
1Introduction to Python & Python Fundamentals: - Python Interpreter and its Environment- Python programming building blocks like Variables- Data Types and their functions2Python Basics: - Arrays, Lists and Tuples- Dictionaries and Sets- Array and List related functions- Arithmetic Operators- Assignment Operators- Comparison Operators- Logical Operators- Conditional/ ternary Operators3Python Control Structures:- If Statements-While construct- For Statements-Looping Techniques over data structures-The range() function- Break and Continue Statements- Statements and else clauses in loops- Pass Statements- List Comprehensions4Functions - Local variables- Default Argument Values- Returning Values- Keyword & Positional Arguments- Arbitrary Argument Lists- Unpacking Argument Lists- Lambda Forms - Documentation Strings5 Modules- Executing modules as scripts - The Module Search Path - Building Modules - 'Compiled' Python files- various Standard Modules/libraries- The dir() function- Debugging Python Code- Logging in Python-Unit testing in Python- Static code analysis6I/O & Exception handling :- Standard Input and Output I/O- File I/O-Python File & Directory functions- Introduction to subprocess module- Handling Exceptions- Raising Exceptions- User-defined Exceptions- Clean-up Actions- Try/finally clauses7Regular Expressions : - What are regular expressions- Matching characters-Compiling regular expressions- Strings and Slices- Modifying Strings- Use of triple quotes- Repetition- Emails example- Group extraction and Substitution8OOPs in Python :- Class definition syntax- Class Objects, Instance Objects, Method Objects; Instantiation- Inheritance - Data Member - Class variable/Instance - Function overloading - Operator overloading - Pickle module - The dir() function - Packages - Intra-package References9Standard libraries :os sys datetimerandommathpicklesubprocess10Database Programming : - Connecting to a database server - Connecting to different databases like MySQL, SQLite - CURD operations - Transactions management 11Threads:Introduction to ThreadsThread creation.Java style threadsLocking mechanisms12 Web Programming :Introduction to Bottle frameworkSample programTaking inputs from urls13Introduction to Jinja2Sample template to create web pagesCreation of login screen using bottle and mysqlDisplaying pictures/static files14 Blog Creation :Assignment to complete and understand all the things learnt15 Django web framework:Introduction to DjangoSample programTemplatization using djangoDatabse interation using DjangoRegardsCorporate Ladders - Bangalore4th,Floor,above titan showroomopp innovative multiplexMarathahalli,Bangalore-37 ................

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