
Know your rights_268_2021.07.13Thu, 7/15 7:09PM ? 1:34:29SUMMARY KEYWORDSgovernment, constitution, state, questions, business, rights, section, parliament, commonwealth, australia, health, members, find, petition, exemption, impose, emails, page, article, tonight00:01Good evening everyone and welcome to the no you're right show streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. Our show is proudly sponsored by a webgate IT solutions still rich in your it dollar further, anyone's looking for any IT experts please do be sure to contact the guys at a webgate dotnet.au. Of course, we do have our three regular show sponsors. Now in addition to our longtime sponsor, greener cleanup, we are also being officially sponsored by alkaline health and Verona resort in Noosa. And you can find out more about all three sponsors via the links on our health page. And we urge you to check out the great range of products that greener cleaner has, make sure you book in for a session with Phil at alkaline health. And if anyone's looking for a relaxing break, please be sure to check out Verona resort in Noosa Of course reminded to mention the know your rights group to receive a 10% discount on all bookings made direct with them. So with our show sponsors all covered as always, my name is Mike i'm joined again in the studio by Darrel Ray mates might still he's still alive still kickin still doing the best we can they get through the emails, get through the phone goals and do what we can to help people. All we can do and Darren's made the big trek down again, how am I doing? I'm here I'm here, I'm still alive. Oh, good. So look, as I explained the start of every show, we formed the know your rights group by just on a 70 years ago now. And during that time, we have been desperately attempting to find new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what's really going on in the world. And finally, now that people's liberties and freedoms are being eradicated at an absolutely alarming rate. It does seem like some people are finally starting to wake up now and wanting to learn about their rights. So as long as people continue to slowly but surely wake up to the truth, we will continue running these shows as regularly as we can, and doing Of course our bit to teach them about their rights, and of course trying to restore our freedoms. And of course, before we get started another important reminder, we have moved over from the Facebook platform to the me we platform. We do also have a telegram group and a gab account, as well as a bitch shoot account to replace our YouTube account which we can no longer use. So again, please do be sure to follow us on at least one of our uncensored platforms.02:27Being bit shoot me we telegram or gab so that when the inevitable happens, we don't lose access to you. Again reminded there's no future uploads to our YouTube channel for at least two months due to them deleting another video recently. So we do urge you to please follow us on bit shoot, just do a search for know your rights group and all of our videos will come up. And you can watch any that you might have missed and of course, future ones that will not be posted on YouTube. Now please do note, once again, we've been getting some really really good traction with our video updates. Our last video from Sunday night has been viewed about 30,000 times in just the last few days. And the last videos that we did before that had been viewed around 20 and 30,000 times respectfully. So if you didn't miss those videos, please do be sure to lock in a time to watch them as they really do contain some vital information. And they do of course, answer a lot of the questions that we asked or getting from some people. Now in order to help protect our presence on Facebook for the newbies as long as possible. We are again going to have to limit a little bit what we say about COVID and vaccines on those live video updates, just to ensure that we can keep posting those Facebook those videos on Facebook each week. But instead we will cover the more in depth controversial information on these weekly radio shows instead, because of course they are completely uncensored. So just be aware that moving forwards these radio shows and the live video updates really do work well hand in hand together. So please do your best to keep on top of both of them. Now, I do want to once again acknowledge that we do understand that many of you are new to our group, perhaps to our show on our website. But please do spend some time looking through all the information that we've already created over the past seven years. And do refrain from trying to correspond with us via Facebook Messenger YouTube, things like that. We do see the occasional message or comment here and there. But the best way to get hold of us is via email. But again, we can only answer very basic questions via email. As I keep saying on these shows, with all due respect, we are here to help but we're not your on call lawyers. So if you do want personalised responses to your questions, the only way to do that is by booking a one on one coaching call, which you can do via the links at the top left of our shop page. And again, a very important reminder, please provide all of the details in red. At the bottom of that booking page. We've got a number of people again have booked coaching calls and haven't even bothered giving us a phone number, let alone there. Availability or an outline of what they want to discuss, which makes it impossible for us to get hold of you. Now, please understand that after working through the entire weekend making calls on a Sunday, much to the surprise of a number of people who received those goals, we have caught up on most of our emails now, and about half of our coaching calls. So a lot of people aren't actually answering when we ring them. So which makes it obviously hard. So please do bear with us, we are doing our best to catch up on those remaining calls over the course of this week. And of course, a quick reminder that if you provide us all the information on the booking forms, and as wide a range of availability as possible, that'll give us the best chance of getting to us sooner rather than later. All right, so back to the show. For those of you keeping track, these are 268 broadcast, we would of course like to welcome any new listeners to the show, and indeed extend a very warm welcome back to all of our regular listeners as well. And for those of you who are new to our show, and perhaps our website will find a list of all of our previous broadcasts on our radio show page. And then of course, you know, your right to .au forward slash radio hyphen show, and you can access the first 10 of those podcasts completely free of charge. Now those podcasts include discussions on a wide range of topics as well as interviews with many different people from all around the country. And we cover important topics such as unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal taxes voluntary back to the IPO is not a legal entity, we also deal with the straw man concept. And of course, the importance of the Commonwealth constitution, as well as everything COVID related over the past 18 months or so. So there really is a lot of great information up online now for all listeners, new and older like to refer to in case you've missed anything or if you want to refresh on a topic that we previously covered.06:51Might as always, the point of these broadcasts is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. And once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we really want people to take on board and actually implement the many different strategies and techniques that we share on the shows for taking action against these in justices and helping to set things right again. So in order to achieve that outcome, and we'll continue doing these broadcasts every week, at least for the foreseeable future. Because again, given what's transpired last year, and what's already happened so far this year, 2021 is shaping up to be another very challenging year as well. And we do obviously want to play our part in keeping everyone informed of their rights and how to stand up for them. Of course reminder, we will continue doing our live video updates at least once a week and wherever possible on both a Thursday and Sunday evening at 8:30pm. And again, those recent video updates have been extremely popular. So please do be sure to tune in live and if you miss a live video, you'll find them on our Facebook page, under the videos tab or on our beat shooter channel. Now we do love to receive this feedback as well as any questions they might have suggestions for topics that they'd like us to cover. You can send those tutors via email at know your rights at Red FM comm otherwise you can SMS us on 04127 double one seven double five. So as we usually do, I'm gonna kick off tonight's show with some of the emails that we have had flooding in over the past week. And I'm sure that will be of interest to everyone tuning in. So first up we've gotten a couple of days I think came through last week that we didn't get a chance to get to it despite being overtime but about 15 minutes left I says hi guys, I have an exemption not to wear a mask and a letter from my doctor confirming this. Currently still employed but I'm on leave for a week to deal with this issue. I work as a security robot at a business corporate building in Sydney CBD. My union recommends the only possibility recommends the only possibility for an exemption from this order public health order COVID-19 mandatory face coverings comes from a ministerial exemption as per section seven, seven exemptions the minister may in writing and subject to the conditions that the minister considers appropriate grant an exemption to this order or specified provisions of the order. Should you refuse to comply with the employers direction it is highly likely you will be dismissed. Any medical evidence you have obtained may be too late to obtain an exemption. I've already emailed the Health Minister for an exemption but he hasn't replied yet. Please What are your thoughts? As I'm not sure if the union is correct? Sorry, can the union say that you can only have a ministerial exemption as opposed to the medical exemption which is provided by everybody else. So09:40the direction that he's speaking about, which is the COVID-19 mandatory face cream direction, have actually posted up about about four o'clock this afternoon on constitution watch. And if you go to that, it's the latest post and you'll see that the This document is actually highlighting the parts that you forget. And the part is six, which is Sorry, sorry, my apologies. It's part two. Okay, part two, section five, it's numbered, quite interesting. This particular document, it's on page six. So on page six is probably the easiest way to go. Now, section six of that part says sub clause one does not apply in sub clause. One is the sub clause that provides the imposition to wear a mask. And it says support clause one does not apply to the following persons be a person with a physical or mental health, illness or condition, or disability that makes wearing a fitted face covering unsuitable, including, for example, a skin condition and intellectual ability disability, or autism, or trauma. So that would be the exemption that people are using in other states. It is in there. It's on page six, and it's under on page six. It's section six of Page Six.11:17They go nice and clear and simple to find. Alright, so we now have Jason, Senate candidate for Queensland for the greatest Ryan body digests. Hi, gents, my name is Jason on with gap Queensland. Tonight, I received an email from a concerned person who I'm guessing waits for Queensland Health. The comment is, things are very bad. Here in Kew health. We've heard that staff who have not been vaccinated are not to turn up for work tomorrow. We desperately need help. And this was a message I received on my senate page. by Jason, I'm an aged care worker waiting to be vaccinated, I'm going to refuse just as the other 90% of workers are in my facility. What will happen to the elderly in my care? Why Why? Why do they have the right choose not to be vaccinated? And I don't? What? What can we do to in this idiocy? I've removed the names for privacy reasons. But I'd love something to send back to these people. I recommend they tune in your show. Great a wonderful day always stay curious, Jason. So what do we have for Jason? Well, I12:29did a video with Jason last week, actually. And you can find that on his Facebook senate page. And that's got some interesting facts on it that we discussed in respect of all of the subject matter that probably most of the show is going to cover. Now, in respect of these people's employment dilemmas, Jason's actually come up with a couple of lawyers. And hopefully, people are going to band together and do some class actions. But there is a discrimination happening at the moment. The Constitution does not provide for different classes of people. So it does not provide for people who work in certain particular areas are to be treated differently from the rest of the population, and therefore you are being discriminated against. Now, you'll find much literature on the internet in respect of the difficulties ahead for employers who tried to impose this sort of requirement on somebody, the National cabinet people in a say, but their national cabinet mandated it. I've got a couple of things to say about the national cabinet. The National cabinet is an unconstitutional body straightaway, go to the constitution and try and find the the entity known as the National cabinet, you will fail in your efforts, go to the government Gazette where everything must be published so that you're aware you will fail to find a publishing of the creation of the national cabinet in the government Gazette, much like other similar offices of the Commonwealth Government afforded Okay, purported. So, look this there's another thing that we need to discuss which is the doctor patient relationship. Now everyone's look and on I have been a strong promoter of 5123 i. Before 5123, I came along. They still was the doctor patient relationship, okay, which is enshrined, it's between you and the doctor and no other third party can interfere without your consent. There isn't as a case from 1945 the year before. The 5123 three a came about That's called the Pharmaceutical Benefits case of 1945. Now, they said in that particular case that the parliament could not pass a law requiring citizen citizens of the states to submit to vaccination or immunisation. So it existed prior to that. And it's because of the doctor patient relationship. What they're doing is they're compelling businesses to do the bidding of the government because the government has an obligation to the pharmaceutical companies who they play, who allowed them to allow the pharmaceutical companies to puppeteer them. Now, unfortunately, they are getting the businesses or companies to do the bidding of the government. We were warned after world war two what that is, that's called corporate fascism. corporatism. Okay, open your eyes, people see what's going on. It's National Socialism all over again. Okay. Now, you need to approach your employer and ask them where they get the right to interfere in this enshrined right that you have in respect of what you can put in your body, okay. There was nothing in regards to your employment, there was nothing stated when you were employed in regards to the injections of these particular substances. And you'd base your whole career, you've dedicated your career to that and you need to be compensated. And once again, as we discussed last week, in respect of indemnity now, because you're being forced, under the guise of corporate fascism, the company doing the bidding of the government who are under direction from Bill Gates and his band of merry pirates.17:00That's one way to put them. Well, it is it so you've got to call it for how it is. And you know, this is just it's lunacy. What were we going through? And, you know, you look back on World War Two right now. And you go, how did all that ever happen? How could an end they put all these things in place for it never to happen again? Guess what? It's happening again? Absolutely. Okay. And in 50 years time, people will look back and say, how did that happened? You know how it happened. We allowed it to happen, like, we allowed it to happen. I'm guilty. And everybody listening to this show was guilty. Everybody who was not awake is guilty, everybody's guilty to one degree or another. Now as simple as this, you probably saw last year the Danish people went and stood around their Parliament with pots and pans and and batch them for six or seven days straight. Until the the particular ministers quit, okay, they call for his resignation, they they stood there until it happened. People need to get off the ass and get out there and impose on these representatives of Okay, they are you you act or they act as you. So go and let them know what you want them to do. And this is what people have to do. You have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to stand up. It's time to stand up those as Mike says all the time. Those who fail to exercise their rights have none. Okay, people need to unite and stand up and visit their parliament, their parliamentarians and make some changes that have now now we're on that subject. That is a very important petition. We've all been bombarded with harassed and stalked by people in regards to this petition and getting it out there, which I thank everyone for the stalking and harassment. Absolutely. And I know that when I posted it on KOAT constitution watch this morning was at 198,000 nits of last April was about 220. Okay, I just checked as we went on h 240,000. Now, please get that petition. Now, even if you've signed it and send it out or send it out earlier, send it out again, just in case people missed it. There's19:2225 million people in this country surely, surely there's more than 240,000 people that oppose mandatory vaccinations. 100% of those who agree that there might be a good idea, still surely must admit that they don't need to be mandatory. And that's the key. That's the case we need to keep spreading around that petition. If you haven't come across it yet, for whatever reason, just do a Google search and you'll find that posted in about a million different places. And that is the petition against mandatory vaccinations. Now, having said that, the other thing that has been posted almost as many times today is this video from Malcolm Roberts and everybody's up in arms say the Logan Roberts is a senator. And he knows what he's talking about. And he's in Parliament. And he's saying that section 5123, I guess can stop the Commonwealth from imposing mandatory vaccinations, but it can't stop the states. And he goes on in further detail and says that, you know, yes, a lot of people are relying on section 109 of the Commonwealth Constitution, which says we're a law of the state and the law of the Commonwealth are inconsistent. The latter shall prevail. But he's saying but the Commonwealth constitution is not a Commonwealth law. So section 109 is not going to protect you. So you need to watch out because the states can indeed impose mandatory vaccinations. So can we address this once and for all for the 473,000 people that have emailed or message me today?20:54Well, Senator Roberts needs to have a deeper look into the Commonwealth constitution. Yes. And I happen to be the one when I was in senator Carlton's office, who introduced senator Roberts, to the Constitution. dusty book on the shelf that he'd never read before you came away. He didn't even have it on the shelf, I had to actually go down to the legislative bookshop in the parliament and get him a copy. Once I opened his eyes to that constitution, he was running around like a kid with a new toy.21:30Isn't the eyes that are following the teleprompter in front of him?21:35Definitely. Yes. Well, some of the Roberts leads to look at the Commonwealth Constitution Act, clause five. Clause five says this act in all those my BA the Parliament of the Commonwealth under the Constitution shall be binding on the courts, judges and people of every state and every part of the Commonwealth. Not withstanding anything in the laws of any state. Okay. Binding that, yeah, but what's standing means without being opposed to it,22:15but that's what he's that's what he's argument is he's saying, notwithstanding any laws of the state, so he's his argument is, well, if there's not a specific law of the Commonwealth, that forbids mandatory vaccination, then the states can create a law that says that, and there is a law. His argument is the reason so who's right.22:34Well, the Constitution busier, is right. From the very beginning, he was right by citing section 109. And section 109. cites that if there is a Commonwealth law, then, of course, that law provides22:51that and I can't quite understand it, I'm connecting some dots are attempting to connect some dots. But it appears and welcome Senator Roberts to correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears as what as though what he's suggesting is that the Commonwealth constitution is not a law of the Commonwealth. And therefore, there is no contrary law of the Commonwealth. That's23:14that's really what he's saying, according to the Quicken garren. And they cite a particular court case, and that's in Gibbons versus Ogden. And it specifically says, would be applicable to the interpretation of the Australian constitution in order to determine the question, the power granted by section 51. Must be read in conjunction with sections one white and one or not. No, it's it's pretty clear. It's very clear, very clear. The Commonwealth constitution is a law of the Commonwealth, for which the states have to and this is reflected not only in 109, but section 106. So the state constitution is subject to all laws of the states are subject to the Paramount law, which is the Commonwealth constitution, right the Constitution is for which we're all justice comes from so the Queen's her her powers defined there. The executive power, the the parliament's Most importantly, most importantly, the parliament's power near senator Roberts, really, please sit down and re close for Ivan for once. Ignore the legal advisors for one nation. Because pedagogue and I myself, had those legal advisors running out of a office with the tail between the legs, they could not put up any arguments against us. We could only say very dark energy around there, those legal advisors. So Senator Roberts needs to look at the constitution and read it under his own interpretation and with the in conjunction with the quickie Yeah,25:00absolutely. And if he needs a copy of that he can, of course, get a copy from our website. And that's on our product page. It might assist him. So I just wanted to, yeah, I just want to cover that, like, straight up on tonight's show, because we've literally received almost as many comments, emails, posts, whatever about that particular video as we have about the mandatory vaccination petitions. So hopefully that clears it up for people once and for all. And, you know, by all means, go back to Senator Roberts and point these things out. And again, just ask him the question, Where do you claim that the Commonwealth constitution is not Laura to come? And tell him to get a better teleprompter? Yes. And better legal advice and legal advice? Absolutely. All right. So there's some good food for thought as we go into our first break. Now, when we come back from the break, we're going to be discussing the new world order that the media is now openly referring to, and how that affects all current parliamentarians. We're going to outline a bit of the bigger picture with relation to everything that's going on at the moment, including, of course, touching on agenda 21, agenda, 2030. And what all of this is ultimately really all about. Now, a little later in the show, we're going to discuss the options for Aziz, we finally had enough want to leave the country once and for all. And we'll again reiterate the fundamental right to freedom of movement that we all have, despite the current range of border district restrictions that have again been imposed in some states, we're also again going to be addressing the lightest COVID vaccine death and adverse reaction numbers, something that seemingly a lot of people out there still aren't even aware of. So please make sure if you've got any friends or family that aren't aware of those, get them to tune in Tonight Show. And of course, this insane push to vaccinate all Australians without any regard for the individual, unique personal medical situations of each and every Ozzy. And then if there's any time left after all of that, to finish off tonight's show, we will go through some more of these emails, we do have a big pile here. And once again, they'll certainly be questions similar to the ones that you're asking right now. So please do be sure to listen in all the way to the end of tonight's show, so that you don't end up emailing us in another day or so with the very same questions that we've already answered. Now, like all our shows, gonna be another information pack show again tonight. On that point, a quick reminder, podcast members can listen to all of our previous shows next, all 267 of them. To review all the information that we've shared over the past seven years, you can also listen to a full catalogue of shows from that same time period. by ordering the new set of 13 podcast CD packs, now covers 390 hours worth of strike content with all the music edited out. So it is an absolutely amazing resource, as you can well imagine.28:01As I had mentioned on our last few shows, those new CDs are being included at no extra cost for our already heavily discounted platinum and ultimate Platinum packs. And a lot of people are now choosing to take advantage of those and save themselves some considerable money and dive right in and learn all about their rights. So please be sure to check those out on our shop and the Products page. And of course, if you're not yet a podcast member, you do want to access all of our weekly podcasts with all the music edited out, as well as our show notes for each podcast, the incredible amount of information we have in our court cases page. And of course, access our members only forum, please do be sure to join up as a podcast member. And of course, if you're already a member, thank you. And please do No, we'll continue doing whatever we can to make our memberships as valuable as possible, including, of course, our new membership benefit, which is a direct link to each of the articles that we cover on each week show as part of the show notes. And we are actually including copies of those articles, Nancy and I have to click through the links and all the rest of it. And again, we have had one of our members who's using software to transcribe each of our shows. And we are now providing copies to all of our members as well as part of the podcast membership. And again, just tonight, we have uploaded the latest transcripts. So they are all available now for all of those latest shows up for all our members to access. So we're gonna play a couple of songs give you a chance to join up as a member. If you haven't already, please make sure you check it out Products page and of course, our bit shoot channel with all of those new live video updates. And as always, if you do have any friends or family members that might not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone, post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an email just remind them that our show is on live right now in case they forgot. They can go to the website click on the radio show tab to listen in. Or they can listen in off a mobile device via the tuning app. Just download tune in and do a search for rat FM. So we'll be back with lots more after these a few songs. And welcome back to The Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet over the rat f m and network. So we might cut you off a little bit early there. We just had one extra bit that you wanted to add on to that last email that we read out. So you wanted to share that with everyone quickly before we move on to the next point. Yeah,30:13in respective whether the states have the power to impose a particular medical service upon you. Yes, I'll just say this at page in the Quicken garren, at page 934, in respect of the concurrent powers that are shared between the Commonwealth and the states, it specifically talks about the the power to impose taxes in respect of trade and commerce. Now, if you further go on to page 935, where it isolates and lists the powers of the state, it references departments of state governments, and one of them is health. And it is for the regulation of they can only regulate health, they cannot impose rights, a key distinction, as as Darrell always says, The devil is in the detail. And as I always say, Mike, it's not me saying this. It's john Quicken. Mr. Guerin. Absolutely.31:27Absolutely. So please make sure you're familiar with and understand the distinction between those words regulate and impose, because obviously, they have very important ramifications. Alright, so the other thing that we've been emailed about, over the past week, has been the little media snippet. I can't play it on tonight show but it's been doing the rounds, where one of the health ministers or chief health officer Cameron would was now guys come out and said, Well, this this is the way it is, this is the New World Order. And this was the it was broadcast on whatever it was CHANNEL SEVEN, Channel Nine news, something like that. So they're now just openly speaking about this new world order. And, you know, people who are obviously awakened who've been listening to us for a while and, you know, they hear these words and going on a minute that you know, that they're talking about this on mainstream media now. So we're what what do we need to tell people who might be new to this concept about the new world order? And you know, what that means for those in Parliament? What that means for the rest of us? You know, what do people need to start looking out for now? globalists?32:42Absolutely, absolutely. So the constitution specifically speaks about the allegiance with respect to parliamentarians. And when members of the Parliament doesn't matter, whether it's at the executive level or the parliamentary level, be bound by the law of the land. As we strenuously point pointed out, regarding Malcolm Roberts said of the Roberts, little mishap, yes. And section 44, which, of course, a lot of Australia is fully aware of, especially in 2017, when a whole bunch of senators, members of the House of Representatives were marched out the door. And in fact, with respect to announcing the new world order from any member of any state or federal parliament, they would fall directly under Section 44 and this comes into disqualification. So, specifically, subsections, one and two, so any person who is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power, or is a tainted of treason. So,34:13they these34:16automatic disqualification and disqualification comes under Section 46 of the Constitution as well. Yep. So, first and foremost, what we do is the people. So, section 46 says we can go to any court of competent jurisdiction, the first court that we should be enlivening, and that just takes a petition. So we immediately petition the federal and state Parliament's and we asked the upper house and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to exclude Queensland because they don't I'd have an upper house. But for everyone else in Australia, we would petition our parliamentary secretary to beat state Parliament and the federal government. And we petition that the members who have any form of allegiance would fall under subsection one and 246 and 46. And we ask then that the house sits as the court. Yes. Okay. Because that's the first step that has to be taken. You can't expose a Member of Parliament to the public court system, until such time as the house itself has, or both houses sitting together, have dealt with the issue at hand and the the more people that petition this, and in fact, in UK law, it only takes 10,000 people. Yeah. Okay. So if 10,000 people were to draft up a pro forma, yeah, petition. Yep, relating to the announcement with respect to this new world order thing, then we would be targeting specific people who have announced publicly that this is the New World Order, right. Okay, Mike, you're the head in the on the block near we're targeting you. And can you show us where in the law of the state or the Commonwealth that you have the power to announce orders from a foreign power foreign entity, which you've clearly done publicly? Yep. And they then are banned under the law, they're bound to hear the matter. And because it's an urgent matter, which would most likely involve both houses, and especially if it's the executive arm of government that's involved in this, then both houses would have to sit as one court and would have to be an open public hearing. She's just a bit awkward, isn't it as I imagined it would37:09be. And of course, they can't continue on with any other business because no one can vote, because there may be members of the Parliament who are subject to this petition, that may be disqualified, and therefore they can't conduct any other business until dissolved, essentially comes down as a motion of on the floor of the house.37:28So that motion must be dealt with under the rules of the Parliament. I cannot move forward until such time as this is done. And this is how the people of this country can enliven their parliament and in live in their representatives to realise the where the power is really resides is with the people. And that's quite evident by the preamble to the Commonwealth constitution. So it's this is how we do this people, it's not rocket science, you can actually do this online, then you don't have to expose yourself to a public court system and the legal profession. No, it's it's a dangerous game. We just rely purely upon the the the the provided walls in Section 46. And when you read section 47, of the Commonwealth constitution, and we're so we're applying section 44 with respect to the disqualification section 46 with respect to empowering the court of competent jurisdiction, and section 47 of the Constitution defines that core four, yep. Okay. And I can go further and actually also says that in Section 49, and 50. So those sections of the Constitution are our instruction manual, to keep those in parliament on their toes from one election to the next. It's not just a matter of waiting for the next election. Yeah, we can have them struck off the role in between time. And it39:03was I mean, this is again, where, you know, Senator Roberts is a little off. He's saying there. And if you want to, you know, you want to fight this, you need to tell your members of parliament and if not just vote him out the next election, but you don't have to just wait and do that. I mean, if there's Members of Parliament that are clearly adhering to a foreign power, foreign directions and instructions, clearly, anything to do with a new world order, is obviously something that's come outside of Australia, it's foreign to Australia. There's no ifs, buts or maybes about that. So there it is in by39:35Hawaii. Section 46 does start off with a word until the parliament otherwise provides right now that those words were actually excluded from that section. right up until the Adelaide session of the building up of the Constitution. I think there was an ID 98 in there, they put the words in Only with respect to the finer points relating to the monetary gain that someone would have if they took a Member of Parliament in for disqualification, but it most certainly didn't give them the right to change the meaning of the word of the competency of the jurisdiction of the court. Yeah. Section 47. is evidence of that court. Yep. Okay, must be dealt with by the house. Okay. And the High Court said this as well, on a number of occasions, until section 47 of the Constitution has been enlivened, relating to the disqualification of a Member of Parliament. Then, on the court, the public court, really the Hanes at all. So it's up to us, Australia, to start petitioning our Parliament saying, no, we're not accepting our parliamentarians giving us instructions from a foreign power. Exactly. This is it now is the time we're at war. This is world war three, we're near 18 months into World War Three. And the onus isn't on those who wear a uniform. The onus is on everybody.41:16And yeah, and this is what Darren was touching on before. And I've had this same conversation with a number of different people over these past couple of weeks that I mean, obviously, as you recall, back in our live events back in the day, we would, we would always explain how the you know, the police officers and the sheriff's officers, you know, they were the ones who were doing the work of the government. And it wouldn't matter what laws the government's made, if they didn't have these policy enforces. They'd be no used. But what they've done now, as Darren mentioned before, is they've gone a step above and beyond. They're not just relying on you know, police and sheriff's offices or army personnel only. They're actually engaging business owners to enforce these private laws and private regulations and private directors for them. And of course, these business business owners are so no shit scared of having their businesses shut down, or receiving, you know, huge fines or things like that, that they're just getting a yes or no, sir three bags full and doing exactly what the government tells them. And so now they've just broadened their range of enforcement to a million volt, you know, monumentally over just the, you know, the number of police and whatnot that were on the streets. And this is why, you know, we as customers, consumers, members of the public need to know our rights. But then the next step that we need to do is we need to inform and educate these business owners about their rights as well and get them to stop just blindly complying.42:45And while we're speaking about business owners, servitude, yes, is the condition of the person who provides and a person can be a company, we all know that provides services if because of the use of coercion, threat or deception. They are being coerced with the threat of a fine or a penalty, if they don't impose this correct. That imposed this services QR code service upon you that they will be penalised. That is servitude here. What's that come under? That comes under 270. point four of the Criminal Code 95. penalty is 15 years imprisonment. Wow. And if you'd like to see that particular information, go to constitution watch and punching qR in the search bar up the top right,43:40there you go. Yeah, and I mean, this is the thing, and so many business owners just aren't aware of this. They don't realise this that. And look, yeah, I do feel for them, because they're kind of stuck in the middle. You know, they're sitting there worried about what the government's telling them, you know, do this, do this, do this, it's for the greater good, and all that kind of rubbish. And then of course, they're getting customers coming in from the other side, abusing them say, Well, I don't have to wear a mask, and I've got an exemption and I don't want to scan your QR code. And and they're just sort of struggling. And as I've said before, yeah, you do need to be a little bit careful not to rely too much pressure on the small business owners. You're the first ones you should be attacking the, you know, the Bunnings the office works the supermarkets, you know, the big guys, not that you're suggesting that? No, not that I'm suggesting that at all. But we're saying if you were going to make a choice, you would pick the bigger multinationals, those kind of guys who have the resources, don't, you know, don't pick on the small guys. You know, first and foremost, they're doing it tough, but absolutely, by all means you spread this information around to those small businesses, direct those small businesses, owners to these websites, to these radio shows to the video updates to the sections of legislation. Now, all that kind of stuff and just say Listen, you don't have to do this. There are options available. I mean, this is what are the Oh no, you're right. Some bank secrets and constitution watch and I was waiting to eat all about first and foremost, just letting people that know that they do actually have often just because you get a fine in the mouth doesn't mean you have to pay it just because the bank debt collector rings you up and says you owe this much money doesn't mean you have to pay that amount. Just because some government tells you you have to force people to qR scanning or must wear a mask doesn't mean you have to there are options, there's always options45:23100%. And I'd like to do a big shout out to the guys up on the hills, because I know they've been printing out this particular web page, and taking it ran to the businesses all up on the mountains to inform them that they are actually being treated as slaves and they are indulging in servitude. And people have just got to remember that the business owners simply do not have the power to in fourth help enforce health laws as they failed to be authorised officers for the purposes of the enforcement powers within the state's Health Act. So you just simply have to ask a business, it's imposing anything upon you, can you show me your instrument of delegation signed by the Chief health officer, or authorised health officer giving you the necessary authority to do so? And again,46:09I always questions at the bigger corporations don't bombard the small cafes and mum and dad shops with this stuff, because they just got to be even more overwhelmed unless you come to46:19my business, because I'll be able to answer it. Okay. Now,46:22this brings into the fray also. Are they an employee of the government? Of course?46:27Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, that is in the slavery. And all I know, again, that you've got to think as well for these small, I mean, you pick a Bunnings, or supermarket, they've got, you know, 50 staff on the floor at any given point in time for them to stick one person on the door to check for this stuff is no really no big deal. If you've got a cafe or a small shop, it's only got two or three people on the floor. And you've got to dedicate one person to checking QR codes and mass that's a huge use of resources for that small business. And they're not getting any form of remuneration from the government for doing this exactly being forced to do unpaid work47:03100% 100%. And another point of the Criminal Code is that a person commits an offence if the person conducts any business, and the business involves the servitude of another person. So by the government enrolling the business into providing a service, that servitude, but when they enrol you to partake with the QR, they are now guilty of the Criminal Code, the government cannot compel you to commit a crime. And that would be a lawful excuse if you received a fine because in the health acts, it says this is imposed on you unless you have a lawful excuse for the lawful excuses found in the Criminal Code from section 270. point four to Section 270. point five. Yeah.47:56So please go and look these sections up, inform and educate yourself about this stuff. And then once you've got your head around it, go and spread the word, spread the message, get this information out to others. So we do need to go to another break. lots, lots more still to come. So please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back after these few songs. And welcome back to the New Year Raj shows streaming live on the internet over the rat f m network. Now I keep finding extra bits of paper on my desk here during the breaks of things that I meant to mention during other bits. That didn't get a chance to so I just want to read out very quickly one line, I've obviously sent off a number of questions to the Department of Health. And of course, they've completely failed to answer any of them. But what I do have in black and white in writing signed off by the director of the Australian Government Department of Health is something that categorically states vaccination remains voluntary, and the government respects a person's choice to make an informed decision on whether to participate in Australia's COVID-19 National rollout strategy. So there it is in black and white from the Department of Health, they cannot make any form of vaccination mandatory. And it does and will always remain voluntary. So please, for those of you who are still concerned all that the army is going to roll out these mandatory vaccines and they're going to come to our houses and jobs and all the rest of it. And that's just one of a number of documents that are out there floating around. Now the other bit that I didn't get to mention at the end of last section was for those of you who might be new to our radio show if this concept of the New World Order is new to you go and do a search online for agenda 21 and agenda 2030. Okay, and that will give you an overview Review of some of the things that they are trying to achieve. There's also other concepts that you can look up things like smart cities, for that. And of course, one of the biggest issues is this D population agenda. Now, there was a document that was sent through to me by a couple of people, I believe you've put this up just recently on your constitution watch website, which is the Deagle 2025 projections. And so these are the official projections for the population in 2025, as opposed to 2019. And there's a couple of countries highlighted there in red, being Germany, United States and the UK, which have a very, very significant reduction in population Australia is projected at around a 60% survival rate. So 40% reduction. But places like Germany, they're talking about 35% survival rate, the United States is down at 30%. And the UK is down at 21% survival rates, it's almost 80% reduction of populations. So please, if you're interested to know all those figures for all the different countries, jump online, jump on to Darren's constitution watch website. And and have a look at that and get your heads around this agenda 21 agenda 2030 principles because they're the these and many, many more very worrying things are contained in there. And as we keep saying to people, the first step to fixing a problem is realising you have one and most people still have no idea of the nature of the overall problem. They're just so focused on RG I've got to wear a mask or arm seek of qR scanning in and I mean, these really are very, very minor issues compared to the bigger picture. So please make sure you do the research. Now we have heard of a number of people saying look, I'm just sick of it. I'm over it. I'm you know, it's just ridiculous what they're doing in Australia. I'm getting out of here. I'm going overseas, not entirely sure where they're going to go, especially if you have a look at some of those deep populations statistics for some of the other countries around the world. But that being said, in line with what we were just talking about before about the importance of the Commonwealth constitution, how everything must come back to the Commonwealth constitution. I thought this would be an interesting article to just touch on and people can go and have a look at it in further detail. Now this is entitled Australians trying to leave could have a constitutional challenge to COVID-19 travel restrictions, says legal expert. Experts are questioning the legality of government's border measures requiring travellers heading out of Australia to get permission to leave. The travel restrictions put in place at the beginning of the pandemic mean that Australian citizens and permanent residents are unable to leave the country unless they get an exemption from border force. The rationale for granting some exemptions and throwing others is also often deeply opaque. Adding to the frustrations of would be travellers. Law Professor Kim Rubenstein, an expert in citizenship law said there were outstanding questions about whether the restrictions feed into the quarantine powers of the Commonwealth and something that we've spoken about on this show a number of times. In essence, the government introduced amendments to the biosecurity act, what it essentially did was introduced a blanket ban on people leaving the country. She said this change is a very dramatic change in a democratic framework. One of the questions is when you're restricting people leaving the country does does that necessarily fit within the quarantine power. The biosecurity act also requires the minister responsible is satisfied that the requirement is appropriate and adapted to achieve the purpose for which it is to be determined. So if the powers that be want to keep Australia safe, how on earth can they justify allowing someone to leave the country and go elsewhere as having anything to do with that? And that requirement is no more restrictive or intrusive than is required in the circumstances. It's this wording in the act that has a new Professor questioning whether the government is on solid ground with the band. I just find it hard to comprehend how a blanket ban on people leaving is the least restrictive way of managing this health crisis. She said a spokesperson for the Department of Health said the government was confident in the legal basis for the overseas travel ban. Well, that doesn't mean much. The government's been competent in a lot of things that have failed miserably. Much like the vaccine rollout for example. emergency powers under the biosecurity act allow the health minister to deal with human bio security emergencies of national significance the spokesperson said in the recent case of liberty work x Inc versus Commonwealth which we mentioned on last week's show, the full federal court upheld the validity of the determination and it remains in force. But Professor Rubenstein said parts of the band's legality remain untested. This there has been one case in the federal court by a group called Liberty works, but they didn't challenge the constitutionality of it. She said, I don't think the broader constitutional question has been raised, nor that this is the least restrictive measure available for maintaining health and security by banning everyone from leaving. Then there's a subheading human rights question. It's not just domestic law, leading experts wondering about the legal justification for the ban. I knew human rights law expert Kate August said the ban could potentially leave Australia in breach of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which have also spoken about many, many times. Article 12 of the covenant deals with the freedom of movement. And part of that right is the right to leave any country including your own. Another part of that right is to travel freely among the country of which you are part of without any border permits or anything like that. As we've also explained correctly, versus Johnson nears,56:15there, there are very strong grounds to argue that Australia is in violation of Article 12 of the iccpr. Dr. Ogg said, it's not what we call an absolute right, the government can limit the right in certain ways. It can do it if it's for public health. But it's not enough for the Australian Government to say, we're doing this for public health, the measures have to be proportionate, and have to be the least intrusive options available. Dr. Og said Australia's lack of action on developing new quarantine facilities could also play into the situation. The argument we're in breach of international law is even stronger. Now. Australia has a higher income country has had time to develop a sophisticated quarantine system. And we haven't done that. Along with the iccpr Dr. Dog said that the ban could be a breach of the Convention of the Rights of the Child. One of the most concerning stories, we've heard his parents being separated from children, where there hasn't been permission either way for the parent to leave and join their child or for the child to return. That means the government has not been taking into account the child's best interest. And that would be in violation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child. And then it goes on to say more legal challenges. And you can read those at your leisure. So there's clearly some issues here that need to be looked into. And if anyone's again, interested in travelling either out of the country or out of this state or within their state or anything like that without being hindered. Please go and look at that article, please go and look at article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. All right, I am going to read out one other article that's come across our desk that thankfully is not COVID related, but equally important, and again, any longtime listens to our show will know that we have spoken about this many, many, many times for many, many, many years. And that is about this incessant push towards a cashless society. Now anyone who bangs with the CBA will be well aware of the numerous outages that the CBA has experienced over the past week or so. I believe Westpac has also had some issues with their online services. And as we keep saying, how are you going to function in a fully cashless society, when these things are going to happen more, not less simply because of the numbers and the increased pressures on the system. But we now have one further step to go and one bigger piece of proof for anyone who doubts that this is really gonna happen. And this has come through from our web and it guru, who has sent us this article entitled, banks told to prep it systems for possibility of negative rates. Australia's banks have been directed to prepare their IT systems to deal with the prospect of zero or negative interest rates by the end of April next year. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, which is apropos said today that it had written to the banks in December last year regarding the issue and potential timeframes for rectification or mitigation. While noting Reserve Bank of Australia advice that a negative cash rate is highly unlikely. afra noted this does not preclude the possibility of a negative cash rate in the future, nor did it preclude preparing for that potential eventuality. They're quite obviously major major corporations such as Abra reserve bank, the major banks in this country. They are Not going to prepare for something that is not likely to happen, okay, they're not going to waste money on that. So you can bet your bottom dollar literally, that if they are preparing for this now, this is something that is going to happen. Now what does it mean? For the average Joe and Jane on the street when there are negative interest rates, it simply means that you will have to pay the bank a fee to keep your money securely with them. Okay, so this is the next step to making everything go cashless. This is happening, this is a reality. This is not some weird and wonderful conspiracy theory. Okay, so please go and look that article up so that you're aware of it for yourself. And as we keep saying again, and again and again, please use cash wherever possible, go to the ATM every day, every couple of days, every week, whatever it is that you need to do, and pay everything in cash. Yes, I know it's much easier to just tap and go and use your credit card and whatever else. But what might be easy or simple now is going to cause you far bigger ramifications far more serious problems down the track. Okay, most bills can be paid at your post office. Most petrol stations will still take cash all supermarkets still take cash, use cash wherever possible, As the old saying goes use it or lose it. Okay, we are on the verge of losing our ability to access cash. This is another clear part of their agenda 21 agenda 2030 projects, okay, you have the power you and only you have the power as to whether this comes to pass or not. So please use cash wherever possible, and urge everyone that you know, to please use cash wherever possible. 100% Don't be enable battles? Absolutely not. So I'm going to leave it there, we are going to go to another break. When we come back from the break, we do have a tonne of emails still to go through. So please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back after these a few songs. And welcome back to the New Year right shows streaming live on the internet over the rat FM network. So David says the business I work for is being shut down from a person with COVID cold being at our shop on Saturday. We're being forcefully shut. Any advice? Cheers, David. PS, they want to charge us $2,000 to clean it. What a scam. So what what advice do we have for David?1:02:53So his business has been shut without a public health order. Boy, it doesn't say if there's any public health order they are not it's just a short I think it's a text message or something? I don't know. He doesn't say I'd be1:03:09seeking the copy of the public health order relating specifically to his business. And this doesn't have anything to do with emergency powers. Okay, the emergency powers restricted specifically to something that the government yet to demonstrably justify. Okay, so we've when it comes to a business being shut down by government, or police or whoever, where's the order specific to my business with respect to the quarantining of that business? Yes. So that we need the quarantine order and the public health order. And where's the diagnosis and testing order? That must be this is all under the Public Health Act. I know we're not really welcome back to the party. yet so realise there is a specific requirement under each state law in the Commonwealth laws. Health laws relating to anything under quarantine. Yeah, where is there Oh, and as for this $2,000 to clean it, I mean, again, that's that's competition consumer act, they're forcing a service upon you that you don't agree to or consent to Australian Consumer Law is so it comes on the husband and collusion. And this goes the same for the all of these police services that operate in each state. They are not under the crown. They they were an image of the crown on their uniform. Clearly on we not here in Victoria, they're not under the cream. So there's a bit of a problem.1:04:52There is the one of the problems is we're running at a time we're going to tonne of emails. Alright, Belinda says Hi Mike, Darren and Darryl just caught the end of the conversation. You have About Darren's fry, read the national cabinet was just on constitution watch to find this if I couldn't find it. What would be the heading of this? So I can find that many things because I didn't think this came through from last week. I'm still getting through emails from Okay, no worries. So1:05:13at the top of the site, there is a search bar. You simple, simply putting the words national cabinet and push the search button, and you will find what comes up is no valid creation of the new national cabinet.1:05:28There you go. Nice and simple. Alright, Luke says, Hi, my daughter and my brother's work has taught him he now needs to use qR checking for every shift, the same silly as he has to clock on and off for work anyway. But I'm sure it's all part of the agenda. So far, we've only ever pretended to check into business since the QR rubbish has started. But my brother's workers told him they'll be doing regular checks and audits to make sure they are complying. I've heard you mentioned about the Privacy Act before when going to businesses as a customer, but I'm not sure about as an employee. What can he do about this? I assume we could state it's not part of his original employee employment contract. But we want to get all of our correspondence, right. And he's fearful that he may lose his employment. He's also currently battling with them with mask mandates, but has so far held his ground. Thanks for your information, please, for any input fellows, much appreciated, as discussed earlier, the Criminal Code the shedule, to 70.4 to 70.5, that when a business1:06:30imposes you to take part in a service, they actually impose servitude on you as it's being imposed by the government.1:06:39salutely Sue says what can we do about this force jab the government plans we've covered that to death. Josh says hi guys, big fan of your show are capable of good work you're doing my second born is just turned one. He's had the vitamin K and hep B shots at birth and has had his six month one. I don't want to vaccinate him anymore, but my partner is worried he will not get into childcare and we will not be helped by the government with childcare subsidy. Any advice on this would be much appreciated. We'll cover that on previous shows too heavily related to child care and vaccinations and mentioned a few things about that the past correct? Yes. Wakey wakey Come on. It's not over yet. All right, Simonetta. First of all, one thing we're all precious information support you give me a stream this time relief to hear your podcasts. Plenty ask if you can answer the question. I'm a sole trader work as a massage service and yoga teacher. I have an ABN work from home nunya person my businesses online are mainly yoga online. Unfortunately, I hardly have any clients face to face. Time to advertise themself again for massage but that takes time. A few days ago, I received a text message from vic. gov saying my business must use a QR code from first of July or risk fines. Then there was a link for me to register and I found these looks like I have to do it even though I don't want to my questions are Is there a way for me not to do it and be predicted? What if I get a fine bla bla bla bla bla Well, again, what we're just really out before all section 270 point five and 270 point four of the Criminal Code. If you go to constitution, watch and punch in the letters q r in the search bar that will come up as your business being forced to provide you eye contact tracing services. There you go. Beautiful. Michael says hey, fellas love the show. I have a question for you. Why is scomo wearing a black Australian flag slash pin on his suit in his spacious? Well, I wish should ask. I do believe it's called treachery. Yes. Nicole says dear Michael and Co. I was wondering if you know what you know or what you think about article 61 and the Magna Carta, and using that as they have rights using article 61. They say we do not go into court jurisdiction doesn't apply here. We'll expand on that or1:09:09I do believe section 61 was the when the Magna Carta was first issued. And then by the time within I think it was 10 or 11 months it was actually removed so it was never part of the legislated Magna Carta. There's the Magna Carta wasn't legislated till much later into English law. And it wasn't in there when it was legislated as far as I'm aware. Would you? Hold on? Hold on. Darryl, can you confirm this for me on I'm just I'm just going off he say you'll be able to give us firsthand witnesses.1:09:47Of course. Yeah, the 415 Magna Carta was just the first draft. Yeah, and they were the top 2512 3512 4702 Those 1275 and 1297 so they've they've fine tuned it an article 61 I've heard this many times over the last couple of years people putting that forward saying article 61 provides a severe No not really.1:10:20And I can confirm Dells getting this out of his diary.1:10:26At the flip back of the pages more than a few just couple okay. Was it still written in hieroglyphics? Old olje English so that was our mic. Anyway. Hello fellow band pokers. No good slave here. I've heard of a case in the state of Bigelow where a gentleman by the name of Harry Coons owned a wildlife and a wildlife sanctuary not for profit, and had complaints about the amount of animals and their enclosures. He beat the local councils, Council on structures and pets by using the Constitution, but the contact Harry's to see which section had him prevail. However, he's quite elderly now, and cannot recall which section it was. Can you assist? Thanks in advance.1:11:12I'd love to bake the cake. I'd love to beat the local council to Well, yes, yes. But as anyone aware of that actual case, no, I have heard of it.1:11:22I have heard of, maybe we can have a look into it and see if we can find something for next week shows I mean, it's not in your diaries that there is quite old, he can't remember. And it says, ready made. Yes. Heidi Michael watch. I recently watched a video on your website. After finding on Facebook. I'm right Queensland. All my siblings live in South Australia and our elderly. I haven't seen my brother nor family for three years ago, my brother was terminally ill. Looking at COVID restrictions. I have to go into quarantine for two weeks before I can even see him due to the new restrictions. Something I can't afford and problematic for me on other levels as well. Can I enact the Commonwealth constitution, in reference to refusing to go into quarantine and use the same language that you used in the video with the anti Vax guys, when referencing the way to deal with the police, most of be confused to hear you were in lockdown as I thought you'd be able to use this constitutional law even against these lockdown rules. Really appreciate your feedback on these questions regarding a net. But I think when we talk about lockdown when we're just simply talking about the state of Victoria or the fact that Melbourne was in lockdown, we weren't in lockdown. As I said, we were travelling around all over the place every time so yeah, yes, we certainly weren't in lockdown. But yeah, basically, the simple question is Can canonet avoid quarantine travelling between states at the moment?1:12:47depends on which state you're travelling, which is saying she's trying to get from Queensland to South Australia. Okay, so there is a way to do it. Okay. The biosecurity Act provides that when you cross a border, the the chief health officer, if you if you don't consent, the chief health officer is called in to oversee it. And they have 72 hours to hold you and let you go at the discretion of the chief health officer. Now, it's as simple as this. If you provide one test and you pass the test, then you've proven that you're not labouring under an infectious disease, they must let you go then if they don't do a writ of habeas corpus on them,1:13:35they go with that test wouldn't have to necessarily be the PCR test. They just need to be a saliva test.1:13:45Alright, Peter says hi guys, thanks for the show. How does one illegally get off the electoral roll? That is one stop mail coming to my house from these members of parliament. I got one the other day but I only knew it was from Parliament guy after I opened it. Regards Peter. Well, the old trick was just telling me moving overseas indefinitely and you'll contact them when you come back and they just remove you but that's difficult.1:14:07No no. The best thing would be to put aside a bit of time make a booking with the the Member of Parliament that both state and federal then sit down with him and lecture them on what they've learned off know your rights. And you won't hear from them again. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.1:14:27Alright, Carolyn says to me my consent consent my travelling to South Australia from Queensland, another one for wedding in Adelaide at the moment. The requirement to enter si from Queens is have a PCR test. Husband I do not want to have this. We live in the lochia Valley. Is there a law or script or paper we can use? So we don't have to have this nasal test. We wish to avoid conflict at the airport. Fine regards, Carolyn. Well, I mean, what you said before there's also blood tests. There's there's other tests you can do. I mean, you've got article1:14:54if article 12. If you're flying in and you're not you would only have to undergo a test. If you're going to a quarantine centre, if you're just flying in and leaving the airport, there's no text.1:15:08Alright, Dave says hi guys just want to let you know I was going to going to court with the RMS in New South Wales over a red light camera fence. They had a picture of the back of my truck and started because I own the truck I was responsible for the phone or the guy to court after pleading not guilty. The judge threatened me saying Do you understand if you plead not guilty and are found guilty, the penalty will will increase. I went ahead The case was this week, I got a call from the prosecution's office from the RMS and after asking if I was going to pursue the matter. I said, Yes. They stated that dropping the case. I say $500 plus and five points ruined. I prepare the case reading up on your online case resources and found one in Victoria that had the same scenario. And the court said that the court had to be shown evidence that the owner of the vehicle was the actual driver to find him guilty. I think they know they can't write legislation that deems you guilty of a crime. Thanks, guys. Dave. So there you go. Once again, stuff does work. You just got to apply it. Alright, let's last last couple before we run out of time. This one's from Gerald says Good morning. Evening, but that's okay. I have extremely important information sources include who CDC TGA ma CB CB M, which needs to get out to the public. It starts with the wh o article of March 2020, which states the difference between the Coronavirus and the COVID disease. See attached screenshot and attach screenshots says Coronavirus disease. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered Coronavirus. Using its own definition to divine itself. Most people infected with COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer and more likely develop serious illness. Okay. Notice the important difference between the disease and the virus to reinforce the statistics in Australia, who continues with other important another important point, most people infected with covid 19 virus Coronavirus note the distinction between the two will experience my mild to moderate illness and will recover without requiring special treatment. The problem we have is that those authority have jumped the gun failed to understand the distinction between the two, of course panic by telling everyone they're going to die from a disease when they can recover from the virus. Do you understand this? I'm really struggling to get people to grasp this misinterpretation.1:17:38So he's essentially asking what's the difference between the virus and the disease? Okay. So, the virus is the severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS co v two. Now, that would be something that would be manufactured in a in a lab in Wuhan, for example, by the by entity falchi. Yes. If if that virus was somehow transferred into a bad into a market and you caught that virus, then you would have the Coronavirus COVID-19 disease. So the virus is something that has been used manufactured by the government agent and the disease is what you get once they give it to you.1:18:29All funded by the taxpayer. There you go. Alright, that was complete satire, of course. Of course. Absolutely.1:18:37Kirsten says no, right, Sam, I have a question for tonight's webinar on I know that it's quite a webinar but radio shows good enough. Does a 16 year old child in New South Wales, as opposed to a new home state need parental consent from both parents to get a COVID shot? Does a parent need to be present during the vaccination? Double vaccinating any kids? Really? They changed it now? What if parents disagree on whether their child should be vaccinated? Can one parent communicate to not give consent to protect their child? Even if both parents are still living together? Is this to be done in writing? Who should be informed eg the other parent the school the doctor? Does this have to be a legal letter from a lawyer stating the Human Rights Act? What if the law is disregarded by the other parent or the other parent involves the other parties involved in vaccinating the child? What if the age is lowered in New South Wales for children to have a COVID job? Could the children get vaccinated without any parental consent? Or just with the consent of one parent if the vaccination is undertaken at school? Thanks for looking at my questions looking for some answers.1:19:42I would, I would insist that the child first understood look meaning of the words informed consent the child if they were called at the school, or the boy teachers Whatever relating to the vaccination, asked for the informed consent. So please show me the paperwork that was issued by the manufacturer of the vaccine, explaining the risks. And if they then choose after reading and understanding that paperwork if I then choose to take, take the vaccine, then they that's on their shoulders, but also the schools because the schools responsible for them while they're at school. Can they give informed consent? I don't think so. But I think this falls under a grey area because they're at the school.1:20:42I did hear something. There was an article that came out last week or so that some 160 students or something at some private school were administering vaccines and the health minister just went novel. And he's one of these Let's move on.1:20:57There is a specific age requirement and most states, you don't get to decide for yourself until you're 18. Now there is on I'm just trying to remember the server the immunisation handbook. Yeah, but that is where you will find the answer. There is a state where at 16, the child can decide and from memory, it's either New South Wales or South Australia. Once again, if you go to the immunisation handbook on constitution watch, it is the information is there, I promise you. Yeah.1:21:36So I guess the other tricky bit is what if one person says yes, and the other one parent says yes. And the other parents is?1:21:43Who gets to decide in court? There can't be done until the court decides. So1:21:50it depends if the if the child wanted the if the child wanted the vaccine, and one of the parents said, yes, then I would make the assumption that they would vaccinate. Yeah, because it's the it's the person who they're vaccinating. That has the ultimate decision in and I know that if a child refuses, they can't go ahead with it, even if the courts said, so. Your body, it's your choice.1:22:21Nice. Nice. And the final one for tonight from Cara Lee karoli. Greetings to the Rat Pack ready. I understand there's nothing in the defence act allowing for the call out of ADF members in cases of natural disasters or public health emergencies. During the so called Corona crisis, the government has been relying on the states to request its assistance under the defence assistance to the civil community arrangements. But there is no federal law laying out the roles and responsibilities of troops under these directives. What are the legal and constitutional limits on deploying the Armed Forces after the Premier's directive about the use of troops in New South Wales? That's an interesting, wasn't it? Because what they're saying is is the premier will in this case, some good old Gladys Nelson, yes, we need to, you know, we need the ADF on the ground. And so she's put out that request, of course, they come under the1:23:18federal government. So this is with the blessings of scammer. Well, it seems to be at the moment. Yeah, yeah. And that's the question, then the defence forces in the Defence Force chiefs need to seriously take a good hard look at the law and start asking questions instead of pandering to these new world order. freakazoid.1:23:41Yeah, but I mean, again, she raised around the question, what are the legal and constitutional limits upon the armed forces, if state premier calls them out whether they've got the blessing of the prime minister or not? Sure, there has to be some form1:23:56of waiting for some people have the impression because the army helping with immunisation that somehow you must have seen this has to do with that.1:24:07This is this is a separate question. This is where Gladys is now because everything's got out of control, because she waited way too long to lock them down. She's now saying we're going to call the IDF out and put them on the streets, presumably just in these high risk areas where the virus has been spreading around just to make sure everyone stays environment doesn't go out shopping for shoes and handbags. But I mean, ultimately, the question is the same where where are the constitutional limits on what the ADF can and can't do? When simply bring requested by brilliant, okay, so1:24:38in the Constitution, it says that the States cannot raise forces section 114. States shall not without the consent of the Parliament of the Commonwealth. Okay. Do they have the consent of the Parliament of the Commonwealth to raise or maintain a military force? The interesting one is 100%.1:25:05So anyway, we will leave it there for people to research and ponder for themselves. We are out of time again, we once again have covered a tonne of information on tonight's show. Obviously, we can't cover everything. I know that there are a bunch of other emails that have come through the red FM site over the course of this evening, we again have just run out of time, but we will get onto those next week. So please, if you have enjoyed what you've heard tonight, we would encourage you to look into some of the various products and services that we do have available now. These have, of course been specifically designed for people who really want to learn more and take the knowledge and understanding of these topics to the next level. Now I want to again, remind everyone, we didn't go to all the trouble of creating these products, who's got nothing better to do with our time, we certainly didn't do it because we're going to make millions of dollars selling 20 $30 CDs, we did it to help people access everything that we've learned and experienced, so that you can learn about your rights in the quickest possible way, and of course at the cheapest possible price. Now obviously, we don't have time to go through all the products tonight. But please do be sure to check out our products page and our shop pages for further details about the products and services that we do have, including, of course our ebook, the essential step by step manual for understanding and exercising your rights. And as I say an eight show if you're a motorist in this country, you simply must have a copy of the truly licenced saving Ozzie speeding fines ebook, as it really is the best motoring investment you'll ever make. And of course, those same principles can be adapted to suit any kind of unjust or unlawful fine, including a wide range of COVID related fines, failure to vote, fines, all those sorts of things. So please go to Ozzy speeding there's no way you on the end and grab a copy of that. If you do want to learn the truth about the fraud that the banks can meet every single day, as well as learning the tried, tested and proven system for discharging any unsecured loans, such as credit cards, personal loans, things like that, please make sure you check out bank secrets .au considering could potentially save you 10s, if not hundreds of 1000s of dollars, it is an absolute must have book to add to your collection. As I have said many times before, all of those books and the other CDs that I mentioned are the absolute best way of taking your understanding of these topics to the next level in the quickest possible time frame. We do of course have our essentials pack, which is perfect for people who are just starting out a lot of people taking advantage of that. And then we do have our various combo packs our Platinum pack right up to our ultimate combo Platinum pack, which is every single product that we have ASF has n bank secrets revealed as at a very, very heavily discounted price. Please check that out. The operating profit guys are still swamped with inquiries for private foundations, I've done a number of calls in relation to those just today, people are becoming increasingly fed up with the hand having to hand over their hard earned money to these non legal entity called da to. And they do want to start up writing in the private outside of the clutches of the corporate government. So just go to operate in the to find out more about that. And of course, we do have that financial freedom chapter in our ebook as well. And to finish up tonight, I want to do what we always do at the end of each show. And this just to remind you that there's many very simple things that you can do that cost little or no money take up very little time, but really do add up to make a big difference. So first and foremost, don't forget to sign up for the local government class action via the link on our local government page. You can download the flyer that's relevant to your state, send it off with the cover letter that you can also download from the same page, send it to your local MP and just see if they can answer those few simple questions relating to the constitutional validity of local councils. We do have our Know Your Rights Facebook group up and running for the newbies. There's about 10,000 members there. But don't forget we are asking people to join us on the me we platform gab and telegram for our more advanced members, Ozzie spreading finds we've got a large Facebook group with about 7000 people now bank Secrets Revealed got a Facebook group the great Australian party so do check those various groups out. If you want to help us1:29:14spread the word. Get the bumper stickers and business cards out to others. Just shoot me an email just info at no your rights .au info at Ozzie speeding info at Bank Secrets Revealed but Comdata you just say hey guys, I'd love some cards and stickers. This is my postal address and they will be sent out to you completely free of charge. Another great way to help spread the word get the message out to people that they really can fight back against injustice is of course to centre your short video testimonial, just outlining how you've successfully used our information to fight back and win. As I keep saying that don't need to be anything fancy just a couple of minutes recording off the phone just explaining your story and and what you did and how you succeeded just to get that across to inspire and empower others to challenge and fight the system. As you have, and of course, you want to do even more, make sure you order a copy of all the books I mentioned before, watch the straw man videos on our website, research that concept online, speak to guys that operate the private. Don't forget, we've got our affiliate programme up and running as well doesn't cost you anything to join, you get a 20% Commission on everyone who joins up. So just go to the affiliate link on our website, just fill it out and the link will be sent to you. And of course, don't forget Ozzie speeding fines has also got their affiliate programme. These are really great programmes. So people have a large database, a website gets a lot of hits big social media following, you get to spread the word and tell others about their rights and you get paid for the privilege. So it's a great system. So please take advantage of those. But whatever you do, at the end of the day, please make sure you make full use of all the information that's already on all the websites, including Know Your Rights .au Ozzie speeding Thanks, secrets that I you operate in the . And of course, Darren's extremely comprehensive website constitutional .au. There's plenty of information up on that site. And again, the information is all very easily accessible, but you need to go you need to access it, learn it and then of course put it into practice. That is the key. Please don't forget, we're always looking for people groups companies to sponsor our show. So if you would like to do that, you can contact us directly at info at no your rights that or you also do want to thank all of our current show sponsors alkaline health Toronto resorts, and of course our longtime sponsor greener cleaner. Please do be sure to check out green and clean is excellent range of environmentally friendly cleaning products that can genuinely save you money as well as their amazing health and vitality products. If you're in Melbourne or going to be in Melbourne, please make sure you book in for a session with Phil Burton at alkaline health. Because I promise you'll be absolutely amazed by what he shows you. And finally who couldn't do with a holiday to Noosa. If you want to secure an extra 10% off your stay at Verona resort, be sure to book indirectly with them. Just tell them you're part of the know your rights group to secure that discounted rates. Just another reminder, of course, if you do want these shows to continue throughout this year, we do need our show to pay its own way. Therefore we do need all the sponsors we can get. And we do need all of you to join up as members and support us to ensure that the shows can continue in the future. As we've said many many times before, the shows quite clearly don't write themselves. There's a tonne of research and work that goes into putting these together along with the live video updates a couple times a week and there's the all updates and changes to the websites. So plenty going on in the background. And we obviously still need to eat and put a roof over our heads as well. So please do remember for the equivalent of just the price of a cup of coffee a week. You can access a fully edited shows our notes for each show, our extensive court cases page and of course, our new members only forum as well as helping us out in the process. So if you haven't already done so, please do be sure to join up as a podcast member tonight as the showings and do support the tireless work that we do. So we're going to finish off by reminding everyone that as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice. We recommend listeners do their own independent research into all the topics we discussed, we obviously recommend the websites that I mentioned just before. 2021 is of course shaping up to be an even more challenging year than 2020 was. So it's more important than ever before, for people to learn about their rights. So please do help us spread the word. share the details of our website of these podcasts of our live video updates far and wide with everyone that you can. So that is it for us. We look forward to speaking to you all alive again next Tuesday night. Of course before then we'll be doing another important live video update on Thursday evening, which will obviously include the latest updated TGA figures. and much more. So big thank you to Darryl, for your input tonight. Much appreciated. More than happy1:33:56stuff, buddy and Darren for all your ongoing research or your work all those wonderful updates to the Constitution watch website. I know a lot of our listeners are under that. And please, if you haven't subscribed to that site, make sure you do subscribe so you can get not only all the free information is there but also the excellent subscriber only content as well. So thanks for all that much.1:34:20No worries, Mike. We'll see everyone next week.1:34:22Absolutely. We will take care of Owen, have a great week. We'll see you next Tuesday. ................

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