRunning extra credit definitions:")(tag, passed2,tried2) = run_file(sys.argv[1],extra_credits,True)# print output based on what we ran.if has_reqs and not has_ec:print("\n%d/%d Required test cases passed (worth %d each)" % (passed1,tried1,weight_required) )print("\nScore based on test cases: %.2f/%d (%.2f*%d) " % (passed1*weight_required, total_points_from_tests,passed1,weight_required ))elif has_ec and not has_reqs:print("%d/%d Extra credit test cases passed (worth %d each)" % (passed2, tried2, weight_extra_credit))else: # has both, we assume.print("\n%d / %d Required test cases passed (worth %d each)" % (passed1,tried1,weight_required) )print("%d / %d Extra credit test cases passed (worth %d each)" % (passed2, tried2, weight_extra_credit))print("\nScore based on test cases: %.2f / %d ( %d * %d + %d * %d) " % (passed1*weight_required+passed2*weight_extra_credit, total_points_from_tests,passed1,weight_required,passed2,weight_extra_credit ))if CURRENTLY_GRADING:print("( %d %d %d %d )\n%s" % (passed1,tried1,passed2,tried2,tag))# only used for batch mode.def run_all():filenames = files_list(sys.argv[1])#print(filenames)wants = REQUIRED_DEFNS + SUB_DEFNSextra_credits = EXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNSresults = []for filename in filenames:print(" Batching on : " +filename)# I'd like to use subprocess here, but I can't get it to give me the output when there's an error code returned... TODO for sure.lines = os.popen("python3 tester1p.py \""+filename+"\"").readlines()# delay of shame...time.sleep(DELAY_OF_SHAME)name = os.path.basename(lines[-1])stuff =lines[-2].split(" ")[1:-1]print("STUFF: ",stuff, "LINES: ", lines)(passed_req, tried_req, passed_ec, tried_ec) = stuffresults.append((lines[-1],int(passed_req), int(tried_req), int(passed_ec), int(tried_ec)))continueprint("\n\n\nGRAND RESULTS:\n")for (tag_req, passed_req, tried_req, passed_ec, tried_ec) in results:name = os.path.basename(tag_req).strip()earned = passed_req*weight_required + passed_ec*weight_extra_creditpossible = tried_req *weight_required # + tried_ec *weight_extra_creditprint("%10s : %3d / %3d = %5.2d %% (%d/%d*%d + %d/%d*%d)" % (name,earned,possible, (earned/possible)*100,passed_req,tried_req,weight_required,passed_ec,tried_ec,weight_extra_credit ))# only used for batch mode.def run_all_orig():filenames = files_list(sys.argv[1])#print(filenames)wants = REQUIRED_DEFNS + SUB_DEFNSextra_credits = EXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNSresults = []for filename in filenames:# wipe out all definitions between users.for fn in REQUIRED_DEFNS+EXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNS:globals()[fn] = decoy(fn)fn = decoy(fn)try:name = os.path.basename(filename)print("\n\n\nRUNNING: "+name)(tag_req, passed_req, tried_req) = run_file(filename,wants,False)(tag_ec, passed_ec, tried_ec ) = run_file(filename,extra_credits,True)results.append((tag_req,passed_req,tried_req,tag_ec,passed_ec,tried_ec))print(" ###### ", results)except SyntaxError as e:tag = filename+"_SYNTAX_ERROR"results.append((tag,0,len(wants),tag,0,len(extra_credits)))except NameError as e:tag =filename+"_Name_ERROR"results.append((tag,0,len(wants),tag,0,len(extra_credits)))except ValueError as e:tag = filename+"_VALUE_ERROR"results.append((tag,0,len(wants),tag,0,len(extra_credits)))except TypeError as e:tag = filename+"_TYPE_ERROR"results.append((tag,0,len(wants),tag,0,len(extra_credits)))except ImportError as e:tag = filename+"_IMPORT_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN"results.append((tag,0,len(wants),tag,0,len(extra_credits)))except Exception as e:tag = filename+str(e.__reduce__()[0])results.append((tag,0,len(wants),tag,0,len(extra_credits)))# try:# print("\n |||||||||| scrupe: "+str(scruples))# except Exception as e:# print("NO SCRUPE.",e)# scruples = Noneprint("\n\n\nGRAND RESULTS:\n")for (tag_req, passed_req, tried_req, tag_ec, passed_ec, tried_ec) in results:name = os.path.basename(tag_req)earned = passed_req*weight_required + passed_ec*weight_extra_creditpossible = tried_req *weight_required # + tried_ec *weight_extra_creditprint("%10s : %3d / %3d = %5.2d %% (%d/%d*%d + %d/%d*%d)" % (name,earned,possible, (earned/possible)*100,passed_req,tried_req,weight_required,passed_ec,tried_ec,weight_extra_credit ))def try_copy(filename1, filename2, numTries):have_copy = Falsei = 0while (not have_copy) and (i < numTries):try:# move the student's code to a valid file.shutil.copy(filename1,filename2)# wait for file I/O to catch up...if(not wait_for_access(filename2, numTries)):return Falsehave_copy = Trueexcept PermissionError:print("Trying to copy "+filename1+", may be locked...")i += 1time.sleep(1)except BaseException as e:print("\n\n\n\n\n\ntry-copy saw: "+e)if(i == numTries):return Falsereturn Truedef try_remove(filename, numTries):removed = Falsei = 0while os.path.exists(filename) and (not removed) and (i < numTries):try:os.remove(filename)removed = Trueexcept OSError:print("Trying to remove "+filename+", may be locked...")i += 1time.sleep(1)if(i == numTries):return Falsereturn Truedef wait_for_access(filename, numTries):i = 0while (not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.access(filename, os.R_OK)) and i < numTries:print("Waiting for access to "+filename+", may be locked...")time.sleep(1)i += 1if(i == numTries):return Falsereturn True# this will group all the tests together, prepare them as # a test suite, and run them.def run_file(filename,wants=None,checking_ec = False):if wants==None:wants = []# move the student's code to a valid file.if(not try_copy(filename,"student.py", 5)):print("Failed to copy " + filename + " to student.py.")quit()# import student's code, and *only* copy over the expected functions# for later use.import importlibcount = 0while True:try:# print("\n\n\nbegin attempt:")while True:try:f = open("student.py","a")f.close()breakexcept:pass# print ("\n\nSUCCESS!")import studentimportlib.reload(student)breakexcept ImportError as e:print("import error getting student... trying again. "+os.getcwd(), os.path.exists("student.py"),e)time.sleep(0.5)while not os.path.exists("student.py"):time.sleep(0.5)count+=1if count>3:raise ImportError("too many attempts at importing!")except SyntaxError as e:print("SyntaxError in "+filename+":\n"+str(e))print("Run your file without the tester to see the details")return(filename+"_SYNTAX_ERROR",None, None, None)except NameError as e:print("NameError in "+filename+":\n"+str(e))print("Run your file without the tester to see the details")return((filename+"_Name_ERROR",0,1))except ValueError as e:print("ValueError in "+filename+":\n"+str(e))print("Run your file without the tester to see the details")return(filename+"_VALUE_ERROR",0,1)except TypeError as e:print("TypeError in "+filename+":\n"+str(e))print("Run your file without the tester to see the details")return(filename+"_TYPE_ERROR",0,1)except ImportError as e:print("ImportError in "+filename+":\n"+str(e))print("Run your file without the tester to see the details or try again")return((filename+"_IMPORT_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN",0,1))except Exception as e:print("Exception in loading"+filename+":\n"+str(e))print("Run your file without the tester to see the details")return(filename+str(e.__reduce__()[0]),0,1)# make a global for each expected definition.for fn in REQUIRED_DEFNS+EXTRA_CREDIT_DEFNS:globals()[fn] = decoy(fn)try:globals()[fn] = getattr(student,fn)except:if fn in wants:print("\nNO DEFINITION FOR '%s'." % fn)if not checking_ec:# create an object that can run tests.runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()# define the suite of tests that should be run.suite = TheTestSuite(wants)# let the runner run the suite of tests.ans = runner.run(suite)num_errors = len(ans.__dict__['errors'])num_failures = len(ans.__dict__['failures'])num_tests = ans.__dict__['testsRun']num_passed = num_tests - num_errors - num_failures# print(ans)else:# do the same for the extra credit.runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()suite = TheExtraCreditTestSuite(wants)ans = runner.run(suite)num_errors = len(ans.__dict__['errors'])num_failures = len(ans.__dict__['failures'])num_tests = ans.__dict__['testsRun']num_passed = num_tests - num_errors - num_failures#print(ans)# remove our temporary file.os.remove("student.py")if os.path.exists("__pycache__"):shutil.rmtree("__pycache__")if(not try_remove("student.py", 5)):print("Failed to remove " + filename + " to student.py.")tag = ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1])return (tag, num_passed, num_tests)# make a global for each expected definition.def decoy(name):# this can accept any kind/amount of args, and will print a helpful message.def failyfail(*args, **kwargs):return ("<no '%s' definition was found - missing, or typo perhaps?>" % name)return failyfail# this determines if we were imported (not __main__) or not;# when we are the one file being run, perform the tests! :)if __name__ == "__main__":main() ................
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