Climate monitoring products in Asian countries (Members of ...

Climate monitoring products in Asian countries (Members of Regional Association II (Asia))

|Country |Web-site |Monitoring products |Description |Baseline |Language |

| | | | |period for | |

| | | | |norm | |

|Afghanistan | | | | | |

|Bahrain  | | | | | |

|Bangladesh | |Monsoon Rain, Normals |Deviation of |1980-2010 |English |

| | | |monsoon(Jun-Sep) from | | |

| | | |normal | | |

|Bhutan | | | | | |

|Cambodia | | | | | |

|China | |Annual reports (national maps of annual |Temperature anomalies, | |Chinese |

| | |Temperature anomalies, precipitation |precipitation anomalies, | | |

| | |anomalies and extreme events) |extreme events | | |

|Democratic People's| | | | | |

|Republic of Korea | | | | | |

|Hong Kong, China | Weather Summary, Year's Weather |Temperature anomalies, | |English |

| |mat_e.htm |(description of the weather conditions for |precipitation anomalies, |1961-1990 | |

| | |month, for year as a whole) |data on main meteorological| | |

| | | |element for current year |1971-2000 | |

|India |.in/main_new.htm |All India weekly weather report, Season |Temperature anomalies, | |English |

| | |reports (southwest monsoon season), Annual |precipitation anomalies, |1971-2000 | |

| | |reports | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Iran, Islamic | |Normals, Climatic statistics |Temperature, precipitation,|First-2005 |English, |

|Republic of | | |pressure,humidity | |Arabic |

|Iraq | | | | | |

|Japan | Change Monitoring Report (Japan’s |Temperature, precipitation,| |English |

| |tcc/products/gwp/gwp.html |climate in year, major meteorological |sunshine durations, extreme|1981-2010 | |

| | |disasters, surface temperature and |events. | | |

| | |precipitation, long-term trends of extreme | | | |

| | |events , long-term trend of heavy rainfall, | | | |

| | |tropical cyclones, the urban heat island | | | |

| | |effect in metropolitan areas) | | | |

|Kazakhstan | Bulletin |Temperature, precipitation,|1961-2000 |Russian |

| |ka/bulleten.php | | | | |

|Kuwait | Statistics |Temperature, precipitation,| |English |

| |/daily_elements.php | | | | |

|Kyrgyzstan  | Review of the climate conditions . |Temperature, precipitation,|1961-2000 |Russian |

| |matemonitoring | | | | |

|Lao People's | |Weather report (5 days) |Temperature Min, | |English |

|Democratic Republic| | |Temperature Max, | | |

| | | |Precipitation | | |

|Macao, China | Meteorological Observation Reports, |Temperature, precipitation,| |Portuguese, |

| |ndex.php |Annual Meteorological Observation Reports |sunshine durations, wind, |1971-2000 |Chinese |

| | | |humidity | | |

|Maldives | |Monthly Report ( description of weather |Temperature, precipitation,| |English |

| | |conditions for three part of country), Annual |sunshine durations, wind | | |

| | |Report (Monsoon and Rainfall report or Climate| | | |

| | |report – not regular ) | | | |

|Mongolia |? |? | |Mongolian |

| |ng/index.php | | | | |

|Myanmar | | Monsoon Rain Bulletin, | | |English |

| | |Flood Bulletin | | | |

|Nepal | | |Extreme Values | |English |

|Oman | | | | | |

|Pakistan | | |Seasonal Rainfall, |1971-2000 | |

| | | |Normal | | |

|Qatar | | | | | |

|Republic of Korea |’s Briefing on Climate Characteristics |Temperature, precipitation,| |English Korean|

| |tkma/webzine.jsp |(Monthly and season climate characteristics) |depth of snow |1971-2000 |Japanese |

| | | | | |Chinese |

|Russian Federation | report “ Climate on territory of the |Temperature, precipitation,| | |

| |.aspx |Russian Federation” |depth of snow, number of |1961-1990 |Russian |

| | | |days with snow covering, | | |

| | | |snow water equivalent, |1971-2000 | |

| | | |extreme events, and… | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Temperature, precipitation,| | |

| | | |depth of snow, number of | | |

| | | |days with snow covering, | | |

| | conditions on the Russian territory.(|snow water equivalent. | |English, |

| |te/bulletin.php |Weather review in the whole of Russia and in | | |Russian |

| | |its regions on year, seasons and month, |Temperature, precipitation | | |

| | |estimates of climate abnormality (the period | | | |

| | |for norms is 1961-1990)). | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Bulletin of the climate monitoring (annual, | | | |

| |) | | |Russian |

| | | | | | |

|Saudi Arabia | | | | | |

|Sri Lanka | |Monthly weather review (not regular ) |Temperature, precipitation |1961-1990 |English |

|Tajikistan | Review of the climate conditions . |Temperature, precipitation,|1961-2000 |Russian |

| |matemonitoring | | | | |

|Thailand | |Thailand Annual Weather Summary, Monthly |Temperature, precipitation | |English |

| | |Weather Summary | |1971-2000 | |

|Turkmenistan | Review of the climate conditions . |Temperature, precipitation,|1961-2000 |Russian |

| |matemonitoring | | | | |

|United Arab | | | | | |

|Emirates | | | | | |

|Uzbekistan | Review of the climate conditions . |Temperature, precipitation,|1961-2000 |Russian |

| |matemonitoring | | | | |

|Viet Nam | | | | | |

|Yemen | | | | | |


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